Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 352 Mortal!You know nothing about my power 1!

Chapter 352 Mortal!You know nothing of my strength!
Silently, on the hyperspace wide-area radar of the Darkseid flagship, the number of its own warships is rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It feels like these sturdy spaceships are like eggs flying at high speed, which is unfortunate. One after another, he hit the stones blocking the way.

As the battle damage increased rapidly, all the generals under Darkseid were terrified, but Darkseid's will was supreme, and no one dared to stop unless he called for a stop.

In the final analysis, whether it is a monster or a fleet, it is all consumables, and it doesn't hurt to lose any amount.

When they rushed to the solar system, compared with when they first set off from Apocalypse, the huge interstellar fleet was less than [-]% left.

De Sadd comforted the generals and said: "It doesn't matter. The civilization of the people on Earth is too backward, and they can't even make up a fleet across the galaxy. Anyway, in the end, it depends on the strong to win. But before that, let the people on Earth Enjoy the baptism of advanced civilization technology."

This day is destined to be a day recorded in human history.

On the USS Missouri space cruiser, a U.S. military monitor is pouring coffee into his mouth while staring at the bible-like measuring instrument.

The earth has been attacked by aliens so many times, and it is false to say that there is no progress at all.

Although the Kryptonian spaceship was not fully analyzed due to too few samples, at least the Earthlings made progress in capturing a larger number of Chitauri spaceships.

In a counterattack on the earth, as many as 32 large and small spaceships fell into the hands of the earth people relatively intact.

The people on earth have not yet been able to copy the Chitauri spaceship and mass-produce it, but after gathering a large number of cryptographers and linguists, they have been able to translate the Chitauri language more completely and control these spaceships. A spaceship that once belonged to aliens.

At this time, the work of the monitor is generally peaceful, but it is very boring. Except for drinking coffee, it is really boring to death.

However, his stomach immediately ached from a different stimulus...

The unexpected flash of the screen made the monitor's expression change. He stared straight at the monitor, and even unconsciously swept the cup off the operating table.

"The space ahead is distorted!" The monitor tried hard to suppress his voice so as not to change his tone because of panic: "There are a huge number of unknown objects jumping out of space! The distance is 10 light seconds, and according to the mass estimation, it should be a spaceship. The number...more than [-] ships!"

"Be specific!" the captain roared.

The monitor blushed, and then spit out the shock stuck in his throat: "It has exceeded the upper limit of this ship's enemy detection!"

A horrified light flashed in the captain's eyes. He tried hard to suppress the silent mourning in his heart, and then turned on the communicator: "Give me the Earth Defense Command!"

The Earth Defense Command is a joint command post established under the framework of the United Nations, which is rare for countries on the earth to abandon their differences.

To be honest, with the technological level of the earth, it is difficult to effectively resist the space fleet from Apocalypse.

All they can do is to discover the enemy at the first time and notify the top powerhouses on the earth.

When the image of Mr. Kui appeared on the opposite side of the video phone, President Ellis said seriously: "Dakseid's fleet is here."

Anger waved his hand: "His fleet is meaningless, I'll wait for him in the Nevada desert."

"Is that all right?"

"Mortal! You don't know anything about my power!" After finishing speaking, Ange hung up the video call.

President Ellis was stunned when he heard this, he really didn't know how to explain to other heads of state.

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

A monitor of the Defense Command suddenly shouted: "There are a large number of high-speed meteorites around the Apocalypse Fleet, and they are flying towards the Apocalypse Fleet at high speed."

"How come?" General Swanwick frowned.

"I don't know, those meteorites floating in the void suddenly moved."

Until this moment, President Ellis and the others suddenly realized why what Kratos said just now was [mortals!You know nothing of my power! 】

In the vast and boundless universe, in addition to the vast expanses of nothingness, there are also countless meteorites of various sizes.The small one can be the size of a peanut, and the big one can be a Himalayan mountain.

Driven by a mysterious force, these meteorites, which cost tens of thousands of tons, easily broke through a hundred times the speed of sound.

At this moment, the meteorite group is not like a solid at all. When they shuttle through the universe at super high speed, they are like bunches of white-hot beam cannons.

In just a few seconds, he conquered a distance of one hundred kilometers and stabbed the ship of the Apocalypse Fleet.

Although 100 kilometers seems to be a long way, for a giant space battleship that is only a few kilometers long at every turn, this distance is equal to a zero-distance backstab.

More than half of the battleships had just jumped out, before they even had time to turn on their energy shields at full power, and these meteorites, whose power was already equal to large kinetic energy shells, bombarded them head-on.

The shield tried its best to resist the impact, but it was too weak to regain strength.

The multi-composite armor composed of mirror-treated ultra-hard metal, high-strength space algae extract, and super ceramics failed after barely resisting for half a second.

These meteorites, which were double-functioned by [Power Gem] and [Space Gem], easily pierced the outer wall of the battleship, and exploded when they reached the interior. Countless fragments began to destroy the surrounding space like a river, killing the demons inside, making the whole The ship was on fire in an instant.

Continuous explosions occurred in the entire fleet. From the inside to the outside, almost no warship could avoid this kind of surprise attack that was equivalent to zero distance in fleet warfare.

The vibration shook Darkseid's flagship with a loud bang, and all the demon-like commanders in the central command room stood up.Many demon-like commanders even popped out the two pairs of wings hidden in the carapace to prevent themselves from falling to the ground due to the impact.

Emergency sirens are ringing!
"The XXX area is damaged!"

"Power system damaged."

"Engine Nos. 3, 6, and 9 stopped."

The voice of the correspondent also seemed so stern!
"Investigate the damage! Restore control of the flagship! Quick!" The scream of the demon-like commander echoed in the bridge.

The demon-like commanders were in palpitations, and several guys raised their hands to wipe the sweat from their foreheads.

Only Darkseid remained motionless: "Oh! It seems that this Kratos... is interesting."

There was a red light in the eyes of the New God of Apocalypse, and suddenly, the commotion on his flagship stopped.

A mysterious force enveloped this huge mothership with a length of more than fifteen kilometers, protecting it from the surrounding meteorites.

After the initial panic, the spaceships with full shield power began to regain their balance. One by one, they followed the rhythm of the Darkseid flagship and rushed towards the geosynchronous orbit.

(End of this chapter)

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