Godslayer in the comic world

Chapter 353 Forced Airborne

Chapter 353 Forced Airborne
Darkseid's men didn't have the aloofness and arrogance of the last time the Thanos fleet entered the earth. The gunners on the space carrier seemed to be fighting an invisible enemy.

At first they thought that the meteorite was flying over because the enemy had installed propellers on the back of the meteorite, which the detectors could not see. When they were shocked, they found that the fragments of their own spacecraft after the explosion, and even the small and medium-sized spacecraft themselves had become tools of destruction for the opponent. Only then did they truly realize the terror of their opponents.

That is a terrifying opponent who can easily attack them from hundreds of thousands of kilometers away!
They can't even see who their opponent is.

All I know is that the opponent's name is Kratos!
In the desert of Nevada, in the Temple of War last time, Ange seemed to be lazily lying on a beach chair, enjoying the mild white moonlight in the desert during the day.

Does this scene sound outrageous?

But beside Artemis, who has part of the power of the [Moon], it is so outrageous.

At first, when she saw Ange's hand holding it in the void, Athena foolishly moved her face towards it. It wasn't until she sensed the power of [space] that she realized that she was a little self-indulgent.

Not every existence can see what Ange has done. Except Dachao, the rest can only see on the cosmic horizon projection provided by Ange, what kind of blow Darkseid's fleet is suffering outside the earth's atmosphere and torment.

"This is really... so cool!" said the little spider enviously.

Bruce Banner reminded him earnestly: "Don't envy those things you can't do, don't talk about manipulating such a huge energy, just let it pass through your body, and you will explode."

"Dr. Banner, can you bear it?" the little spider asked back.

"Uh, for Hulk, his body may be able to carry it. But it is absolutely impossible to achieve such ultra-long-distance fine manipulation."

Energy will flow with the propagation distance, and will be distorted and out of control.

Even the most powerful laser weapons on Earth cannot pass through the atmosphere. Because of atmospheric particles, most land-based laser weapons shoot out for a few kilometers at most, and the energy decays rapidly, and the beam begins to deviate.

Peter Parker was extremely intelligent, and he immediately realized that this was the talent gap.

"Are all gods so powerful?"

At this time, Sif suddenly said: "No, only he is like this."

Several Olympus goddesses followed suit, deeply appreciating.

An Ge here smiled and said nothing.

At this time, he may not be able to compare with Thanos in terms of absolute strength, but he is confident that with the help of the system, his micromanagement will definitely beat Thanos.

In history, Rao used the power of Thanos, that is, to crush an asteroid, and then let countless fragments blast down in one direction, playing a game of AOE that seemed to destroy the world.

If Thanos' meteor shower can really break through the speed of sound and hit where to hit, at least half of the heroes of the Avengers will be killed in seconds when they meet.

Only now, the object of suffering has become Darkseid's subordinates.

The violent meteor shower raged throughout the entire fleet, easily breaking through the shield of the battleship, tearing apart the composite armor several meters thick, causing death and destruction.

It was in this state of heavy casualties that the spaceships controlled by the demons could only continue the death charge under Darkseid's strict order.

Each spaceship turned on its full horsepower, and finally rushed out of the earth's atmosphere, without any cover for the landing ship at all. When the hatch of the battleship opened, hundreds of ten-seater landing craft jumped out like eggs. He flew out, flew low urgently, broke through the atmosphere, and swooped down on the Temple of War in the Nevada desert.

Meteorites from outer space are similarly weakened when they pass through the Earth's atmosphere.

Meteorites are too big for Earth pills.

Meteorites are too small to pass through the atmosphere and disappear on their own.

This does not mean that Ange has no way to play meteor showers in the atmosphere, but it is more than enough to use the power of infinite gems to create a giant tornado.

At this moment, the airborne demon had the illusion that he had just stepped out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth.

Dazzling thunder was mixed in the raging tornado, and the torn limbs of the demon-like body flew in mid-air.

An Ge was simply insane.

Captain America, who is at most a second-tier enhanced hero, looked at Ange with a feeling of strangeness.The strength of the two sides has long been a world apart.

Sometimes, he would have an inexplicable feeling-why would a boss of this level want to play with us?

It was Diana who kindly reminded Ange: "Even if the power of the Infinity Stone is infinite, you have to stay alert. Darkseid still needs you to deal with it."

"Okay." Ange followed suit.

The tornado in the sky dissipated suddenly, and the suffocated demons finally had the courage to fly out of the landing pod, but before they could kill wantonly, the air combat heroes on the earth side had already greeted them.

Falcon, War Machine, Iron Man, Fulla, Wonder Woman, Penthesilea and other heroes all work together.

In a round of fierce confrontation and hedging, I don't know how many types of demons died.

A landing craft waited for an opportunity to increase its speed, and when it was about to make a high-altitude drop, an 'anti-aircraft turret' named [Goddess of Hunting Artemis] on the ground suddenly let out a silent roar.

As if being bombarded by an interstellar capital ship, the light flashed, and the landing craft immediately lost control and exploded in the air.

This scene immediately gave Darkseid on the largest landing craft a serious sense of déjà vu.

so similar!
That day, just like today!
Again, they can't teleport in and out of the earth well, and can only rely on slow and clumsy landing craft.

The spaceship was blown up by the Goddess of Hunting again with a divine bow.

Darkseid gritted his teeth with hatred.

"I don't believe in the so-called fate!" He spat hard.

No one knew that he killed Zeus in advance just to break the curse in his heart.Think about it, after thousands of years, it came to the earth again, and it turns out that the opponent's boss is a combination of Zeus, Artemis and God of War. Once the march is unfavorable, it's no wonder that Dakseid doesn't murmur in his heart.

To kill Zeus first is to get rid of the demons.

"Kalibak!" Disard suddenly said to his eldest son: "Kill Artemis! Your father will be happy."

Darkseid has always disliked Calibak, not even letting him call himself "father".Having a dad who is the top powerhouse in the universe is such a pain in the ass.

As long as Kalibak wants to inherit the throne, he must perform well.He kicked open the hatch of the landing cabin and jumped out from an altitude of 500 meters.

Then...it was created by a humanoid missile named "Da Chao".

"Damn Kryptonians! Why are you protecting a planet that doesn't belong to you!?"

"The earth is my home!"

Terrifying sonic booms exploded continuously over the desert.

(End of this chapter)

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