I'm not just a director

Chapter 137 Jiang Pei'an, the banner bearer of domestic movies!

Chapter 137 Jiang Pei'an, the banner bearer of domestic movies!

"Half a month after its release, the total box office of "Taken" reached 5830 million, setting a new box office record for domestic films!"

"Jiang Pei'an, the international director, used his strength to stop those criticisms and became the most popular movie in the Lunar New Year file!"

"Sweeping the Lunar New Year file "Taken" is just like its plot, fighting all the way is invincible!"

"The domestic film market is exploding, and "Taken" dominates the Lunar New Year file!"

"There are no big names, no fancy special effects, and the box office of "Taken" hits the [-] million mark!"

"Jiang Pei'an, the banner bearer of domestic films!"


"Taken" was released for half a month, and the box office directly came to 5830 million.

This gave "Taken" a big shot.

The media kept reporting, and the audience was also talking about it.

"Good guy, the box office has reached less than 6000 million. It's only been half a month. According to this trend, it's not safe to break [-] million!"

"Breaking [-] million is a bit of a mystery, although I am also a fan of Director Jiang, but breaking [-] million is really too difficult.

What's more, pirated copies are emerging one after another now. I seem to have seen a pirated CD of "Taken"! "

"I really hope Director Jiang will be like Yu Rongguang, the protagonist in "Taken", and save the Chinese film market!"

"Guys, let's not be blindly confident! Don't put too much pressure on Director Jiang, the domestic plate is so big.

Those well-known directors have not appeared in works that exceed [-] million yuan, so let's not embarrass Director Jiang, he is still young, maybe next year it will exceed [-] million yuan! "

"Fuck, I can't wait! I'm fed up with foreign movies making a lot of money in our country! Now it's hard to come out with a talented director.

Breaking [-] million is just around the corner!Director Jiang, go! ! ! "

If it is said that the performance of "Taken" in the first week has made people in the film and television circle attach great importance to it, and speculate whether its final box office will exceed [-] million.

Then when it achieved a proud result of more than 5800 million half a month after its release, ordinary audiences couldn't sit still.

People began to speculate whether "Taken" could exceed [-] million.

That's how people are. When they couldn't see hope before, they didn't have any expectations.

But once the dawn is seen, various speculations and hopes follow.

This also reflects the audience's love for domestic high-quality movies.

To say an inappropriate metaphor is like people in later generations hate the national football team.

But every time when there is good news and good news, the fans will curse and mock.

But I still can't help but open the video software to search for related videos, and I feel a little expectation in my heart.

Of course, the hope of qualifying for the national football team is even less reliable than "Taken" breaking [-] million!
"Pian, you need to prepare for an interview recently."

Jiang Pei'an suddenly received a call from Han Shanping.

"Interview, which platform?"

Jiang Pei'an asked curiously.

"Hmm... It's not sure if I can win it yet, but I'm fighting for it."

There was a rare hesitation in Han Shanping's tone.

And the media that Dong Han can't handle?

Jiang Pei'an was a little puzzled, but since Han Shanping said it, it meant there was hope.

Jiang Pei'an also vaguely guessed something in his heart.

In order to break the [-] million box office, Han Shanping, no, the entire China Film Group is working hard!
Jiang Pei'an also had some expectations in his heart.

Over [-] million!
"Jiang, did you forget your best friend when you returned to your motherland?"

While waiting for the "big move" prepared by Han Shanping, Jiang Pei'an received a call from the other side of the ocean.

"How could my friend, Mr. Brown."

"So when are you going to come to Vancouver? You know, since you announced that you plan to shoot the sequels of Ghost Story and Saw.

How happy and excited I am, your fans call almost every day to ask about the development of these two movies.

But Jiang, we've waited too long, haven't we? "

Old Brown complained over there.

Jiang Pei'an changed his hand to hold the phone, opened the previously written script from the bookshelf, and said with a smile:
"My dear friend, you know that some time ago I didn't have many skills and I was too busy.

However, I still took the time to write and perfect the scripts of these two films.

However, my movie is still in the release period, I want to take a good rest and start working not so early..."

"Oh, you genius, that's great news, so when do we start filming?"

Hearing that the script had been written, Old Brown said excitedly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Brown, I really can't go away recently.

And it's almost the Chinese New Year, you know, this festival is extremely important to us. "

Jiang Pei'an said.

Today is the 17th, which is the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, which is a small year in the north.

At this time last year, Jiang Pei'an had already returned to his hometown.

"Oh, it's so fast, then I won't disturb your mood.

Jiang, happy new year. "

"Thank you for your blessing, Mr. Brown, I am not going to be the director of Ghost Story and Saw.

At that time, I will bring two new directors there, okay? "

"Oh, this is really a pity, but it's not bad, after all, you are the producer, and the selection of the director is up to you."

Old Brown smiled.

"Thank you Lionsgate, thank you Mr. Brown."

Producers have the right to designate directors and actors, and Lionsgate will naturally not forcibly intervene in this regard.

"I just regret that we can't work together on movies anymore after all."

"You will always be my friend, Mr. Brown."

"I like to hear you talk, Jiang."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Pei'an sat at the desk, turning the pen holder in his hand.

There are two scripts on the table, namely "Ghost Story 2" and "Chain Saw 2".

As he said on the phone, Jiang Pei'an did not intend to be the director anymore.

Too strenuous and too tiring.

What's more, after the next year, he will go to Yunnan Province with Yu Feihong to film "Love Has an Afterlife".

Fortunately, the filming cycle of the sequels of "Ghost Shadow" and "Chain Saw" is particularly short.

Especially for "Ghost Shadow 2", the preliminary work is ready, and it can basically be completed in less than a month.

Since he will not be the director, the director must be decided in advance.

As for candidates, of course they still have to be selected from within the country.

Don't look at those domestic directors in later generations who can easily make billions in the box office. In fact, their limitations are quite large.

The biggest obstacle is that, except for some directors of the fifth and sixth generations, there are basically no shadows of other directors in the world.

It is not prestige to make a lot of money in China, but it is awesome if you can make money from foreigners.

Cultivate a few leading domestic directors, and then sign them under the name of your company in advance.

This was Jiang Pei'an's preliminary plan.

Money, definitely can't be earned.

It's better to use their own influence to bring out a few good directors, expand the basic plate, and at the same time export Chinese culture in reverse.

Rapidly improve fame and status and accumulate wealth before the capital of later generations goes down.

"A young director who has a very strong commercial film foundation and is also very good...who should I find?"

Jiang Pei'an quickly wrote down a few names on the manuscript paper.

In the end, Jiang Pei'an drew a circle among the names of eight or nine directors.

Ning Hao.

"Use him first on "Ghost Shadow 2" to test the waters, and if it doesn't work, change it!"


Ning Hao, the director, is actually best at black humor comedies.

For example, his famous work "Crazy Stone", which was later called a classic work of "small and big".

But in fact, before he became famous, Ning Hao already had two films, "Incense" and "Green Grass", which won many awards.

Before these two films, he also had his debut work "Wednesday, Thursday", which won the Best Director Award at the Beijing College Student Film Festival...

Beijing Normal University, Department of Art.

"Haozi, what are you doing? Are you planning to go out to draw again?"

In the dormitory, looking at Ning Hao who was carrying the drawing board and preparing to go out, the roommate suddenly asked.


Ning Hao, who picked up the painting bucket, replied.

"No, didn't we agree yesterday that today I'm treating guests to the cinema to watch "Taken"!"

Ning Hao lowered his head and sorted out the drawing, and said apologetically.

"I watched it in the video hall, so it doesn't cost that money!"

The roommate quickly got up from the bed and said:
"No, the one you watched was a pirated version, we are going to watch it at the cinema today.

You also said that the pirated video discs are not clear, and the speakers are still buzzing.

Isn't "Taken" your favorite movie? "

Ning Hao shook his head and said:

"For me, there is no difference between the original version and the pirated version. Anyway, there is no shortage of plots, so let's go."

Not long after Ning Hao walked out of the dormitory with the drawing board on his back, Jiang Pei'an came to Beijing Normal University by virtue of his memory.

He rushed to the art department first. Today is Thursday, and the students are all in class.

Jiang Pei'an found Ning Hao's classmate after several inquiries.

"Ning Hao, he has no class today, he should be painting on Wangfujing Street."


Jiang Pei'an remembered the reports about Ning Hao in later generations.

Ning Hao was born in an ordinary family in Jin Province.

He graduated from a technical secondary school to study fine arts, because he has a relatively high degree of youth for pictures.

Later, Ning Hao turned to photography to study photography.

Because of the college student allocation policy at that time.

After graduation, Ning Hao was assigned to Jinyang City Repertory Theater as a choreographer.

But because it is a drama stage, there is very little room for expansion.

Later, he was admitted to the art department of Beijing Normal University and began to formally study directing.

Ning Hao lived a very poor life when he was a student. His father originally wanted Ning Hao to do business with him.

But Ning Hao always felt that he should have another life.

So Ning Hao, who was far away from his father, did not actually receive much financial support from his family.

He set up a stall on Wangfujing Street to paint for others to earn living expenses.

Having figured this out, Jiang Pei'an immediately drove to Wangfujing Street.

Not long after, Jiang Pei'an saw Ning Hao on the streets of Wangfujing.

Although he was much younger, Jiang Pei'an saw him right away with his signature short hair and silent appearance while holding a drawing board.

However, there was a girl beside him to help him pass things.

This girl should be Ning Hao's girlfriend and later wife, Xing Aina.

This couple can be said to be a model couple in the director circle.

The two created together and suffered together.

In the most difficult time, the two of them couldn't even afford to eat.

When there is only one steamed bun, they let each other come and go, and they are not willing to let the other party go hungry.

The winter in the capital was very cold, and the two lived in a small room.

If there is no heating, use a small bottle of Erguotou to keep warm.

Although the days are bitter, the poor days also make the two of them more dependent on each other and support each other to move forward.

Later, both of them got ahead, and Xing Aina was also a talented woman.

She has more or less participated in Ning Hao's movies.

Such as "Incense", "Green Grass", "Crazy Stone", "Golden Heist" and "Heart Flower Road".

In addition, her screenwriting works include "Carrying Love to the End", "Thailand", "Embroidered Spring Knife 2" and so on.

"Hello, student Ning Hao."

Wearing sunglasses, Jiang Pei'an walked up to the two of them and greeted them with a smile.

Hearing someone calling their name, Ning Hao and Xing Aina looked up at the same time.

"Hello...you, are you Director Jiang Pei'an?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Ning Hao asked with some uncertainty.

"It's me, how is business today?"

Jiang Pei'an smiled and nodded to Xing Aina who was beside him, while looking at the portrait on the drawing board.

"It's really you, Director Jiang!"

Ning Hao didn't react much yet, but Xing Aina exclaimed.

"Hello Director Jiang, I, I'm Ning Hao, and this is my girlfriend Xing Aina."

Ning Hao stood up from the pony, feeling a little embarrassed.

Jiang Pei'an extended his hand to shake his hand, saying:

"Hello, I'm here today mainly because I have something to talk to you about. Let's chat in another place?"


Xing Aina on the side nodded quickly.

Those who are not insiders or students of related majors do not understand Jiang Pei'an's power at all.

"Taken" is the most discussed movie right now.

Although the teachers of professional courses are not very interested in commercial films like "Taken".

But I can't stand the communication and worship of the students after class!
What's more, Jiang Pei'an is also famous in the world, with two films in a row breaking the box office of over [-] million.

Ning Hao had watched the pirated discs of those two movies in private, and he can only use one sentence to describe them:
Ning Hao, who agreed to Jiang Pei'an's invitation, felt a little dizzy.

But he was also very puzzled.

A famous director, why would he find himself a student of the director department?
Jiang Pei'an helped put Ning Hao's tools into the trunk, and led the excited two to a teahouse.

After arriving at the teahouse, Jiang Pei'an ordered some tea and snacks for the two of them.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Jiang Pei'an openly took out a stack of papers from his bag and handed them to the two.

After Ning Hao and Xing Aina took it, they were immediately stunned by the words on it.

"This, this is the script of Ghost Story 2?"

Ning Hao held the script with trembling hands and said excitedly.

Jiang Pei'an nodded with a smile and asked:
"Have you seen the first part?"

Ning Hao scratched his head in embarrassment, and said:

"I've seen... a pirated version."

Hearing this, Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly.

In China, we can only watch pirated versions now.

"If "Ghost Story 2" is handed over to your director, are you sure?"

Jiang Pei'an asked with a smile.

Ning Hao and Xing Aina were stunned by Jiang Pei'an's words.

The famous "Ghost Story".

Let me direct the sequel of a movie with a global box office of over [-] million?

It's unbelievable!
Is this a little too crazy?

(End of this chapter)

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