I'm not just a director

Chapter 138 Hong Kong Media's Expectations, End Jiang Pei'an!

Chapter 138 Hong Kong Media's Expectations, End Jiang Pei'an!
After experiencing the initial shock, Ning Hao gradually calmed down.

He looked at the script in his hand and was silent for a while, then said:
"I, I haven't graduated yet..."

The implication is that he feels that he does not have the ability to make a good shot of this global hit, or even a classic that created a new genre of film.

Xing Aina gave him a blank look, and quickly said to Jiang Pei'an:
"Thank you, Director Jiang, for your trust. It is our luck for Ning Hao to learn from such a famous director as you, Director Jiang.

Although he hasn't graduated yet, it's almost the same.

He will be defending his graduation in a few months, so he has plenty of time and energy.

Naturally, such a popular work as "Ghost Shadow 2" will not let him be the chief director, and in the end it will definitely depend on you, Director Jiang, to check it out. "

Ning Hao glanced at his girlfriend in surprise.

That was not what I meant……

Suddenly, he felt pain in his thigh, and nodded quickly:
"Ah, yes, that's what I mean. I'm rather stupid. Director Jiang, please forgive me."

Looking at the young couple in front of him, Jiang Pei'an smiled slightly.

Although most of Ning Hao's works in later generations are black and humorous comedies, they are actually more stable and practical in life.

Sometimes it's even a little roundabout, but fortunately, Xing Aina, a good wife, is by her side.

It won't let this stupid boy be tricked.

"I understand, but I have one condition before that."

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

"What conditions?"

Xing Aina asked quickly.

Ning Hao also looked at him cautiously.

"It's very simple, as long as Ning Hao joins my company as a director."

Just kidding, there is no free lunch in the world.

Jiang Pei'an gave him a platform and opportunities, and Ning Hao had to pay accordingly.

Hearing this, Ning Hao hesitated, while Xing Aina asked directly:
"What does it take for us to join your company?"

"It's very simple. If you make a movie, the company will give you a basic salary, a commission, and even a chance to profit from the movie's box office."

"Is there still a basic salary?"

Ning Hao asked with a heavier breath.

What a simple child, a basic salary can be so excited.

However, considering the embarrassment that Ning Hao now makes a living selling paintings on the street.

A stable basic salary is no less impactful to him than filming "Ghost Shadow 2".

Xing Aina gave him a blank look, looked at Jiang Pei'an and asked:
"Director Jiang, after joining your company, what is the future development prospect of Ning Hao? How long is the contract period?"

Compared with Ning Hao, Xing Aina considers the problem more comprehensively.

"The company guarantees that Ning Hao will have the opportunity to direct a film once a year, but of course this is not fixed.

If the performance is good and the box office sells well, the number of directings will also increase, and the contract period will start from three years.

If everyone cooperates happily after three years, the contract can also be renewed.

Of course, during the cooperation period, we are choosing each other, and each has the right to choose whether to cooperate again. "

Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

"Well, I understand. Director Jiang, please leave your contact information. We can think about it after we go back, is that okay?"

When she said this, Xing Aina felt a little uneasy.

After all, this is an invitation from Jiang Pei'an, an industry leader!
You actually want to think about it?

Jiang Pei'an glanced at her, and then turned his attention to the bewildered Ning Hao.

Jiang Pei'an's eyes were as sharp as steel nails. Under his gaze, Ning Hao lowered his head and dared not speak.

"You only have one day."

Jiang Pei'an took out his business card and said expressionlessly:

"No time to wait."

"Thank you Director Jiang for the invitation, we will call you as soon as possible."

Xing Aina let out a heavy breath.

After Jiang Pei'an took the script and left, Ning Hao and Xing Aina were still sitting there blankly.

"Nana, is our, our chance here?"

"Yes, it's a huge opportunity, and the conditions for joining the company are not too harsh, just..."

"What is it?"

"Aren't you planning to go to Nortel to go to school?"

Xing Aina asked.

Ning Hao thought for a while and said:
"The reason why I want to go to Nortel is because I want to stay in Beijing.

Director Jiang now invites me to his company, and there is at least one filming opportunity every year.

We can still get a basic salary, so our life will not be as embarrassing as it is now.

I don't think it's important to go to Nortel or not. "

Hearing this, Xing Aina pinched him suddenly, and said angrily:
"You are well-known in Beijing Normal University, but have you ever wondered why Director Jiang came to you?"


Ning Hao asked stupidly.

"It's true that you have talent, but you still have room for improvement, Director Jiang provided you with a platform.

He can also take back this platform at any time, didn't you hear what he said?Joining the company is where you choose each other.

Once he is not satisfied with you, he can replace you at any time, how can you not be abandoned by him, have you thought about it? "


Ning Hao replied honestly.

"Forget about being stupid, you have to continue to study and continue to study! Only you can become more and more professional and tap your full potential.

So that you won't be abandoned by the other party, even if you don't cooperate in the future, you still have the capital to gain a foothold in the film and television industry! "

"I understand."

Ning Hao scratched his head and continued:
"I just don't know if Director Jiang is willing to let me go to school. After all, going to school is a waste of time."

Xing Aina nodded and said:
"That's why I said let's think about it. When you contact him tomorrow, tell him about your schooling and see what he thinks."

"What if he doesn't agree?"

"If you don't agree, you will give up this opportunity."


"Ah what? You are still young, and you have plenty of opportunities. You are very talented, but you haven't grown up yet.

Take one step at a time, so that you can go further. "

"okay, I get it."


Jiang Pei'an didn't know the conversation between the young couple after he left.

Counting the time, he should go back to his hometown.

After living a new life, Jiang Pei'an found that his family concept was getting more and more serious.

Maybe it's because in the previous life, I just focused on working hard and neglected my loved ones.

Although he is busy in this life, he definitely can't miss the opportunity of family reunion during Chinese New Year.

Hu Jing and Zeng Li are still filming on the set of "Woman Soup".

Hu Jing said that they left the crew on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month.

Gao Yuanyuan's side was also over, and before returning to his hometown, Jiang Pei'an asked her out.


Jiang Pei'an parked the car in a residential area in the capital, looked at the round Gao Yuanyuan wrapped up, and said with a smile.

"so cold."

Gao Yuanyuan, who got into the car, kept rubbing his hands and took out a pair of gloves from his pocket.

"You idiot, why don't you wear gloves?"

Looking at Gao Yuanyuan's little hands that were red from the cold, Jiang Pei'an asked with concern.

"This is a New Year's gift for you."

Gao Yuanyuan said with a smile, the dimples at the corners of his mouth appeared and disappeared from time to time.

"You knit?"

Looking at the dense needle holes on the glove, Jiang Pei'an asked in surprise.

"I called you when the crew had nothing to do. It's just a bit ugly. Wear it to see if it fits."

Jiang Pei'an looked at the woolen gloves in his hand, in fact, these gloves are not warm.

Although the needle holes are dense, there will still be wind to drill in.

But Jiang Pei'an was very moved in his heart, no other woman had ever knit him except his mother.

"Ten fingers are just right, not bad!"

Jiang Pei'an squinted his eyes and spread his hands in the air. The warm winter sun shone on his hands through the car window. ,
It's warm and comfortable.

"What, it's obviously very suitable, let's go, where are we going?"

Hearing the joke in Jiang Pei'an's tone, Gao Yuanyuan thumped his chest and said angrily.

"Go to the movies."

"Look at what?"

""The Lost Secret Service"."

Cheng Long's "The Lost Secret Service" was released at No.18 in Hong Kong Province.

Once it was released, the whole Hong Kong province was excited.

Because there are not many good-looking movies in this year's Spring Festival, so a movie from the mainland is a hit in Hong Kong.

Many Hong Kong and provincial media have long been looking forward to this day.

Some media in Hong Kong Province used the slogan ""The Lost Agent" ends "Taken"".

Even the media asked the theater to withdraw "Taken".

After all, judging from the previous publicity, "The Lost Secret Service" is definitely a replica of "Taken".

The same fights back and forth between countries, and the same big scenes and suspenseful plots hook the audience.

We have Chenglong, what do you have?

We invested [-] million Hong Kong dollars, how about you?

Compared with the two, why don't we choose to support local movies?
This "Lost Secret Service", which was pinned on by the Hong Kong media, will finally end the era of "Taken".

But is this really the case?
Jiang Pei'an and Gao Yuanyuan walked into the theater holding hands.

To say that the influence of the eldest brother is very strong!
There is an endless stream of people queuing outside, and the inside of the cinema is also a lively scene.

Gao Yuanyuan and Jiang Pei'an put on different degrees of camouflage.

Especially Gao Yuanyuan, who was so wrapped up that he couldn't recognize him at all.

Don't blame her for doing this, after "Taken" was released.

Gao Yuanyuan played the role of daughter in the movie, and she really became popular.

The most intuitive expression is that Gao Yuanyuan is often recognized by movie fans when she is walking on the road.

Commercial performances and endorsements are also emerging in an endless stream, and his net worth has soared.

Except for Yu Rongguang, Gao Yuanyuan and others' conflagration.

Because of the role of "daughter's best friend", little transparent Zeng Li also became popular for a while.

Especially in her last scene in the movie, the audience was taken aback by the attack.

This beauty with long legs has really good acting skills!
"I don't know how the big brother's movie is. Is it as powerful as the Hong Kong media's hype."

Gao Yuanyuan puffed up his cheeks and said angrily.

She also pays close attention to the remarks of the Hong Kong media. When Jiang Pei'an was attacked by the Hong Kong media, she thought about standing up and defending herself.

But Jiang Pei'an stopped him.

Hong Kong media, there is really no need to waste your tongue with those guys.

"It should be fine."

Jiang Pei'an looked at the screen and smiled.

"How good is it, will it surpass our box office?"

Gao Yuanyuan asked nervously.

Jiang Pei'an patted her on the head, smiled and said:
"Estimated hanging."

It is said that after Cheng Long left Lo Wei Films, he received two contracts:
The first one is signed with Shaw Brothers, and the signing fee is 500 million Hong Kong dollars;
The second is to sign with Jiahe, and the signing fee is 420 million Hong Kong dollars.

Cheng Long finally chose Jiahe, because Jiahe gave him more creative space.

The independent producer system it provides even allows Cheng Long to form a subsidiary company.

So Chenglong started a 22-year cooperation with Jiahe.

After launching two works with good results, "Junior Brother Goes Out" and "Master Dragon".

Under Jiahe's instruction, Cheng Long established Boxing Film Co., Ltd.

Later, it changed its name to Weihe Film Co., Ltd. and created a series of blockbuster films.

In the Hong Kong film industry in the 90s, "Double Mondays" was the most popular, and Cheng Long and Zhou Xingchi were in a state of competition for the top spot all year round.

Some people say that comparing the two, Cheng Long's "cost performance" is not as good as Zhou Xingchi.

The reason is that Zhou Xingchi's films are often low-cost and have a low risk of losing money.

Cheng Long likes to go abroad to shoot scenes, and invests tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars at every turn.

In detail, Cheng Long's "Miracle" (1989) and "Flying Eagle Project" (1991).

"Double Dragon" (1992) and "Thunderbolt" (1995) both performed well at the box office.

But in the end, they all lost money. The reason is that the investment is too large and it is difficult to recover the cost.

The initial investment of "The Lost Secret Service" was 1.7 million Hong Kong dollars, and later it exceeded the budget all the way, and finally spent 2 million Hong Kong dollars to complete the filming.

In order to strive for authenticity, the crew filmed across the mainland, South Korea, and Türkiye.

Cheng Long devoted a lot of effort and sincerity to the fights, car stunts, big explosions and other scenes in the film.

For example, Cheng Long, who is still desperate, challenged many difficult moves in the movie.

Jumping from the [-]th floor and jumping into the sewage with Xu Ruoxuan, full marks for professionalism.

However, this kind of dedication is slightly insufficient in the face of the box office of 3000 million Hong Kong dollars after the release, and it is even a drop in the bucket.

Of course, the film was also screened in the mainland.

The box office of the film in the Mainland also reached 4000 million.

Including other markets, the global box office of "Spy Lost" is about 2000 million US dollars.

Compared with the investment and related announcements and theater accounts, this result is still not ideal.

"The Lost City of Spies" hurt Jiahe's vitality.

This then accelerated the decline of this film empire and became a watershed in the fate of Jiahe Films.

In addition to the sluggish film market in Hong Kong Province, the mainland version cut more than ten minutes, Jiahe's mysterious operation and other reasons.

The low performance of "Lost Secret Service" actually has a lot to do with its own plot flaws...

Hearing what Jiang Pei'an said, Gao Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief.


After watching the movie, Gao Yuanyuan said with some doubts:

"Big brother is still the same big brother, very hard-working, and there are many big scenes in the movie.

But it's a bit awkward to look at, kind of..."


Jiang Pei'an said with a smile.

"Yes, that's how it feels."

Gao Yuanyuan nodded vigorously.

The first half of "The Secret Agent Lost City" is quite good. The suspense elements and Cheng Long's movements make the movie full of tension.

But the movie was anticlimactic, and the ending turned into a big fight, and Cheng Long staged the speed of life and death in Turkey.

But at the end, the audience was very confused.

Liao You's identity is a mystery?

The whereabouts of the virus a mystery?

It is another mystery that Cheng Long and Liao You had a friendly conversation in the end?


Watch a movie during Chinese New Year, and you give me the whole riddle?

On the eve of the release of "The Lost Secret Service", Jiahe released a 30-minute short film "The Lost Secret Service 2003" on the Internet.

It tells the story of "The Lost Secret Service" three years later, which explains the plot that the theater version did not explain clearly.

Jiahe not only deliberately deleted part of the plot of "The Lost Secret Service" and put it on the Internet.

Even "The Lost Secret Service" was screened on the Internet and in theaters at the same time!
To a certain extent, Jiahe spent [-] million yuan to make an online movie!
Such a move in 2001 was unprecedented, and of course it was tantamount to courting death!

(End of this chapter)

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