I'm not just a director

Chapter 354 2 pictures

The celebration lasted for three hours.

After it was over, Lao Mouzi entertained the guests present today.

At the wine table, Jiang Pei'an finally saw Zhang Weipin, who was known as the "two Zhang" with Lao Mouzi.

This is a man who is particularly prone to criticism, and most of this criticism comes from his extreme publicity campaign.

In this current era, he is constantly being criticized and criticized.

However, if you calm down and take a closer look, all this phenomenon of being criticized verbally and verbally by the media has become an irresistible trend in the new Chinese film industry.

When the market becomes more prosperous later, everyone, whether old or new, will follow suit and dive in, and never tire of it.

If this character were converted into a certain figure in later generations and jumped out of the entertainment industry, he would probably be similar to Yu Dazui in the digital industry.

Interestingly, Zhang Weipin also has the nickname "Big Mouth".

The name Zhang Weipin, with its concise strokes, has made the most complex link in the history of China's cultural industry.

Whether it is good or bad, a merit or a fault, it is impossible to say now.

But what is certain is that he is an absolute success.

The collaboration between the two films basically has few rivals in the film market.

The combination of Lao Mouzi as the director and Zhang Weipin as the producer is very stable.

From "If You Have Something to Say" to "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" in 11 films, this combination has never changed.

In order to allow Lao Mouzi to concentrate on film creation.

Zhang Weipin took over all other tasks, completely beyond the scope of a normal film producer's work.

During this period, Lao Mouzi was in charge of filming the movie, and Zhang Weipin was an investor in the early stage of the film, as well as later marketing and publicity.

And if there is any controversy or trouble arising from Lao Mouzi, Zhang Weipin will immediately come out to defend it.

This is largely where his reputation as "Big Mouth" comes from.

According to Zhang Weipin himself, "Do you know how many things I have shouldered?"

The period of cooperation with Zhang Weipin was the most productive period of Lao Mouzi's career as a director, with a movie being released every one to two years.

Today's Chinese film market is dominated by Zhang Weipin's New Picture, Wang Zhongjun's Huayi Brothers, and Dong Pin's Poly Huayi.

Wang Zhongjun stabilized Feng Xiaogang and followed the conventional business path of diversifying the film, television, advertising, and performing arts economies, and going public for financing in the future.

From "Peacock" to "Letter from an Unknown Woman", Dong Ping has a wide circle of friends and art films, but his profits from movies are limited.

Only Zhang Weipin puts all his eggs in the basket of Lao Mouzi. Lao Mouzi's movies are the only products of New Picture.

Regarding this close friend, Zhang Weipin said, "Firstly, I don't read the books, and secondly, I don't read the script."

Zhang Weipin likes a simple business model. As a partner, he can "stick to the bottom".

But no one would have thought that the combination of these two iron buddies would end up in court.

When they got to the back, Zhang Weipin stretched his hand too far, which made Lao Mouzi feel grudge.

There are fundamental differences between the two in their views on movies.

That is to say, Lao Mouzi has artistic pursuits for movies, while Zhang Weipin is a businessman.

At the beginning, the conflict between the two was still within a controllable range, but after the success of "Hero", the differences between the two expanded.

The success of "Hero" allowed Zhang Weipin to see an opportunity to make money.

So he began to get involved in film shooting, hoping to add more commercial elements to the business.

During the filming of "A City of Gold", Zhang Weipin inserted Jay Chou, who was very popular in Asia at the time, into the crew to play the role of the second prince.

The actor who was squeezed out was named Huang Xuan, and he later became popular.

"Three Guns to Surprise" was originally planned to be a serious suspense theme by Lao Mouzi.

As a result, Zhang Weipin found Zhao Jiaban, and the humorous Xiao Shen Yang could not play the original role well.

So after discussing with Uncle Motoyama, the script was changed to a semi-comedy style. The result was a nondescript film, and the audience didn't buy it at all.

"Three Shots" is the film that Lao Mouzi himself considers to be the most failed. He believes that it lacks cultural value and is the product of commercial coercion.

Interestingly, Zhang Weipin also held the same view, because he blamed Uncle Benshan's master and apprentice for the cause of this problem.

The final break between the two occurred during the filming of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

First of all, Zhang Weipin strongly recommended Han Xiting to be the heroine, but Lao Mouzi refused. Later, Zhang Weipin asked for an additional sex scene between Ni Ni and Bei Er.

At first, Lao Mouzi was unwilling, but he couldn't stand Zhang Weipin's repeated "advice", so he filmed such a plot that affected his artistic sense.

Later, during the promotion of the film, Zhang Weipin hyped up this plot, which caused quite a bit of controversy.

Audiences believe that including a sex scene between an Oriental woman and a Western man in a serious film is a sign of flattery to Europe and the United States.

This series of actions touched Lao Mouzi's bottom line. You must know that although Lao Mouzi has a silent character, he is an extremely independent person in his heart.

He cannot tolerate things that touch the bottom line too much.

The grudge will be suppressed in the heart at first, but by the time it breaks out, it has already become an irreversible situation...

In history, there are countless brothers and friends who eventually broke up due to interest issues, and the golden pair of Lao Mouzi and Zhang Weipin could not escape such a fate.

In 2013, Lao Mouzi joined LeTV Film and Television. He posted on Weibo that 2013 was the year of reloading, which seemed to bring an end to the relationship between the two.

But unexpectedly, the turmoil over the breakup between the two intensified. Actor He Jun, who failed in the role selection for "The Thirteen Hairpins", revealed that Lao Mouzi and his wife had serious life problems.

The picture that broke the news was the family life photo shared by Lao Mouzi’s wife to Zhang Weipin.

This incident directly caused the conflict between the two to go beyond the concept of the movie...

Of course, at the moment, the golden couple has not broken up over gold. At this time, the two of them are smiling, one is good at sociability, and the atmosphere at the wine table is lively.

One showed his white teeth, like a simple and honest old farmer.

Now it seems that these two are a good match.

"Come on, Director Jiang, let me toast you. Your song "Gong Xi Fa Cai" was sung so well today. I hope the box office of our "House of Flying Daggers" will be as good as your wishes. Congratulations on getting rich and wonderful."

Zhang Weipin picked up the wine glass, stood up and toasted to Jiang Peian with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Zhang is joking. The combination of you two will be successful and the box office will definitely not be bad."

Jiang Peian stood up, held the wine glass, and said with a smile.

"Haha, thank you, Director Jiang, for coming to drink."

Zhang Weipin is from Shandong Province, and later grew up in the Northeast. He is tall and burly, and he drinks a lot. Maybe he is happy and drinks a bottle of wine straight away.

In his words, drinking with a wine dispenser is not pleasant, but it would be more enjoyable if you could drink from a large bowl.

In a sense, the reason why the two of them get along so well is not only the fetters of interests, but also the complementarity of personalities.

"Weipin, drink less, and so does Pei'an. Don't fight so hard, either of you."

Lao Mouzi persuaded him with a smile.

"It's rare to get together. My Director Zhang, please stop trying to persuade us, hahaha."

Zhang Weipin drank vigorously and said with a smile while holding the wine glass.

After drinking a glass of wine with Zhang Weipin, Jiang Peian toasted Zhang Yi with another glass of wine:

"Director Zhang, it's a big hit at the box office."

"Okay, thanks."

Lao Mouzi picked up the wine glass and said with a smile.

There were many people at the wine table. In addition to Er Zhang, there were also the three main creators Liu Tianwang, Jin Chengwu, and Zhang Ziyi, as well as a group of crew members and producers. The wine table was full of people drinking and drinking, and everyone was coming and going to toast from time to time.

Jiang Pei'an also had a few words with Liu Tianwang and others, but since it was an occasion like a wine table, they didn't have an in-depth conversation.

Jiang Peian was still worried about one thing, so he took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to get some air.

At the same time, he was also looking for someone. When he walked to the balcony of the hotel, he saw the man wearing a peaked cap.

It was Daolang who sang "The First Snow in 2002" at the celebration.

"Teacher Daolang."

Jiang Peian greeted the other party with a smile.

"Uh... hello, Jiang, Director Jiang?"

"Haha, I'm Jiang Peian, why are I here alone?"

Jiang Peian asked with a smile.

"Oh, it's too stuffy in the box. Come out for some air."

Dao Lang said with a smile.

He is not tall, but has a well-proportioned figure, and his small face is hidden under a peaked cap.

It was as if he was peering into the world with his small eyes under the brim of his hat.

Jiang Pei'an first knew Daolang because of his famous song "The First Snow in 2002".

After Jiang Pei'an worked as a director for a period of time in his previous life, he suffered from the lack of a good script, so he spent all day searching for excellent novels on novel websites and adapted them.

Inadvertently, he saw a novel called "The Last Bullet" that was left to me.

This somewhat autobiographical novel completely attracted his attention, but he later discovered that the book had been adapted.

The name is "I am a special soldier".

After watching a few episodes, Jiang Pei'an was attracted by the ending song of the TV series "Forever Brothers", and this song was sung by Daolang.

Many people's first impression of Daolang is "The First Snow in 2002".

Daolang also quickly became popular with this song and became a "hot pastry" in the hearts of the people.

But it is a pity that it is not the "hot cake" in the eyes of colleagues.

Yang Kun, yes, the same Yang Kun who is now under Jiang Pei'an Company, he ridiculed Dao Lang's songs as being difficult to achieve elegance.

And sharply asked: Are his songs music?

After that, Daolang successively released "Love Song of the West Sea", "Sheep in Wolf's Clothing" and other widely sung songs.

It is no exaggeration to say that these songs quickly captured people's hearts as soon as they were released. Daolang was undoubtedly one of the most famous male singers in those years.

However, it is a pity that after releasing the song, Daolang did not strike while the iron was hot to consolidate its popularity.

Instead, he gradually disappeared from public view, and rarely appeared in public except for participating in concert tours.

Is Dao Lang a talent?

There is no doubt about it, and his talent is different from those singers of mainstream songs.

He has a vitality that has been baptized by the northwest wind and sand and fought tenaciously.

What's even more valuable is that his singing seems to have a brainwashing magic that makes people unforgettable for a long time.

Therefore, Jiang Peian must win this kind of talent.

In addition to cherishing talents, Jiang Peian also has deeper thoughts.

You know, Daolang's songs are the most suitable for ringtones at the moment.

Therefore, Jiang Peian's newly established online singer group is definitely the best place to display Daolang's talents.

Of course, these still require in-depth discussions between Jiang Peian and Daolang.

"Teacher Daolang, can you give me your business card?"

Jiang Peian suddenly asked.

Hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, Dao Lang was a little confused, and immediately took out a business card from his body and handed it to Jiang Pei'an.

In addition to Dao Lang's name and contact information, there are also two names and positions printed on the business card.

Music director of Xinjiang Deweilong Audio and Video Company.

Chief producer of Urumqi Luolin Music Creation Studio.

This is the music company Daolang currently works for. In the 90s, he formed the band "Children of the Earth" with several musicians.

And he met Zhu Mei, a female singer from Xinjiang Province, and she also became Daolang's wife.

After getting married, Daolang followed his wife to Xinjiang Province and worked hard to support his music dream.

He worked during the day and went to the studio to write songs at night.

He lives with his wife and two daughters in a house of less than ten square meters.

In 95, Daolang established the Northwest Music Studio in Xinjiang Province and began to release music works on a small scale in Xinjiang Province.

After the establishment of the studio, Daolang chose to embark on the development route of a commercial singer in order to make a living, and then he got positions in the latter two companies.

"Teacher Daolang, are you in a hurry to leave the capital?"

Jiang Peian asked as he put away his business card.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry. I've booked a ticket to go back the day after tomorrow."

Daolang nodded honestly, but was still confused by Jiang Peian's words.

Jiang Peian smiled and said:

"Let me tell you straight to the point. In addition to my main business of making movies, I also make music.

There are also some artists under the banner, so I want to sign you, Mr. Daolang. "

Hearing Jiang Peian's words, Daolang subconsciously wanted to shake his head.

Since the album "The First Snow in 2002" became popular, many companies have contacted him to sign him.

However, he rejected them all because he also makes music and has his own career, and he believes he can do better.

When you sign a contract as an artist, you have relatively less freedom.

As if he sensed that Daolang wanted to refuse, Jiang Peian smiled and said:

"Don't refuse in a hurry. Think about it tonight. We'll talk tomorrow. It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate. Just treat it as a friend."

Hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, Dao Lang nodded, just like Jiang Pei'an said, even if there is no cooperation, it would be good to make a friend.

What's more, Jiang Pei'an is no ordinary person. He is a director who is on equal footing with director Zhang Yi and is in the limelight.

If he could write a theme song for Jiang Pei'an's movie, even if it was just an interlude, his career would have a chance to take off.

"Okay, thank you Director Jiang for the invitation."

Daolang nodded.

"Haha, see you tomorrow then."

Jiang Peian said with a smile.

"See you tomorrow."

...(End of chapter)

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