I'm not just a director

Chapter 355 I can give you whatever you want

The propaganda method of "House of Flying Daggers" is unique to China.

Overseas, the producers of "The Lord of the Rings" closed off the streets to celebrate, or found a big screen in the square to show it.

But these actions are not appropriate in China. Chinese people do not have the habit of carnival. The result of the public screening in the square was that pirated copies were everywhere the next day.

In Zhang Weipin’s original words:

"I adopt a method that is more in line with the habits of Chinese audiences, using the methods of movie stars and singers to hold parties and promote movies.

This has never been done in any other movie, and the effect is obvious to all. "

Three Key Factors in Creating a National Movement for a Movie

In fact, Zhang Weipin did not brag.

The broadcast of the premiere of "House of Flying Daggers" increased CCTV's ratings by two percentage points.

Sina's reprint rate and comment pages increased several times compared to usual.

Even Jiang Pei'an's Penguin Entertainment obtained the broadcasting rights, and the results were even greater than Sina's.

At the same time, newspapers and television media across the country reported the plot and actors of "House of Flying Daggers" in various forms.

The most prominent one was the Beijing News report. The entire newspaper lasted for three weeks, covering "House of Flying Daggers" on different topics and from different aspects.

The massive media exposure made this film a topic that everyone wanted to say something about.

Although the marketing created a buzz, the movie was not as popular as expected.

In the early morning, the movie "House of Flying Daggers" directed by Lao Mouzi was released.

Although most viewers said it was "better than "Hero".

However, according to the analysis of the box office performance on the opening day by several major theater managers across the country, although the film was released in the summer season and there are no overseas blockbusters to share the market, countless people are optimistic about the box office prospects.

But judging from the situation at the scene, it is indeed not as popular as "Hero".

The zero o'clock premiere of "House of Flying Daggers" had the best ticket sales. As early as 10 o'clock in the evening the day before, the movie tickets were sold out.

Most of the audiences who stay up late to watch movies are young people, and couples make up the majority.

In some areas, several performances of "House of Flying Daggers" scheduled between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. were canceled due to lack of audience.

Students on summer vacation have become the "main force" of the daytime audience.

Perhaps because "Hero" received mixed reviews after being screened, many viewers came with the mentality of being "ambushed".

There are also many celebrities like Jin Chengwu, Liu Tianwang, and Zhang Ziyi.

Judging from audience feedback, "House of Flying Daggers" is generally an improvement over "Hero".

"The graphics and music are both outstanding, the scenes are gorgeous and charming, and the story is completed in one go."

"The film is a bit stiff and the story lacks substance, but it's more watchable than "Heroes."

"It's okay. No surprises or disappointments. It's like you haven't watched it yet."

Jiang Peian closed the web page and closed the laptop.

Again, the quality of a movie must withstand the test of the market.

The early publicity for "House of Flying Daggers" can be said to be overwhelming, but in the end when the audience walks into the theater, word of mouth is king.

Judging from the audience's reputation on the first day reported online, "House of Flying Daggers" is not bad, but not as good as expected.

This is definitely a big blow to Zhang Weipin, who wants to surpass "Hero".

Jiang Pei'an can already predict Zhang Weipin's next plan, taking advantage of the summer vacation to let the film's creative team tour across the country...

"Mr. Jiang, someone is looking for you."

Xinghuo Entertainment staff knocked on Jiang Peian's door and said respectfully.

"Invite him in."

Jiang Peian nodded, then stood up and went to the tea bar.

It was Dao Lang who came in, this time he was wearing a black peaked cap.

Jiang Peian was very curious about how many hats this guy had.

"Teacher Daolang, come on, sit down."

Jiang Peian warmly entertained the other party and poured him a cup of tea with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Daolang seemed a little reserved, but Jiang Peian could understand him.

A song made him famous all over the country. Before, he didn't feel much at home in a small place.

But after arriving in a big city, in addition to opportunities, there is also confusion that comes with it.

The capital was so big that he felt that the vast provinces were lifeless compared to it.

But at the same time, he still kept a clear mind and never thought about staying in the capital.

There are opportunities in big cities, but Dao Lang from a small place is not sure whether he can seize the opportunities.

He can use his rough voice to praise the Great Northwest, but he doesn't know how to sing a song in the capital.

However, his appearance at the celebration did not achieve corresponding results, and it also poured cold water on his head.

"Teacher Daolang, what do you want to drink, tea or coffee?"

Jiang Peian asked with a smile.


Daolang nodded.

Jiang Peian smiled slightly and made a cup of coffee and tea.

After delivering the coffee to Daolang, Jiang Peian smiled and said:

"Teacher Daolang must stay up late every day, right?"

Daolang took the coffee and took a sip and said:

"There are a few people who make music who don't stay up late. It seems that inspiration is particularly good at night."

"Hahaha, just like when I write scripts, I feel particularly good at night and my eyes are brighter than during the day. I am a night owl, hahaha."

The two exchanged pleasantries, and Jiang Peian officially got down to business.

"Teacher Daolang, I told you the purpose of inviting you here this time at the hotel yesterday."

Before Jiang Peian finished speaking, Daolang immediately waved his hand and said:

"Mr. Jiang, thank you for your respect, but I told you yesterday that I have no plans to become a signed artist yet. I have my own career."

Hearing this, Jiang Peian smiled slightly and did not continue to dwell on this topic, but asked:

"Then what does Teacher Daolang plan to do when he goes back this time?"

"Keep studying music and go to the acupoints."

Yes, this is the state of most artists who are running singles today.

In addition to my own job, I spend most of my time in commercial performances. After a song becomes popular, I should seize the time to maximize the benefits of this hit!

Jiang Peian continued what he said and said:

"The popularity is only temporary. You can be popular for a year or two with the album "The First Snow in 2002".

But what about two years from now? Can you guarantee your creative energy? Will there be a second song "A Snow in 2002"? "


Daolang was speechless for a moment. In fact, before the album "2002", he had written no less than a hundred songs, but only a few of them became popular. And even though these songs became popular, they were still rejected and ridiculed by mainstream musicians.

"Moreover, Mr. Daolang, what you call a business performance is when the company opens the ribbon-cutting or when the boss celebrates his birthday, he invites you to sing two songs on stage. How much does a business performance cost? It can't be tens of thousands, right?"

Jiang Peian continued.

Daolang shook his head. It was indeed not tens of thousands, most of it was several thousand yuan, and sometimes the fare, food and accommodation were not reimbursed. Apart from these, he didn't have much left after a business performance.

Seeing a look of helplessness on Dao Lang's face, Jiang Pei'an took the opportunity to say:

"Become a signed artist of Xinghuo. I don't mean other companies, just Xinghuo. You have your own freedom. It is your freedom to write songs and perform commercially. You don't even need to move to the capital. You can still work in the capital. It’s okay to continue living in Xinjiang Province.”

Hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, Dao Lang's eyes instantly became alert and he asked quickly:

"Then what do you want?"

Hearing this, Jiang Peian smiled and said:

"What are you planning?"

Of course, there is a huge ring tones market.

It is estimated that future generations of Daolang will not know how much appeal they have.

The album "The First Snow in 2002" does not follow the traditional record industry's publicity and distribution routine.

It was even criticized by people in the industry for its rough production, but because it was sung on the streets in taxis, hair salons, restaurants, etc. and fermented on ring tones and the Internet, it gradually became a phenomenon.

The company Daolang worked for was Deweilong. Back then, pirated records were rampant. Deweilong's boss Zheng Jingbiao planned for Daolang first the "Fever Sky Disc" route.

Therefore, the original songs of Daolang were actually covers of classics. "Love Songs of the Western Regions" released in 2003 is a cover album with a strong flavor of the Western Regions.

And by 2004's "The First Snow in 2002", there were still cover songs such as "XJ Good" and "Camel Bell".

However, because Daolang himself has creative ability, he added his own original works to the album, making him stand out among the group of "fever singers".

After Daolang became popular, promoters such as traditional record companies Universal and Song Ke quickly entered the game.

At the end of 2004, Song Ke announced that he would acquire the copyright of Daolang at a sky-high price and officially enter the new technology field, which is actually the ring tones market.

At the same time, Alan Tam flew to Xinjiang Province to invite Daolang to sing, and Li Zhongsheng also began to work as a producer for Daolang.

Daolang has swept the pop music scene in recent years, and many big-name singers such as Na Ying and Yang Kun have expressed their opinions, thus laying the groundwork for "Rakshasa Haishi" 20 years later.

Song Ke once revealed in an interview: "If Daolang's ringtone copyright is divided at 42.5%, I should get 1 million yuan from his songs.

But because I was squeezed to 10%, I only got 2000 million yuan. "

It can be seen from this that Daolang was widely accepted by the people at that time, but due to the irregular data in the pirated records and ringtone market.

Although Daolang enjoys high popularity, he has not become the "King of Heaven".

After becoming popular in 2004, he began to decline. It was not until 2008 that he released the cover album "Red Classic", and the concerts before and after did not continue to become a phenomenon...

Therefore, whether it is from the perspective of making money from the ringtone, or from the perspective of Daolang himself, Jiang Peian feels that there is nothing wrong with him.

"If I say that I just think you have potential and want to sign you as a singer, you will definitely think that I am talking nonsense.

The first priority for artists signed by the company is to make money. If you have the potential to bring benefits to me, I will be willing to spend money to train you.

Not enough creative energy? I can help you write songs. If you think signing a contract restricts personal freedom, I can give you freedom.

The company gives you a platform to display your talents and helps you release an album. How about you gain fame and a lot of income? "

To be honest, Jiang Peian gave him a lot of freedom.

Daolang is not insisting on himself. In fact, if Jiang Pei'an hadn't persuaded him today, he would have chosen to join Universal Music in two months.

Jiang Peian took out a contract from the drawer and pushed it in front of Daolang, smiling and saying:

"This is a contract. The conditions I promised you are all in it. Teacher Daolang, please take a look first."

Daolang picked up the contract and read it carefully for about ten minutes. Sure enough, as Jiang Peian said, all the conditions he offered were in it.

Moreover, the salary above was very sincere, which made Daolang waver for a while.

Jiang Peian continued:

"If Teacher Daolang is willing to join our Spark, I will give you 50 in my own name as a settlement allowance, which will allow you to bring your family to the capital. Of course, if you are unwilling to come to the capital, I cannot give you the 50." ”

50. Nowadays, with a house price of about 4000-6000 in Beijing, you can buy a house of square meters to live in.

Upon hearing this condition, Daolang was truly moved.

50 is a lot, at least the profit of the album "The First Snow in 2002" is far from reaching this price.

"Mr. Jiang, can you give me some time to think about it? To be honest, the conditions you offered are good enough, but I always feel uneasy. I want to discuss it with my wife."

Daolang hesitated for a while and said.

Jiang Peian nodded and said:

"It's absolutely fine. If you return to Xinjiang Province tomorrow, then give me an answer before you return to Xinjiang Province. If possible, we can sign the contract before leaving."

"it is good!"

At noon, Jiang Peian planned to stay with Daolang for lunch, but this man obviously had something on his mind. After expressing his apology, he returned to the small hotel where he stayed.


Daolang stood on the balcony, lit a cigarette and smoked it.

"What's wrong, husband, are you back already?"

His wife Zhu Mei asked on the phone.

"Not yet. I've encountered something here and I want to discuss it with you."

Later, Daolang told Zhu Mei about today's meeting with Jiang Peian on the phone.

Zhu Mei was silent for a while after listening, and then said:

"Husband, just do whatever you want. My baby and I support you."

Hearing his wife's words, Daolang nodded, then put out his cigarette, hung up the phone and called Jiang Peian.

"Mr. Jiang, let's sign the contract tomorrow."


It’s not surprising that Dao Lang joined Jiang Pei’an. Dao Lang is still a bit persistent in music.

It’s not that he doesn’t care about money, it’s just that he chose a balance between money and music.

You have to sing songs, and you have to make money.

Therefore, other companies can either give him money, but cannot provide him with the conditions for music creation.

Or I can help him write songs and create music, but I have no money.

And Jiang Pei'an's advantages are very obvious. In terms of song writing, he can create Zhou Peng, a singer who is popular throughout Asia.

There are also songs like "Gong Xi Fa Cai" and "Where Has the Time Gone" that are as popular as "2002".

What's even more winning over people's hearts is that he has money.

The offer is 50 yuan as settling-in allowance, so it’s a lie that people won’t be tempted.

Therefore, Daolang's joining was within Jiang Peian's expectation.

"Finally it's solved, the next step is to rest..."

"Ding ding ding."

Jiang Pei'an stretched, but before he finished speaking, the office phone rang.

"Mr. Jiang, my parents are here..." (End of Chapter)

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