I'm not just a director

Chapter 387 People from KBS are here too!

With Jiang Peian's guarantee, people from the other seven TV stations felt happy and regretful.

Of course, I am happy that there is a new TV series that can set a ratings record.

The regret is naturally that I didn't seize the opportunity. If I had gritted my teeth and taken a gamble, maybe the results would be different now.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. Even if they regret it, there is no way back.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to remedy everything. Isn't it just the auction of drama series? There is still a chance...

After Jiang Peian finished speaking, he smiled and said:

"Then I won't disturb the leaders' rest. The hotel accommodation has been arranged. Everyone should rest first."

"Thank you Director Jiang for telling us so much, thank you for your hard work."

Several people said goodbye with a smile.

Although Jiang Pei'an did not reveal any important information this time, he also conveyed a very important message to the outside world.

That is, the competition for "Sword and Sword 1" will definitely be more intense than that of "Star You".

This is also human nature, and we have our first high-quality TV series as a foundation.

Later, they increased capital investment and launched such a big battle, and then sold it at a lower price than the previous one?

There is no reason!

The fierce competition is a very profitable business for Jiang Peian, who is in a seller's market.

But it may not be a good thing for TV stations, which means they have to spend more money.

Some of the TV stations that are not financially well-off are already giving up...

When Jiang Peian went back, he suddenly received a call from Su Qing.

"Mr. Jiang, people from South Korea's KBS Broadcasting Company have arrived early."

Jiang Peian wondered:

"Didn't you say they won't arrive until tomorrow afternoon?"

"I heard that one of their leaders wanted to visit our Great Wall, so he came one day early."

Hearing this, Jiang Pei'an smiled. Koreans probably have this peeing habit.

Don’t wait until the time comes to see the majesty of the Great Wall. If you go back and spread rumors again, the Great Wall will become the property of the Republic of Korea.

Don't think this is a joke. When mentioning Korea, in addition to "Korean dramas" and "Korean Wave", more people think of "the whole world is Korean."

This impression has been around for a long time, from South Korea’s declaration of World Heritage as the Dragon Boat Festival to the legend that Confucius was Korean.

When it comes to applying movable type printing to the World Heritage List, it seems that Koreans particularly like to apply Chinese history and traditional culture to themselves.

Therefore, labels such as "Everything is said to be Korean" have been deeply imprinted in the hearts of Chinese people.

For any news related to South Korea, there are always comments saying, "Stop talking about it, be careful they say...it's theirs."

Today's Chinese and Korean cultures are similar but different, and they have influenced each other in their historical development.

Korean culture has its own characteristics and does not belong to the current "Chinese culture", but it is inseparable from it.

Take traditional festivals as an example. South Korea’s three major festivals are Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. The times of the three festivals are also calculated according to the lunar calendar, which is exactly the same as the three Chinese festivals.

However, there are many differences in the customs of the three festivals between the two countries. For example, the Dragon Boat Festival is divided into several parts in South Korea.

They are the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival in South Korea, the Dragon Boat Festival in China, the Dragon Boat Festival in Japan, etc.

It also shows that the Dragon Boat Festival in China, Japan and Korea all have the same origin. In ancient times, the fifth month of the lunar calendar was rainy and sickly.

This festival is held to pray for a safe passage through May.

Korean Dragon Boat Festival customs are similar to those in China. For example, they also pick mugwort leaves and make incense.

But there are also many differences. During the Dragon Boat Festival, men will compete in wrestling to judge the "strongest man in the world", and women will perform swing dancing together.

Unlike the Chinese people who like to gather together to eat rice dumplings and race dragon boats to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, South Korea pays more attention to sacrifices on this day.

Koreans know in their hearts that they are inseparable from China in many aspects, so they want to get rid of the shackles of China.

Ever since King Sejong invented "Hangul", the determination to "de-Sinicize" has taken root in the hearts of South Koreans.

Nowadays, Chinese characters are used less and less frequently in South Korea, and the relationship between Chinese and Korean cultures is downplayed in history books.

The most obvious manifestation is that the capital of South Korea was named "Seoul" in 1948, which means capital in Korean.

But the corresponding Chinese character translation is Seoul. In order to show that it has no relationship with "Han", the Korean government announced in 2005 that "the Chinese translation was changed to the transliteration "Seoul".

Such national self-confidence and awareness of "de-Sinicization" have caused them to actively and passively alienate the relationship between Korean culture and Chinese culture.

For example, "Korean medicine" is a very popular way of maintaining health and treating diseases among Koreans.

But in fact, it is "Hanyao" (Han and Han have the same word in Korean), that is, traditional Chinese medicine.

It's just that too many people don't want to admit it, so it gradually spreads into Korean medicine.

Later, South Korea applied for "TCM" to be a World Heritage Site, but this is obviously impossible.

What they successfully applied for was just the book "Donguibojian" written by their country based on the theory of Chinese medicine...

Just this year, South Korea successfully applied for the "Gangneung Dragon Boat Festival" as a cultural heritage and was selected into the "Representative List of World Human Intangible Cultural Heritage".

This move aroused heated discussion and rebuttal in China.

In fact, the "Gangneung Dragon Boat Festival" only included the region's special sacrificial activities on the intangible cultural heritage list, rather than "occupying" the Dragon Boat Festival...

The relationship between Jiang Pei'an and KBS started when "Star You" was released last year.

At that time, "Star You" was a hit in China, and soon it was purchased and screened by copyright owners in Japan, South Korea and other places.

The screening in South Korea was broadcast by KBS.

Due to the good cooperation last time and the excellent performance of "Star You" in Korea, KBS organized personnel to come over this time to exchange and learn.

KBS TV station is still very influential in South Korea. It is equivalent to China's CCTV and is the largest state-owned TV station in South Korea.

It is also the oldest national television station in South Korea.

There are two channels, of which KBS 1 focuses on news, while KBS 2 focuses on entertainment and comprehensive programs.

His representative works are a series of tear-jerking TV series such as "Winter Sonata", "Summer Scent" and "Blue Life and Death".

Because he photographed local scenery on the spot, he also made great contributions to South Korea’s tourism revenue generation.

"Okay, I understand. Have their places been arranged?"

Jiang Peian asked with a smile.

"Because we arrived one day earlier than agreed, they insisted on settling the accommodation and meals themselves. They just wanted to say hello to us. The specific arrangement will be discussed tomorrow afternoon."

Su Qing said on the phone.

"Well, let them do whatever they want..."

Jiang Peian paused for a moment, then seemed to remember something, and he said slowly:

"Su Qing, if they haven't left for the Great Wall yet, can you invite them to the company? Just say that we have a movie viewing party here and would like to invite them to come and have a chat."

After hearing Jiang Peian's words, Su Qing thought for a while and said:

"let me try."

"it is good."

Not long after Jiang Peian hung up the phone, Su Qing called back.

"Mr. Jiang, they said yes, then I will arrange for them to come over later?" "No, let them rest for a while first, and then take them to the venue at two o'clock in the afternoon."

"it is good."


In the afternoon, the theater inside Spark Entertainment became lively again.

Although Jiang Pei'an gave everyone an hour's rest, judging from the state of these people at the scene, it seemed that they did not have a good rest.

There are even people who are constantly using their mobile phones to send text messages, with worried looks on their faces.

It was said to be a rest, but not many people could fall asleep.

The quality of "Sword and Sword 1" is there, and there are so many competitors at the scene. It's no wonder that everyone can't sleep.

Not long after, everyone in the theater was seated and ready to continue watching the movie.

Jiang Peian walked to the stage with the microphone in hand. He glanced slightly at the audience and said with a smile:

"I took a look just now. Fortunately, there are no shortage of people, haha."

Hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, many people smiled knowingly.

Only the representative of Sichuan Shutai looked dark.

Your mother, you can’t get past this article, right?

Jiang Peian smiled and waved his hand and said:

“Not only are there no fewer people this afternoon, we also have some very important friends.

When they heard that we were organizing a movie viewing party here, they traveled across the ocean to come over to communicate.

Let’s welcome Ministers Lee Jae-hee and Kang Jae-hwan of Korea’s KBS Broadcasting Agency, as well as Chief Han Sung-myung and writer Kim Eun-seo..."

After hearing Jiang Pei'an's words, everyone in the audience applauded, and at the same time there was a big question mark in their hearts.


What are they here for?

Are you here to auction and buy copyrights too?

Jiang Pei'an's words were naturally spoken by a Korean translator. After hearing this, the people at KBS felt very comfortable.

I didn't expect that my group would be welcomed by so many people during their sudden visit.

Especially the only woman in South Korea, the writer named Jin Eun-soo, could not stop showing admiration in her eyes.

Of course Jiang Pei'an also noticed this young woman with flowers.

Compared with her appearance, Jiang Peian is more concerned about her future achievements.

In the Korean drama circle, Kim Eun-soo can be said to be a god-like existence.

Any of her works are big hits:

"A Gentleman's Dignity", "The Heirs", "Goblin", "Descendants of the Sun", "Mr. Sunshine"...

Jin Eun-soo's pen can write about the sweet but not greasy Mary Sue, and he can also write about the heroine who is reborn after death.

And all the nutrients for her creations actually come from her counterattack life of climbing up from the bottom step by step.

Anyone who has read Jin Enshu's works is amazed by her ability to describe poverty.

That's because she was really poor.

Kim Eun-seo was born in a poor family in rural South Korea. His father died young, and his mother earned a meager salary by washing dishes, raising three children as they grew up.

As the eldest daughter, Kim Eun-soo dropped out of high school in order to take care of her mother's worries and worked as a clerk in a furniture factory.

But despite the hardships of life, she still dreams passionately about literature.

Every time he gets paid, the first thing Jin Enshu does is go to the small bookstore next to the factory to rent books.

While immersed in reading, she made a "spiritual friendship" with her idol Shin Kyung-sook.

Shin Kyung-sook is a famous Korean female writer with plain writing and moving narratives.

Kim Eun-soo, who fell in love with Shin Kyung-sook's writing, has dreamed of getting into her idol's alma mater ever since:

Seoul University of the Arts.

After seven years of wasting time in a furniture factory, 7-year-old Kim Eun-soo finally decided to quit her job and go to Seoul to concentrate on preparing for the exam.

At an age when his peers had already graduated from college, Jin Enshu finally got the chance to take the exam.

After two failures, Kim Eun-soo successfully entered college at the age of 27.

During that period, Jin Enshu's life was extremely difficult and he rented the cheapest basement.

I spent the night coding in an Internet cafe, and when I was most strapped for money, I could eat a bag of shrimp crackers for three days.

After graduation, the situation was still bad. The scripts she wrote were not recognized, and her submissions to newspapers failed to come to fruition. She finally found her first job.

In order to save money, she rented out the basement and moved directly into the office.

This kind of life experience made her write her famous work:

"Lovers in Paris".

The heroine Tayla, a poor international student who works multiple jobs for living expenses, is full of Kim Eun-soo's own shadow.

In 2004, the most popular TV series in South Korea was called "Dae Jang Geum", which won the annual ratings championship with an average ratings of 47.8%.

When "Dae Jang Geum" was aired at the same time, the runner-up in ratings that year was Kim Eun-soo's "Lovers in Paris."

Kim Eun-soo also successfully "escaped poverty" with this work...

It was precisely because of the popularity of "Lovers in Paris" last year that she had the opportunity to come to China to study with people from KBS.

However, it is obvious that she pays far less attention to the TV series than to Jiang Peian himself.

Ever since she learned that the screenwriter of the TV series "Star You" was a young Chinese, she had been full of curiosity about it.

Later, after looking up relevant information about Jiang Pei'an, she became even more surprised.

Who is this person, and how can he be so outstanding?

Not only is he a film director and screenwriter, he is also a singer, musician, and actor.

And this person, like her, came up from the bottom, and they also chose the path of film and television.

But obviously, this Chinese director, who is younger than himself, has better results than himself.

While I was still feeling complacent about the success of "Lovers in Paris", the other party had already become a major director with several films that have exceeded 100 million in box office.

A very inspiring and legendary life.

But Jin Enshu never doubted Jiang Peian's outrageous resume.

Because she also climbed up step by step from the bottom...

Seeing the Korean woman staring at him, Jiang Peian smiled at her and then arranged the seats for several people.

The movie viewing will last until 7:30 pm.

When it was almost over, many people had already left their seats and were smoking and talking on the phone in the corridor outside.

"Wang Tai, I'm in the capital. I'm already watching this TV series from Spark Entertainment. You can buy it!"

"Hey, Director Wang, you can buy "Sword of Sword 1", but the price may be a bit expensive..."

"I understand, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jiang Pei'an also walked from behind the scenes to the stage, and announced with a smile:

"I've wasted everyone's time. Dinner is ready. I won't go into details. We'll talk about it after everyone has finished eating."

Under the leadership of Jiang Pei'an, the group rushed to the hotel where they were dining, and the KBS group naturally followed closely... (End of Chapter)

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