I am immortal.

Chapter 499: Antarctic murderous intention, Fuxi finally appears!

Chapter 499: Antarctic murderous intention, Fuxi finally appears!
It's been a long time since we've been apart.

The time of separation was long enough for the human race to multiply and grow, for the human kingdom to gather into a tower, and then disappear; for so long that countless gods and heroes appeared in the waves of the times, and then disappeared because of it, but Emperor Wa's question to Fuxi was not a question, just a sentence He asked with a casual tone and a smile.

It was as if they had always been here, as if Fuxi had just gone out, walked around holding this umbrella and then came back. There was no difference and nothing worth talking about.

Taoist Ran Deng watched Fu Xi come here, then stood up and moved away from his seat, and the man in green shirt sat down.

After Qi Wuhuo cut the melons and fruits that had been chilled with well water, placed them on a white ceramic plate, and placed them on the table outside, he got up and made tea again. After all, what he had here was not something from the fairy family. After steeping the tea for a few times, it has inevitably become much weaker and tastes worse.

When the Taoist put the Pu'er tea into the tea set, he paused.

Behind him, a figure appeared quietly at the door. The man in a green shirt had his arms around him, leaning on the door, looking at the sun that was slowly setting. Behind the man in a green shirt, there was a figure on his back. Facing his Taoist, he slowly put the tea leaves back into the original small jar.

"Awa's consciousness has not returned, has it?"

Fuxi spoke.

Qi Wuhuo told Fuxi what he had done and what he had inferred. The latter was quiet for a while and said, "Well done. Wa's soul is in the inner world of Taiyi, but her true body is under the sea of ​​blood. Yu Chen is taking care of her, but she is not free, but she is safe. Now you use the method of incarnation to lure her out, so that she can see the outside, it is enough..."

The man in green shirt said: "I should thank you."

Qi Wuhuo said, "I'm not doing this for you."

Fuxi smiled and said in a gentle and casual tone: "Of course I know, but you don't need to worry about me thanking you."

"Wa's divine will is powerful, but if she returns directly to the human world, she will be somewhat unaccustomed to it. Contacting the outside world step by step through the incarnation method like this may be a better way than letting all her consciousness return directly. …”

"After that, when the human luck is strong enough, it will be enough to rescue her completely."

"I prepared a gift for you before, but now it seems that this gift is no longer qualified and can no longer be given. I will give you something else later, which should be of great use to you in the future."

"Of course, just borrowing it."

"The cause and effect is too heavy. If I give it to you directly, I'm afraid you will die violently."

The man in blue shirt smiled and said something creepy.

As a member of the Qing Dynasty who stands at the top of the entire world, this sentence is by no means a simple deterrent. Qi Wuzhuo has reached this point in his cultivation and naturally knows that some things cannot be taken or touched at will. Otherwise, it is There is a real danger of death.

The Taoist placed the teapot and several washed tea cups on a tray.

Then I carried the tray to Emperor Wa. Emperor Wa was sitting on the steps on one side, wearing stockings, stepping lightly on the grass at this time of year, feeling itchy, holding his chin with his hands, quietly watching the world of mortals. Go, it seems you can never get tired of looking at her. There is an indescribable divinity on her face, but people can't help but want to get close to her.

The children who were walking past saw the beautiful woman who couldn't even think of any blasphemy. They couldn't help but slow down their steps and hesitate, unwilling to leave here and go back home.

Emperor Wa smiled and waved to them.

The children became shy and dispersed.

The blue-shirted scribe asked: "What are you looking at?"

"Looking at the scenery."

Emperor Wa replied softly.

"Looking at the 'landscape' I've been thinking about for a long time."

"It's really beautiful."

She looked at the people coming and going, her eyes reflecting the extremely beautiful brilliance.

Qi Wuhuo put the tea on the steps on one side. There were flowers, the richest shade at the end of midsummer, the light and clouds at sunset, people returning home, snacks, and scribes in blue shirts. I felt dazed for a moment, and had the illusion that the present was still in the past, several catastrophes ago.

Until I opened my slightly narrowed eyes, I saw the lines on the sleeves and robes, and heard the voices spoken by outsiders. Modern writing is still very similar to that of the past. At least it can be regarded as the same strain, but the speaking voices are completely different. , the ancients were determined not to understand their words until now.

The sky is still like this, and the earth is still like this. Only these changes as small as words can tell this ancient god the torrent and changes of time.

It was like a blink of an eye, and we were already here.

He chuckled under his breath.

There seemed to be some kind of decision made in his eyes.


The talent of the medieval human race? !

The Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord looked at the golden words on the [Simming Heavenly Book]. Even the Lord of the Thunder Department felt a faint numbness in his scalp and a chill in his spine at this time. He I am so familiar with the Antarctic Immortal Emperor that I know what he is thinking at this time and what he will do next.

If we say that Qi Wuhuo in the eyes of the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor was just a talented and decisive person who could turn Taoism into a Taoist school, take the hearts of the people of the world as his home, and spread the Dharma to all living things; but he was limited to the talent and determination of the human race. Basically, the words of a character who is respectable but even more pathetic.

So, now this sudden transformation and sudden jump in human talent is like completing the last shortcoming of Qi Wuhuo's way. A talent foundation has jumped to [As long as you are taught and trained, it is natural to step into the path of cultivation. Things] This level of race.

They are numerous in number, have excellent reproductive capabilities, and have Taoist disciples who personally teach Taoism.

Even though it is still impossible to live forever forever, it has also extended the longevity, making the average life span jump directly from less than 50 years to more than [-] years old, opening up one's wisdom and clarifying one's heart.

And the most important thing is.

The way of Taoism lies in knowing the mind.

Those who understand the sense of Qi from Taoism will be closer to Taoism's carefree nature, and when people's wisdom is opened, they will more recognize the existence of "I". Since you seek a pure self, how can you recognize the Antarctic Immortal Emperor? Through endless reincarnations, the road that leads infinitely to the ultimate eternal life?
This is the enemy.

The Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord felt the murderous intention of the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor. After that murderous intention reached the extreme, it became softer, with a calm expression. Looking at the world, the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Universal Transformation Heavenly Lord sank. The voice said: "Emperor, please think twice."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor lowered his gaze and looked at him.

Thunder Universal Heavenly Lord was silent for a moment, and said: "Even one person's talent cannot be improved in one breath, let alone an entire ethnic group. Ordinary Taoism, magical powers, and wonderful techniques cannot do this. Level, even with my knowledge and thinking, there is only one possibility that could lead to this happening."

He raised his head, looked at the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, and slowly uttered two words:
"Emperor Wa."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said: "I know."

The sound of thunder caused the Heavenly Lord to stagnate.

Emperor Wa had a good relationship with many deities and emperors in the heaven, and he was even a good friend with Zhu Ling. However, because of Emperor Wa's many deeds in the past, the gods in the heaven were not willing to conflict with Emperor Wa. The Antarctic Changsheng Emperor Said: "Wa has appeared, and the sound of thunder has spread. I ask you, if a person who follows the way of doing good encounters an evil person, should he be killed?"

Thunderous Universal Heavenly Lord replied: "Since you are doing good, you should naturally kill evil, so you should kill it."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said: "What if this evildoer is that person's friend?"

The thunderous sound of the Heavenly Lord said: "If you seek enlightenment, you should kill him."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said again: "What if this is an evil person or a close relative?"

The sound of thunder made the Heavenly Lord speechless.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said: "The great road is ruthless, and there is no good or evil. It is just that the winner does good. And the so-called good and evil are just what each other insists on, and they are all what each other wants. For the sake of the word "good", it is But taking action against friends is just because [goodness] carries more weight."

"Goodness is the Tao, and the Tao is attachment. Without attachment, it is not enough to be the Tao."

His tone became calm and solemn: "Those who stand in my way."

"Nothing is unkillable!"

"If you don't even have this awareness, you are not the Tao!"

With his five fingers clasped together, endless thunder roared and ran, crisscrossing the Antarctic sky in an instant. His gaze dropped, and his eyes were vast and thick. At first, he just thought that the Taoist was an interesting junior. Later, he discovered that in the distant future, he could Become your own Taoist friend.

After the recruitment failed, he still did not take the initiative to deal with the other party. He just smiled and felt regretful.

Until the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism, the two sides faced each other for the first time.

That Taoist destroyed his Buddhist incarnation.Until this Taoist had lofty ambitions, even more than he expected!

For the first time, murderous intent finally arose in his heart. This murderous intent was finally suppressed because of the weak foundation of the human race and a letter from the Supreme Being. Now, with the greatness of the human race and the return of Emperor Wa, it can be expected , the talent base of the human race will be improved again.

So the killing intent could no longer be contained.

Taking action now will arouse the hostility of Arctic Emperor Ziwei and the Supreme Being;

However, the way he is walking is originally contrary to the two of them. There will eventually be a battle in the future. This is no longer a choice of intensifying the conflict immediately, but a choice of competing with the Arctic Taishang now, or facing a ceiling in the future. It may also involve Yu's decision of Qi Wuhuo to join the opponent's lineup.

Same as before.

This is not a decision that requires hesitation.

Giving up the opportunity to eliminate the opponent for the sake of the so-called dignity of his predecessors was actually a great arrogance in the eyes of the Antarctic Emperor.

And this kind of arrogance is a kind of poison. In the long life of the Antarctic Emperor, he has seen that countless strong men have fallen because of these things, and they can be wiped away by opponents with a lift of their fingers; and It seems that these juniors who defeated their predecessors did not learn their lesson and fell to those who came after them in the same way.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor burst out with the power of Yu in an instant!

Thunder filled the entire world in an instant, and then when other strong men in the same realm did not expect it, they directly waved a move that reached the ultimate level of [Yu]. With this move, even Xuandu, Tian Even a great emperor like Peng who stands at the pinnacle of greatness would be instantly obliterated.

Under the Qing Dynasty, everyone is an ant.

Don't leave any chance to the enemy!
Even if you are facing a weak True Lord, you must go all out!

"Farewell, fellow Taoist!"

In an instant, the lightning flashed across the sky, with unparalleled violence. It broke through the starlight and all obstacles that had not expected Antarctica to be so decisive. It roared down and blasted towards the Taoist's opportunity. The thunder was originally extremely fast and powerful, and Antarctica controlled the power of immortality. The Immortal Emperor also possesses the violent ability of Thunder.

There are already endless starlight bursts.

The Supreme Being lifted up the whisk, but paused again.

A trace of extremely complicated emotions seemed to appear on his face, and he finally sighed and took back the whisk.

The thickest thunder among them was enough to wipe out everything in the human capital in an instant, blasting a huge hole in the fate of the human race. However, at this time, it stagnated in the void, and the condensed incomparable thunder never escaped. They spread out and there was no bombardment, but it was amazing that nothing in the human world had noticed this.

Everything seemed to freeze.

People were laughing, walking, running, their movements paused, like a painting.

The red sun stopped at the horizon and never set again. The scribe in blue raised his palm and spread his fingers slightly. Then the thunder was caught, and the five fingers were clasped together. Along with the continuous sound, The Antarctic Immortal Emperor's move was extremely standard. The [Yu Qing] level thunder bombardment was crushed and turned into a stream of light to escape.

The blue-shirted scribe looked dull.

When doing this move, it is almost instinctive.

And because his own foundation was seriously broken, the green-shirted scribe who had always restrained his energy, after making the move, under the aftermath of a confrontation at this level, the method of concealing his energy finally started to ripple, and finally Broken.

A quiet, sad, yet majestic aura rose up peacefully.

Then, extremely huge waves and waves were set off throughout the six realms.

"This is!!!"

In heaven, the Jade Emperor raised his eyes.

He stood up and raised his weapon, Haotian's foundation surged almost instinctively.

That was an absolute killer.

"It's the real body!"

The Arctic Ziwei Emperor, who originally planned to intercept the Changsheng Emperor, had murderous intent in his eyes.

The stars in the sky were densely packed, tightly focused on the blue-shirted scribe.

The man in green shirt withdrew his palm, and the shattered thunder fragments scattered. Qi Wuhuo's expression changed faintly. He knew the bad reputation of the man in green shirt in front of him, and he also knew that when his aura really appeared in this What consequences will there be between heaven and earth?

Emperor Wa looked at his brother, seemingly in a daze, and then said hurriedly:

"Brother, what did you do next?"

"Why would everyone..."

"I didn't do anything..."

"I've just been waiting for you."

The man in green shirt stretched out his hand and touched Emperor Wa's head, pinned a flower on her temple, and suddenly patted her shoulder gently. The incarnation of Emperor Wa lay down behind her, but she fell into a deep sleep. The man in green shirt looked at her gently, calmly raised his hand, caught a thunderbolt that struck down, and crushed it at will.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor appeared in the sky and said slowly:
"When it is down, it is suppressed; Xi is the great sun, and the great sun turns into years..."

"Oh it's you."

"It's just that, as ruthless as you are, you actually take the initiative..."

In the sight of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, a stream of energy rose up from the entire human world. This aura resisted the thunder that originally scattered and fell on the human world, and melted away all the thunder. The man in green shirt looked calm.

The yin and yang of Taichu were transformed into snakes. He was originally the most cold and indifferent existence, with no emotional ripples.

To him, the human race was just a burden and not worth caring about.

"But even if I say I don't care about anything."

"But you can protect the world you care about."

He looked at Emperor Wa's face with a gentle expression, and stretched out his fingers to tidy up the broken hair at her temples behind her ears.

He said to the man: "Protect her."

Then he turned around and climbed up to the sky step by step.

He is afraid of death.

But I am not afraid of the state of [death].

He was afraid that if he died, no one would protect Emperor Wa; he was afraid that if he died, Emperor Wa would not be remembered and would not be able to return.

So he is afraid.

But now, there are signs of Wa's return, but he is no longer afraid when someone takes action against the fate of humanity.

The majestic Qi rose, turning the thunder that originally fell everywhere in the human world. Under Yu's wrath, he protected this world, instead of just protecting his own place as in the past, the Qi machine rose in the void, stretching It melted away and turned into a sleeved robe that swayed in the wind. The black hair fell down, the outline of the face became soft, and there was a trace of gold between the eyebrows.

The sleeves and robe are extremely long, blowing with the wind, like the spreading clouds, under the setting sun, above the human world.

Withstand the thunder.

Cover the human world.

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor's attacks on the human world were all intercepted.

Emperor Xi is now alive.

"Immortal, do you want to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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