I am immortal.

Chapter 500: I, Fuxi, invite the world to fight!

Chapter 500: I, Fuxi, invite the world to fight!
Fuxi's true body appeared in the world. Qi Wuhuo supported the fainted Emperor Wa and stood in the human world where time seemed to have frozen. He watched Fuxi, who showed an incomparable grace and divine calmness, facing the unparalleled situation in the sky. Thunder.

Qi Wuhuo stared at Fuxi.

I am somewhat worried about the ancestor god of the human race.

Although it is said that Fuxi was one of the Three Pure and Four Imperial Guards in the past, and he was a high-ranking [Ji] among the imperial guards. He could control the avenues and do whatever he wanted, but now that he has returned, it is obvious that he does not have such strength. With a seriously injured body, he faces Facing the Antarctic Immortal Emperor of the same level, it was a bit reluctant to begin with, not to mention the covenant between the gods in heaven——

When Fuxi appears, we should join forces to kill him!
what are you doing? !

Qi Wuhuo felt full of confusion in his heart.

Why did Fuxi appear and why did he take the initiative to reveal his true identity?
But this question seemed to have an answer in the next moment. Emperor Wa's consciousness was briefly sent back to the original realm of Taiyi by Fuxi, and her incarnation lay down softly. Qi Wuhu supported Empress Wa's shoulders, She was sleeping now, her face was soft, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, with anxiety.

Life and death are the greatest values.

But there is always something beyond life and death.

Endless blue-purple thunder surrounds the sky and shines on the three thousand worlds. The true form of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor is revealed here, holding a sword in his hand. The [Simming Heavenly Book], which represents the destiny and talent of all sentient beings, glows with a faint blue color. The jade light was floating beside Him.

The golden words rise and fall on the [Simming Heavenly Book] one by one, floating and flowing, exuding boundless, powerful and mysterious power.

The eyes of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor swept across Fuxi, and there seemed to be endless thunder in his eyes.

Incomparably strong vitality and unparalleled silence, two completely different forces surrounding him, existing at the same time, are life and death, yin and yang, he said coldly:
"Fuxi, you have been hiding for so long, why don't you stop hiding now?"

Fuxi looked lazy, spread his hands, and said: "Hide? I have never hid, but you are just too stupid. I have been hanging around under your noses for so long, and you didn't even think about it. It's really stupid enough to be able to find me."

"As for why I'm here today?"

"I'm here just because your death has arrived..."

"I'll just take you in."

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor said loudly: "I must live forever. If you can make me die, then you will point out the loopholes in my path. I should thank you..."

"But, can you do it now?"

In the words of the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, some thunders that could not directly override the 36 Divine Sky Thunder roared down and pointed directly at Fuxi. The power of this attack was extremely powerful and terrifying, just like time and space. They were all pierced, and the moment they realized this thunderbolt, it had already fallen in front of them.

Qi Wuhuo felt a chill rising from his back.

He was completely unable to resist this move, nor could he avoid it.

There is no doubt that this is an attack based on the existence at the top of the world. This thunder is not even a simple destruction of high temperature and violent vitality, but directly cuts off the past, present and future, and the vitality at all time levels, and then wipes out the vitality. way, erasing life from the lowest concept.

This violent thunderbolt stopped three feet in front of Fuxi.

Then it was like a piece of ice falling on the ground, shattering directly and turning into countless powder and debris. It seemed that it had been weathered into ashes after countless long periods of time. Fuxi didn't even move.

Analyze and then crush it.

If all things and all methods are the application of the Dao, and the most basic part of the Dao is that there is no good or evil, it can neither be harmed nor cured, as long as it is dismantled into this most basic part at the moment of the thunder. Just the basics.

This is the crudest and simplest way to crack all the methods.

The upper limit is even extremely high. In theory, even Daozu's attacks can be dismantled in this way.

But it also places the highest demands on users.

In the whole world, he is the only one who can do it.

The corner of Fuxi's mouth slightly raised, he raised his finger and pointed a point in front. In an instant, countless brilliant streams of light were born on his fingertips. From Liangyi, they began to spread outwards, Liangyi, Four Symbols, Bagua, and even thousands of Tens of thousands of strange gate formations are based on the dismantling of all things, regaining control of the avenue of this world, and immediately imprinting their own rules on the avenue.

Five fingers clasped together.

The whole world began to collapse towards one point, countless vitality collapsed towards the inside, and finally fell directly into annihilation. A huge sound wave exploded, and the brilliant glow spread in all directions in an extremely domineering way, seeming to annihilate everything, shattering the earth. Water, wind, and fire recreated the original scene from ancient times; and the next moment, a bolt of thunder crashed down.

The thunder split the yin and yang into pieces and immobilized all dharmas.

Then it hit Fuxi.

The power exploded, and tiny debris spread out around the thunder, and the light illuminated everything.

This power, which was enough to kill the emperor, was swept away by Fuxi with one sleeve.

Divination again.

It is not a divination. A divination means that a certain thing has already happened or is about to happen, and the divination person has used various means to get a glimpse of this thing happening. Fuxi, on the other hand, first settled on a certain hexagram at will, and then used it to This hexagram serves as the fulcrum, allowing the whole world to dance with my heart.

This is - [Yu]

The difference between using rules and making rules.

Qing is beyond the rules.

Sanqing will neither make rules nor be bound by many rules.

It is the [[-]] that completes this book.

At this moment, the two [Royals] were fighting in the sky. The two sides seemed to have grievances that were absolutely unavoidable and unspeakable. After a few moves in the exchange, all kinds of magical powers were unleashed. They were all going all out, running with murderous intent. The idea of ​​leaving the other party here completely came from!

The Antarctic Immortal Emperor directly cuts off the vitality of thunder, and Fu Xi controls the rules at will.

This is completely different from the fighting style at the Imperial Realm or even the Great Grade level.

Taoist Ran Deng looked dazzled and didn't know what to say for a moment. Although Buddhism has a long history, there has never been a powerful person at this level. However, he soon discovered that the young Taoist next to him looked tense. He really couldn't be said to be relaxed, so he asked, "Fellow Taoist Wuhuo, you seem to be worried."


"Forgive me for being poor... I am ignorant and stupid. Looking at it now, the emperor Fuxi Tianzun took action calmly and did not fall behind. What are you worried about?"

Qi Wuhuo replied: "...But he doesn't have the absolute upper hand."

At this moment, the fight between the two imperial guards was so intense that Taoist Ran Deng could hardly understand. The Taoist's eyes were unconsciously burning with strands of golden flames, and his pupils changed rapidly, more or less still. You can glimpse slight changes and capture the traces and tracks of the battle.

Just like Qi Wuhuo said.

No matter whether Fu Xi is so powerful, even if he is in an extremely weak state and his foundation is damaged, he can check and balance with the Antarctic Immortal Emperor; or the Antarctic Immortal Emperor has no intention of using all his strength and has no intention of fighting Fu Xi to the death at this time. The result of the battle is the same——

Fuxi was restrained.

With his notoriety, as long as he doesn't win quickly, it's equivalent to being restrained. ,

Being restrained means being at a disadvantage. Qi Wuhuo looked at Fu Xi's calm expression. Although the doubts in his heart had some explanations, he still didn't understand. At this moment, on the sky, stars appeared one by one. It lit up. From here to there, and even to the edge of the distant and endless land, countless stars lit up.

Let all things be revealed and all colors become more vivid.

The stars lit up across the sky, and blue-purple thunder rushed across the six realms. The next moment, a magnificent and domineering sword energy fell from the sky. At this moment, it did not attack the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor or Fu Xi, but from One of them was chopped off, it was majestic and majestic, but when it fell into the world, it turned into pure starlight.

The first sword just shows that I have arrived here.

Immediately came the second sword.

Without any hesitation, with the murderous intention accumulated for several eons, with unparalleled unwillingness and anger, and with the determination of Arctic Ziwei Emperor, I slashed down at Fuxi, with the starlight as my sword edge, All things are my sharp edges. This heart and thought are incomparable!

Fuxi's analysis was obviously struggling, and he could not dismantle it into the most basic components of the avenue and then dissolve it like before. When the starlight was annihilated, golden blood spilled into the sky, and Fuxi's palm grasped He stopped the sword that accompanied Emperor Ziwei's conquests in all directions: "Emperor Ziwei..." Qi Wuhuo couldn't see the face of Emperor Ziwei, but his eyes were no longer as cold and silent as before. Instead, it was burning with some extremely intense emotions and feelings. Above the sword edge, the sword energy roared, instantly opening Fuxi's magical power, smashing the Eight Diagrams, suppressing Yin and Yang, the black robe swayed, and the body suppressed the arctic heavens. .

Above the sky, Doubu's immortals appeared faintly.

All members of the Arctic Exorcist Academy showed up.

The Zhoutian Star Formation used by Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole to suppress the sky has been directly activated.

Several catastrophes ago, Fuxi once used the mind of the Northern Emperor Taoist to guide him into the realm of death, thereby guiding the ruthless and silent Arctic Ziwei Emperor to take a step forward, from ruthlessness to extreme emotion, and finally set foot on It has reached the realm of [Extreme] above [Yu].

For this reason, Beidi must kill him!
Thunder rushed across the sky, and flames and the Milky Way also appeared immediately.

All the immortals from the heaven have arrived, and one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals are shaking the sky. The Jade Emperor mobilizes his own Haotian Kung Fu body with the same absolute murderous intention. No one can stop this murderous intention. That is what he has done countless times. The most basic and persistent determination to exist together with the rebirth of consciousness.

Ran Deng Taoist lost his mind.

"This, this is..."

Looking around, there are masters who can be named in the entire heaven, including the four gods of thunder, fire and plague, the Tianshu Academy led by the Great Heavenly Lord of Justice, the Great True Lord Tianpeng, the Arctic Exorcism Academy led by the Emperor Cangtian, and the Arctic Emperor Ziwei. , the Jade Emperor and the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, three powerful men of the same realm and level, appeared to take action against Fuxi——


It was clearly peaceful just now, but ever since the Antarctic Immortal Emperor swung down that blue-purple thunder light, in just a short moment, the intensity and level of the battle rose sharply. Once it was confirmed that it was Fuxi's true body that appeared here. , almost all the apparently strongest people in the world appeared.

In an instant, it was like a calamity was about to happen, and it was like returning to the ancient times of the First Tribulation Era and the Second Tribulation Era.

The majestic murderous intention was circulating in the air, as if he had returned directly to the twelfth lunar month of winter. When he breathed, his lungs felt like thorns of ice. When he saw the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, Qi Wuhuo's face was not bad. To maintain stability, when I saw Arctic Emperor Ziwei declaring himself with one sword and showing murderous intent with one sword, my heart sank further.

And when he saw Zhang Xiaoyu appearing in a way that was unfamiliar to him, and behind him were layers of clouds and gods in the heavens, Qi Wuhuo's heart sank completely.

If you look at this situation.

Fuxi must die.

More than three experts at this level!
The mysterious Antarctic Immortal Emperor possesses the strongest body ever, the Jade Emperor with the power of Emperor Haotian.

And after the death of Haotian, the Arctic Ziwei Emperor single-handedly suppressed the six realms and killed countless gods.

He didn't even know how Fuxi could survive.

With a character like Fuxi's, he must plan before taking action, and he must protect himself as soon as possible. Since he has done so many things, he must also know that once the person who did such things shows up, what will happen to him What kind of siege, so use your wisdom and your character.

Why did you choose to show up at this time?
Why did you choose this time to reveal your true identity?

Qi Wuhuo stared at Fuxi who was surrounded by layers of gods. Just by being inside, he could feel Fuxi's huge pressure and the desperate situation——

The most comprehensive and comprehensive successor to Haotian, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor with the strongest vitality and the strongest delaying ability.

And once they are delayed, they will inevitably face the most murderous Arctic Emperor Ziwei.

He looked at Fuxi's back, watching his long black hair floating slightly in the wind. Fuxi turned slightly sideways, with a soft-contoured face. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing sharp teeth and an arc, but his voice was suddenly in Qi Wu's voice. Confusion rang in my heart——

'Wa was betrayed, you know. '

'Not all immortals hope that the human race will rise, and not all of them hope that Wa can come back.'

Qi Wuhuo's expression paused. He looked at Fuxi's back. Fuxi's back was turned to him. The voice rose in Qi Wuhuo's heart: "Humans are a kind of short-lived life, but such a short-lived race" , but it can pass on knowledge from generation to generation, just like the scroll you showed Wa that records the changes in the clothing of your human race...'

'While I was waiting for the gods to take a nap, you have already traveled such a long distance. '

'I don't like humans, but now, I'm thinking that maybe I need to learn to understand you.'

'This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me and for you. '

'Watch carefully. '

A dull voice.

Fuxi is at the top and Qi Wuhuo is at the bottom.

'There are countless immortals and gods in the eternal sky, hiding in the dark, but they can't escape the cause and effect. '

'Each of them has their own methods, each has their own magical powers. The human race is in a darkness that does not know the front and rear, but there is a way to expose them all in front of you...'

'Tao of Taiyi, can you record them all? '

'Including Antarctic and Arctic fighting styles...'

There was an extremely arrogant look in Fuxi's eyes.


Qi Wuhuo's pupils shrank, he seemed to know what Fuxi was going to do.

The human race seems to be in a dark and lightless realm. There are countless enemies in the darkness, but now, Fuxi wants to pull out all these enemies and expose them to [Tai Yi], as if they are in a land covered everywhere. In the foggy map.

And Fuxi helped Qi Wuhuo and Renjian to illuminate all this layer of fog.

"Look well."

Fuxi whispered again. He raised his eyes and scanned the gods in front of him. He suddenly smiled. The yin and yang were unpredictable. They scanned the sky and the earth in just a moment. Then the cause and effect all lit up, pointing to the west. The sky outside the sky points to the depths of the sky at this moment, densely packed and countless.

All are enemies.

Fuxi laughed loudly: "There are still old friends. Since you are murderous, there is no need to hide."

He stretched out his hand, grabbed the cause and effect, grabbed everything calculated by the innate Bagua Divination, and suddenly pulled it outside.

Pieces of clouds exploded in the sky, and ancient figures were pulled by him and fell into the clouds.

The immortal is here, falling like rain!

The starlight of Emperor Ziwei of the North Pole fell, and the thunderbolts of the thunder, fire, and plague battle fell on that figure. The extremely domineering starlight fell, but it was analyzed and reconstructed by Fuxi in an instant. It was clearly a starlight that was brilliant, noisy, and full of murderous intent. , but in the next moment it turned into a brilliant sea of ​​flowers all over the sky, Fuxi's divine robe rolled up.

All strategies are essentially an exchange; exchanging greater advantages at a smaller cost.

A peaceful voice fell from the bottom of Qi Wuhuo's heart.

'Thank you very much. '

He said: "This time, let me be the Emperor Xi of your human race and light the way forward for you." '

Fuxi spread his arms. He looked at the countless immortals in front of him. The innate gossip was circulating, shaking the sky. Countless immortals coughed up blood and retreated: "Hide, hide, you ants!"

"Fuxi is here,"

"You wait—"

"Come up together!"

(End of this chapter)

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