Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 110 He Xia's Dream of Enjoying the Cool

Chapter 110 The Dream of Hexia Enjoying the Cool (Two in One)

"Teacher, this kind of thing can't be rushed. Let's ensure your health first. I'll continue. You go to rest first? The sun is so bright, let alone just doing experimental research, and it's the same when I send the seed samples back. "

The student continued to persuade the old man.

"It's so early in the morning, how can there be any sun? It's not hot at all! Back then, I could work in the fields for a day under the sun without wearing a hat..." The old man naturally began to recall the past.

The student wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought, "If you try to reproduce the feat of the past, I'm afraid you will be scolded to death..."

Of course, I dare not say it out loud. I can only make the old man happy with a very admiring gaze and cooperative modal particles such as "wow", combined with a natural micro-expression that is definitely not exaggerated. in this way.

To be able to follow the old man, who can be called a "national treasure" teacher, of course, has to be confessed in all aspects, and the students are already very proficient... Of course, this is also a respect from the heart.

An old man like this who has dedicated his life to a great thing is of course worthy of respect. Even if he has any requirements and desires, as long as he does not violate the law, it is only natural that he be satisfied.

While singing and singing, the student suddenly felt the phone vibrate in his trouser pocket. He took it out and looked up at the old man: "It's Director Liu's phone."

The old man's reminiscence of the past was interrupted, and he raised his hand unhappily, motioning for the student to connect.

"Hey, Director Liu, what's the matter... What? Leader, what leader, what kind of seed... Rice seeds that contain spiritual power???"

When the student was in a state of bewildered surprise when he heard Director Liu's words on the phone, he suddenly felt a rough but strong hand snatch the phone from him.

"Hey, what did you say?" the old man asked impatiently.

"Academician? The superior suddenly called to say that he had discovered a rice seed with spiritual power and was going to do an experiment with us. I wondered if you should come back to the office area..."

"Okay, okay, I'll go back right away! You kid has good news today, don't fool me!" the old man said excitedly.

"No, academician, we can't say that. I can't refuse the usual media interviews and symposiums, and it's good for funding applications..." Director Liu cried bitterly.

"Don't talk about that, I'll go back right away!" The old man didn't listen to what Director Liu was saying at all, he greeted the students with great interest and was about to leave.

"No need, we're already here."

The sudden sound startled the students and the old man who ran away and jumped. Looking in the direction of the sound, they saw a young man in casual clothes, refined and elegant, and a man in uniform with shoulders The upper epaulets indicate that a middle-aged man of no low status appeared there.

"Hello, academician, I am Han Wei, the deputy director of the Southeast Branch of the Anomaly Investigation Bureau, and I am now in charge of following up the matter of 'spiritual rice planting and cultivation'."

Han Wei recovered from the shock, and was in charge of greeting and introducing immediately, "This is Mr. Du Kang, the person who provided the spiritual rice seeds, and he is the one who brought me here...Because the matter needs to be kept secret, so We took a little bit of an idiosyncratic approach."

Han Wei's shock was naturally not because he saw the old man and the student... but because he saw the old man and the student in such a short period of time!
After Du Kang explained that he wanted to find a place to do the experiment, many bigwigs quickly gave the closest place where authoritative experts could make judgments——Xiangzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

With a distance of five to six hundred kilometers, from when he was about to send a special plane to when Du Kang said, "No need, I have a faster way to get on the road, just notify the other side to get ready", and then when Du Kang put his hand on Han Wei's shoulder and led him away Entering the ground, starting to move at high speed, and finally arriving at the target position now... It only takes 10 minutes!

Just 10 minutes, but an extremely long 10 minutes, even for the superiors in the teleconference room.

Although everyone had already speculated about Du Kang's actions last time... But in the final analysis, that time Du Kang arrived only one minute after the call, and there was no evidence that the previous Du Kang's location was at his home, and this time However, Du Kang actually brought Han Wei so far in such a short period of time!
Although, the fastest aircraft in the world, the North American X-15 rocket-powered test machine, once reached a top speed of Mach 6.72, and such aircraft as the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, Lockheed YF-12, Bell X- 2 Starbuster, XB-70 Valkyrie and other aircraft can also exceed Du Kang's speed...but those are in the air, while Du Kang is underground!
And whether it is turning or endurance, it is far beyond these aircraft!

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the situation permits, Du Kang can completely become a humanoid killer with a speed of Mach [-], fixed-point sniper killing, large-scale destruction, and built-in endurance, recovery, and non-detection functions.

As long as he is willing, with modern scientific and technological means, he can definitely end a war before it begins!
These inferences have been made before, but an experience can make people realize how terrifying this is.

Anyway, everyone can't think of any way to restrain Du Kang with scientific and technological means. The reconnaissance radius is hundreds of kilometers, the movement speed is guaranteed to be Mach [-], and he can freely shuttle in any medium (currently inferred)...even if it is a human being. The current ultimate weapon, the nuclear bomb, has no way of posing the slightest threat to it——

There are too many solutions that can be solved, such as detecting and leaving the explosion range in advance, and the very likely means of resisting the explosion of the nuclear bomb... and, even if the nuclear bomb is not detected before the detonation, it is completely possible at the time of the explosion. Breaking into the ground in an instant, a distance of more than 1000 meters in a second, separated by more than 1000 meters of soil, the explosion of an ordinary nuclear bomb may not even be heard.

It can only be said that everyone's thoughts at this time are highly consistent.

Fortunately, this is my own!

And, absolutely avoid angering him, even if it seems easy to talk at present, it is also very reasonable!

"A special way? Was that done by a senior monk just now? Is it teleportation or flash? I didn't even notice how you got here!" the student couldn't help but ask.

"Han Wei, Du Kang... Lingdao seeds?" The old man murmured, but he didn't care how Du Kang and Han Wei appeared and Han Wei's identity. His eyes were mainly focused on the cloth bag in Du Kang's hand.

"Yes, spiritual rice seeds." Du Kang smiled slightly, and raised the bag in his hand, "Academician, is there a suitable place to plant it? You can start testing it now."

"Okay!" The old man naturally wished for it. Du Kang's straightforward style was just right for him, and he pointed to a field next to him, "This is just... wait, how can I confirm your identities?"

Halfway through the old man's speech, he suddenly became vigilant again. After all, things like telephones can be forged, and Han Wei didn't show anything to prove his identity.

Han Wei took out the ID he was carrying with him and was about to hand it over when the old man waved his hand: "Don't give me that, I don't understand it, maybe it's fake..."

The smile on Han Wei's face froze, and he was about to take out his mobile phone to make a call to prove it, but was interrupted by Du Kang.

"It's okay, I'll bring the person in charge right now, he should be able to prove our identities." Du Kang said, his figure disappeared in a flash, and then appeared in a flash, but when he reappeared, there was another person beside him .

"Director Liu??!" the student exclaimed.

The old man also stared. Although he already knew about the recovery of spiritual energy, and had seen some proofs of people who had just stepped into the practice, he had never seen someone who had reached the level of Du Kang.

"You are called a magic spell. At that time, those who called a fire to get some water, I thought they were some kind of theater people." The old man sighed, "I didn't expect that you have practiced to such a degree in just a few days? "

"Actually, it's almost the same now..." Han Wei muttered in his heart, "Du Kang is a different kind, a different kind!"

"Where am I...?" Director Liu was the most confused. Just now he was holding the phone and muttering, "It said someone was coming, but they didn't say when they would come. Who knows when they will come? What's the call coming from the phone?" In the next second, the man left the air-conditioned office and appeared in the field.

If it weren't for the blue sky and bright sun, the scorching sun, and the old man and the students knew each other, Director Liu would probably suspect that it was a ghost hitting the wall.

After another explanation and politeness, Du Kang was ready to start the experiment.

Rice planting is divided into two types: live broadcasting and transplanting. The live broadcasting here is not the kind of live broadcasting of "watching live broadcasting", but the meaning of "directly sowing rice and sowing". After sowing, the rice fields are irrigated.

If managed well, the effect of direct seeding is better than that of transplanted rice seedlings-the seedlings grow directly in the rice field, without damage to the root system like conventional seedlings transplanted, and there is no regreening. The problem is uneven seedlings and weeds, but weeds Grass can be treated with herbicides, and experienced farmers can do it more evenly when sowing, or live broadcast by machine, basically there is no disadvantage.

Du Kang's choice is naturally live broadcast.

Regarding Du Kang's identity and what he was going to do, Han Wei had already explained clearly to the old man and others.Of course, it is not the identity of "the great power who may have lived for more than 600 years or even longer", but "a young man who has mastered powerful strength, has a spell that can promote the rapid maturation of rice, and discovered the rice that contains spiritual power". One point is approved by Dukang.

Up to now, Du Kang's identification of his own identity is still grown up in modern times. He has lived in his 20s and has not changed... At least, this point will not be changed easily until he finds conclusive evidence.

"The basic principle of the spell to speed up the germination, maturity, and ear formation of seeds is to promote the absorption of nutrients and spiritual power by the seeds themselves. This spell will achieve different effects based on the user's ability. If you master it proficiently , at least it can shorten the time for its full maturity by one-third or even more than half."

As Du Kang said, under his control, all the rice in the bag flew out, there was no need for a machine to sow seeds, and the grains were arranged in the most perfect posture in the air, flying to the sky above the field, and the whole It fell down neatly.

Just this scene made the elderly, students, and Director Liu stare wide-eyed.

Han Wei and the superiors in the conference room who observed this scene through the recorder were naturally in a calm mood...Compared with what they saw Du Kang did, this scene was really too childish.

Du Kang is still going on.

The spiritual power in his body had already been connected with the spiritual veins in the earth, and after receiving the endless support of spiritual power, a ball of green light emerged from his hand.

The green light is soft, like the tender green of grass and green leaves just sprouting, which is a manifestation of vigorous vitality.

Gradually, as if the green light really had vitality, it floated up into the sky, and then stretched continuously, becoming wider and covering the entire rice field that had just been broadcast live. Floating down on every grain of rice like mist!
The moment the green spiritual energy touched the rice, the rice had already begun to absorb the spiritual power and the nutrients in the earth, and began to change—that was a change visible to the naked eye. The first leaf broke through the coleoptile and appeared, and the young Roots grow quietly.

Then came the second leaf, and the third leaf... The secondary root grew rapidly, forming a permanent fibrous root system to replace the temporary radicle and seed root, and the leaf also visibly emerged from the water, almost It is growing at a rate of 1~2 centimeters per second!

Soon, at the seedling stage, tillering stage, jointing stage, panicle differentiation to booting stage, heading stage, flowering stage, milk ripening stage, wax ripening stage, and full ripening stage, in just two or three minutes, a large field will grow from the beginning A piece of water turned into a rice field full of mature rice that is as tall as a person.

That's right, these rice grains, which contain spiritual power, are fully 1.8 meters high when they grow to full maturity!The thick and plump ears of rice were half-hanging one after another, and even Chong Shang could vaguely see a layer of golden light.

And all of this, Du Kang only spent two or three minutes!

Han Wei's mind was full of question marks.

You said that proficiency can shorten the time by one-third or even half?

So what level are you at?
"This... these rice..."

The old man opened his mouth slightly, walked to the front step by step, stretched out his hand cautiously, until he really touched it, he seemed to confirm that it was real, and he was not watching a magic trick or some kind of blindfold.

Pulling down an ear of rice to check in front of his eyes, the old man's eyes were red with admiration and excited hands that could not be suppressed.

In the end, thousands of words turned into a sigh.

"He Xia enjoys the shade... He Xia enjoys the shade..."

PS: It's just a memory, no other intention
 Checked the body, nothing serious!Recovery tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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