Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 109 I save these things for ordinary people

Chapter 109 I save these things for ordinary people
Du Kang's words were as if the teacher walked up to him when he asked a question and pointed out the answer in the book.

If he couldn't answer this question again, Han Wei could jump off the top of Mao'er Mountain.

"...five grains?" Han Wei's head was a little dazed.

Of course, the simple five grains would not make him feel this way... But the current ones involve so many famous gods and five grains, so can it be simple?

"Five grains." Du Kang nodded lightly, "After thousands of years of selection by the God of Ji, the selected ones are suitable for planting in various environments, with first-class yield and quality, and contain spiritual power. If ordinary people eat them , it can speed up the absorption of spiritual energy, so that it is easier to cultivate the five grains."

As soon as this remark came out, it was like thunder on the ground.

No, to be more precise, it should be in the deep pit created by a series of bombs, when everyone listening to Du Kang felt a little numb, and felt that there was probably nothing that could shock them again. A nuclear bomb was dropped into the deep pit.

Han Wei froze in place, and what he saw and heard was clearly and unmistakably transmitted to the eyes and ears of those remote superiors by the recorder he wore.

Having experienced countless major events over the years, the self-cultivation and stability gained from self-cultivation seem to disappear at this moment, or rise up, or be dumbfounded, or directly shut down... Such an excited reaction is naturally because they all responded immediately Realized how important what Du Kang said.

"If it is true, no matter what the price is, you must get it. This is equivalent to the hybrid rice back can save a lot of people from dying!"

"Aura revives, and the world changes dramatically. Whichever country establishes a complete and high-quality cultivation system first will become the center of the world. And the spiritual valley that has been affirmed by Jishen is a resource that is sufficient to support and maintain this The cornerstone of a cultivation system! With such resources directly obtained at this stage, we will be many times ahead of other countries!"

"The most important aspects are personnel training and maintaining social stability..."

Of course, Han Wei didn't know how the people above the meeting room were discussing and getting excited, and he couldn't see or hear...Of course, even if he could see and hear, he didn't have the extra brain capacity to think about it. reacted.

To be able to reach this position, Han Wei is certainly not stupid. He may not think as much or as far-reaching as his superiors thought, but he is also aware of its importance.

"God..." Han Wei couldn't help swallowing.

"Have you recovered?" Du Kang asked, "Do you know why I have to talk so much to Han Bu?"

"...I don't know." Han Wei chose to shake his head.

The first guess that appeared in his mind was that Du Kang wanted to sell these five grain seeds at a better price, but then his rationality told him that this could not be the reason, because Du Kang had used the land that would play a big role before. Yin gave them almost like a free gift... How much is Maoershan worth?Even if it is a wetland nature reserve, it is not really calculated according to the price of commercial housing.

It's not that after giving it once, it is reasonable to give it away, but based on this, the behavioral and psychological experts in charge of the research came to the conclusion that it is very likely that Du Kang has no material needs.

Think about it too, if it is really a great power who has lived for so many years, what things have not been seen, and what things have not been obtained?It just depends on the question of "whether you want to", not the "can or can" that most people are limited by.

If there is no material need, then it is a spiritual need... Judging from the fact that Du Kang almost gave away the land seal for nothing, and the requirements for the use of the land seal, except for the research conclusions of very few conspiracy theories, most of the research conclusions about Du Kang are Extremely positive.

So even if Han Wei has a corresponding guess later, he can't say.Because of this kind of thing, there are two different concepts when the other party says it and when you say it yourself... It's like someone is going to give you something, but before they say anything, you just say "this thing is for me", if it is If not, the sense of accomplishment will be reduced; if not, it will only increase embarrassment.

"I know that the recorder you wear is still attached to that side. They can hear and see what I say and do." Du Kang said, "In order to preserve these whole grains to this day, we have I spent a lot of work and owed a lot of favors back then, I know how important these things are, so I must ensure that their uses are consistent with my expectations."

"Just say it." Han Wei said with a serious face.

"These seeds are adaptable to various environments, are easy to grow, and have guaranteed yield and maturity time. If I have to say it, the only shortcoming is probably that they don't contain much spiritual power."

Du Kang stared at the recorder worn on Han Wei's chest, and said slowly, "Because I store these seeds for the common people."

The teleconference room was solemn. The moment they heard this sentence, everyone knew that the young man in front of him, or the young man who looked like a teenager but had actually lived for an unknown amount of time, did The purpose of this matter, and the reason for saying this specifically... is that I don't want to see anything.

"I don't want to see the things I have saved at such a high price become something that the upper class can afford, because if ordinary people have to grit their teeth to buy food, and have to pay a huge price for it, they may not even be able to buy food." When the time comes, it will be a time of chaos, a time of famine...but now is a time of prosperity." Du Kang paused.

"I don't like to see the chaos in the prosperous age, that kind of feeling is not good.

I know that everyone can understand what I want to say when I say the first sentence, but I still want to say it, not because I am a talker, but because I have said this now, and when there is something I don’t want to see When the situation arises, I will naturally have corresponding solutions.

For me, there is nothing more than three. "

Du Kang's words were very calm, without any particularly big emotional ups and downs, but that kind of gaze and tone, even through the camera, how far away the steps are, and a screen, made everyone feel a little bit of pressure.

It should have been impossible to feel such pressure from the youth, but based on the strength and possible identity that the youth has demonstrated in the past, it seems reasonable.

As the person who confronted Du Kang directly, Han Wei didn't feel any pressure, one of the reasons was that these words were not meant for him in the first place.Second... He himself has done similar things to Du Kang himself. Although the scope and depth of influence are far less than that, the nature of this kind of thing is inherently important.

Knowing that the future is boundless but self-defeating, it is not for the momentary strength, nor is it for the status, because Han Wei was already an official of a similar level before the spiritual energy recovered.

"Now I know why he expressed his dissatisfaction before." Someone in the temporary meeting room sighed, "everywhere you look, you are ordinary people... With your strength, you really don't need to pay attention to other things."

"Let's discuss that matter later, it's too involved, and we can't decide arbitrarily... Now this matter is more important, convey our meaning to Han Wei, and we will do everything we can to ensure what he wants to see... …It’s hard, but it’s doable.”

The instruction was transmitted to the ear through the headset, and Han Wei conveyed it to Du Kang.

"Okay, I believe in your commitment." Du Kang nodded and said, "But I still want to explain my request in detail.

First, before meeting the needs of the domestic people, these crops cannot be used to trade with foreign countries, whether it is talents or technology, because there are too many ways to play with, and I am a person who likes to be lazy, so I also Too lazy to tell the difference.

Second, the price of finished products after maturity has been mentioned before, so I won't go into details.

Third, roll out as quickly as possible. I think this is what you want to do, so I will provide some help.

Combining land stamps with modern facilities, as well as personnel care, can basically completely solve the problem of theft or occupation of plants, and I have spells that can make crops mature quickly, so that crops can be spread quickly.

This spell is not difficult, but it has different time-shortening effects based on the cultivation of the releaser. I will help with the cultivation of the first batch of seeds and the teaching of related spells, as well as the production of land seals in the planting area. "

Since he had to do something, he had to do everything well. Anyway, Du Kang had nothing to do in modern times, so it was not a problem to provide early help.

The conditions given by Du Kang can be said to be so generous that they can't be more generous, free delivery, and such services. If it weren't for the previous incidents that made them judge what kind of person Du Kang is, they probably should have been suspicious at the first time.

But now, there is only admiration!
"That's all I want to say. For the sake of verification, I will first take out some rice and take you to the field experiment as a proof." Du Kang said, a small bag of rice appeared in his hand.

"As for where to go is more suitable and can make an authoritative judgment, you must know better than me, right?"

"I'll ask someone to arrange it right away," Han Wei said immediately.

It looks ordinary, no different from ordinary rice, but in the eyes of Han Wei, and the eyes of those superiors who saw it through the recorder and screen, even gold whose weight is tens of thousands of times, Far less than the value of this thing!

"Don't feel it?"

"No, the instrument did not detect any aura reaction..."


"Teacher, why don't you take a break?"

In the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, a dark-faced student couldn't help persuading an old man who was also tanned.

"Not sleepy yet." The old man shook his head, put his palm on his forehead, and sighed.

"Although there is no spiritual rice, you won't starve to death, because you can live by eating ordinary food... and with the recovery of spiritual energy, it is possible that our existing crops may gradually become spiritual energy, and after eating, they can accelerate Cultivated crops.

But, who knows how much time this will take?

Variation, discovery, experimental planting, improvement, and promotion... Which process does not take time?
What we need most now is time! "

PS: The cold persists, I feel like vomiting, and my heartbeat is uncomfortable... I will go to the hospital tomorrow, sorry that I am not in a good condition
(End of this chapter)

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