Chapter 108
"It's all good."

The spiritual power in Du Kang's hands gathered together, and he used a spell recorded in the "Book of Society", and all the rice lit up with small white light spots, gathering together like fireflies, forming lights one by one. group.

An inexplicable feeling came to my heart, because Du Kang knew what kind of effect the rice in front of him could play, and what it represented...

And they are here, waiting quietly, waiting for more than 600 years, finally waiting for the person who put them here with his own hands back then, to let them see the light of day again and play their due role.

The world has changed, but they haven't changed.

"...Time is really amazing."

After feeling a lot of emotion, Du Kang went up to the top of the cave again, beside Jinghu Lake, and took out his mobile phone to call Han Wei.

I just pressed the call button, and within half a second of the ringing, the phone was connected immediately, so fast that Du Kang couldn't react, and Han Wei's voice had already come out: "Hi, Are you there? Has the auspicious day arrived? I am in Maoershan! Where are you now? I can come right away!"

Du Kang was stunned for a while before he realized, and asked, "Han Bu, are you... not sleeping at all?"

"Hahaha, I'm asleep, I'm asleep!" Han Wei said with a laugh.

In fact, of course he didn’t sleep. He is still in the tent temporarily set up as a meeting room... Although he is the only one in the meeting room, those big bosses who participated in the meeting remotely, as well as his boss, are one. All of them are there!
The boss didn't go to sleep, how dare he go to sleep?It would be better to hand in the resignation application directly.

So Han Wei listened in here... and has been listening to the present.

Although those above are definitely much older than Han Wei, it's not just that the old people need less sleep so they get used to it, and even toss Han Wei.

The reason, of course, was the chain impact brought about by the revelation of Du Kang's identity, which they had to pay attention to and discuss.

It is difficult for people not to have reasonable associations with the immortal being recorded at least 600 years ago, and with a name like "Du Kang".

Except for the extremely repetitive names like "Zhang Wei", generally speaking, Chinese people have a subconscious operation of "avoiding" the names of famous people in ancient times.Needless to say, the emperor's name needs to be changed, and the homonym may imply that he will be beheaded, and there are very few people with the same name as some famous people...

Those that have survived since ancient times and are known to everyone are either treacherous and evil, or loyal and kind, or talented... Of course, there is no need to discuss the treacherous and evil, and the latter two, just happen to collide. There are generally two possibilities to pick it up specially, one is for tribute or memory, but this is mostly popular abroad.In China, there is mainly another kind, which is expected to be a success, but it would be embarrassing if it is not as good as it is.

In short, combined with this point of view, Du Kang’s name means that he either has a relationship with the Du Kang in history, or he may be Du Kang himself, reincarnated, awakened memory, or simply lived until now.

Since we can live for 600 years, it seems that there is no problem in living for 5000 years... Anyway, it has exceeded the limit that people can imagine. What is the difference between more and less?

So the higher-ups took advantage of the situation to speculate again—if they really lived for that long, how could it be possible not to leave other traces in the long history?
All kinds of people investigate historical materials, search for traces without mentioning them, and then chatting and chatting become some exchanges of past experiences, and then some interesting things, and finally...

There is a joke that says that the night chat in the boys' dormitory is from "stains are okay", "SpongeBob SquarePants look better or cat and mouse", "A certain teacher has a new work, just call me Dad and pass it on." Whichever one of these starts, it will eventually end with topics such as "I think Big Brother would have been...", "The US military F35 is like that" and so on.

Let me correct it here, middle-aged men and elderly men are the same, and there is a high probability that the more dangerous "sword array" topic will appear.

Put it to the group of Han Wei's bosses, naturally there won't be much difference, the situation between countries and even the subsequent changes in the pattern... Maybe the only thing that makes the biggest difference is that many things are really made by them. Yes, well, they do have the ability to influence these things too.

It's just that the various interest entanglements involved naturally cannot be known to outsiders... Hearing Han Wei's call, he was full of energy, and he was not sleepy at all, and even considered whether he should sign a non-disclosure agreement afterwards.

It's impossible to pretend not to hear. If you didn't let him go, it means you let him listen. Maybe you will have to take a test afterwards. Wouldn't it be ruining your future if you don't listen?Han Wei is not that stupid.

Since getting involved with Du Kang, Han Wei's importance has naturally increased.It’s not that no one wants to pick peaches, but they also need to have that ability. You must know that Han Wei’s boss is the head of the Reiki Department. Under the background of such a revival of Reiki, the power and status of the head of this department, Naturally it goes without saying.

And people are also reasonable, to be in contact with this kind of power is to seek stability.Substitution, when people can't see it?Anywhere in the world there will be differences and conflicts of interest, but is it really good to show this to Almighty at this time?

In this way, Han Wei's "exclusive contact" status is fixed, and it is difficult to change it.

In this way, when the chat was having a good time, it was already three or four o'clock in the morning, and what Du Kang said about "good things are bestowed on good days and auspicious days". Just wait and wait, so now is here in the blink of an eye.During this process, Han Wei's mobile phone was kept on the table, so he connected to Du Kang's call immediately.

"Okay, there is a Mirror Lake on Mao'er Mountain, Han Bu, are you far from here? If it is far, I can go there and pick you up." Du Kang said.

"It's not that far! It's only 2 minutes away. I slept in a tent in the cave yesterday and just woke up, so I'll be here soon!" Han Wei glanced at the map, quickly judged the distance and location, and said immediately.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at Jinghu Lake." After Du Kang finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Huh..." Han Wei heaved a sigh of relief, checked the recorder and headset and other operational equipment again, and after making sure that the superiors in the remote meeting room could see and hear, he headed for Jinghu at full speed.

Exactly 2 minutes later, Han Wei slowed down ahead of time, walked quickly around a corner, and a lake as calm as a mirror appeared in front of him, and... the young man on the bank of the mirror lake was looking at the lake in a daze.

The young man's skin is as white as jade, but it's not that sickly white, but natural, gentle, and even looks faintly glowing naturally, but it doesn't look like a "mother", but is elegant and heroic, which perfectly echoes For the imagination of all kinds of immortal cultivators in the novel.

"It would look more like an ancient costume with long hair..." Han Wei came to Du Kang's side with this thought flashing through his mind.

"Hanbu." Du Kang turned his head, greeted with a smile, then pointed to the mirror lake, "What do you think of the mirror lake?"

"Eh... very beautiful?" Han Wei thought for a long time, and finally realized what it means to hate a book when it is used up.

"It's beautiful, yes, but it was actually more beautiful at that time. At that time, there were no such railings, wooden floors, and trees around the lake. The lawn surrounding the lake was very suitable for putting on a tea table for snacks and drinking some tea. , enjoy breakfast." Du Kang said, "I was looking for a place to store some things back then, and Empress Yunxiao who invited me to drink morning tea said this place was good."

"Is this... here?" Han Wei couldn't help but pause for a while before he could finish his sentence.

No way, Du Kang's seemingly casual sentence contained heavy news, which almost knocked him out.

And, through his recorder, he saw and heard the superiors that Du Kang said, each of them looked at each other, their eyes widened, and it was like a stormy sea was rising in their hearts.

Empress Yunxiao... Who else could have such a title?

Empress Sanxiao, who is in charge of the three fairies who follow the world, is in charge of the Hunyuan Golden Dou. Gods, immortals, people, saints, princes, emperors, etc., are all born from the Golden Dou, also known as the Empress of Sending Children!

Although such an immortal is not as famous as Guan Gong, he can still be said to be a first-class big shot, a great immortal!
And such a fairy, invite Du Kang to drink morning tea?
First, he played chess with Guan Gong, and then had morning tea with Empress Yunxiao... What is the origin and identity of this immortal named Du Kang? Could he be the legendary God of Dionysus?

"Niang Yunxiao said that if you want to store things, you must hide them, and if you want to store things for a long time, you must connect with the earth veins and protect them with formations." Du Kang didn't care about Han Wei's reaction, "So she chose this for me. A karst cave connected under the mirror lake can be used after being repaired, and later, I did store things here... Do you want to know what I store?"

"I think!" Han Wei nodded seriously. "Never thought of it that way!"

"Originally, I planned to plant it directly, and put it in the present. I also troubled the Empress of Mount Tai to ask for soil from Empress Houtu. When Empress Houtu heard what I was going to do, she not only gave me the soil, but also presented me with a Golden Crow Feather. Glazed lamps can guarantee that the light will remain unchanged for thousands of years, and will not go out for hundreds of millions of years...It is just suitable for planting in caves, so that there is no need to attract light sources from the outside."

Du Kang did not speak directly, but spoke very calmly, and Han Wei also listened very "calmly" on the surface.

This is how people are numb.

What did he hear?
Empress Tarzan?Empress Dowager?What kind of soil did Empress Houtu ask for, what kind of golden crow feather glazed lamp?Was it the Golden Crow that came to mind the first time? ? !

Also, the ones that require such conditions... What exactly are they planted?
Every piece of news was like a bomb exploding in his head, and now Du Kang just dropped a bunch of it!
Even going on.

"But God Ji told me that according to my thinking, those things cannot be planted, but should be stored in the form of seeds, so the plan has changed a little."

"Ji...Ji God?" Han Wei didn't turn his mind for a while, not knowing who Du Kang was talking about.

"Do you still remember the land stamp I gave you last time?" Du Kang asked with a slight smile.

"Remember." Han Wei nodded repeatedly.

"The seal of the land comes from the god of the society, the society of the country. And the things I keep come from the god of the country. The country of the country, the god of the country, is concerned with the farming of five grains."

Du Kang stared at the sky in the mirror lake and asked slowly.

"Now, can you guess what I was storing at that time?"

PS: The temperature suddenly dropped by 20 degrees... I caught a cold and my brain hurts... I should be fine tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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