Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 107 World Secret Collection, Preserved and Enlightened by All Peoples

Chapter 107 Secret Collection of Hundreds of Ages, Preserved and Enlightened by All Peoples

Du Kang thought so too, even though Li Tongpan was indeed wealthy, he was still an ordinary person in essence.Changing souls with an ordinary person means not only risking the risk of "no resistance after being discovered" and "the soul does not match the body", not to mention the limited lifespan, it must be extremely difficult to rebuild. If there is no other way out, who would choose such an approach?
"During this kind of peaceful and prosperous times, the magic cultivator is indeed in the category of desperate... But what if it is a chaotic world?" Du Kang fell into deep thought.

At that time, how rampant will the demon cultivators be?
"Although there are still some petty thefts and occasional extreme incidents in modern times, compared with the past, it must be the best peaceful and prosperous age." Du Kang thought to himself, "The most important point is that there is enough food. As for starving people.

'Food is the first thing for the people', this is not just talk... But as the process of spiritual recovery continues, the imbalance brought about by the power system, the impact of behaviors such as "holding a sharp weapon and killing oneself", And the distribution of class, interests, and cultivation resources will definitely lead to various problems...

The decision I made was correct, I only kept seeds with meager spiritual power that could promote cultivation, but the yield was enough to benefit the whole people, fundamentally reducing the possibility of conflicts...

Tsk, I feel that the responsibility is heavy, so I should work harder on the formation to ensure that there will be no problems with the seeds... But what if there is a problem? "

Du Kang suddenly became worried about gains and losses. For hundreds of years, although he checked that the formation was still there when he went to Maoer Mountain in modern times, and it was in good condition, he did not go inside to check... What if there is something wrong with it? manage?
Impossible things do not exist, it is only a matter of probability, and as time goes on, the more unknown factors, the probability of accidents will naturally rise.

"We still have to think of a way, and take some insurance measures..." Du Kang began to think of a way.

"Either it is stored in multiple locations in batches to reduce the loss caused by accidents, which is equivalent to not putting eggs in one basket... Well, it is a way, and then think about it. Is there any other way?"

"What are you thinking?" Xiaoxuan's voice brought Du Kang back from his contemplation.

"Oh, I'm thinking about a question..." Du Kang thought for a while, and decided to ask Xiaoxuan for his opinion.

"If I want to save one thing, this thing can be divided into many parts, but it needs to be seen after a long time. During this process, it may be damaged. What should I do to minimize the possible loss ?”

" sounds similar to when I hid fish and meat." Xiaoxuan thought for a while and said.

"I used to catch fish in the river. Sometimes I caught too many fish and didn't want to put them back, so I liked to find a place to hide them. I buried them in the soil, in tree holes or other places, but those buried in the soil would be killed. If you plan it off, the ones hidden in the tree holes will rot, and other places are not very safe... In the end, I found that the safest place is in my stomach."

Du Kang nodded.It is impossible to hide it in the stomach. As for the method of storing it in different places, he had already thought of it immediately before, but there is still a problem in the implementation-the formation with the help of Yunxiao, Shi Yuye, and Jishen If you can't save it, what other suitable location is there?
At least you have to find a location with almost the same security before you can save it. You can't really gamble on "intentionally planting flowers and not blooming, but unintentionally planting willows and willows to make shade", it is unreasonable.

But at least it shows that these two things have something in common in nature, and it depends on what inspiration Xiaoxuan's words can inspire me.

Seeing Du Kang listening carefully, Xiaoxuan became more and more enthusiastic.Probably for cats and cats, hiding fish or meat is similar to saving money for humans, and being able to save money while drinking and eating is a particularly difficult skill.

"In the end, I also tried different methods, such as hiding the fish in the water, or imitating people to salt them for a while before hiding...Anyway, I tried all kinds of methods, and then I tried them again after a while. Check it out, and find that the best hidden one is indeed..."

"Wait... try all kinds of methods, and then watch it after a while?" Du Kang raised his hand to interrupt.

"Yeah," Xiao Xuan tilted his head, and Mao Mao was puzzled, "Of course you have to try them all to know which one is better."

"It should be so." Du Kang nodded, having an idea in his mind, he immediately took out the binoculars and input spiritual power.

At this distance, Du Kang could directly use his spiritual power to incarnate back, but he chose to use the binoculars because he wanted to give it a try.

Just for a moment, when the binoculars were turned on, the faces of Yun Xiao and Shi Yuye appeared in the mirror, and it seemed that the two were still together.

"What trouble is Mr. Du in?" Yun Xiao asked.The agreed time was at night, and Du Kang used it in advance, so it was inevitable for her to associate it.

"Is there going to be a fight? Is there another fight?" Shi Yuye asked expectantly.

The corner of Du Kang's mouth twitched, why on earth are you looking forward to a fight so much, you mother-in-law? !

Could it be that making an enemy pregnant is really such a sense of accomplishment?

Wait, if you think about it this way, it seems to be very reasonable. After all, it is a means to double the physical attack and mental attack... Du Kang thinks that if there is a chance in the future, he can ask Shi Yuye to borrow some water from the Zimu River. Of course, that is That's for later.

"No, it's just a small incident... I have already notified Gui Chenghuang to come back and deal with it. The reason why I contacted you in advance was because I suddenly thought of something, because the seeds I asked God Ji for were very important, so I want to add some insurance measures to avoid too many problems." Du Kang said, "About the formation... can we adopt a segmented design layout?"

"Segmented design layout?" Yun Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and asked after thinking about it, "Did Mr. Du mean the son-mother formation?"

"That's almost what it means. In order to ensure the storage of the seeds as much as possible, I think it's a good choice to separate different small formations in a large formation to create different space environments." Du Kang nodded and said. .

"For example, one part is preserved according to Jishen's preservation method, and the other part is to plant those crops directly..."

This is what Du Kang thought of, but in fact he concealed a step in the operation, that is, such a segmented preservation formation, he can verify it by going back to modern times, without worrying about a single failure. All failed, because he only knew the results of that small part, and the other parts could not be affected by opening the formation, so they could operate at will!
Because only a small area is used for testing at a time, the number of tests that can be provided is very large. At worst, if all the testing space is used up, change the location on a different mountain... Du Kang thinks the problem should not be serious.

In fact, there is another purpose, which is to resolve this matter quickly.

Originally, Du Kang planned to do many things in ancient times at one time and then return to modern times, but now, because of this incident, after thinking about it, he can't rest assured... An important matter, travel is not happy, it is better to get it done as soon as possible.

"What Mr. Du said is reasonable." Yun Xiao thought for a while, "Actually, I have already designed the overall defensive formation in the cave, and Jishen also left a preservation method before. With the efficiency of you learning how to make the formation, Mr. Du, It is estimated that it will take an hour to complete this part, and directly separate an area to complete the formation first, without affecting the subsequent layout of other areas."

"Really? I happen to have the same meaning!" Du Kang's eyes lit up.

Calculate the time, complete the formation, and the city god of Guicheng will almost come back. At that time, he will directly deal with the matters at both ends, and before he has left far, he will return to modern times to check the results of the seed preservation.

If it is well preserved and can survive normally, then the matter of the seeds will be dealt with; if it is not well preserved and corrupted, then go back to ancient times and try another method... Of course, Du Kang believed in the God of Ji's guarantee and Yunxiao's methods were used, so he was more inclined to solve the matter once, instead of going back and forth.

In this way, directly confirming the change of the plan, Du Kang was not ambiguous, and directly left an avatar of spiritual power here, and then the main body took Xiaoxuan to Guicheng, which is two to three minutes, and returned to Guicheng. , start making arrays.

The production of this formation disk naturally requires the main body. Although the spiritual power incarnation is convenient, the overall ability to control and mobilize spiritual power is definitely not as good as the main body. Du Kang must use the best state to make the most complete and best formation. method to improve the success rate of preservation.

Li Tong judged this side, and he was not in a hurry at all in comparison.Originally, Du Kang wanted to take down the Yaodao directly, but after he found that Yaodao's body was running out and Li Tongjuan's body was almost destroyed, he changed his mind - let the two of them change, expecting the two of them to change. What kind of expression does it look like after the change?
Not long after Du Kang started making arrays, City God of Gui arrived in Guibei County, saw the avatar of spiritual power left by Du Kang, and after a brief understanding of the matter, he began to deal with it, and... to write a report.

Although when he first received the news, he said "continue to play music and continue to dance", but it was inappropriate for him not to come back to deal with such an incident under his rule.

In fact, Du Kang really helped him a lot, because Du Kang handled this matter as the city god of Guicheng throughout the whole process.

As we all know, if this kind of subordinate is found out by other outsiders, the Shangguan will not be able to escape joint and several liability, but it will be different if the Shangguan finds out by himself... The City God of Guicheng is not afraid of making mistakes and being punished. He is afraid that he will be given more tasks on top of him, and he will not even have the free time to find a substitute for this.

Everyone is a thousand-year-old fried dough stick, and what is a reward and what is a punishment must be able to distinguish clearly.

The Taoist's soul-changing technique needs to last for several days. At Du Kang's request, his casting of the spell was not interrupted, but proceeded smoothly, and by the way, he also squatted behind a wave of evil gods.

In this way, Du Kang can also concentrate on completing the array.


"Phew... it's done!" Du Kang took a deep breath, feeling extremely refreshed, as if he did a whole set of math test papers during his evening self-study in high school, devoted himself to it, and solved all the problems one by one from the beginning to the end. , After the end, I found that the answer was basically all right.

Du Kang’s high school grades were not satisfactory. He was a science student, but he was terrible in other subjects except Chinese, Mathematics, and English. ...or in other words, good talent?

For example, in English, Du Kang still only has a junior high school vocabulary, no grammar, no understanding of the past tense and the present tense, and the result is that he can get a good score in the test, basically around [-], and he has never memorized any words in college. He has never done any test papers, and has passed CET-[-] and CET-[-] naked. He is a typical language-sensing player.

Yes, that’s right, it’s the kind that after you have successfully ruled out the correct answer through a lot of well-founded analyses, you ask him why he chose the correct answer, and he responds with a sentence of “Language sense, I think you should choose it after reading it.” The "this" type, a language-sensitivity player who needs to play!

It's okay to be defeated by someone who studies hard, but it's just a pass, it should be admitted, but being killed by this kind of talent can really make people face the gap between people, and then feel deep despair and powerless.

"Young Master Du's talent for forming formations is really amazing... I spent a long time thinking about these formations before I could make them, but you, Young Master Du, are just like this..."

Yun Xiao's tone was full of emotion: "As the saying goes, 'There are people beyond people, there is heaven beyond the sky', and seeing Mr. Du today, I can be considered to have fully understood this sentence."

"Hahaha, it's just a picture of a gourd. If I really want to think about it, I can't think of it. At most, it can only be regarded as my control over spiritual power. I have to rely on it." Miss Yun's design, in other words, Miss Yun is a technical talent, and I'm just doing physical work!" Du Kang said with a laugh.

"Young Master Du is too humble. You are not just copying, but improving... you are amazing." Yun Xiao smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I said, stop bragging about each other's business here, okay? I'm almost about installing all the disk arrays first?" Shi Yuye couldn't help interrupting, during this time She was always restless.

Immortals are not omnipotent, and there are also spells that are proficient and not proficient. Shi Yuye's temperament determines that it is impossible for her to work hard on the skills of formations, which require concentration and calmness to study... So basically it is equivalent to going through the magic spell just now. Once elementary school students watched high school students do math test papers.

Although I don't know how severe it is, it seems to be quite tortured.

Under Shi Yuye's suggestion, Du Kang and Yun Xiao stopped this meaningless mutual flattery, and then Du Kang began to set up a formation under Yun Xiao's guidance. Assembling a computer host is almost the same?

"Okay, I should connect all of them now. I just need to connect the spiritual power of the earth veins. Because it is a test, I will not connect to the backup spiritual power system."

As soon as Yun Xiao's voice fell, Du Kang took control and connected the ground veins with this formation.

The rays of light emerged, and complicated array patterns flashed across each array plate, and then all of them entered a state of normal operation, emitting a faint light, and the corresponding effects were also produced in the cave.

A small part of Du Kang's special request was separated in the cave, separated by a light wall, and it was impossible to see anything through the formation with eyes or spiritual thoughts.

"The next step is to put the seeds in it... which seeds should I use?" Yun Xiao looked at Du Kang.

"Rice." Du Kang said without thinking, "Spiritual rice, all kinds of spiritual rice."


Modern, swagger.

After a short farewell to Yunxiao, Shi Yuye and Xiaoxuan, Du Kang, who returned to the modern age, came here directly.

After taking a deep breath, Du Kang stretched out his hand and entered the small formation area at the position in his memory.

As you can see, dozens of rice seeds are being piled on the ground in a well-preserved manner.

Spanning more than 600 years, these seeds are still well preserved, and soon, they will be available.

The secret treasures of a hundred generations are preserved for the people and inspired by the people.

PS: [-] in [-]
(End of this chapter)

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