Chapter 106

"If you are a Taoist priest with good morals, you can't change your soul at will, because the ability of your subordinates is not so strong... So you can't repeat the operation like Li Tongpan." Guibei County City God said.

"Under such circumstances, I thought of a way, that is, since we can't take the initiative to exchange souls for Taoist priests, let Taoist priests take the initiative to exchange souls with my great-grandson..."

Under the narration of the City God of Guibei County, Du Kang finally understood the context of the whole matter.

It has to be said that the Chenghuang of Guibei County, who can do so many bad things, is a somewhat clever character, but it seems that this cleverness has not been used in the right way at all.

The fact that Li Tongpan's soul had been replaced before was basically unknown to others. The City God's matter was done very secretly, and the Lord of the Land only learned of it by chance at the time... and souls are in the When it is inside the human body, it is generally difficult to see that it has been replaced.

Therefore, the City God of Guibei County wanted to use this to make a game - Li Tongpan's body is a sweet pastry, his family is rich, there are groups of concubines, and he is still a young official, and he is definitely a high-quality soul changer. object.

However, such a thing, a serious Taoist would definitely not do it, only those demons with evil intentions would do it.

Therefore, the city god of this county directly ordered Li Tong to be seriously ill and died, and then secretly spread the news among the circles of those demon cultivators, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Just like in the past, there were always some policemen who knew some habitual criminals in the city. They were not covering up, but those guys did not commit major crimes, but did petty theft. They were often locked up, but they were released after a short time. Yes, every old policeman knows these few, and they can be regarded as half "informants".

Sometimes such informants can provide some case information... It can only be said that it is a bit ironic.

"That is to say, your plan succeeded, and you caught a demon who wanted to occupy Li Tongpan's body through the soul-changing method, and then you planned to modify some of his spells during the process of casting your great-grandson's body." The soul is changed into his body?"

After hearing this, Du Kang thought for a while, and said, "But what does this have to do with the evil god? Also, it's such a coincidence that you can catch one of them so easily? Is this kind of soul-changing thing in the demon way?" Is it very common in magic repair?"

"This... my subordinates don't know much about demon cultivators..." the county town god murmured.

Du Kang looked at the Taoist.

"Well... there are quite a lot of people who have this kind of thinking." The man of truth said with a nod after a little thought.

"Demon cultivators, in this era of peace and prosperity, are just rats crossing the street, so some people don't want to persevere, give up the practice, and live their lives as the masters of this kind of wealthy family who don't worry about food and clothing.

If it succeeds, it is also a good choice. If it is almost the same as being killed by someone who subdues demons and demons, so it belongs to the majority of choices in the case of giving it a go. "

Du Kang: "..."

I just let you judge the true and false, not let you talk about it from experience!Why on earth are you so proficient... Oh, two days ago you were still a magician, so it's okay.

"What's the matter with the evil god?" Du Kang looked at the county town god and asked.

"This subordinate is about to say that this evil god is with that demon, because the ability of that demon is not very strong, so he asked the evil god to provide him with the method of changing his soul to ensure success, and he also promised to give it to those demons afterwards. The evil gods offer incense..." said the county town god.

"So, in this incident, there are a total of 'exchanging souls', 'corruption and bribery', 'bullying men and women', 'evil gods'..." Du Kang counted with his fingers, and went to the back I couldn't even count, so I didn't bother to count, and just waved my hand and took out the City God Seal.

The city god of Guicheng, who had just been on vacation for less than a day, received another message from Du Kang. While his heart was tense, he silently prayed and clicked to watch.

After reading it, City God of Guicheng sat blankly on the spot, while his friend who drank with him and enjoyed the dance asked with a puzzled expression, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, but it's just that I have encountered some small things again. My savings can still withstand it. Don't worry, keep playing music and dance!"

City God of Guicheng came to his senses and laughed so hard that tears were about to flow down his face.

The vacation has not yet started and the middle way has collapsed, and now the "happy" event is coming again...


"It's so complicated, so messy..."

Xiaoxuan's eyes seemed to have radish blossoms, and he looked a little dizzy.The series of conversations just now made it a little confused, and it didn't even look as brisk as before when walking.

"Indeed." Du Kang nodded in agreement. Even he didn't expect the whole thing to be so complicated at the beginning. After questioning, layers of veils were lifted, and finally he learned the truth of the matter. The power, or set up a special situation... In the end, it was just to exchange for a body of a judge.

"I still have to thank the Taoist of the Truth. If it weren't for you, these things would have delayed me for a long time." Du Kang expressed his gratitude to the Taoist of the Truth, "Your ability is really useful..."

"Where is it, I'm just collecting incense and doing business. Even without me, young master, I can quickly find out this matter." Taoist Zhenyan said with his hands folded.

Regarding what Du Kang said, he also had a bitter expression on his face. In fact, if it was possible, he himself didn't want this ability... It's just that the ability is too useful. work!

"Fortunately, I have finally figured it out... The overall follow-up of this matter can be left to Gui Chenghuang who is returning." Du Kang smiled slightly. He was only responsible for making troubles, but he definitely didn't want to write a report, absolutely not!

Therefore, after the City God of Guicheng arrives, Du Kang will continue to travel.At the same time, he also figured it out... Unless it is a demon-slaying task that can be fought and played very well, or if he bumps into it on his own initiative, he will not accept it later.

This kind of thing, even Du Kang found it troublesome, not to mention the various "good things" that the city god of Guibei County had done over the years, which made the whole thing more troublesome by an order of magnitude.

After the tasks here are settled, considering the people and things involved, among other things, the monthly tasks of Haosheng's demon master must have fully met and exceeded the standard, so Du Kang has no substitutes. The psychological burden is over, the task is completed, let's start!

Not in a hurry to leave, Du Kang returned to Li Tongpan's house again.This time, he didn't go there in the state of showing up, but hid in the ground, took out the jade pendant of the demon master, and started to make records, preparing to settle the task.

There is no way to find Taoist Haosheng to do this. After all, people don’t know where they are now, but fortunately, the official of the magician probably considers that many practitioners are not public officials, and they may not know how to write reports. , So I simply proposed another solution, which is the combination of "narrative" + "shooting"... Isn't this the recorder that law enforcement officers must wear?

"It's such an advanced understanding. I don't know who invented it... Emperor Zhenwu?" Du Kang muttered and recorded the whole thing one by one.

"By the way, what is a raccoon slave?" Xiaoxuan, who was still in the replay state and trying to figure things out, suddenly thought of this word and asked curiously.

Although I don't know what it is, but judging from the tone of the county town god at that time, Xiaoxuan also knows that this word refers to it.

"Oh, it's a name for a pet cat." Du Kang replied, "Generally speaking, it's like getting a wife and concubine to give a letter of appointment...but it's still in the category of 'slave' after all. I don't think Xiaoxuan would think about it." Be a slave?"

Xiao Xuan shook his head decisively.

"That's it. I don't like slaves either. I treat myself more like others... No, I treat myself more like cats." Du Kang said.

Everyone in Du Kang is not very able to accept things related to "slaves". Besides, Xiaoxuan can think and has a high IQ, so he prefers to treat Xiaoxuan as a partner... Although this partner is slapped It really feels good in the hand.

While chatting, Du Kang suddenly raised his head suspiciously, and found that the butler, Uncle Fu, had brought a Taoist priest to the courtyard.

"It saves you the trouble of looking for it." Du Kang said, and suddenly noticed something was wrong.

How do you feel, this Taoist priest also looks a little dark?
Du Kang switched to the MOD loaded by the Spiritual Eye Technique, and when he saw it, he frowned slightly.

The Taoist priest's actually bad!

Du Kang inexplicably wanted to laugh.

If this is for them to exchange successfully... I don't know what expressions the two will have on each other?
Changed, the same as not changed?
(End of this chapter)

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