Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 105 Demon Dao Evil God?

Chapter 105 Demon Dao Evil God? (two in one)



"It's still a lie! Don't try to lie in front of me, tell me the truth quickly, what else have you done?!"

When the man of truth came over, he had some reluctance brought about by the extra overtime, but at this moment, this emotion has dissipated and turned into complete excitement.

Again, it is not impossible to work overtime, but you must have enough money.

Looking at the stack of "criminal records" that are two fingers thick, how can the man of truth not be excited?
That's a lot of incense!

When Du Kang invited the Taoist of Truth to come over, he had already made it clear to him in advance that the incense this time was half-five, the truth!

Even if he doesn't have the ability to judge the truth, Du Kang's words can be trusted by the Taoist.On the one hand, with Du Kang's identity and strength, there is absolutely no need to renege on this kind of place. If you want to, you can order the Taoist to do it, and the Taoist dare not disobey.

On the other hand, although Du Kang arranged jobs for the Taoist in turn before, it really wasn’t a scam. Inherited Du Kang's favor.

"This subordinate really didn't lie..." The City God of Guibei County moved his eyes, looked at Du Kang, and begged bitterly, "Shangguan Mingjian, this person must be deliberately retaliating, and I don't know what kind of enmity I have with him... "

The reason why he can only move his eyeballs is that Du Kang "flexibly" used the barrier technique, so that the barrier can adaptively cover the surface of the object, and then wrap his whole god.Apart from being able to speak, he couldn't move at all, so he didn't have the slightest chance to be a monster or resist, and he completely eliminated the thought of running away.

Not only that, Du Kang also used the barrier technique to wrap up the entire County Town God's Temple. The effect is that one can enter but cannot exit. From the outside, everything is normal, and at the same time, it can cover up the truth and see if anyone has fallen into the trap. , and the effect of making civil and military judges and Liubu Division unable to get out.

The main thing is a flexible use.

"I brought this man here. You said he deliberately retaliated against you, which means that I deliberately wanted to frame you. You didn't do these things?" Du Kang asked calmly.

"No, my subordinates dare not!" The City God of Guibei County shook his head hastily.

"I am a person who is fair and just, and easy-going. If you think I have wronged you, then I will report to the city god, and then submit a written application to Shidian Yanluo for a joint investigation. Can you rest assured and make sure it is fair?" Du Kang said that he has always been very open-minded in handling cases.

This sentence is equivalent to - since you can't trust the procuratorate in our city, then I will contact the provincial procuratorate to investigate and interrogate, and by the way, I will notify the ministerial procuratorate and let them do it, so that justice can be ensured.

"No need, this subordinate believes in Shangguan's judgment!" Guangbei County Town God said in horror.

Justice is definitely justice, but death will probably be even worse!
As the saying goes, if you don't see the coffin, you won't cry. Even now, the city god of Guibei County still retains a little luck.

"Since you can trust me, just tell me. Don't worry, I have a lot of time waiting for you today." Du Kang said with a smile.

The City God of Guibei County began to speak tremblingly again, while the Taoist of Zhenyan kept distinguishing the truth from the false. Anyway, the City God of Guibei County had no possibility of concealing it, because the Taoist of Zhenyan would only need to ask "Is there any more", unless The City God of Guibei County didn't speak directly, otherwise, once he answered, whether it was vague or lying, he would be easily identified.

Under Du Kang's oppression, he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

In this way, the two-finger-thick "criminal record" was increased to a full three-finger thickness. Finally, under the pressure of being forced to do so, the City God of Guangxi County finally spoke out about giving Li Tong a sentence to change his soul. thing.

Among them, it is natural to deliberately or unintentionally carry a bunch of excuses for private goods, hoping to excuse themselves.

"...The subordinate was also forced to do nothing at the time. The great-grandson of the subordinate had only lost his parents and was alone. He was the last bit of blood of the subordinate. After becoming a Taoist priest, he didn't have the heart to endure practicing in the mountains, so he ran here Begging hard, let me keep him rich. So, Li Tongjuan, who I saw was nearing the end of his life, I exchanged the soul of my great-grandson in, let him enjoy the rest of his life, glory and wealth, and leave some incense..."

"So, you didn't cause Li Tongjuan's illness?" Du Kang interrupted and asked.

"No! The subordinates dare not do such a thing..." The City God of Guibei County shook his head repeatedly.

"It's a lie, Jie Jie Jie!" Jie Jie, the man of truth, laughed, probably because he hadn't been separated from the identity of the demon cultivator for too long, and his smile was sinister, complacent and rampant.

"He was going to die, within a few days!" The City God of Guibei County gritted his teeth, and the last bit of hope in his heart was shattered. After so many times of being told the truth and lies, he had already realized the accuracy of the Taoist's ability. .

"Although the subordinates care about the great-grandson, they don't dare to do the kind of direct killing. Li Tongjuan's lifespan is so long in the book of life and death, so the subordinates moved this crooked mind and thought about it. Whether it's for nothing... Then I will send the soul of Li Tongpan to be reincarnated."

Du Kang was not surprised that the city god of Guibei County could see Li Tongpan's lifespan in the book of life and death. This book of life and death can see the cause of death, life expectancy, etc. of ordinary creatures in the territory.

This is because it is necessary to have this function to be able to judge whether the death time and cause of death of a person in the territory is normal. If the number is not correct, strict investigation is required according to regulations.

Although this process is sometimes experienced in front of Yan Luo in the ten halls of the underworld, those are only the treatment of the big men. If everyone in the world has to go to Yan Luo in the ten halls after death, it must be too busy .Therefore, it is natural to assign tasks, and leave the less important ones to the city god under him.

Of course, the book of life and death in Chenghuang's hands can only be used as a query and viewing function, without any possibility of modification, which is equivalent to a query tool with a limited scope.The one that can directly change the lifespan by modifying it above is in the underworld, in the hands of Yama of the Ten Temples.

"Truth." The man of truth gave his judgment.

Du Kang understands that this feeling is a corrupt official Chenghuang who is domineering and abusing his power in a county, arranging a good place for his relatives. The risk is to exchange souls with people directly.

If it wasn't for bullying his subordinates and being reported by the Landlord, maybe he could have concealed this matter seamlessly.After all, Li Tongpan really should have died at that time, and now he probably drank Mengpo soup and reincarnated as an adult, so there is no proof of death.

However, in this way, even though the soul belonged to the great-grandson of the Chenghuang of Guangxi County, the body seemed to belong to Li Tongpan?

Isn't this the common soul wear in various novels?
When Du Kang thought of this, he immediately thought of one of the most classic questions in this type of novels - using the body after soul piercing to pick up girls, is it considered to be cheating, or cheating on someone else?

Putting it here, it is—is it true that the great-grandson of the city god of Guibei County has invaded Li Tongpan's body, wealth and good life, or is he passing on Li Tongpan's family?

Du Kang looked a little weird, but he didn't get too entangled in this question, because there is still a question that needs to be asked clearly.

"But if it's just like this, you shouldn't be able to hide this matter until the end. If my observation is correct, you have said things in order of importance and urgency," Du Kang looked at the City God of Guibei County. , asked slowly, "You should still be hiding something."

The City God of Guibei County looked a little flustered.

"I won't let you tell yourself this time. Let me guess. There is something wrong with the soul-changing spell. Your great-grandson's soul doesn't quite match Li Tongpan's body, and Li Tongpan's body was originally will be infected, so there is a fatal root cause.

In addition, he used to live a life of poverty and abstinence, but now he is suddenly rich and rich, without worrying about food and clothing, he immediately let go of eating, drinking and having fun, and married seven wives and concubines in a short period of time. She indulged in excessive sex and didn't know how to maintain herself, so she ruined that body in a short period of time.

The combination of the two has reached the level of intractable medicine and stones, which makes you at a loss because you never thought of this at the beginning... As a god, you must be fine if you do this, because you have long since died, and you are just a soul. Body, and your great-grandson has a real human body, but you didn't expect it? "

"...Shangguan...Ming Jian." Guangbei County Town God said fearfully.

"But it's not over yet, otherwise how can I explain why you are in such a panic... When I went to Li Tongpan's house, I observed the corpse. If there is nothing wrong, the soul of your great-grandson is still in Li Tongpan's house." Inside the body, it is well preserved, without any damage... It is impossible for you not to know about this situation, but you did not take it away.

If it is said that you suddenly discovered your conscience, I absolutely do not believe it.All things in this world can only be divided between zero and countless times. Either you don’t do it once, or there will be a second time after the first time. So, I’m afraid you still want to change it again for your great-grandson soul? "

Hearing this, the City God of Guibei County's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Looking at your reaction, I'm guessing right." Du Kang was not surprised. After observing Li Tongjue's body and hearing what the land lord told him, Du Kang already had some guesses in his mind. Now it's just Just confirmed it.

"Last time, it was barely possible to say that Li Tongpan was going to die, 'I don't want to waste', so what about this time? Whose soul are you planning to exchange?"

"Subordinates dare not, subordinates dare not..." Guangbei County Chenghuang lost his light in his eyes, probably because the whole matter was exposed by Du Kang and his hope was completely shattered, he murmured.

"You are very brave." The man of truth sneered.

"So, that Taoist priest was also sent by you?" Du Kang raised his eyebrows and asked.

Although the record in "Zi Bu Yu" is that the Taoist priest wanted to occupy Li Tongpan's body by changing his soul, but Du Kang didn't regard the recorded plot as a complete future. What's wrong?History books can be changed, let alone this kind of folk tale novel?
In short, it is - "you can believe it, but only a little bit".

"No!" This time, the City God of Guibei County shook his head decisively.


Du Kang didn't even need to look at the Taoist of the Truth, and the Taoist of the Truth had fulfilled his responsibility as a lie detector.

"...It wasn't sent by you, but the speed and tone of your answer seems to know the existence of this Taoist." Du Kang narrowed his eyes slightly, "It seems that you have other plans?"

"This subordinate... this subordinate wants to report a group of demons and evil gods!"

The city god of Guibei County seemed to have finally figured something out, gritted his teeth, and said decisively, "Although this subordinate knows that the crimes he committed have been too numerous to record, so he must not be able to forgive them all, but I don't know if Shangguan can forgive me because of this. Spare me part of the punishment..."

"Hey, it's too much to write too much. Don't you see that all your sins are here? Paper can be written down, not too much, not too much..."

Du Kang was also refreshed when he heard the words, and he knew there was something hidden in his heart. Seeing a lot of incense sticks flapping his wings, he said with a smile on his face.

"Just don't worry, confession will be lenient, and resistance will be strict. There is another word called meritorious deeds. If the demons and evil gods you said are true, it must be counted as major meritorious service, and the punishment can be mitigated. When the time comes, I will I will try my best to help you apply, I am a person who always says what I say, and I will never go back on what I say, and I will never lie! You can see that I have such a good relationship with people like the Truth Talker."

The man of truth smiled and nodded politely. The incense is in front, so he still needs to be patient... Besides, although it is true that he never tells a lie, he didn't say that he can't stop talking, or that he can't act. lie!

Probably because the previous record of the Taoist Man of Truth was quite credible, and he was also in a panic. The city god of Guibei County didn't think about whether there were any loopholes in the process. Speak up.

"Because the subordinate's great-grandson felt that his body was dying, and the subordinate had no way to help him, so it was really based on the idea of ​​changing this soul... But this time, the subordinate's great-grandson wanted to I want to go back to being a Taoist priest, and I’m still the kind of Taoist priest who has magic power and Taoism. He said that if he has this ability, he can actually be prosperous and rich. His subordinates really have no way to refuse him, so they thought of a way..."

 Tenosynovitis happened again... the left chest still feels a little strange, like something is pushing it, I will go to the hospital tomorrow... there will be another chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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