Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 104 Guibei County City God, Can You Convict?

Chapter 104 Guibei County City God, Can You Convict? (3.5k)

Later, Du Kang's body didn't even go in the direction of Guicheng.

The distance between Guibei County and Guicheng is not far, just more than 100 kilometers, which is completely within the range that Du Kang can perceive with spiritual power—it is nothing more than spreading spiritual power in one direction, rather than forming a circle centered on himself Just spread.

As long as it is within the range of spiritual power perception, Du Kang can directly control the spiritual power of the earth veins anywhere within the range to form a spiritual incarnation.

The higher Du Kang's cultivation level, the wider the range he can perceive with spiritual power. It is foreseeable that in the future, thousands of miles, ten thousand miles, etc. will not be a problem at all.

After locating the location of Taoist Zhenyan within the range, there was a burst of spiritual power fluctuations, and Du Kang's spiritual incarnation appeared in front of Taoist Zhenyan.

"My lord, are you back so soon?" The Taoist of Truth, his eyes lit up the moment he saw Du Kang, asked excitedly.

"No, my body didn't come back, this is my spiritual incarnation, because I haven't gone far, and then I encountered something that needs to be dealt with by the City God Seal, so I came back to find you, Master Shingon, and prepared to borrow a meeting."

Du Kang said: "However, it won't take long. At night, it should be almost ready to be returned to you. It will definitely not affect Daoist Master's work as the City God."

"Actually, my son can use it for a longer time. There is no need to take care of such small things. If you want to deal with things, you still have to be perfect..." Hearing the words, the man of truth took out the seal of the city god with some disappointment, and then persuaded him with some hope .

"Hahaha, the Taoist priest is really good at joking. If there is no seal of the city god, how can the Taoist priest work as the city god, how can he exercise and enrich himself? Don't worry, I will definitely return it when the time comes!" Du Kang After receiving the seal of the City God, he laughed and said.

"..." The man of truth could only show an awkward yet polite smile on his face.

"Then it's settled. I'll go to work first. You are happy at work, Master Mantra!" Du Kang waved his hand, and let the avatar of spiritual power bring the City God to print it. In just two or three minutes, the City God was printed. After Yin got it in his hand, he took Xiaoxuan and went towards the Town God's Temple together.

"How did you see through that land lord is lying?" When there was only one person and one cat left, Xiaoxuan finally couldn't help it, and asked curiously, "Do you have the same ability as the mantra?"

"No, I don't have that kind of ability. If I have that kind of ability, my life will be very tiring, and sometimes I need to be confused." Du Kang shook his head and said with a smile.

"As for why you can see through that he is lying... Few people would take risks because of things that don't concern them, even gods. I didn't see what aspects of that land lord resembled such a god, but what he said It’s not his own business in what he said, so he must have concealed something.”

"Oh..." Xiaoxuan half understood again.

Du Kang also didn't force Xiaoxuan to understand immediately. This kind of reasoning is in the end all talk of experience, and it's hard to understand if you haven't really experienced it. It's just that I'll talk about it now to lay a foundation. Sometimes you will have some experience, and you will not be at a loss.

Not long after, Du Kang and Xiao Xuan arrived in front of the Town God's Temple in Guibei County.

Just the moment he saw the Town God's Temple, Du Kang knew that the Lord of the Earth must not have lied.

In other words, even if the Guangbei County City God had nothing to do with Li Tongpan's matter, it must have something to do with other incidents involving gold and silver.

The Town God's Temple in Guibei County, at first glance, is even more grand, bright, and bigger than the Town God's Temple in Guibei that Du Kang had seen before!
The buildings in the county are better decorated than the buildings in the city. It's not that there are none, on the contrary, there are quite a lot.But that usually has to be in a different area. For example, it is normal for a city in a poor area to be less developed than a county in a developed area. To give an extreme example, can Guicheng compare with Chang'an County?Incomparable, it is not a grade at all.

But now, Guibei County is affiliated to Guicheng, but the Town God's Temple in Guibei County is more magnificent than the one in Guicheng, and the decoration is better?
In this case, either the City God of Guicheng is too upright and honest, while the City God of Guibei County is normal; or the City God of Guibei County used other means to obtain additional incense offerings.

In Du Kang's view, although the city god of Guicheng is very principled in his role as city god and never absents himself from work until he finds a replacement, he is definitely not the kind of person who can do nothing... So, the answer is quite obvious.

"Tsk tsk...let's meet the city god here for a while." Du Kang softly tsk twice and led Xiaoxuan into the temple gate.

As soon as you enter the Chenghuang Temple, more differences are more apparent.Regardless of the material of the window frames, eaves, beams and columns, various decorations, or even the bricks and tiles paving the floor, one can see the word "rich".

"Where is the City God here?" Du Kang asked.

When Du Kang walked in, he used a barrier technique to conceal the existence of himself and Xiaoxuan.It's very simple, it's nothing more than changing the effect it wants to achieve, so the humans in the City God's Temple can't see Du Kang or even hear the sound, and they will subconsciously avoid Du Kang's position when walking.

The Temple of the City God was silent, and there was no response.

"Where is the town god of Guibei County?" Du Kang spoke again, slightly raising the volume. The civil and military judges, the six divisions, and even the statue of the city god on the main seat were all cracked!
Du Kang: "..."

To be reasonable, Du Kang's original intention was to shock them so that they could feel it, and then he came out... probably because of a thought that went a little bit wrong, and turned into a sonic attack.

But Du Kang didn't feel annoyed or felt sorry because of it... Just looking at the decoration in the temple, he knew that the City God, the Civil and Military Judge and the Six Departments were in the same group, so they must also know that the incense offerings of the City God Where did it come from.

As co-beneficiaries, if the city gods really obtained these incense offerings through soul-changing, then the nature of their knowing and not reporting is different from the nature of the land being known but not reporting.

It can be said that Di Gongna is protecting his life wisely, but they are covering up crimes here!

"Who is it! How dare you destroy my idol! What a bold man, do you know your crime?!"

Accompanied by an angry voice, an old man who looked to be about 70 or [-] years old appeared in front of Du Kang, dressed in Chinese clothes and reeking of alcohol, and then other people appeared. All of them smelled of alcohol and their faces were shiny. They looked like they were at a banquet.

"Oh? Interesting, can I be convicted?" Hearing this, Du Kang raised his eyebrows and smiled instead of anger.

"Nonsense, you poor Taoist priest, even if you have some practice, you can't directly break into my temple and destroy my statue! If you don't give an explanation today and make amends, I will definitely not forgive you!" Guibei The county town god panted heavily, pointing at Du Kang arrogantly and cursing.

"Interesting, then I will give you an explanation." Du Kang smiled, "I have a treasure here, which I am about to dedicate to you. I wonder if it can be used to offset my crimes?"

"Treasure? Hmph, what kind of treasure do you poor Taoist priest have... and you have a raccoon slave, and save your treasure for me to see. If it makes sense, then I will reluctantly accept it, and you will give it I apologize, and I have forgiven your sins." Upon hearing about the treasure, the City God of Guibei County suddenly became sober, looked at Du Kang, and said contemptuously.

"This is not a raccoon slave, but a friend of mine." Du Kang said, turning his wrist, and saw a seal appearing in his hand, which glowed with the infusion of spiritual power, "The treasure I mentioned is exactly This is it, but I don’t know if you have the guts to follow up?”

"Ha, what an arrogant Taoist priest, to speak such wild words! I want to see what you are... Shangguan calm down!"

Halfway through the speech, the city god of Guibei County saw the glowing seal in Du Kang's hand, and immediately changed his mouth. His knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground. Earth ear".

The speed of back and forth reversal was so fast that Du Kang almost couldn't react!
But luckily Du Kang managed to stabilize himself in the end, he just stood there, threw the jade seal in his hand, and his body changed into the appearance of the City God of Guicheng, and he spoke indifferently.

"City God of Guibei County, can you be convicted?"

"This subordinate is guilty. This subordinate shouldn't be drinking during the day, and because of this, he got confused and yelled at you..." Guangbei County Town God said while kowtowing his head.

"I think your mind is still very clear, and you can even push your own fault to drinking." Du Kang said slowly, "Furthermore, if you don't drink during the day, don't you still want to work at night? drink while you're at it?"

"The subordinates dare not! It's all the subordinates' problem..." The City God of Guibei County showed no sign of stopping kowtowing.

Du Kang didn't stop him either, there was no special arrangement here, with the physique of a god, kowtowing like this was just a sound, it didn't hurt at all.

"I'll ask again, are you convicted?" Du Kang just said indifferently.

"...This subordinate is guilty!" After thinking hard for a while, the City God of Guibei County suddenly realized, "Subordinates really shouldn't drink alcohol during the day and not invite you..."

"Don't pretend to be stupid for me. Since I came here, it means that you have committed a major event. As for the major event, you should think about it carefully, because I will not be the one to ask after that... In a word, Be lenient when you confess, and stricter when you resist, you have to weigh it carefully in your heart." Du Kang waved his hand and said.

"...This subordinate indeed secretly embezzled the property of the deceased Wang Wu, and this subordinate is convicted!" The City God of Guibei County thought for a while, seeing that Du Kang had the intention to turn around and leave, he quickly said, "But this subordinate is just For a moment, I was obsessed with ghosts, and I didn't dare to move a penny of that money..."

"Do you think I will come to you specially because of such a thing?" Du Kang stared at the Chenghuang of Guibei County and said coldly.

"...The subordinate really shouldn't have thought about it for a while, and violated the daughter of the Liu family..." the city god of Guibei County thought for a while, and said profusely.

Du Kang: "???"

"I already know about this matter, but not this one!" Du Kang sternly said, "Think carefully, if you waste my time, I will directly report to Yan Luo, dismiss you and send you to hell!"

"Subordinates just say it! Subordinates still..." The City God of Guibei County began to speak again.

To be honest, this is indeed Du Kang's intention that he didn't directly say it at the beginning - if he dared to do evil things like exchanging souls and stealing money, he would definitely do other evil things in this long period of time. Just big and small differences.

At this time, it is difficult to ask all the questions one by one, but under such circumstances, if you force him to think for himself, you can basically figure out the general idea!

And logically speaking, this kind of narrative will generally start with the less serious ones...

Accompanied by the statement of the City God of Guibei County, Du Kang suddenly felt that it was necessary to invite the Taoist.

Years and months... It's a big sum again, this wave, he must be checked to the bottom of the sky!
Hmm... just a little tired of the truth talker.

Du Kang still felt a little embarrassed.

Otherwise, find another job for him later?

PS: The difference is five hundred to eight thousand... It's about the same. Why does it feel like I've fallen into some strange cycle, is it the same number of words yesterday?

(End of this chapter)

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