Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 112 The gods in the world are divided into 3, 1 is human, 2 is soul, 3 is...

Chapter 112 The gods in the world are divided into three, one is human, the other is soul, and the third is...

"It's okay, let's make a little evaluation. I'm just curious, so I don't need to strictly follow your evaluation system and process." Du Kang saw Han Wei's difficulty, waved his hand and said.

According to Du Kang's speculation, this kind of monk level evaluation, which has just been launched not long ago, is estimated to be linked to spiritual power reactions, physical fitness, and spell mastery. , of course there is no way to accurately evaluate.

Maybe there is even some literature subject assessment such as politics...just like the politics that is required for all postgraduate entrance examinations.

"Oh, if it's calculated in terms of destructive must be at the highest level so far, far beyond that." Han Wei thought about Du Kang's knife, and said seriously.

Although that knife only destroyed the ground of the main hall and cut the man-eating host Deng Li in half, it doesn't matter if you think about it, Du Kang must have withdrawn his strength. He who was a hundred meters away was so crushed that he couldn't move?
"After that, the speed must be the highest gear at present, and it is far beyond."

Needless to say, the speed of Du Kang's underground escapism has almost reached Mach [-]. If he is a big living person with him, if he is not brought to the limit state, I don't know what kind of situation he can reach ...But in any case, it must be much faster than the high-speed rail speed inferred according to the specifications in the current system, or even the speed of sound, which is Mach [-].

The system referred to here is naturally a system formulated "according to the understanding of spiritual power and the inference of the basis of the actual human body". As for the outside of the is meaningless to say that.

For example, the well-known Monkey King, Monkey King, somersaults a thousand miles. If it is calculated according to the time it takes for ordinary people to turn a somersault, even if it is one second, the speed is 54000 kilometers per second, a full 18 More than 3000 Mach, which is 0.18 times the speed of light!
Not to mention that there are records in various myths that are far faster than Sun Wukong's somersault cloud, such as the golden-winged roc... If it is really blown according to the records in the myth, then Ah San will really take advantage of it up.

In the mythology over there, a billion trillion is a basic small unit, and a billion trillion is usually added in front of it, so I can imagine that there must be some elements of artistic processing in it, and there are not a few extreme exaggerated facts.

"Then there are spells such as making earth seals and ripening rice in a short period of time. We generally classify them as 'other bonus items', which are judged according to their usefulness to society and their possible influence..."

Han Wei couldn't help but suck his teeth as he spoke, "I don't need to talk about these two items at all, you must know better than us how these two items can help our country..."

"Ah... makes sense too." Du Kang thought for a while and nodded.

Making the two spells of land seal and rice ripening is like Dukang gave a complete set of spells when he was shortly after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and what he needed and what he lacked. It can be popularized all over the country, and the effect is even better than the current Skynet. The monitoring system, as well as the feasible method to completely solve the food problem... basically give it away for nothing!
No matter which one it is, it is the technology of countless living people, let alone corresponding to that period!

"Making the land seal... What is the land seal?" The old man on the side couldn't help asking, he had checked the rice in his hand over and over again, and from time to time, he picked up a grain to look carefully, and carefully put it in his pocket after reading it , but has been paying attention to the conversation between Du Kang and Han Wei.

What Du Kang did can be said to have completely broken the old man's understanding of planting, but the old man who was able to accept the existence of spiritual power so quickly and began to study spiritual power rice is obviously not a stubborn old man who is unwilling to accept new things——

Those who really work on technology in a down-to-earth way, wish to see technology that they can't understand every day. Generally speaking, it is something worthy of celebration... Unless they cheat, sensationalize, and come up with a new technology that shocks the world, they cannot reproduce it. , and something like "the original product was lost due to improper storage" is going to be a joke.

And in front of the old man's eyes, Du Kang, who actually completed the transformation of rice seeds into mature rice and harvested it, obviously would not be classified as "fake" because of his appearance. From the old man's point of view, how could such a handsome boy be deceiving!

Therefore, the seal of the land that Han Wei mentioned was also juxtaposed with the spell of rice growing into rice, which immediately attracted the attention of the old man.

"Oh, it's the official seal of the land. Lord of the land, you must know it, right? You are a god!" Du Kang naturally respected the old man very much, and said in an extremely gentle tone.

"You know, I used to pray at home when I was young, and it's useless to pray!" The old man nodded seriously and fell into a state of reminiscence, "I often went to steal the offerings in front of the statue, and my family was very happy at first. , I was found out later and I was beaten..."

Probably because he talked about the unbearable past, the old man quickly broke away from the state of reminiscence, just like few people can persevere when they recall the embarrassing operations of flirting with girls at the beginning ...In short, the old man soon realized something that horrified him, "So the Land Lord really exists? Then I'll take the offering and eat it, right?"

"It's okay, ordinary gods can't eat those offerings. For most gods, enjoying incense is the best thing they can receive from mortals. Moreover, people like you, academician , Even if he eats offerings, the Lord of the Land will not care, and will even enjoy it." Du Kang comforted with a smile, and fell into a state of reminiscence.

Naturally, these words were not Du Kang's nonsense to comfort the old man, but they were based on real evidence - not long after he found out that Shi Yuye was eating peaches, Du Kang found an opportunity to ask Shi Yuye about it.

According to Shi Yuye's answer, there are two types of immortals. One is that people become immortals before they die. They always have a body, enjoy incense, and live forever. They can naturally eat enshrined food...Of course, this Kinds of gods are generally more "high-end", so there is absolutely no need to eat ordinary offerings.

And the other kind, of course, is like ordinary land lords and city gods. People are sealed as gods after they die, or they pass the exam to become gods. They are just soul bodies, so naturally there is no need to eat mortals. The real thing is enshrined, just to enjoy a piece of incense...Of course, there are also all kinds of food dedicated to the soul body, which looks, tastes, and smells the same as ordinary real things, which is why the city god of Guibei County that Du Kang saw before also To be able to drink.

"There is another kind of fairy..."

"What is another kind of fairy?"

"This, you will naturally know about it in the future, Mr. Du!"

Shi Yuye's voice seemed to ring in his ears again, and Du Kang remembered Shi Yuye's words that he hesitated to speak at that time.

"So one day with a sword in hand, I will kill all the broken chapters in the world... Shuaibi." Du Kang almost forgot the fact that he is also a regular broken chapter Shuaibi who has been trained by Qidian Duanzhang class, and he quickly corrected it in his heart.

"Attention, there is another key information, which may be related to the detailed information of the ancient gods!" In the meeting room, all the superiors naturally became excited, and a group of analysts were also ready to start analyzing according to Du Kang's words just now.

With the background of spiritual energy recovery, immortals are the first thing that all high-level officials consider and have to consider.

Without him, the gods are too strong!
If there is no such thing as spiritual recovery, everything about immortals can naturally be feudal superstition, but spiritual recovery really appears...then immortals are the center of the topic that cannot be separated.

Everything that seemed impossible suddenly became possible—are gods really as powerful as what is recorded in the classics or in the legend?Is it an operation to beautify the facts, or is it modest and restrained?If it is strong, how strong is it, and if it is weak, how weak is it?
These issues have to be considered, because it is no different from contacting aliens... At most, they are aliens who have left records before. Who knows whether aliens are good or evil? Friendly and Accommodating or Exploitative?
However, before meeting Du Kang, there was still no sign of finding any evidence for these... There is not a single god, how to discuss it?

In fact, this is also the reason why Du Kang received such attention from the very beginning... A mighty man who has lived for more than 500 years, if the information he has can be confirmed to be true, it will help him save a lot of time Detour, how many people will die less!

After Du Kang's series of operations in the past few days, while his identity and ability have been further recognized, the degree of attention, analysis and interpretation of each of Du Kang's words has naturally increased further.

"It can be concluded from the words that there are differences among gods. Some gods can contact the physical body to worship, and some gods can't? Or is there a difference between whether they can benefit from it... Is it the difference between the physical body and the soul body?"

"Incense, incense is indeed very important to the gods..."

"Academicians eat offerings, and gods like Di Gong can't resist, even get angry, and they have to be happy? Doesn't that mean that the status of mortals can also affect gods to a certain extent in turn? The legendary luck ? Merit? Official Dragon Qi?"

A lot of relevant analysis and topics were quickly given out. Naturally, so many professional analysts couldn’t just eat dry food, and soon all of them started to discuss intensely... I also pay attention to whether Du Kang has given any new ideas from time to time. information comes.

It's just that the old man who didn't know the inside story obviously didn't think too much, just thought Du Kang was flattering and comforting him, laughed loudly, and warmly invited Du Kang to stay and taste the rice made from the spiritual power rice. Fresh game and so on.

PS: [-] words completed!Eight thousand tomorrow, go ahead!
(End of this chapter)

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