Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 113 Quanzhen Dao, Longmen School, "King Kong Longevity Kungfu"!

Chapter 113 Quanzhen Dao, Longmen School, "King Kong Longevity Kungfu"!
From freshly picked rice in the field to a bowl of steaming white rice, different quality rice needs to go through different processes and time.

The Lingmi rice made by Lingli Paddy is naturally very different from the usual ones.

Not only was the data recorded throughout the process, but a brand new machine was used to dry and shell... Even the water after washing was required by Han Wei to keep it, not for watering the flowers, but for experimental testing.

It cannot be said that there are nearly [-] kilograms of rice, and these rice can be wasted at will. Matters involving the whole country must be rigorous.

The apprentices who cook are all stupid, but it’s hard not to be stupid when they see a lot of soldiers and cameras coming to the kitchen, especially when they first guessed that it was a certain chef, but all the soldiers came to him When I lost him...

Fortunately, his master reacted quickly and took over his work. Otherwise, in his state, if he poured out the rice washing water when washing rice, he would probably be thrown to the ground, and then he would have to add a whole package of review packages and the like served.

In short, when the steaming Lingmi rice was served, the fragrant game was also served.

There is no clear definition of the term wild game. It is roughly described as "animals that grow in a natural environment and have not been domesticated", and it can be divided into two types: certified and unlicensed.But in some places, some wild plants can also be regarded as game, it depends on the local name.

There are also various sources of wild game, not to mention the illegal poaching, it is also possible to buy directly from the wild game market, and there are also wild game that you grow yourself, or those that died in accidents, etc., there must be a reasonable The way of handling... Those who can appear on this dinner table are of course reasonable.

The chef who cooks wild game is very skilled. It is obvious that he can serve such a large table without any communication before. The old man likes this one, so he always prepares it. Usually the chef Do enough, have experience.

In the past, this wild game was naturally the main object of everyone's attention and discussion, but this time it was completely different. The steaming bowl of white rice was the highlight of everyone's mind.

"Sweet!" Han Wei took a deep breath and sighed. As a food taster in charge of the live broadcast, it is also what he needs to do to give feedback on all kinds of feelings in the first place. You can't beat the aroma of this dish!"

There are many kinds of wild game, some of which only need to be steamed and cooked to stimulate their inner aroma; while others need to be marinated and fried with heavy ingredients, mainly to taste the taste.In the game served this time, there are both. It stands to reason that the taste of one heavy dish is enough to overwhelm the others. trend.

Even, even at this stage of smelling, Han Wei could vaguely feel that he was refreshed, and the spiritual power in his body was flowing faster, obviously becoming active.

After giving the evaluation of "smell", Han Wei took a closer look. The rice grains are distinct and the pearls are round. It is obviously just rice, but it gives people a jewelry texture. It looks watery and sticky, and it is absolutely perfect from the appearance.

Afterwards, it is natural to eat, because Du Kang doesn't like that kind of ostentation, so there is no "drinking table etiquette" in this meal, and even the drinks are chosen by each person, and it is this kind of meal that makes people eat be comfortable.

Han Wei didn't even look at the wild game on the table. He came here to eat with a mission. He didn't know how many eyes were watching, and there were so many bosses and superiors paying attention... Of course, people can tell the difference clearly in this situation. The key point is to half pick up a mouthful of rice with chopsticks and put it in your mouth.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the taste and delicacy. Han Wei's eyes widened almost instantly... This is the first time that he has so clearly felt the intake of spiritual power from food!
"This... one bowl should be worth more than an hour of training!" Han Wei murmured.

"Huh?" Du Kang gave him a strange look, felt the movement of spiritual power in his body seriously again, and asked after confirming, "Is there so much?"

"Of course!" Han Wei's voice inevitably grew louder due to excitement, "Absolutely... I even used myself as a reference!"

There are two meanings in Han Wei's words - first, as a current senior combatant, he has the right to speak on this point and is quite accurate; second, as a senior combatant, it is better to have With his talent and aptitude, he can practice for more than an hour after eating this bowl of rice. Wouldn't it be more effective for those intermediate, elementary, and even ordinary people?
"Hmm..." Du Kang naturally heard the meaning of Han Wei's words, and it was precisely because of this that he became interested and fell into thinking.

For Du Kang, this bowl of rice is about two to three seconds of natural increase in spiritual power, which is a state that is better than nothing, basically no different from eating ordinary rice.

However, for Han Wei, why is there such a significant effect?

You must know that Du Kang's nameless cultivation method is an extremely special one.There is no need for any assistance in practice, and there is no need to actively meditate and breathe. All the speed of practice depends on natural growth, and you can't practice other exercises to increase the speed... Unless it is a day like "krypton gold" like eating flat peaches. Materials and treasures, that kind does not affect.

The disadvantage is that the cultivation speed is slow, and, if only relying on himself, Du Kang's cultivation speed is constant, and will not change because his cultivation base becomes advanced.

At most, the difference is only due to changes in the spiritual power of the surrounding environment—the speed of water absorption is constant, but the water content of the surrounding environment can definitely restrict the amount of water absorption, for example, there must be a huge difference between the desert and the sea.

"Could it be that it's because of the surrounding environment? The spiritual energy has just started to recover, and the natural energy in the world is not enough?" Du Kang had a guess in his mind, and he had a way to test it.

Recalling the concentration of spiritual energy in ancient times, Du Kang slightly raised his hand, controlling the underground spiritual veins to temporarily release more spiritual energy, filling the entire space. Such a small change will not hurt the ground veins, but it is enough to make the ground veins The aura is filled to that concentration.

"Han Bu, please try to cultivate, don't eat." Du Kang said to Han Wei.

"Now... now?" Han Wei, who noticed Du Kang's movements and the apparently more comfortable surrounding environment, was taken aback.

"Yes, I suddenly have some guesses that I want to verify." Du Kang nodded slightly, "Pay attention to the key points and feel the speed of cultivation."

There is no need to wait for orders from superiors, Han Wei immediately realized the importance of this.

What involved cultivation was nothing more than practicing exercises, and thinking of Du Kang's identity, Han Wei's heart suddenly became hot.

It's not that it has become a habit for Wool to catch someone or take advantage of it, but the subconscious first reaction in his heart-Du Kang must have a bunch of good things!

In any case, cooperation is definitely right.

Han Wei nodded, pushed away the chair and stood up, and then began to... punch.

The box for entertaining Du Kang and Han Wei is naturally not small. Given the large space, Han Wei's movements are fully capable of unleashing his punches. There is a charm between them.

Du Kang narrowed his eyes slightly. From the perspective of ordinary people, Han Wei may be juggling boxing. Anyway, ordinary people can't tell the difference between Tai Chi Ba Chi Ba Duan Jin and other kung fu... Well, Du Kang can't tell the difference either, after all, he has never done it before. Been in touch with this stuff.

But what Du Kang wanted to see was not the origin of this set of cultivation methods. When Han Wei just started to move, Du Kang had a flash of inspiration in his eyes. It was because of the activation of the spiritual eye technique, so as to observe the distribution of spiritual power. Yes—whether it is external spiritual power or Han Wei's body, the specific method to do it is also very simple, it is nothing more than changing the mod for the spiritual eye technique.

Under Du Kang's observation, various acupoints on Han Wei's body were being stimulated with his movements, forming small whirlpools, absorbing the spiritual power from the outside world. The spiritual power was mainly in the body and internal organs. Flowing between, constantly strengthening the body.

"Okay, it's okay, Han Bu, I just finished one cycle, how do you feel? Let's compare it with the bowl of rice, how long will it be like now?"

The spiritual eye technique replaced with the exclusive mod seems to be the most suitable, tailor-made artificial intelligence. After watching it for a while, Du Kang has naturally seen the operation essence of Han Wei's set of exercises. , was about to start the next cycle and shouted to stop.

In fact, Du Kang himself roughly made a judgment based on the total amount of spiritual power he saw, but he still decided that it would be more appropriate to ask the person concerned.

"Very good, better than ever. I have never felt that my cultivation speed is so much faster... at least it is many times faster than before! If you compare that bowl of Lingmi rice, it takes about a few minutes, or ten times. The speed of practice in a few minutes?"

Han Wei panted slightly, the surprise on his face could not be suppressed at all, he had a guess in his heart, and asked expectantly: "Could it be that this Lingmi, after eating, can speed up the speed of cultivation?"

"Of course..." Du Kang smiled slightly and answered, "No."

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Han Wei to ask, Du Kang explained.

"Lingmi is ordinary Lingmi, which contains spiritual power, which is more conducive to the body's absorption, so after eating it, it is equivalent to speeding up the cultivation, but it is impossible to improve the efficiency of the cultivation method... You feel that the speed of cultivation has accelerated , because I just mobilized the earth veins and increased the concentration of spiritual power in this space."

"Oh..." Han Wei tried his best to empty his brain, not to waste his brain capacity by over-analyzing what Du Kang said. Anyway, all the words Du Kang said had to be analyzed by professionals, let alone such obvious ones. He has important information. His job responsibility is to ensure that the communication is correct, the relationship develops in a good direction, and he obtains as much important information as possible.

"The exercises you practiced just now are very good...what's their name? There should be other matching ones, right?" Du Kang asked again, "I think your set of exercises mainly focuses on external exercises, body, and internal organs."

"That's right! You are amazing! The one I practiced just now is called "Vajra Kung Fu", and there is a matching set called "Longevity Kung Fu."

Han Wei nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said, ""Vajra Kung Fu" practice external skills, body, internal organs; "Longevity Kungfu" practice internal skills, mind and spirit, and people's innate qi. We usually practice Vajra Kung Fu during the daytime. , Practice longevity exercises at night.

This is the cultivation method of the Quanzhen Dao Longmen School. Even ordinary people can practice it when there is no spiritual recovery. To strengthen the body, you must pay attention to your physical condition when you first practice. Those who are not in good health are prone to flashing waist Or if you hurt your leg or something, you have to pay attention to the standard of movement..."

"This is a good thing." Du Kang nodded, "Under the normal concentration of spiritual power, the speed of cultivation is already very fast. In ancient times, it was the core exercise that was only passed on by each sect."

"You're right!" Han Wei nodded again and again, ""King Kong Longevity Gong" has been passed down through generations, and it wasn't until the modern Taoist priest Zhang Zhishun that he sorted it out and made it public..."

Du Kang listened, but there was another turmoil in his heart.

It's not that I'm surprised that the exercises of the single-handed masters of the past dynasties were made public. In fact, along with the process from ancient times to modern times, many good things have been announced in this way, otherwise it would be easy to be true. completely lost—

In ancient times, it was very particular about finding successors for various stunts, such as "passing on males but not females", "only oral and not written", etc., but modern young people, there are so many colorful worlds, who pays so much attention to you? no?

Therefore, it can only be released directly, so sometimes the "violation of the ancestor's decision" in various online videos may indeed be true... Of course, most of them must be eye-catching.

As for how to find the truth?Simple, look at the certification!Those with official endorsements are basically true. For example, the "King Kong Longevity Kung Fu" from the Quanzhen Dao Longmen School is listed as one of the martial arts health regimens, and you can practice it when you have nothing to do...Of course, it’s still the same sentence Words, actions are standard, be careful not to get hurt.

Far away, back to the right track - the reason for the turmoil in Du Kang's heart is still based on the previous doubts.

"Why? Obviously, Han Bu's cultivation method is not bad, but the speed of cultivation under the same environment is so much different from mine. Han Bu can be considered a genius. I remember that the description of my cultivation method does not mean that the cultivation speed will be very fast. Slow, if a genius cultivates, in an environment with abundant manpower, it is estimated that the cultivation speed of an ordinary person in an ordinary environment... Wait, genius, ordinary person?"

Du Kang thought about it, and suddenly realized a problem.

Genius and ordinary people, there is a world of difference between these two words.

However, there is also a world of difference between geniuses and geniuses!
Recalling the description of the exercises, Du Kang suddenly had a speculation that sounded outrageous, but after thinking about it, it seemed quite reasonable.

"Could it be that I'm too strong?"

PS: 2 words...the community has a power outage at [-]:[-], Chapter [-] [-] may be a little later than [-]:[-], the notebook is charging, and the notebook code will be sent out by then

(End of this chapter)

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