Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 114 Du Kang, you can become a god!

Chapter 114 Du Kang, you can become a god!

"Cultivator, nothing more than..."

"I look at ancient and modern times, there are many people with outstanding talents, but no one can get rid of this law..."


Du Kang looked at the nameless exercises again, and found that he really didn't mention this point.

The beginning of the chapter is a summary of all the practice routines since the beginning of the sky, and then there are no talents from all walks of life. It depends on my own creation... Who knows what kind of talent is in this?
The Tianjiao in the village is also the Tianjiao, and the Tianjiao in the capital is also the Tianjiao, can it be the same?

This is the same as the low-end dungeon in the early stage, "The King of Fighters is so terrifying", and the high-end battle in the later stage, "The Emperor of Fighting is just mediocre"... The standard is naturally different in different places.

In this way, if there is no detailed standard to judge, the upper limit of this unknown skill is naturally impossible to talk about.

Du Kang didn't realize this at the beginning, and always judged himself as a genius that ordinary people can understand... But what if the Tianjiao mentioned in the exercises are all the peerless geniuses with names and surnames from ancient times to the present?
Ordinary people there...

Du Kang silently glanced at Han Wei who was still introducing the origin of "King Kong Longevity Kungfu", and he was sure that this person should definitely not be qualified to be an ordinary person in "the speed of ordinary people's cultivation in ordinary environments".

"What's the matter, is there anything you want to say?" Han Wei, who had been paying attention to Du Kang, immediately noticed Du Kang's gaze, stopped and asked.

"Not really, but... surely this is not the only practice method, is there any other?" Du Kang asked.

Although "Vajra Kungfu" and "Longevity Kungfu" are one for the outside and the other for the inside, one is suitable for daytime practice and the other is for evening practice, but in general it must be regarded as a set.

"Of course not, this set is included in our preferred list of optional exercises as one of the most adaptable exercises, because 'regardless of gender, it can be practiced by both men and women. "East, west, north, south, indoor and outdoor practice" is too lenient, and there are similar exercises such as Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and Baduanjin." Han Wei quickly replied.

These news are classified as confidential, but to Du Kang, it is definitely not a big deal. If Du Kang needs it, Han Wei would like to tell Du Kang all about it... Like Du Kang's current status, just a few words and some random things, are likely to play a significant role.

"Hey, why is there no Buddhism in the exercises you mentioned?" Du Kang found out one of the problems, and asked curiously, "Is it possible that Buddhism doesn't cooperate?"

"Of course it is impossible not to cooperate, such as the Diamond Sutra... But Buddhism generally cooperates with abstinence from sex and meat, so including me, I don't know much about it... Do I need to check it now?" What Han Wei said was a little embarrassing.

"No need, I'm just asking casually." Du Kang shook his head, and the reason for this is also very clear.

There is a saying that "the yellow sky is above me, I have nothing to do with gambling and drugs", although most of them are playing tricks, it can also reflect the importance you attach to this point.

Although Taoism also has the theory of pure heart and few desires, it is not like Buddhism, especially Zhengyi Sect also allows marriage and childbirth, which is even more lenient, so it is normal to have some biases when choosing exercises...

"I'll think about what kind of exercises are suitable later on." Du Kang saw Han Wei's wish, and didn't hold back his appetite, so he specifically mentioned it.

This method of my own is definitely not good, it's not that I can't bear it, but... It's harmful to spread this thing around!

"Based on my ability, the speed of cultivation is only like this, then if it is replaced by a really ordinary genius, then it is estimated that it is really not as good as an ordinary person..." Du Kang gradually recognized this fact.

They all said that they should not underestimate themselves, but Du Kang found that he seemed to underestimate himself all the time, and he needed to constantly correct his upper limit.I have to say, this experience is really quite comfortable...

Han Wei was immediately overjoyed when he heard the words, Du Kang's identity is definitely not enough to say no to it, and he can definitely show it, and the things he brought out are all good things... This time, no matter how you say it, he can be regarded as a "hint" or " cooperation".

Although it is said that he already has a lot of credit, and he doesn't care too much...but who would refuse to have a lot of credit?

What's more, that is the cultivation technique that Du Kang took out!Judging from the effects of land seals and spiritual power rice, how bad is the cultivation method?

Produced by Dukang, quality assurance!

"So, do you have someone who is suitable to be in charge of the land seal here?"

After eating, the old man couldn't wait to take the students to continue to study the spiritual power rice. Du Kang didn't choose to hinder their work, but asked Han Wei.

"At present, there are a few preliminary candidates," Han Wei immediately pulled out relevant information to show Du Kang, "They are all trustworthy, mainly because they need a certain level of cultivation if they want to fully utilize the land seal..."

"...The cultivation base can actually be further relaxed. I can make some adjustments when planting rice." Du Kang thought for a while, "It should be no problem to make the operation easier."

It is nothing more than connecting more land veins and land seals when making land seals, and adding a small spell so that the person who notifies the land seals can get more of the land spirit veins when using some basic functions. Just cooperate.

For example, when old-fashioned aircraft control the flaps, most of them are controlled by cables and purely mechanical transmission.

The advantage of this method is that it is simple and direct, and the cost is low, and the pilot can directly experience the load situation of the aircraft, which is conducive to better control of the aircraft.The disadvantage is that the driver's physical exertion is high, especially in bad weather or when the aircraft is heavily loaded, the physical strength requirements for the pilot are even higher, and there may even be situations where the pilot cannot turn the rudder at all due to extremely bad weather.

Placed here is the land seal, which is the one that Du Kang gave to Han Wei at the beginning. It is the simplest and initial, and it completely conforms to the production method recorded in the Book of Society.

It cannot be said that Ji Shen, the God of Sheji, who edited the Book of Sheji, did not think carefully, because he had to consider another point...that is a real land seal, how can the land seal used by the God of Society be comparable to the land seal used by the Land Lord ?For the gods, can there be such a saying that they lack spiritual power and can't use the land to seal?

Putting it on an airplane means that Superman is sitting in the pilot's seat. What needs to be considered is not that the wind is so strong that the pilot cannot turn the rudder, but that the rudder and steel cables can't withstand the power of Superman...and, Superman will I don't think it's troublesome to jump out and fly the plane by myself.

This is the reason why Du Kang doesn't use the land seal - in comparison, he is the superman who can fly with a group of people without an airplane.

What Dukang has to do now is to upgrade the aircraft, that is, the land seal, and change the cable transmission system to the one used by more aircraft today, which is a mixture of electric and mechanical, and the rudder in the pilot's hand is not compatible The flaps are directly connected by steel cables, but by changing the position of the rudder, the electronic signal sends feedback, thereby controlling the electric transmission system to drive the flaps to rotate... In this way, naturally, the pilot does not need much effort to control.

As for whether it can be done?This is not a problem, because the earth spirit will cooperate.

With the cooperation of the main output force, such a spell does not need to consider the applicability or inability to complete it, because it only needs to have "Du Kang said" is enough.

"Really...really???" Han Wei's eyes were about to light up, if he hadn't mastered the "spiritual eye technique".

"Of course... it is limited to the land of Inha, the land related to rice cultivation." Du Kang added.

It's not that Du Kang deliberately made things difficult for other places, but—this earth spirit vein is also limited, and it needs the cooperation of the earth spirit vein. It doesn't matter at all. What if it is drained?This must be taken into consideration. It has not been long since the recovery of the spirit energy, and the use of the earth spirit veins should be slowed down.

"Okay, okay, no problem!" Han Wei nodded again and again. It is enough to provide help. If the person who is helped still asks for it, it is because he is making himself uncomfortable...Of course, those It's obviously an earthquake-stricken area, but if you send a bunch of origami cranes to others, it's better not to help.

"I think the academician is a very good old man. He is very suitable as the candidate in charge of the land seal, and he can also prepare for the future." Du Kang nodded and said, seeing that Han Wei was still a little dazed, he added, "Academician Very old."

"Yes, the academician is very old... Wait, what do you mean?" Han Wei was not stupid. Hearing Du Kang's words with such obvious meaning, he immediately reacted.

"In ancient times, land lords were always chosen to be virtuous and capable. I think academicians must meet this requirement." Du Kang smiled slightly, "When a person dies, he dies, but sometimes, some people After death, you can actually live in another form.”

Han Wei stared blankly at Du Kang, feeling that today's small amount of brain capacity was once again hit by a nuclear bomb level.

There is a very interesting theory that says this - death is divided into several stages, the first stage refers to the absence of heartbeat and breathing, and the doctor declares death, which is the death of the body.

The second stage is the memorial service, funeral, and the cancellation of various documents. This is the death of a person in social relations.

The third stage refers to when the last person in the world who still remembers you also dies or forgets you, that is a person is completely dead.

The death of a person is either heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. Some people die, and no one remembers anything he has done, while some people die. The achievements he has made, the great achievements he has made, no matter how long it takes It will not be forgotten, this kind of person is not considered dead.

Of course, being "alive" with respect, or "living" with a reputation that will last forever, are also two different "living".

But Du Kang is obviously not talking about these two types. He is talking about a kind of life that more people are willing to pursue, but fewer people can obtain in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad...

Become a god!

Even the smallest god, Tugong, in theory, is still a righteous god, a decent god with a well-organized scripture!

"Is can do it too?" Han Wei tried hard to control his thoughts that were blown away, swallowed hard, and asked, "Feng... God?"

To be reasonable, regarding the possibility of conferring the gods, in fact, when Du Kang just handed over the land seal, some people had already speculated about this idea.

Since it is possible to make the artifacts needed by the righteous gods, why can't they directly confer the gods?It sounds like a very logical thing.

However, because it was too shocking, it was only listed as one of the possibilities, but not confirmed.

You know, in various records, the Duke of Land has to report to the Heavenly Court for certification... If Du Kang can do this, then what level of boss is he?

Of course, the big boss can do things without following the procedures, but Han Wei and the others can't guess what level the big boss is.

It can only be said that as an ordinary person, the speculation about the gods must go in this direction. There is no problem in logic, but the problem lies in this... Who would know that the gods are also a group of working gods who theoretically need 007?

That is to say, Du Kang knew this only after seeing it with his own eyes. Others must have no way of knowing it... Even Du Kang himself was shocked for a long time when he first found out.

"Fengshen?" Du Kang thought about what Shi Yuye said after watching Shi Yuye conferring the gods, and then thought of the book of society on his body. Using this as an identity card, it must be no problem to confer the gods, so he said, "Also Come on, it's easy."

The simple seven words, to Han Wei's ears, were extremely shocking.

He admitted it, and he admitted it again!
Yes, of course it is simple, of course it is simple for the boss!This is the same as compared with the monthly income of more than [-] yuan that most people are struggling to get and the bosses' "earn him a small goal first"!
Han Wei tried his best not to think about it.

"Of course, that time is still far away. The academician is in good health. Don't worry. After taking charge of the land seal, he will be nourished by spiritual power and his body will definitely get better again." Du Kang said again.

In fact, this can be regarded as conferring gods, but Du Kang didn't specifically explain... In his opinion, this is not considered conferring gods, including Shi Yuye's wave. up.Du Kang felt that it was the kind with solemn ceremonies, but he hadn't seen that kind yet.

"Speaking of which, I have never seen a soul-body apotheosis, and I don't know what the difference is in form... I will ask Miss Shi after I go back." Du Kang thought to himself.

"I just don't know how long it will be until the death of those who are qualified to confer the gods... I can't let the priest of the truth be sacrificed again, this kind of thing is not good..."

After thinking about it, Du Kang wanted to start acting as a substitute.

However, before that, he had to print the land and explain the situation to the academicians.

PS: The coding is over, this chapter is four thousand again!In this way, today is [-] (I didn’t go through a day without sleep) I used a notebook to code because of a power outage, and I feel that I have worked hard!

The ancient chapters will try their best to write interesting ones, please take a look~
How can you improve without trying, right?

And, the long-lost co-rental diary↓

 Lu Chi is not terrible, but Lu Chi firmly believes that he is not Lu Chi is terrible.

  The thing is like this, we set off to a barbecue restaurant downstairs to eat barbecue, the distance is to cross a zebra crossing, then walk a distance of 100 meters, and only turn one corner.

  Just halfway there, Ah Xing asked suspiciously: "Isn't it going this way?"

  Me: "Ah? It's right this way, don't you know xx's barbecue? We came here to eat last time."

  Ah Xing: "I know, but I don't remember going here."

  Me: "Lu Chi, don't say such things..."

  Axue smiled triumphantly: "Ah Xing, you are such an idiot, remember to turn on the navigation next time you come out."

  Ah Xing shook his head resolutely, and said resolutely: "I'm not a road idiot! It must be because we haven't been there before."

  I gave up my plan to correct Ah Xing, anyway, he would realize his mistake in a dozen seconds, shook his head and said with emotion: "Fortunately, Ah Xue is not as serious as you, he has to cross at least one more street before he gets lost."

  A Xue also tried hard to refute: "I'm not crazy, okay, it was just an accident!"

  When I could only say "ah, yes, yes, yes", I suddenly saw a Chaoshan beef hotpot restaurant that I had been to before, so I casually said to Axue, "This restaurant is not very delicious and expensive."

  A Xue: "...Have we been here before?"


  This one is closer than that kebab shop!

  It seems that it needs further judgment as to who is more serious in the degree of Lu Chi between A Xue and A Xing.

(End of this chapter)

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