Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 115 From ancient times to the present, can emperors and heroes live forever?

Chapter 115 From ancient times to the present, can emperors and heroes live forever?
The process of making a land seal is not difficult, even simpler than Du Kang's last operation, that is, the first operation.

Although it was produced in a different place and needed to be connected to different earth spirit veins, Du Kang's spiritual integration was not affected in the slightest, and the earth spirit veins did not show any reaction of "where did you come from, why do you command me?" Instead, the response method of "Brother, get it done" as always, so that Du Kang's entire production process was not hindered in the slightest.

"The Lord of the Earth? No way, no way, how can I have that ability!"

When the old man heard what Han Wei said, his first reaction was to shake his head and wave his hands, "I'm an old man, I can't learn those things at all..."

"It's not that troublesome, try it." Du Kang directly stamped the land in his hands, "This is a monitor that allows you to see if there are any guys who want to cause damage in this field and nearby."

This time the land seal was made of a piece of jade, and Du Kang added a little design to make it the shape of rice—anyway, the shape of the land seal is not clearly stipulated, as long as there is a corresponding function just fine.

The old man couldn't put it down when he saw it, and he felt his body became more comfortable after he used it: "Oh, this is a good's expensive, right?"

"It's free, a gift." Du Kang shook his head and said, "Wearing this for a long time can also prolong your life properly. It is a health care product."

Han Wei's eyes widened when he heard that, and he was a little bit stupefied.

Health products for prolonging life?

Han Wei immediately thought of the one he must have no such effect!
In the same way, what he saw and heard was passed on to the temporary conference room where after lunch time, the participants continued to expire one after another.


Take a deep breath, countless.

Even if you are having a meal, there is naturally a special meeting record. You can’t miss it without seeing it and then you don’t know the key news... So the superiors gathered here at this moment basically know that Du Kang can be a god. .

That's a god!
Death is like a lamp being extinguished, but the incense burns forever if one becomes a god. Who doesn't want to become a god?
Only when you have become a god, you will not want to become a god.

Coupled with the prolonging of life that Du Kang is now talking about... it made more people think again.

Even if you can't become a god, you can live forever, prolong your life and live for a while, which is naturally excellent.

Since ancient times, many emperors and heroes have pursued can they avoid it?
But now, this opportunity just appeared in front of their eyes, so simple, it seemed within reach...

"Take it all away, don't think about those far-fetched things."

In the conference room, Han Wei's boss spoke.

"Didn't you listen to what this guy said? Those who are virtuous and capable live there, and those who are virtuous and capable... are all about politics. Everyone, ask yourself if you are in line with it, and don't make unrealistic delusions. If so, put Report the list to me, and I will ask Xiao Han to ask for you.

Another one, there are many emperors and heroes from ancient times to the present, but there used to be auras, and there is no record of who lived a very long, incomparable longevity... Can you compare with those emperors back then?Hasn't this person dealt with those emperors before?
Only stamping the special land on the planting side, and not giving others, can actually explain the problem.

People in power cannot live forever, and accidents will happen.

Let's talk about it first, whoever dares to disturb this person privately will affect the cooperative relationship, don't blame me for not showing affection afterward... that's all I have to say. "

The atmosphere in the conference room sank.

"Let's discuss the list and order. Let's first specify the planting area plan, protection measure plan, and candidates... If others didn't specifically mention it, it doesn't mean that we can use it at will, and don't make any crooked ideas. , in the past so many years, I must have seen everything, don't do things like playing big swords in front of Guan Gong..."

Han Wei's boss sighed slightly, and changed the subject.

Naturally, Du Kang didn't know what happened in the meeting room at the other end. Regarding the matter of conferring the gods...he naturally thought of the temptation of Changsheng to those class people.

But this is impossible, if anyone can become a god, it would be a mess long ago.Du Kang is also qualified to be a god because he holds the Book of Sheji. The person who holds the book of Sheji is equivalent to mastering the inheritance of the God of Sheji and the God of Ji. Represents... the god of the country!
Therefore, as far as Du Kang is concerned, there must be no problem at all in conferring a land lord or city god. At most, the process may be a little sloppy, but it would be nice to make up for such things afterwards.Even, if necessary, the mountain god can't do it, the big deal is to talk to Shi Yuye afterwards.

And if it were someone else, it would definitely not work, that is called prostitution, it might be okay to not find out, but if it was found out, it would be more uncomfortable than dying directly.

So Du Kang is not worried at all, unless they can beat him, he can't run away.It is definitely not possible at this stage, and it is estimated that it will be difficult in the future.

The speed of his own cultivation is already beyond the existence of ordinary geniuses. Du Kang also has a cheat that has the function of "time acceleration" in disguise. If anyone can catch up with him, then why ask Changsheng to come to him?

The handover of the land seal was very smooth. After Du Kang used the special vocabulary of "free" and "health care products", the old man's desire for the land seal suddenly became stronger. Mastered the usage of land seal.As Du Kang said, it's just a large monitoring device, and it needs to be matched with someone to really play a role... But this person will definitely not be lacking.

After the matter here is over, Du Kang's purpose of coming this time is considered to be fulfilled. As for the training related to the use of rice ripening spells, there is naturally no rush. At least we have to wait until Han Wei finds a suitable person to come. , not to mention the promotion plan for this rice, and the selection of suitable locations for various types of rice, as well as the person in charge of the corresponding position to master the land seal... There are still many things that Han Wei needs to follow up.

Of course, most of them do not require him to personally follow up, he just plays a role in the middle responsible for summarizing and reporting.

Because Han Wei still needed to stay there to deal with some future matters, Du Kang went back alone. After eating and finishing his work, he was also a little sleepy, and it was time for a nap.

It only took 10 minutes to get back to Guicheng, right after a meal, and the "Whole House Smart Spiritual Edition" was all prepared before Du Kang came back. All kinds of furniture, decorations, bedding, etc. were ready, such as blackout curtains The quilt is automatically pulled up so that no sunlight from the window comes in, and the quilt automatically moves to a suitable position, so you can lie down directly... It's like a bunch of conch girls suddenly appearing at home.

"Why don't you really invite a conch girl after the spiritual energy recovers? The conch girl is... a conch essence, right? There should be such a thing?"

Getting ready, Du Kang, who put on his pajamas, thought of this question in his mind while lying on the bed.

Although the degree of automaticity of spiritual power is very convenient, you still need to "think", at least you need to issue instructions... But if you hire a magical conch girl, even this step can be omitted.

Of course, Du Kang can also make a set of magic circles to achieve the same effect, but it seems that there is no need for that.

And if you think about it carefully, if Conch Girl is good-looking, it would be a good idea to raise her... Du Kang thought about it, pressed the button on his mobile phone to continue working as a substitute, and fell into a deep sleep amidst the overwhelming drowsiness.

When I opened my eyes again, Miss Conch was not there, but Miss Shi and Miss Yun were there.

After storing the rest of the seeds, and picking out some of them to plant directly, and saying goodbye to Miss Shi and Miss Yun, Du Kang continued to set off with Xiaoxuan.

This time, I won’t do any more traveling. Firstly, Du Kang is a little worried that if the Liquan gun is delayed for too long, it will be easy to make some kind of moth. Although there is a saying that the address is only sold once in the mall, But Du Kang always felt that this guarantee was similar to "I will only tell you this news, you must not tell others".

If there is a message that spreads in this way, it will basically be everywhere in a short time.

Second, Du Kang thought about it and found that Xiaoxuan did not necessarily need such a trip. Anyway, when he became a mountain god, he would be able to get in touch with various things, and he would not be too far away. , There will be no shortage of such opportunities in the future.

So, Du Kang took Xiaoxuan to Xiangyang in a relatively comfortable way.

EZ Xiangyang is nearly 15 kilometers away from Guicheng. At the speed of Du Kang, if he uses the earth movement technique, it will take about 10 minutes to reach the place. However, Du Kang did not use the earth movement technique this time, but his own The flying technique, so it was a little slower, it took about [-] minutes.

Although it is a bit slower, but in terms of road experience, it is definitely more comfortable to fly in the sky-mainly because of the good scenery.

The rule of the prosperous age, the ancient scene, although it is definitely not as prosperous as the modern one, but it can be regarded as enjoyable, and the natural scenery is also more beautiful.

Du Kang is not a road idiot, and he has the map in the book of society, so it is even more impossible to go off the beaten path. Seeing that he is about to reach the boundary, he presses the "cloud head" and lands on the ground.

When Du Kang created his own flying technique, it was completely constructed based on the principle that "the action of force is mutual", and he did not consider any operations such as "driving the cloud", so it is reasonable that there is no cloud... …But, even in the air, the Dukon can travel faster than the speed of sound, even reaching Mach 2.5 or so.

When the plane is about to speed up to pass through the sound barrier, a cloud of fog will basically form around the plane. At that moment, the surrounding air pressure will drop sharply, and the Prandtl-Glauer singularity effect will occur, which will also produce a corresponding The sound barrier cloud, and when people fly faster than the speed of sound, this group of "clouds" can naturally be produced.

Therefore, it is also possible that the immortals soaring through the clouds and riding the fog in ancient times appeared based on this point... As for whether it is true, who knows?

"I don't know how I would know where the Gua Immortal's Taoist temple is... Huh?" Du Kang was thinking about this question, and when he arrived at the gate of Xiangyang City, he saw an acquaintance.

Yan Chixia!
PS: So far... this bloating is really uncomfortable... I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to sleep, and I will continue tomorrow!
 My schedule... gone!Tears...

(End of this chapter)

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