Gwen Spider: I'm from Prototype

Chapter 232 Aunt Mei Thinks She Is Not a Good Person

Chapter 232 Aunt Mei Thinks She Is Not a Good Person

The cloudy sky began to rain.

The fine and long rainwater is icy cold.

In the cold weather, the continuous rain brought a layer of chill to the whole earth.As raindrops approach the ground, each drop makes a tiny splash as it hits the ground.

The dry ground in the city is moistened by the rain every time it is dry for a long time, and the land exudes a unique damp smell.

A day has passed since Jin Bing's death.

Peter and Gwen didn't leave this dimension.

The ion collider was severely damaged, and Dr. Octopus said that it would take some time to fully repair it.

So the two can only stay here.

Spider-Man from another world, such as Shadow Spider-Man, is also forced to temporarily reside in this world.

Holding a transparent umbrella and wearing a baseball shirt, Gwen came to the hospital with Peter.

"Miles became Spider-Man, and he lost his uncle."

Gwen let out a breath and said to Peter, "So is Spider-Man really going to lose one of his loved ones?"

Peter was holding a black umbrella beside Gwen, stepping on the splashing rainwater under his feet.

After hearing Gwen's words, he shook his head, "This is not a customary rule, so, Gwen, you don't have to worry."

Gwen didn't quite believe it. After thinking about it, she said, "But all the bad things happened to Spider-Man, and I don't really believe it's a coincidence."

"Perhaps there really is some convention in fate!"

Gwen moved closer to Peter with an umbrella so that the rain would not drench him.

"If... Gwen, you have to follow this customary condition, Spider-Man will always lose his relatives, every universe that has Spider-Man will do this, otherwise this universe will be destroyed, then... if you are faced with such a choice, you Will you sacrifice yourself to lose your loved ones, protect the universe from being destroyed, or resist?"

Peter poses a trolley problem to Gwen.


Gwen thought for a while, hesitated.

But after thinking of Peter, he instantly knew his answer.

"I'm definitely not willing to sacrifice the one I love, so what about you, Peter? What would you do?"

Facing Gwen's rhetorical question, Peter said: "Me? If I use a sentence from China to describe my point of view, it should be 'Pull out a hair to benefit the world, don't do it.'"

Since Peter said this sentence in Chinese, Gwen didn't understand it.

She blinked and asked Peter, "What do you mean?"

The two were talking, and when they came to the hospital, Gwen had to stop asking.

Since Peter said he wanted to go to the bathroom first, Gwen was asked to enter Aunt May's ward first.

After glancing at the dim outdoor sky, Gwen exhaled and gently pushed open the door of the hospital ward.

Aunt Mei is resting in the ward.

After seeing Gwen come in, Aunt Mei, who was wearing a hospital gown, nodded slightly to Gwen while lying on the bed, and then propped up her body.

"Thank you for visiting me, Gwen."

Aunt Mei thanked Gwen: "The earthquake last night caused me to accidentally knock my knee. Even though I repeatedly told the doctor that there was nothing serious, they insisted on sending me to the hospital for examination."

Aunt May was very excited and asked Gwen: "So... you succeeded last night, right?"

Gwen nodded, and put the flowers she bought on the table next to her.

"Yes, we succeeded. We stopped Jin Bin's attempt. He went to ruin by himself. There will be no earthquakes in Brooklyn in the future."

Although Jin Bin was stopped, Gwen didn't have much excitement.

Inside the subway galloping from another dimension, the self she saw on a hang glider always made her feel heartbroken.

"Really? But I don't think you are very happy. Did something bad happen?"

Aunt Mei asked very intimately.

She had a particularly good impression of Gwen from this different world.

Probably because the deceased Gwen, who used to live in his own home, had so much in common with the girl in front of him that he let himself care.

Like her own Peter, she became a superhero who shouldered everything.

But maybe the identity of a superhero is too heavy for them.

"No, I just"

Gwen let out a breath, and said to Aunt May: "I just saw a lot of things that are different from our dimension. It... makes me a little panic and worried. Maybe I can't do certain things well, and my life will go wrong. "

Gwen voiced her concerns.

"Are you afraid of the future, child."

Aunt May asked him.

Gwen nodded, "Yes, fate is really magical, scares me."

"do you know?"

Aunt May paused for a while, and said to Gwen: "About ten years ago, when Ben passed away, I not only lost Ben, but also a very good friend, she was my best friend."

"It hit me hard. They all fell in front of me. I was in a bad mood during that time."

Aunt Mei suddenly talked about her past time.

"During that time, Gwen, it was not you, but Gwen of this world. During that time, I used her."


Gwen didn't quite understand why the other party used the word "use".

"Yes, the Gwen of this world has lost her father, and she and her mother are also a little unhappy. I let her live here, and I said to myself, I am completely out of kindness."

Aunt Mei's tone slowed down, "But in fact, letting her stay here is entirely for me, not for her, but for me. She will accompany me for about an hour and a half every evening. With this hour and a half, I You won’t be thinking about it.”

"I can hear ghosts, yes, ghosts, they never talk, they don't do anything, I can't see them, and I'm not crazy."

When Aunt Mei talked about the past, her tone was a bit lonely.

"It's usually quiet, and even when it's quiet, I know where they are, so I took advantage of that girl, and I led her into my home under the guise of goodwill, and the reason I did it was to take advantage of the noise To cover up that .quiet."

Listening to Aunt Mei talking about ghosts, Gwen suddenly thought of the nickname she had just given—Ghost Spider.

Are you a ghost yourself? !
Aunt Mei didn't know the wild thoughts in Gwen's mind, she continued: "The reason why I did this is that I am afraid, afraid of the future!"

"So much has happened to me, why? Why have so many people I loved died? I looked around and I was so alone."

"In the future, will I continue to lose the person I love? I am deeply afraid of the future, just like you are now, afraid of the uncertain future."

Aunt Mei gently held Gwen's hand and said to her, "You think I'm not a good person, do you?"

Gwen froze for a moment, then shook her head, "You are too demanding of yourself, Aunt May."

Aunt Mei shook her head with a wry smile, "No, it's not that I'm demanding on myself, it's you, Gwen!"

"What I want to tell you is, Gwen, in fact, what you have done is far better than what you imagined."

Aunt Mei's tone was filled with relief, "So don't be afraid that you are not good enough."

Watching Gwen, she continued:

"You should communicate with Peter more. What you have experienced is a common memory for both of you. Let him understand your feelings. Maybe it will make him more relieved and you feel better."

Gwen nodded and said to Aunt May: "I didn't want Peter to worry about me before, so I didn't tell him."

"So you need to correct, it's not hard for you."

On the other side, Peter was sitting in the corridor of the hospital, quietly waiting for Gwen.

He didn't pay attention to the conversation in the ward.

Just bowed his head, thinking about parallel universes.

Although Jin Bin is dead, the other Spider-Man is still in this world.

Will things just die down?

Meanwhile, near the Fisk Building.


A wave of wall fluctuations occurred in the space, and the dimension channel was opened.

This world where two figures descended.

"I hope we didn't come too late, otherwise Miguel will be furious again when he goes back. He is always between rage and extreme calm. In such a middle state, you can never know which side he will deviate in the next moment. "

The punk-dressed, cool-dressed Spider-Man said to another female Spider-Man.

Both are Spider-Man from the Spider-League, following the orders of Spider-Man 2099 to investigate what happened in this universe.

Punk Spider-Man, formerly known as Hobby Brown.

A natural-born religious anarchist who becomes Spider-Man after being bitten by a spider mutated by toxic waste.

His ability is the same as that of Spider-Man in the main universe, except that he is wearing a punk outfit, holding a guitar, and a "hot Thai pants" outfit.

"It's not our job to complain about Miguel, Brown."

The slightly mature female Spider-Man said to Punk Spider-Man.

Spider-Woman's original name was Jessica Drew.

She was poisoned by radiation as a child, and her father, a scientist, injected her with a spider serum.

That concoction saves her, while also granting her spider abilities, increased speed and agility, and the ability to fire biodynamic "venom bombardments."

She is not as loose as a free-spirited Spider-Man like Punk Spider-Man. She adjusted her emotions and looked at her surroundings.

"I thought that when the members of the Spider Alliance went out on missions, they would have some casual and loose atmosphere, such as making a good joke, or changing the subject at the right time. In short, it would not be so serious, but it seems that you are a little different this time. You Looks a little nervous, Jessica."

Punk Spider-Man, to shaggy-haired Spider-Woman.

Just as Spider-Woman was about to refute, she suddenly realized that something was wrong with the building in front of her.

This should be the base of Jin Bin, one of Spider-Man's old enemies. Why did many buildings collapse?
And there seems to be a big battle going on here.

"What happened to this world...?"

Spider-Woman's expression turned serious.

(End of this chapter)

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