Gwen Spider: I'm from Prototype

Chapter 233 I Seduce My Best Friend's Boyfriend? !

Chapter 233 I Seduce My Best Friend's Boyfriend? !

Walking into the noisy and boiling nightclub, with the loud and harsh heavy metal music, and the gorgeous lights flickering violently, it feels like you have strayed into a strange and psychedelic world.

The air was filled with the strong smell of hormones and alcohol, and the rumbling music was like the waves of the sea, making the four walls vibrate faintly.

The open space in the middle is crowded with young men and women who come out at night to have fun.

Men and women driven by hormones writhed wildly on the dance floor to release their inner passion or pressure.

Others who weren't very interested in dancing either sat at the bar and drank alone to get drunk.

Or just gather in the box at the corner, bowing their heads, teasing and whispering.

In the center of the dance floor, a woman with a cool dress and a hot figure swayed to her heart's content, attracting the fiery eyes of a large number of men.

They are like prey and hunters to each other, patrolling back and forth with ambiguous or provocative eyes, as if launching a secret and invisible chase.

This thriving nightclub is a nightclub invested and built by Fisk Industrial Group.

The employees of Bugle Media Group usually come here to have fun after get off work, or simply to drink and relax.

Previously closed temporarily due to frequent seismic activity, it is now reopening.

Glory and Betty, two employees of the Horn Media Group, came to relax while they were off work.

For two people, there is nothing more important than relaxing in a bar after a hard day.

"After reopening, business seems to be doing well here, just hope the earthquake doesn't happen again."

Compared to Gwen's world, the mature version of Betty, with light makeup, sat at the edge of the bar, holding a beer and looking around.

She likes beer, and she still prefers this slightly bitter taste to those spicy drinks.

While speaking, she cast her eyes on the dance floor.

Although she was somewhat resistant to being intimate with these men and women and dancing strange dances, she was still very interested in observing these dances with her eyes.

On the dance floor, there are energetic hot chicks and mature men wandering around looking for sex. On the circular steps, the DJ is playing discs with his fingers, constantly stirring up the atmosphere.

Betty sighed.

If she didn't have a task right now, maybe she would be happy to drink beer here all the time.

She believed that Glory not far away thought the same.

At this moment, Glory was talking with the bartender.

I don't know what happy things he said, and Glory laughed out loud.

"I still think I'm more talented in computers than I am in journalism."

Betty pushed her glasses and couldn't help muttering, "If I became a programmer, maybe I wouldn't be like this, and I would act like a detective every day."

She stood up and nodded towards Glory who was talking to the bartender, indicating that it was time for the two of them to get down to business.

Yes, besides drinking, she and Glory also had the purpose of unannounced visits as reporters.

The nightclub she and Glory were in was just a cover for the Fisk Group to hide.

On the surface it is an ordinary nightclub, but in private it is a place used by the Fisker Group to write off accounts and launder money.

Although it is a place for money laundering, it can be seen that the Fisker Group has put a lot of thought into it, including drinks of various grades and brands, young and beautiful waiters, and an excellent DJ team and hardware equipment.

So even if some people know that this bar has a complicated background, the business of the nightclub is still booming, attracting a large number of young men and women, many of whom are from wealthy families in the upper class.

"The target person is in the corridor on the second floor, the third box on the right."

Glory's voice came from the tiny headset.

Although the two are investigative reporters, they are equipped with a lot of high-tech equipment.

Glory put down his wine glass and made an "OK" gesture towards Betty.

Betty nodded, raised her hand to signal the bartender to bring herself a glass of whiskey with ice, and then glanced across the corridor on the second floor as if inadvertently.

There were a few Caucasian faces standing on the stairs, in suits and leather shoes, with serious expressions and strong figures. They didn't look like people who came to nightclubs to have fun at all.

There are still traces of tattoos on their wrist cuffs, and their waists are slightly bulging, which should be weapons.

Maybe it's a pistol, maybe it's some other weapon, but obviously these people are not easy to mess with.

"If I were a superhero, I could break into that box alone and solve all the troubles...even if the opponent is a group of violent violent elements."

Betty leaned back against the bar, as if talking to herself.

But Glory heard her muffled voice through the headset.

"This time we will unearth explosive news materials. Regarding the reason why the Fisk Building exploded, all the media don't know what happened there, so our action will be very meaningful."

Betty said their purpose of this trip.

Glory nodded, "We have been doing various things of great significance, and the next Pulitzer Prize should be awarded to us."

After teasing Betty, Glory suddenly remembered their actions last time.

"Do you remember the last time we disguised ourselves and sneaked into a factory? We wanted to find out the buyers behind them, and then expose the behavior of that black-hearted factory, but Betty, you screwed up."

"Cough cough.!"

Betty coughed a few times when Glory told her embarrassing story.

"It was just an accident, you know, that guy was trying to plot against me, so I hit him on the head with a high heel!"

Glory was quite speechless about Betty's rude behavior after losing her mind.

"I knew, when we were in the 'Mary Janes' band, we should have let you be the drummer, because you were much hotter than Gwen. Superficial phenomena, deceived."

"Okay, listen to you. But I think if I listen to you to talk about my embarrassing things back then, maybe it will be difficult for us to complete the task tonight."

Betty stood up and turned away from the bar.

This disappointed some of the men staring at her.

To be honest, Betty's looks are definitely one of the most beautiful women in the bar.

Even though she was wearing that pair of glasses, it still didn't quite block the aura exuding from her body.

"Actually, I don't mind if you choose one of the male guys on the dance floor to dance a dance, after all, you have been single for many years."

Glory's voice came from the headset.

If it weren't for Gloria's playful voice, maybe Betty would have believed it.

As we all know, in some cases, women always like to say some nonsense that has no reference value.

If you believe it, it will definitely not end well.

"It's me who is at a disadvantage. The title of 'Super Old Leftover Girls' in New York can't be thrown away so easily."

Betty held a glass of beer and walked towards the rest area on the second floor.

Stepping on the boiling rhythm of the nightclub, she staggered, like a drunk customer, muttering something in her mouth.

I have to say that Betty's performance is perfect just from the acting level.

"No... sorry, sir!"

The ice-cold liquid of whiskey on the rocks was sprinkled on a strong white male face at the top of the stairs, and Betty seemed to fall down, holding the man's shoulder with one hand.

"Go away!"

The white face scolded unceremoniously.

But after realizing that it was a beautiful woman who bumped into him, his attitude improved a lot.

Betty had no doubt that if she was a man, she would be pushed away roughly by this guy and hit the railing all at once.

Maybe he will scold him a few more words.

Betty pretended to be very embarrassed and apologized to the person who was hit:

"Sorry... I didn't notice it just now, if you mind, I can buy you a drink."

The man looked a little moved, but finally shook his head, turned and left.

After seeing the man leave, Betty held an empty wine glass, let out a breath, and walked to the booth area on the second floor.

"Put the tracking device on that guy's clothes, mission accomplished."

Betty leaned on the booth, and said to Glory in the headset a little proudly.

When she was investigating with Peter and Glory, she had faced countless cruel and cunning gangsters, and even some lawless politicians. She had come into contact with them all.

In her eyes, this kind of gangster who is in charge of the door is just someone who can be easily fooled.

Although it is despicable to use bugs as a reporter, for these criminal groups, there is no need to pay attention to procedural justice.

Let’s leave this kind of thing to Peter in the future!

Peter used to do this kind of thing, but since Peter was hospitalized, he, the helper, has become the leader.

By the way, do you count yourself as a superhero who punishes criminals now?

No, forget it.

While being a "superhero" is fun, she still refuses to actually put herself in a uniform to maintain law and order.

I don't have any heroic dreams.

After thinking wildly for a while, Betty said to Glory: "You can go dancing or continue drinking at the bar with peace of mind. I will wait until they come into the room to talk about something important, and continue to monitor them."

"I'm not as popular as you are."

Glory's voice sounded over the communication channel.

A few minutes later, Betty found an important person walking out of the room representing power.

"Wait, someone came out, and it seems to be an important person."

After speaking to Glory, Betty cut off the communication channel and continued to pretend to be a drunk and walked to the bathroom.

On the other side, Peter walked out of the room after listening to the female Doctor Octopus talk about the repair work of the particle collider.

The noisy sound outside entered his ears.

The voices of these men and women were automatically filtered out by him.

Peter continued to walk forward without changing his expression.

When passing the corner, a wobbly mature woman's body crashed into Peter's arms.

The smell of Budweiser mixed with whiskey came from the opponent.

Peter reached out to support the woman who looked like she had too much to drink.

"Ma'am, are you all right?"

He frowned and helped the drunk woman to stabilize, and the other's soft body slammed into him, making an intimate contact.

"Let me go... Hey, are you Peter Parker?"

The woman spoke indistinctly.

In the next second, he pushed away the man who gave her a shocking feeling.

She raised her head slightly, staring at him with a shocked expression.

This is Peter Parker?

Do not!
Peter is now comatose and in the hospital.

And the Peter in front of him was younger than his friend, he looked like Peter who was ten years younger.

I seem to have seen him!
On the night of overtime work that day, she and Glory came home from the company together.

"Are you Peter Parker?"

Swallowing, Betty asked in a trembling voice.

"I'm Peter Parker, and you're Betty?"

Peter asked uncertainly.

From between the eyebrows of the other party, he vaguely found that the other party was somewhat similar to Betty from the school band he knew.

Is this the grown-up Betty?

Omg? !
Betty let out a breath.

I saw Peter ten years ago, and wanted to seduce him!
How could there be such a bizarre thing in this world? !
Peter is obviously Gwen and MJ's boyfriend!


It's not about boyfriends.

What I should care about should not be, why did I meet Peter in high school? !

(End of this chapter)

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