Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 199 Attacking Jinan Mansion

On the third day, Li Jianguo stopped ostentatiously going shopping, but galloped out of Lingshanwei with full body armor and a hundred personal guards under the witness of all the people.The horses ran fast, and Li Jianguo caught up with the Lingshan Guards who had only traveled [-] miles in two days.

Then the actions of the Lingshan Guards suddenly sped up, and they marched fifty li in one day, passing around the city without entering the city. Soldiers guard the gate, and public security can only rely on three classes of yamen servants. Let alone [-] troops attacking the city, even if only [-] are sent, they have to open the city and surrender, but unfortunately, Li Kaiguo's army turned a blind eye to these counties and counties. He just walked around the city and did nothing to them.

In this way, Li Jianguo didn't trouble the prefectures and counties, and none of the prefectures and counties were open-eyed and dared to do anything.Therefore, after fifteen days, the army came to camp twenty miles outside Jinan Mansion.

Hearing of the arrival of Li Kaiguo's army, the Jinan Mansion has been in shock for several days, not to mention countless officials and military officers who were too busy to spank their buttocks, and even the king of Germany Zhu Youshu was so frightened that Zhu Dadian came to his mansion immediately to ask about the strategy.This prince has always been a person who ignores everything in Jinan, and he was also frightened like this at this time, which shows that Li Jianguo's reputation is flourishing at this time.

On the contrary, the common people didn't respond much, and lived as they should.Because although Li Jianguo was cruel in the eyes of officials, he was very kind to the common people and never hurt them.

However, no matter how busy the officials and officers were, Zhu Dadian and Shandong's chief envoy did not panic.This reassures the officials and officers a little bit, the superiors are not afraid, what are we petty officials afraid of.

The Shandong General Soldier couldn't hold his breath.Although he is also a second-rank official, he is a military officer. Compared with Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, who is also a second-rank official, he is like a grandson meeting his grandfather. His spine is always not straight.No, knowing that the Lingshan Guards had camped twenty miles away, he hurriedly begged to see Zhu Dadian, only to see Zhu Dadian and the chief minister drinking tea. I read it shaking my head.It seems very leisurely.

The Shandong General Soldier was furious in his heart, and secretly said: "These two bastards are pretending to be leisurely at this time." But he cursed in his heart, but on the surface he kowtowed respectfully and greeted him.It is said that they are the same as the second product.It's the same level, but they still kneel down when they meet.It's a bit unreasonable.

However, Ming Dynasty has always been rich in culture and low in martial arts.Not to mention kowtowing to second-rank civil servants, even third-rank officials, Shandong General Soldier must kowtow when he sees them, otherwise he will not be an official. Civil servants who are literati are a bunch of mad dogs.If word spread that a second-rank military officer saw that a third-rank civil servant did not kneel, a large number of civil officials would immediately attack him, and the excerpts written above could drown you to death.

The general soldier of Shandong stood up and said with a smile: "You two are very elegant. The officials are dying of anxiety. Now there are only [-] miscellaneous soldiers in the city, and more than half of them are rural soldiers. How can these soldiers stop the bandits? Soldiers against the Li State? My lords, if you two have any reinforcements, please let me know, so that I can put my mind at ease."

Zhu Dadian and the chief envoy looked at each other and laughed.Zhu Dadian said: "Don't worry, let me ask you, is it okay to defend the city for ten days with the soldiers in the city?"

The Shandong General Soldier nodded and said: "The city is well prepared. If it is only for ten days, it is more than enough. It is not a problem even for half a month."

The chief envoy laughed and said, "Then what are you worried about? To tell you the truth, as long as you stick to it for ten days, Li Ni will naturally confer the title under the city."

The Shandong General Soldier was overjoyed, "Could it be that reinforcements have arrived?"

Zhu Dadian nodded, and said: "That's right, let the wind out and say that the Holy Majesty has dispatched [-] imperial troops, and they will arrive in Jinan in a few days, so that the guards can guard the city with peace of mind. In just ten days, Jinan will be in danger." Solve it."

Shandong Commander-in-Chief should be there again and again, smiling happily, but as soon as he goes out, his face sinks like water.Don't look at the toughness he said just now, it's okay to say that it's okay to keep the fifteenth day.This is a big talk, others don't know how powerful Li Kaiguo's Lingshan Guards are, but he is a man who knows soldiers, how can he not?

When the Lingshan Guards marched, their military appearance was strict and their firearms were excellent. He had heard countless times that the Ming army did not accept these rewards at night.Such soldiers and horses, not to mention attacking Jinan, a city that has not experienced war for more than 200 years, in his eyes, even if they attack Nanjing, Nanjing will not be able to defend it for long.

Jinan's city walls are far worse than Nanjing's. As for the ten days, do your best to obey the destiny.These civilian officials are not reliable at all, expect them to know about military affairs, hey.As soon as the Shandong General Soldier came out of the governor's yamen, he immediately called a servant and told him to go back and order his family to dig the cellar day and night. If the city was broken, they would let the family hide immediately.

The servant was so frightened that he quickly ran back to deliver the order, he knew very well that his master never spoke nonsense, since he had said such words, the city of Jinan was really in danger.

The next day just after dawn, Ma Ying stepped into the camp and reported, "My lord, there is still no sign of reinforcements from the Ming army, and there are no soldiers or horses lurking within a hundred miles."

Li Jianguo nodded, smiled coldly, and said: "In this case, I can't wait any longer, so I will let me take over this Jinan mansion and make it a governor." He immediately sent an order, and the whole army went out of the camp , leaving only most of the auxiliary soldiers to guard the camp, and 5000 people from the [-]th household team surrounded the Lishan Gate on the south side; the [-]th household team surrounded the Luoyuan Gate on the west side;

The 1000th household team dispatched [-] people to surround Huibo Gate on the north side; and because Huibo Gate is a water gate, all the springs in Jinan City pass through this gate, leading to Xiaoqing River, and there is a bridge on the gate, which can go to Daming Lake Therefore, the [-]th household team must closely monitor whether anyone wants to escape through the door, instead of going forward to threaten, it only needs to be stationed at a distance.

The remaining 4000 troops from the second, third, and fourth thousand household teams, a total of 4000 people, were personally led by Li Kaiguo to attack the city from Qichuan Gate on the east side of the city, and all the artillery camps were concentrated at the east gate. Direct personally.

Two hours later, the Lingshan Guards completed the siege of Jinan city.Immediately after three cannon shots, Li Jianguo led 4000 people to appear three miles outside the moat.In the distance, Jinan City was full of Ming troops running back and forth like black dots, and ten forts on the east side were also removing the cannon coats.According to intelligence, all ten are red cannons, and all of them are cannons brought to Holland by the Portuguese, well-made and well-maintained.Loaded with ammunition, it can shoot ten miles away.

In other words, the Lingshan Guards are now within the attack range of the artillery on Jinan City.It is a pity that the forts in Jinan City are not concentrated in one place, and the forts are fixed, and can only be fine-tuned up and down, left and right, and cannot swing left and right.In this way, the effect of the artillery is greatly weakened, and even if flowering ammunition is used, it will not cause much casualties.

Li Kaiguo pointed at the cannons in red and said with a smile: "It's a pity for these cannons. I will pass an order to the artillery battalion to fire and destroy those cannons first."

The order was sent to the artillery battalion immediately, and the artillery battalion had already lined up thirty red-clothed cannons and one hundred thousand-jin Frang machine guns into an artillery formation.These are all capable of hitting the city wall three miles away.And this distance is the distance with a higher accuracy rate of the Qianjin Fran cannon, which has been tested by the artillery battalion.If it exceeds three miles.Qianjin Franji only had the best score of [-] out of [-].And within three miles or within three miles, it can reach one in twenty.

Therefore, the maximum distance of the artillery battalion can only be three miles away, otherwise it is just a waste of shells.Hearing Li Kaiguo's order.Hundreds of households in the artillery camp were extremely excited. This opportunity to make meritorious service came. Whether they could be promoted to a thousand households depends on this time.He immediately sent an order, and the fixed artillery began to set the artillery.

The so-called fixed artillery means that an artilleryman will test fire first to measure how much medicine is used.Elevation angle to facilitate the aiming of other guns.The fixed artillery that had been prepared for a long time immediately fired a cannon, and there was a loud "boom". I don't know if it was luck, but this cannon actually hit a fort in Jinan City, and the red cannon was shot. The hot solid bullet was hit by a cannonball, and there was a loud "dang" sound. The red cannon weighing two tons was shot out of the fort. The pieces of internal organs are dead.

That Ding artillery watched this scene through the binoculars. They were ecstatic and immediately reported the data loudly. Hundreds of households in the artillery battalion were also overjoyed. They quickly ordered each artillery to adjust the dosage according to the data. Destroy a turret in one round.

All the cannons have been loaded, and it only needs to adjust the gunpowder. In the effort of half a cup of tea, 130 cannons fired at the same time.No one thought that there would be such a big movement when 130 guns fired at the same time, it was like landslides and ground cracks.Although the horses ridden by the Lingshan Guards had already had their ears covered with cloth, they were also a little disturbed by the loud noise, and the cavalry hurriedly comforted them.

Just listening to the sound is so scary, but what about the landing point of the shell?Every thirty cannons hit a fort, and ten of them are cracked shells, which are designed to kill artillery.

As early as the first shell destroyed a cannon, the Shandong General Soldier was in a panic and ordered the artillery to fire back. Who knows that the Jinan artillery is usually neglected in practice. When the 130 guns of Lingshanwei fired a salvo, they had just loaded the gunpowder.

Hearing the shrill sound of shells whistling, the experienced artillerymen shouted in fright: "Get down, almost get down, the guns are coming." Before he could finish speaking, the entire fort was covered by the rain of guns. A number of solid bullets rampaged, not only destroying the fort, but also collapsing many walls, and the green bricks of Hulala fell straight down the city.

And five of the ten flower bombs hit the city wall, three fell into the city, and only two fell into the artillery group. After two "booms", the artillery around the fort was wiped out and killed. More than a dozen Ming troops.

Almost all of the four forts in this round of attack were like this. In the blink of an eye, five forts were lost on the city wall of Jinan, and the loss exceeded [-]%.

The Shandong General Soldier raised his head from the ground in disbelief. He was thrown to the ground by his own soldiers just now, and now he saw the battle clearly. He couldn't believe it. It was just a round of artillery battle, and ten red cannons were destroyed How can you beat five doors?Could it be that the Lingshan Guards are all sharpshooters?

Of course not, this is because the cannons of Lingshanwei are equipped with an aiming device called cannon sight, which is very simple to use. Every artilleryman who is responsible for measuring data and calibration has a watch in his hand, and the distance is marked on it. According to the distance, adjust the scale of the gun aiming on the gun body, and then move the cannon up and down, left and right, and align the small circle on the gun aiming at the point to be shelled.

This is the original sighting device that Bi Maokang made according to the inspiration of Li Kaiguo. Each artillery piece has its own gun sighting device, that is to say, this watch can only be used for this gun. Just replace the watch of this gun with a new one.In the case that there is no way to make the manufacturing standards of each gun exactly the same, this stupid method is the only way to do it.

The good news is that just one round of experiments proved it.Under the effective shooting range, the accuracy of the gun accuracy and the gun meter to the artillery is not 01:30 points, at least [-]% more.What needs to be explained is that under Li Jianguo's reward regardless of money, the cannon carriage that can run faster and can be adjusted up, down, left, and right is the biggest contributor. The watch is useless, and manpower cannot adjust these cannon barrels that weigh a thousand gold.

It's just that these cannon carriages are too expensive to build, and one cannon carriage actually costs 100 taels of silver.The main reason is that some places must be made of rare materials. The price does not include labor costs. Fortunately, labor costs are not required. They are all made by craftsmen from Li Kaiguo's artisan household village.

The results of Li Jianguo spending a lot of money to encourage craftsmen to develop technology have initially appeared.This made Li Jianguo even more determined to snatch all the craftsmen from him.No one understands the important role of craftsmen better than him.It is a pity that in this era, apart from Huang Taiji, he has not found anyone who values ​​craftsmen.Even Huang Taiji just wanted to use craftsmen to build artillery instead of treating craftsmen kindly.Get the best out of them.

Now that the power of the artillery accuracy was initially verified, the morale of the artillery battalion artillery was greatly shaken, and they immediately adjusted the muzzle and artillery charges, and started the second round of shelling.It's a pity that this time, luck was poor. Of the remaining five cannons, only two were knocked out, and the cannons of the Ming Army on the city also opened fire. Three bullets fell into the Lingshan Guards. Fortunately, the Lingshan Guards They all had the knowledge of dodging shells. When they saw the shells flying in the air, they immediately fell to the ground to dodge. Even so, more than ten people were killed or injured.

Li Jianguo shook his head. There was no other way. With the range of the cannon in red, it could reach ten miles away.And if the artillery is set up in the city, it will hit farther. He can't retreat ten miles behind to set up an army, that's a fart.

So he could only urge the artillery battalion to immediately destroy the three remaining red cannons in the city.After receiving the urging, the hundreds of households in the artillery camp went into battle in person, aimed and fired, even so, it took three rounds to clear the red cannons on the city wall of Jinan Prefecture.

Seeing that the biggest threat was gone, Li Kaiguo laughed loudly and said, "Give me an order that the artillery battalion shoot at the Ming army in the city at will, and the whole army advances two miles." The sound strides forward.The sound of orderly footsteps shook the whole field, and 4000 people pushed into Jinan City two miles amidst the sound of artillery fire.

The Shandong General Soldier knew as early as the sixth red cannon was destroyed that Jinan City was in danger. He did not expect the artillery of the Lingshan Guards to be so accurate and powerful.He immediately sent someone to report to Zhu Dadian, and ordered that the Ming army of the other three gates should only keep 2000 people to garrison each gate, and the others should come to the east gate. Come.

It was easy for him to order, but how easy is it to carry the red cannon?It was a monster weighing two tons.Without the threat of the Ming army's artillery, the artillery battalion of the Lingshan Guards fired freely. Anyway, the city wall is so big, just aim upwards, as long as it hits the city wall to suppress the Ming army.

The Lingshan Guards arrived one mile away from Jinan City, and the gurgling moat was right in front of them.The moat of Jinan Prefecture is caused by the convergence of springs in Jinan City. The water quality is extremely clear. Although shells or bricks fall into the moat from time to time, it can still be seen that the water quality is beautiful.

The Shandong General Soldier gritted his teeth and shouted: "Quick, hang the suspension bridge to death, and the musketeers and archers are ready, as long as they dare to fill the river, they will shoot me to death." There is no siege equipment, not to mention the flying bridges, nest cars and other large tools for siege, even the ladders, and the Lingshan Guards are not prepared. I think their task today is to fill the river

The Ming army braved the artillery fire to carry out the order of the Shandong General Army. When they arrived at the suspension bridge, they realized that there was no need to entangle the suspension bridge. The suspension bridge had been broken up by the artillery fire of the Ming army. It was broken into several pieces and fell on the ground. under the city.However, the musketeers could only hide under the corner of the inner city wall, waiting for the artillery fire to stop killing the Lingshan guards who filled the river.

The Shandong General Soldier was indeed experienced, and Li Jianguo dispatched the auxiliary soldiers filling the river.Although the moat is not wide, the widest point is only 30 meters, but it is impossible for a large army to swim to attack the city, so the river must be filled, and it depends on how it is filled.

Nearly [-] auxiliary soldiers shouted in unison, each carrying two black bags and rushing towards the moat. Their speed was so fast that it didn't look like they were carrying heavy objects such as mud bags.This makes Shandong's general soldiers a little strange, but even so, it can't make these soldiers approach the moat.

The Shandong General Army immediately issued an order to let the four lieutenants each bring 8000 musketeers and archers, a total of [-] people, to shoot at the river filling soldiers.

But what the Shandong General Soldier did not expect was that the auxiliary soldiers filling the river had just set off, and Li Jianguo ordered that the whole army advance fifty feet, and the musketeers covered the auxiliary soldiers to fill the river.I saw 4000 people rushing down the city in an orderly manner, and their speed was only half that of the river filling soldiers. When the Ming army rushed to the city wall under artillery fire, they could no longer lift their heads.

Not to mention the 130 cannons that kept bombing the Ming army on the city wall, even 300 meters away, with [-] muskets firing non-stop, no one dared to stick their heads out for observation. From time to time, some Ming soldiers accidentally showed their heads. Or the body, was shot by a musket bullet, and there was a bloody hole on the head and body.

The Ming army was completely suppressed by the Lingshan Guards, and the occasional bows and bullets fired were only hundreds of rounds, which did little damage to the Lingshan Guards.A Ming soldier protected his body with several cotton shields, carefully watching the moat below the city.He uses several shields to protect himself, even if he is hit by a musket, he can't hurt him, so he can observe with confidence.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, the Ming army screamed immediately, because a road with a length of fifteen feet and a width of ten feet appeared on the moat, and a team of about 200 people from the Ming army were stepping across the moat with bags of things Rush towards the city gate.

A lieutenant pulled the Ming army back and shouted: "What's your name? You were shot?" The Ming army was shocked and shouted: "Ghost, there is a ghost, they have already filled the moat , They are not humans, they are ghosts.”

The deputy general was furious, kicked him away, and shouted: "You dare to disturb the morale of the army, cut him off." Immediately, the executioner came up and cut off the head of the Ming army who was about to defend himself. (To be continued..)

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