ps: Thank you book friend "liupei77" for voting for two chapters of monthly tickets.

Thanks to the book friends for their continuous rewards.

At the same time, I would like to thank the book friend "Three Kingdoms Rice" for the reward.

thank you all!

The lieutenant general probed it himself, and immediately knew that the Ming army's death was wronged just now. It turned out that there was really a ghost, and there really was a black passage with a length of fifteen feet on the moat below the city.The lieutenant opened his mouth wide, only thinking in his mind, how is this possible?

Even though it was unbelievable, the fact was right in front of our eyes. This passage had clearly appeared, and there were people floating beside the passage, and some people were holding drums and puffing.

This is blowing a raft, the lieutenant immediately understood, why didn't he think that only some inflatable rafts are needed to float on the water, and then connected with ropes, wouldn't it immediately become a road to the sky!It's just that this method is only suitable for the defenders who are completely suppressed by the attacking side and cannot attack. Otherwise, as long as rockets, rocks, and logs are released, these rafts will be vulnerable.

This time it was a surprise, but the deputy general had already found a way to crack it, so he immediately shouted: "Hurry up, put rockets on the moat, throw rocks, let..." Before he could finish his sentence, he listened. There was a "boom" under the city, followed by a strong force under his feet, and he flew into the air involuntarily. After that, he felt severe pain all over his body, and fell into eternal darkness.

The Ming army outside the East City Gate suddenly felt the ground shake, followed by a loud noise as if the sky had collapsed. Then, the East City Gate Tower flew into the sky, and the sky was full of flying bluestone brick slag.The city is broken?Is the city broken?The city is broken like this?How can this be?

The Ming army was all stunned, and the Shandong commander had no chance to be stunned again. Just now he was directing the battle in the gate tower, and when the gate tower flew, he was immediately blown into the sky.Then it fell apart in several places.The Ming soldiers were just stunned, and immediately shouted, "Flee!" The entire Jinan Mansion collapsed.

The Ming army was originally dominated by rural soldiers. Although there were lieutenant general Qianhu and other generals at this time, it was difficult to stop the rout. What's more, some officers took the lead in fleeing.

Li Jianguo looked at the thick black smoke and the flying city gate tower, and said lightly: "The power of black powder is still good, everyone. The city gate has been broken, and people enter the city to kill people. My official has a word first, and anyone who dares to harass the people, Those who rob houses, shops, and government offices, no matter who they are, will be punished on the spot. If thousands of households take the lead in violating the order, hundreds of households, small banners, and even soldiers can all be killed first. The officials will reward but not punish. You can hear clearly ?”

The Lingshan guards were very excited about the city break, and there were many demons in their hearts. At this time, when they heard the messenger loudly spread Li Kaiguo's words to all the troops, they were immediately poured cold water.Other people's words can be ignored, but Li Jianguo's words have always been consistent, and the consequence of not listening is that he will die.

The Lingshan guards shouted in unison: "I respect your lord's order." The second and third thousand households quickly ordered.Attack the city and clear the Ming army.Li Jianguo said to the two women who were still a little straight-eyed: "Go to the city with me and take down Jinan Mansion. I am one step closer to replacing you with war horses. Drive."

Hai Lanzhu and Su Moer, who were dressed in military uniforms, subconsciously drove their horses to follow behind him.I still can't believe that such a fortified city was captured in only an hour, and the casualties were at most a hundred people. How is this possible?What they don't know is that this is the power of technology.

Without Bi Maokang's invention of the cannon and the new cannon carriage, it would be impossible to clear the red cannons on the city walls of Jinan Prefecture, and it would be impossible to suppress the Ming army without lifting the head without [-] muskets.Not to mention crossing the moat with inflatable skin rafts, then there would be no scene of bombing the city gate with nearly ten thousand catties of explosives.All of these were actually doomed before the siege of the city. The tactics Li Kaiguo showed today were a great victory of pure firearms.

He changed the traditional tactics of siege that requires large-scale siege equipment, climbing the city to the death, and fighting a war of attrition.In the face of gunpowder and firearms, no matter how thick or high the city wall is, it is a paper tiger, and it will collapse when it is blown up.

As for why Hai Lanzhu and Su Moer followed Li Jianguo to Jinan Mansion quietly in the uniforms of soldiers, it was because Li Jianguo was anxious to replace the two of them with war horses, and both women They are Mongolians, and they are born to ride horses, even better than ordinary cavalry, and they will not drag back, so Li Jianguo brought them here.Compared with Lingshanwei, Jinan Prefecture is closer to Mongolia. The Manchurian Tartars can attack the capital by detour from Mongolia. He can also send people from Jinan to exchange war horses with the Horqin tribe.

Regarding the [-] war horses, Li Jianguo was very jealous and wished he could have them now. In this case, he would have [-] cavalry in his hands, which would be enough to achieve greater results and maintain more territory.

The Jinan mansion was in chaos at this time. Unlike the common people, the Ming army was not in a hurry to resist or hide, but to flee in a hurry. For them, fleeing was already the only thought.However, there were also Ming soldiers who took off their military uniforms, turned into violent soldiers, and began to smash and loot, planning to take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune.

It's a pity that their wishful thinking came to nothing. Although they were in the middle of the war, the Lingshan Guards were still tight and not chaotic. It was not like they imagined. Once they entered the city, the Lingshan Guards would burn, kill, loot, and poison the people. Every 20 people form a team, advance in batches and layers, and gradually wipe out the Ming army.

Anyone who encountered the Ming army burning, killing and looting, the Lingshan Guards were not polite and shot dead on the spot.If there are those who surrender on the spot, they will no longer kill indiscriminately, but gather more than a dozen Ming troops, and then send them out in groups.

Some Ming troops were more brave and fought against the streets, and the Lingshan Guards were not polite, thunder and lime bombs took turns to go into battle, as long as there was a slight flaw, several small groups rushed up immediately, and they would shoot without giving Ming a shot. The army left the slightest chance.

In this way, the Lingshan Guards moved forward step by step without any haste, causing some lucky Ming soldiers to retreat step by step. In the end, they could only escape through the other three gates.This is in the arms of the Lingshan Guards, what they want is for them to escape from the city and not keep the Ming army in the city.

If the battlefields are all within the city, it will cause too much damage to Jinan Prefecture, and it will cost too much money to repair them in the future.

Zhu Dadian and the chief envoy were embraced by the Ming army and fled towards the west gate, howling as they fled: "No, no. Why can't I even defend for ten days? How can I explain to the emperor. "The two cried as if their own father had died, and the beach was as soft as mud, as if the sky had fallen.

If it weren't for the soldiers of the Ming army carrying their backs and resisting all the way, the two old things would have been caught by the Lingshan guards long ago.What surprised the Ming army was that there were many Lingshan guards who saw the two governors and chief envoys in second-rank official uniforms, but they did not pursue them closely, but moved forward slowly, cleaning up a little bit, as if they didn't care at all. let them escape.

This gave the prefect of Jinan, who was caught in the Ming army, hope again.He shouted: "Hurry up to meet King De, if we lose King De, we will escape, and the Emperor will not spare us."

One of the lieutenants was startled, he really forgot this just now.It's too late to save King De now.So he divided the retreating Ming army into two teams.A team continued to escort the governor and chief envoy to the west gate to escape.Led by General Pi.The other team, led by him, went to pick up King De's escape.

Unexpectedly, when General Pi led a large number of Ming troops to the west gate, he saw that the west gate was already wide open, and thousands of black guns were pointing at the west gate.

The prefect of Jinan screamed: "Heaven will kill me too." Then he fell limply to the ground.The Ming army was also panicked, but it was strange.Ximen Lingshan guards only occupied the city gate, but did not enter the city to destroy the enemy.It made Monk Zhang Er of the Ming Army puzzled, it was neither advancing nor retreating.There was a stalemate in place.

At this time Zhu Dadian woke up and shouted: "Hurry up, go to the south gate, let's go through the south gate." So a group of Ming troops walked to the south gate again.The south gate was not blocked by the Lingshan Guards. The Lingshan Guards were all in formation three miles away, and they had no intention of attacking Jinan City at all.

The Ming army was overjoyed, rushed out of the south gate, and fled to the west with the governor and chief envoy.But at this time, the Lingshan guards facing the south gate still stood still, neither chasing nor surrounding them.Although Zhu Dadian didn't understand why the Lingshan Guards would let him go, but he missed the chance and deserved it.No matter what the reason is, let's escape first.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to go around the west city wall, a group of Lingshan guards suddenly appeared from the west. There were more than [-] people, and they just blocked the gap in the west. After escaping from birth, the way out was blocked again.Immediately, one of the generals shouted: "Rush over, rush over, as long as we rush over, we will die."

He was so anxious that he couldn't bear to go into battle himself, and rushed forward with the Ming army.Qianhu of the [-]th household team who blocked the route of the Ming army's rout smiled coldly, and said to the hundreds of households next to him: "You can command them, and drive them back."

Hundreds of households were overjoyed, and immediately shouted: "Listen to my order, form a three-stage battle formation." The Lingshan Guards obeyed the order without thinking at all. , Each row is considered a row, the front row is lying down, the middle is kneeling, and the back row is standing, forming three rows that can be concurrent.

The gunpowder projectiles are already loaded, so there is no need to give a password to reload the ammunition.The commanding Baihu counted the distance of the Ming army's charge with their beating hearts pressed. When the distance was still 100 meters, Baihu shouted: "Get ready to shoot." Then the Ming army had already rushed to a distance of 80 meters. You can see their crazy expressions clearly.

Baihu opened his eyes wide and shouted, "Fire." He heard the sound of "bang bang bang" incessantly, but the musketeers lying down in the first row fired their guns first.Two seconds later, the kneeling musketeers in the second row also started firing their guns.Two seconds later, the third row of standing musketeers also fired bullets.Within six seconds, all three rows of guns were fired, and immediately there was gunpowder smoke and the "bang bang" sound of firing guns everywhere.

Looking at the Ming army again, when the first row of gunshots sounded, the Ming army in the front was immediately hit and fell to the ground dead. They had just fallen to the ground, and the second row of bullets arrived again. The Ming army was immediately hit by these bullets.It is impossible for the Ming army who was hit to stand still. After they fell to the ground, the Ming army exposed again behind them just met the warm welcome of the third row of bullets, and sent them to Hades for tea at two seconds apart.

This is a three-stage simultaneous attack. The advantage of this is that it kills the most enemies in the shortest time. Compared with the battle formation released all at once, it can kill two more rows of Ming troops.Compared with the three-stage rotation transposition, it saves time.Therefore, this is the best battle formation to hit the most enemies as quickly as possible.

Usually such a blow can collapse a few enemies.Sure enough, only one round of these three volleys had passed, and the Lingshan Guards were nervously reloading their ammunition. The Ming army who rushed over was frightened by the corpses of more than 700 comrades who died all over the ground.The Ming army who stopped urgently shouted: "Turn back quickly, turn back quickly." They were frightened by this round of shooting, and immediately lost the courage to continue to attack the Lingshan guards.Turn back and flee east.

They didn't dare to charge any more, and they killed seven or eight hundred comrades in this round. If the Lingshan guards shot a few more rounds, they would all confess here.

The [-]th army with loaded ammunition no longer stayed in place, but changed formations and marched forward in marching formations, threatening the Ming army to flee eastward.More and more Ming soldiers escaped from the south gate and fled westward with the brigade, but not long after, they saw the Ming soldiers fleeing in the front yelling: "There are enemies ahead. We can't rush through." Then Flee east again.

The fleeing Ming army without their own ideas didn't know what to do. They just wanted to escape with their lives. Their herd mentality made them subconsciously change direction, circled half a circle and fled east again.They didn't know that the east side had also been sealed off by the Lingshan Guards.Li Jianguo had already left the three thousand Lingshan guards on the east side according to the original plan.Waiting for the fleeing Ming army to come.

same.The Ming army received a barrage of fire from the Lingshan guards on the east side, leaving nearly a thousand corpses behind and ran back.After getting out of the shooting range of the Lingshan Guards on the east side, the Ming army discovered that they had entered a pocket, and they had no way to escape except to retreat to the south gate.

Thousands of Ming troops were already desperate.If he fled back to the south gate, it would be better not to escape just now.At this time, someone realized that the reason why Ximen's Lingshan guards did not attack the city was to drive them into the pockets they had arranged.Catch them all in one go.But at this time, it was too late to see through the conspiracy of the Lingshan Guards.

They were already birds in the net, and even if they fled back to the south gate, they would not be able to fly out of the net. The Lingshan Guards would definitely make arrangements at the south gate.

Most of the Ming army fell to the ground, they couldn't run anymore, and they didn't want to run.Although Ming soldiers continued to escape from the south gate and entered this big pocket, many brave officers tried various methods to protrude from the pocket, but they all fell apart in front of the powerful guns of the Lingshan Guards.

When the Lingshan Guards squeezed out all the Ming troops that could be squeezed out of the south gate, the Lingshan Guards from all sides advanced together, tightened their pockets, and captured more than 3000 Ming troops, including 32 officers, the governor of Shandong and the chief envoy. , Jinan prefect and other officials three 40 people.They were all tied up on the spot, and then escorted back to the school yard in the city to be imprisoned.

Zhu Dadian looked at the captives of the Ming army who couldn't see the end in despair, and murmured: "This is impossible, this is impossible." The chief envoy who was also tied up firmly on the side smiled wryly: "It's over, it's all over. , Master Zhu, it seems that we are going to die for our country."

Zhu Dadian didn't seem to hear it, but kept saying: "This is impossible..." as if he had been frightened out of his wits.The prefect of Jinan watched from the side, and sneered, he knew that Zhu Dadian was pretending to be stupid, but at this time, his method might not work.I wanted to be sarcastic, but when I saw the rope on my body, I still sighed.What's the use of sarcasm and sarcasm for those who are also captured?It's just a death.

Li Jianguo led his own soldiers, as if he was shopping in Lingshanwei, slowly following the progress of the Lingshanwei army's attack and suppression.Not long after, a hundred households came to report: "My lord, the governor's yamen, chief secretary, and Jinan mansion have all been cleaned up. De Wang's mansion obeyed your lord's order, but closed the gate and did not enter. But De Wang No one escaped from the whole house. There were soldiers and generals who came to rescue them, but we killed them."

Li Jianguo nodded and said with a smile, "Did Zhu Dadian catch it?"

Baihu shook his head and said, "Not yet. But the Lord has arranged so carefully, it is expected that he will not be able to escape. As soon as there is news, the subordinate officials will immediately report to the Lord."

Li Kaiguo said: "The family members of these officials have escaped?"

"No sir, when we rushed in, all the family members were in the back yamen, and the subordinates had already cleared them out of each yamen, and locked them all into the prison of Jinan Mansion."

Li Kaiguo laughed, and said: "Abandoning his wife and son, only caring about himself, this is an official of Ming Dynasty, hehe, this is also a scholar who has read the sage's books and passed the exam. Let's go, this official will go to the governor's office. Once caught Zhu Dadian, send it to the governor's office immediately." After speaking, he lightly knocked on the horse's belly and went to the governor's office.

When I arrived at the governor's yamen, I found that it was next to De Wang's mansion.At this time, there were guarding soldiers of Lingshan Guard standing in front of King De's Mansion. When they saw Li Jianguo, they saluted at the same time and shouted in unison excitedly: "I have seen you, my lord."

Li Jianguo nodded without making a sound, and went straight into the governor's office.At this time, the soldiers of Lingshan Guard were replaced in the yamen, and more than half of them were his personal guards. After a while, when the personal guards confirmed that there was no problem, they would replace all the governor's yamen with personal guards.

After entering the main hall, Li Kaiguo found out that the governor's office was borrowed from a courtyard of King De's Mansion. Looking at the spring water flowing next to the main hall and flowing out from the narrow backyard, Li Kaiguo frowned and said, "Is this governor's office connected to King De's mansion? "

When the hundred households asked, they immediately replied: "It's the same, my lord. Just on the west side, there is a courtyard gate. Open the gate and you will be Dewangfu. The spring water in this courtyard is the spring water from the Pearl Spring in Dewangfu."

When Hai Lanzhu and Su Moer on the side saw the spring water, they immediately ran to watch it, but there were Lingshan guards standing guard at the gate of the courtyard, so they couldn't get through.But the two girls kept their interest undiminished, and even ran to the edge of the rockery in the courtyard to scoop up spring water to drink.

Li Jianguo doesn't care about them, as long as they don't die, they can be exchanged for horses.Although the governor's yamen is not big, it can be used as it is.It's not that King De can't be cleared to occupy King De's mansion, it's just that King De must be used as a cover, and his mansion can't be moved for the time being. (To be continued..)

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