Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 201 I am the governor of Shandong

Fortunately, Li Jianguo didn't care about the size of the yard. Zhu Dadian could live here, and he could make do with it, and he was closer to King De, which was not bad. It could torture King De's thick and strong nerves. I am very happy, let this big fat De Wang scare him for a while, and then threaten him to do things, it will be much easier.

After a while, some soldiers came to report that the escaped officials had basically been caught, including Zhu Dadian, governor of Shandong, political envoys, left and right participants, left and right discussions, capital affairs, Zhaomo, school inspectors, magistrates, and Tongzhi Officials of all sizes, such as the judge, the judge, and the pusher, were captured in one piece, and none of them escaped.Li Jianguo looked at the sky. It was only past noon at this time, and he hadn't eaten yet, but some things must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise he would wait too long in Jinan, and he might be in trouble.

Li Kaiguo first summoned the chief steward of the auxiliary barracks, and ordered him to immediately start repairing the east gate of Jinan Mansion that was blown up. Regardless of manpower, the work must be completed as soon as possible.The chief steward had already prepared the repair materials according to the plan. At this time, it was nothing more than filling it with bricks and stones to make it stable. For the auxiliary barracks with a large number of old craftsmen, it was not difficult at all.

So the chief manager promised that it only takes two days to repair a temporarily sealed city wall. Li Jianguo was very satisfied and waved him to go.

Then Li Kaiguo sent an order that Zhu Dadian will be tried in the school grounds in an hour. At that time, all officials of Jinan Prefecture, gentry and landlords, rich businessmen and wealthy people, and good people must come to the scene to hear the trial. Anyone who refuses to come will be killed.With this order, the Lingshan Guards were immediately overwhelmed.

Originally, when they entered a state, they just cleaned up the enemies, took over the large and small yamen, cleaned up the official documents, cleaned up the treasury, appeased the people... and other affairs made the Lingshan Guards, who lacked civil positions, so busy that one person acted as two envoys.If it hadn't been for last year, when Li Jianguo started his studies as a scholar and recruited a group of literati, he would have brought some help this time. These matters alone would have made people scratch their heads to death.

This time, Li Jianguo was going to publicly try a governor of a province in the schoolyard again, which immediately made the pretentious literati under him worry about it. It is not difficult to set up a court. Just pull it over and use it.But this trial is for the governor of a province. If Li Kaiguo's consistent slogan of not being open and anti-clear is followed, what name should be used for the trial to appear righteous and dignified.

Thousands of households in Lingshanwei who don't know the truth about these literati's sorrows just find it funny, what's the matter.Just use the name of the commander of Lingshan Weidu to interrogate.When the second thousandth household said this sentence, all the literati looked at him as if they were looking at a stupid donkey.

If only it were that simple.Still need us to bother to find the reason?What does it mean if the name is not right, the words are not right?It is rebellion.There must also be a reason, and there must be a tenable slogan of justice.For example, the most widely circulated "Practice the Way for Heaven" is the most righteous slogan, even if it is the most vicious and evil person, if he shouts this slogan, you can't say anything.

If Li Kaiguo opened the trial in the name of the commander of Lingshan Weidu.Even if Zhu Dadian is proven guilty in the end, most people will not be convinced, so there must be a suitable excuse.

Just when a group of literati were racking their brains to think of a way.Li Jianguo has entered the palace of De Wang.As soon as the adjacent courtyard door was opened, there was a burst of exclamation in De Wang's mansion, followed by the sound of many people falling down, and some screaming and screaming.Li Kaiguo took a closer look and saw a group of guards and eunuchs and maids standing outside the courtyard gate, all of them were pale and trembling with fright, and there were more than a dozen people on the ground who were getting up. It was obvious that the opening of the courtyard gate had frightened them to the ground just now. .

Li Kaiguo frowned, and said: "I, Commander of the Lingshan Guard, Li Guo, lead the way if I want to see King De." The guards and eunuchs looked better when they saw that Li Kaiguo was still kind.The eunuch, the leader of Prince De's Mansion, immediately came up to him, forced a smile and said, "Your Majesty has ordered, please General Li to come with the miscellaneous family." As he spoke, he turned around and waved his hand, the guards, eunuchs and maids in that yard immediately seemed to be pardoned. Run away.

Li Jianguo was very surprised, and while walking with the chief eunuch under the guard of his own soldiers, he said, "What were you all doing in the yard just now?"

The chief eunuch was taken aback, and didn't want to say it at first, but thought of Li Jianguo's shocking rumors, he didn't dare not answer.Hastily said: "The miscellaneous family was giving them a lecture just now, telling them to keep their own place and not make any trouble. It's a pity that they don't have much knowledge. Just now the general opened the gate of the courtyard, so they were frightened like this. It is the miscellaneous family who have no way to teach them. The general laughed."

Li Jianguo saw that the chief eunuch had a good reason to advance and retreat. Although he was a little scared, he was not as frightened and overwhelmed as those people just now.So he smiled and said: "I think Eunuch is a knowledgeable person, otherwise the prince would not let Eunuch take care of things."

The chief eunuch forced a smile and said: "The miscellaneous family has just worked in the palace for more years, but they don't have much experience. If there is anything that I don't know, please forgive me, general."

While talking, I have turned around several corridors. In the middle of the corridors are flowing pools where spring water gathers. The spring water is clear, the sound of running water, and the rockery and strange rocks make it a good place to live.Further on is the place to receive guests, the main hall of Prince De's Mansion.

De Wang had already received the report, and he had already greeted him in front of the main hall with his long history. When he saw Li Kaiguo coming with his own soldiers, the chubby De Wang's already pale face became even paler, and he was about to go forward to greet him. However, he also cared about the face of the prince, and when he was struggling in his heart, Li Jianguo had already approached, and said with a smile: "The prince is really a big fat man, thank you, the prince, I am very honored to be so fat and able to walk."

As he spoke, he walked up to him, patted King De's big belly, then walked straight into the main hall and sat on the host seat.King De's fair complexion turned from white to green in an instant, and then from green to black again. He was obviously depressed, and the chief eunuch hurried forward in a panic, rubbing his chest and pushing his back, and finally let King De go back. After recovering, he spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm, and then his complexion turned better.

Zuo Changshi was furious, stepped forward and said: "You are just a small commander, but you don't worship the prince, and you are polite but not respectful. Is that the seat you are sitting in? Why don't you come down soon?" He was immediately stopped by Li Kaiguo's personal soldiers.

Li Jianguo shook his head. He has never shown mercy to such life-or-death things. He waved his hand and said, "Drag it out and chop off your head." speechless.Then the two of them dragged each other to the entrance of the main hall, drew out the waist knife, and without being held down, they just put the knife on the neck, and with a violent yank, a human head rolled to the ground, and the blood spurted from the neck It's all over the place.

"Ah..." King De had never seen such a scene, and immediately screamed in fright, his voice was extremely shrill.Like a chicken.The chief eunuch was not too flustered, and he quickly appeased King De. He understood that Li Jianguo was just killing a chicken to show the monkeys, if he really wanted to kill King De.He had already come in and killed him, otherwise Prince De's Mansion would not be safe and sound now.

I just feel sorry for Zuo Changshi.On weekdays, the chief eunuch still admires his literary talents.At this moment, it seems that he is just a nerd who doesn't know current affairs.

You Changshi was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, not daring to make a sound. Although Li Jianguo didn't order anything to be done to him, he still felt that kneeling was safe.

Li Jianguo smiled lightly, and he knew it.There are not many literati with hard bones, but the one in front of them is a soft bone.

"Who are you? Any position in the palace?" Li Kaiguo said.

You Changshi's body trembled, and he quickly replied: "The next official is You Changshi of Prince De's Mansion. The emperor personally appointed him." Li Jianguo nodded. It turned out that he was an official sent by the emperor to monitor the vassal.

Li Jianguo smiled and said, "Okay, I'm going to borrow your strengths, are you willing?"

How dare You Changshi say he doesn't want to, unless he doesn't want his own head.Immediately said again and again: "I am willing, my lord, please tell me."

Li Kaiguo said indifferently: "You draft a memorial for King De, recommend me to the imperial court as the governor of Shandong, and ask King De to copy a copy, stamp it with a big seal, and send it to the capital. Maybe you can do it?"

When You Changshi heard this, he was frightened and stupid. It is not difficult to ask him to write a memorial to King De. It is as easy as drinking water and eating, but if he really writes the content according to this, he will still be alive. ?Before he answered, De Wang spoke first. De Wang, who had just calmed down, walked quickly to You Changshi, pulled him up, and shouted: "Didn't you hear? Hurry up and write ?” As he said, he pushed the right chief Shi violently, and shouted: “Come here, get your pen and ink quickly, this king wants to write a memorial for the emperor.”

It's no wonder that with such a big body, he can walk at a brisk pace and speak so loudly. Li Jianguo thought De Wang spoke in a high-pitched voice, but this time his voice was very thick.

You Changshi came back to his senses after being pushed by De Wang. He might die if he wrote it, but he would die immediately if he didn’t write it. He looked at De Wang with admiration, and he thought so clearly.At the moment when the pen and ink were delivered, You Changshi energized himself, took all his energy, and meticulously concocted a memorial for De Wang. He said a lot of nonsense, the main content of which was just a few words. De Wang recommended Li Guo as the governor of Shandong. , On behalf of Tianxunhunting.

After finishing writing, You Changshi respectfully handed over the memorial to a soldier, and said to Li Jianguo: "My lord governor, I have already written it, please take a look at it, if there is anything wrong, my lord Make corrections again." Li Kaiguo hadn't taken office at this time, so he called Li Kaiguo the governor, obviously flattering his ass to save his life.

Li Kaiguo took the memorial and glanced at it roughly, only to see that the memorial is full of praise, saying that Li Kaiguo is wise, loyal to the court, loves all people, and is admired by the people. The current king of Germany, Zhu Youshu, followed the ancient methods of Han and recommended Li Guo as the governor of Shandong. , On behalf of Tianxun hunting and so on.

Li Jianguo laughed, threw the memorial to King De, and said: "It's well written, please take a look at King De, would you like to copy a copy." When he said the last sentence, his face was murderous.

King De was startled, and quickly took the memorial, without looking at the content, and immediately copied it.Although he is a prince, he has no worries about food and clothing, but Li Jianguo really admires this character, which is much stronger than You Changshi.

De Wang wrote very quickly, and copied the memorial in a flash, and stamped it with the seal of the vassal king. Then he let out a sigh of relief, and said to Li Kaiguo: "Master Li, the memorial has been written, please send someone to the court. This king won’t keep you anymore, see you off.”

Li Jianguo shook his head. This is the face of a vassal king. He doesn't care about the safety of the world for his own survival, but this De Wang is still useful, otherwise he would have been skinned and refined by him long ago.When a big slap came over, De Wang covered his face and turned half a circle, his panicked face was completely bloodless, thinking that Li Jianguo was about to kill someone when he crossed the river and demolished the bridge, and was about to call for help when suddenly a princess dressed in princess rushed out from behind the main hall. The 16-year-old girl in full color shouted: "How dare you hit my father?" As she spoke, she supported King De and said softly: "Father, do you feel pain? I'll send the imperial doctor to treat you. "

King De was shocked, and quickly pulled up his wide sleeves to cover Zhu Xinrou's face.He said to Li Kaiguo: "The little girl is innocent, please forgive me. Defu, send the princess back to the palace." He said and pulled the sleeve of the chief eunuch to cover Zhu Xinrou's face, and sent her back.

Only then did Zhu Xinrou remember that King De had warned her just now that Li Jianguo was a lustful and indiscriminate murderer, and told her and her sisters to hide and paint their faces so that Li Jianguo would not see him.Meet color idea.Who knew that because she was worried about De Wang, she secretly hid behind the main hall to watch.

Seeing King De being beaten, he immediately forgot what King De had said, and ran out to save his father, without even having time to smear.At this time, De Wang covered his face.Only then did I know how to be afraid.Obediently walked to the back hall under the cover of the chief eunuch, but did not take two steps.Suddenly she tugged on the sleeve again.Only two clear black and white eyes were exposed, and she said in a sweet voice: "You are not allowed to hit my father anymore. My father is a good man. If you beat a good man, God will send thunder."

Li Jianguo has not spoken yet.But it scared King De and the chief eunuch Defu to death. Defu quickly covered Zhu Xinrou's mouth with his sleeve and dragged her into the back hall.

King De looked at Li Kaiguo with some anxiety, for fear that Li Kaiguo would suddenly turn into a harm his beloved daughter.Little did he know that Li Jianguo had always been not interested in female sex. Although there was a small episode, it did not hinder his actions. Otherwise, no matter who he was or how old he was, he would kill him to save trouble.

Li Kaiguo patted King De on the shoulder and said, "My lord is in such a hurry to drive me away, but I haven't finished my work. The slap just now was just to let my lord know that I always act on my own initiative. Anyone is the judge of this official. Remember that there will be no next time, otherwise this official will not mind refining the prince's oil and giving it to the poor people who have no oil to eat."

De Wang trembled in fright, this Li Guo actually wanted to refine him.I could only hear the sound of "woo woo" from the back of the main hall. I thought it was Zhu Xinrou who was dragged to the back hall heard it, and couldn't bear it anymore.Fortunately, with Defu around, she couldn't run out to make trouble, so her life was saved.

Li Jianguo ignored it, and continued: "You go to the school with me. First, you will publicly announce that I am the governor of Shandong Province. Second, you will accompany me in the first trial of Zhu Dadian's rape and death of a civilian girl. I will give you a quarter of an hour , put on your vassal uniform, and wait for me in front of the palace. Remember, if you dare not come or are late, I will kill your whole family." After speaking, he waved his hands and walked away.

King De was so frightened that he nodded again and again, and hurriedly said: "My king must be on time, I must be on time..." Li Jianguo had already walked away, and King De still shouted at the top of his voice, for fear that Li Kaiguo would really slaughter the house.

As soon as Li Jianguo returned to the governor's office, a secretary reported to Li Jianguo: "My lord, my subordinates have thought of a few names, and I can try Zhu Dadian in a legitimate way. Please listen to me and see which one is appropriate. "

There are [-] secretaries in front of Li Jianguo, all of whom are used to deal with official documents on a daily basis.Those literati are very willing to do this errand, because the high-ranking officials in each county are all secretaries, so every literati rushes to be a secretary beside Li Jianguo.

Li Kaiguo smiled lightly and said: "What you think, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public. I have already arranged it, so you don't need to worry about it. Here is a memorial written by King De himself. You can see if there is anything wrong. If not, just Use [-] miles to expedite and send it to the Ming court. Also, copy these memorials a lot and spread them out, so I want everyone in the world to know about them.”

Hearing this, the secretary quickly held up the memorial. After reading it, the secretary was overjoyed and shouted: "My lord, if King Virtue presents the memorial, your lord will be able to speak clearly and rightly. Although the imperial court will definitely be very angry, among the Shilin officials, There is nothing that can be said. King De is also the descendant of Taizu, as long as he is in our hands, even if the imperial court decrees to withdraw his title of vassal king, it will be of no avail. Your lord is really clever, we are ashamed of ourselves."

Li Kaiguo snorted, and said: "Don't flatter me, since there is nothing wrong, hurry up and do something, I'm going to interrogate Zhu Dadian, and I'm not allowed to make any mistakes, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

His words have always been more authoritative than the imperial decree, whoever dares to say no, the secretary will leave immediately and go out to arrange matters.

A quarter of an hour later, Li Jianguo appeared at the gate of the governor's office with his personal guards. He looked in front of the gate of King De's mansion. King De was standing in front of a sedan chair. When he saw Li Kaiguo, King De immediately got into the sedan chair. In addition, it is to let Li Jianguo see that he is not late, lest Li Jianguo find an excuse to fry him.

Li Jianguo smiled slightly. This De Wang is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is very knowledgeable, and it is still very useful. He will not kill this fat man now. With him in front of him, he can block most of the Ming Dynasty loyalists. verbal criticism.

Li Jianguo rode in front, and De Wang's sedan chair followed behind, but no one noticed, right in the middle of De Wang's guards, a petite guard followed evasively at the end, his face was smeared with turmeric, it was Zhu Xinrou.She was afraid that King De would be in danger, so she risked her life pretending to be a guard and following. (To be continued..)

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