ps: Thanks to the book friend 'Sehai Piaoling' and 'Three Kingdoms Rice' for the reward, thank you!

It's just that her innocent little head didn't think about it. If King De was really in danger, for example, if Li Jianguo wanted to kill his head and skin him, what ability would she, a weak woman, have to stop him?But her filial piety is commendable, presumably God will bless her and will not let Li Jianguo kill her.

As King De's favorite little princess, Zhu Xinrou never stepped out of the gate of the palace on weekdays. Today she dressed up and left the palace, but felt that the road was so long that her feet hurt from walking.In fact, De Wang's Mansion is only three miles away from the school grounds, but in her view, it is as far away as the sky.Her petite body swayed from side to side, as if she would collapse from exhaustion at any time.

But she gritted her teeth and resisted desperately. Her father was in danger at any time, as long as she could save him, this little hardship was nothing.When she was about to fall, the school ground finally arrived.

At this time, there were tens of thousands of people on the school grounds, and there were 3000 prisoners of the Ming army alone.The Lingshan Guard has 5000 soldiers and [-] auxiliary soldiers. In addition, the gentry and land guards, wealthy businessmen and rich men, and kind people who rushed over in a hurry, the school grounds were crowded with people, but they were not chaotic. Thousands of households have been divided into small pieces by soldiers, and they can't be messed up if they want to.

As soon as Li Jianguo rode his horse into the school grounds, the school grounds, which were still noisy at first, immediately began to turn quiet, and tens of thousands of people watched in silence. .

Standing still on the stage at a certain point, Li Kaiguo took a long sword from the [-]th household and did not tie it around his waist. He held the sword in his left hand, with his head on the ground, and stretched out his right hand to grab the Jingtang. Wood, slapped suddenly. With a crisp sound of "pa", Li Kaiguo shouted: "Success."

Hundreds of yamen servants from the Jinan prefecture slammed the mighty stick together and shouted: "Mighty——." Their voices were loud and drawn out, obviously afraid that the words of the Baihu from the Lingshan Guards would come true. . "If you don't use your breastfeeding strength and call out your majesty, I will cut off your balls and send them to the palace to be eunuchs." This is how a Lingshan guard threatened them.

Along with the sound of hall prestige, there were also the sound of more than a hundred big drums.Li Jianguo shouted: "Bring the plaintiff, old man Bai." His voice was not very loud, but the tens of thousands of people in the school grounds could clearly hear his voice. But all of them changed color, and the sound was like thunder.Is it possible for mortals to do it?

All of a sudden, the hearts of the prisoners of the Ming army and those gentry and wealthy businessmen who were originally dissatisfied couldn't help but toss.The old man Bai had been waiting under the stage.He looked at Zhu Dadian with fierce eyes.I wish I could bite him to death on the spot.Hearing Li Kaiguo's summons, he stumbled up the platform, fell to his knees, and cried out, "The grassroots have been wronged. I sue Shandong Governor Zhu Dadian for raping and killing my little girl. I ask Master Qingtian to avenge the grassroots' grievances."

Naturally, his voice could not be heard very far.But some messengers repeated what he said loudly, so it was spread out paragraph by paragraph, and the people could hear clearly even in the farthest distance.Waiting to hear that a commoner dared to sue the governor of Shandong.Many people who didn't know it gasped suddenly.

It's not fun for the people to sue the officials, let alone the governor of a province, some people can already predict the end of the old man Bai.

Sure enough, Li Kaiguo said indifferently: "Old man Bai, if you sue the government with the people, you must be guilty first, and you must have a hundred spines and a flow of three thousand miles. The official needs to confirm again. You should think about it and really want to sue the plaintiff." Shandong governor Zhu Dadian?"

The old man Bai shook his body, and then shouted: "Master Qingtian, the grass people want to sue, even if the grass people are beaten to death on the spot, they should also sue Zhu Dadian, he raped and murdered his little girl, and the grass people want him to pay with his life." The words spread again. , Immediately the public was stirred up, it seemed that there was indeed a big grievance, otherwise who would risk his life to sue a second-rank official.

Li Kaiguo shouted: "Okay, since this is the case, come here, according to the law of the Ming Dynasty, first stick a hundred." Then he drew out the fire stick and threw it on the ground.

Immediately, a yamen servant who was specially assigned to beat the board came out. Since it was a killing stick for the opening of the hall, according to the usual practice, this hundred sticks were not allowed to kill people, otherwise the plaintiff died, and the yamen servant who beat the board would have to fight for his life on the spot.So even though the Baishawei stick made a loud bang and it looked like the old man's butt was rotten, it was just a flesh wound, nothing serious, as long as he carried it back and raised it for a few days, half of it would be healed.

Of course, this is because the yamen servants are merciful, and they practice these tricks every day, which is their housekeeping skill.When you are beaten, you have to be beaten for life, and the person who is beaten will not die even if you are beaten ten thousand times.If you take black money and want the victim to die, if you hit the ass with a slap, and see that the ass is fine, the person will die immediately.

Although the old man Bai didn't give any money, the servants were not willing to resist their lives, so the hundred boards were played in a satisfactory manner, without water or aggravation.

The white old man was very stubborn, his buttocks were smashed with a hundred blows, but he didn't say a word, only two of his sleeves were bitten to pieces.

Li Jianguo shouted: "Since the punishment is over, present the pleadings." The old man Bai lay on the ground enduring the pain, took out the pleadings from his arms, and handed them along with the blood letter to the famous criminal master of Jinan Prefecture.

The famous master of punishment handed it to Li Jianguo with trembling hands, and then quickly stepped aside.It's not that he's afraid, but that he can contribute in court in the trial of the governor of Shandong Province. Although his name is not justified, his reputation will definitely increase greatly. Will he still worry about not finding a good employer in the future?

After Li Jianguo took the pleadings, he didn't look at it, he threw it on the Xing Mingshi who retreated to one side, and said, "Read."

Master Xing Ming was stunned, then overjoyed, he spread out the pleading paper and began to read.The reason is very simple. The old man Bai's daughter Bai married a family surnamed Zhu. Because she was very good at needlework and other work since she was a child, she was guaranteed by the middleman to do some needlework for the nobles' mansion to supplement the family income.

Three years ago, Zhu Bai's husband and son-in-law died, because his husband's parents had died in his early years, and Zhu Bai's family had no children, so they took the old man Bai and his mother to live together.Three months ago, Mrs. Zhu Bai got a job to mend a peacock shirt for the governor's mansion. This shirt was very well embroidered, but because no one could mend a seam, she paid five taels of silver. For reward.

Therefore, Zhu Baishi went to the door to apply for the job. The peacock shirt was extremely precious, and he could not take it home. He had to mend the shirt at the governor's house.Unexpectedly, one day Zhu Baishi went there in the morning and did not return until late at night.The old man waited all night.Tianming went to the governor's yamen to inquire, but was told that Zhu Bai was dead and had been buried outside the city last night.

The old man Bai was shocked, and hurried to the outside of the city, there was indeed a new grave, he didn't care if he dug it wrong and he would be punished by death, so he dug up the grave, and it was Zhu Bai who was lying in a thin coffin.What's more, the clothes on his body were disheveled and naked, obviously he had been raped.

The old man Bai was like the sky falling and the earth falling.After crying for a long time, I helped my daughter straighten her clothes.Suddenly, a white handkerchief with blood written on it fell from his clothes, but the white old man picked it up but couldn't read the words.He hurried back to the city to find a letter writer to read the blood book, and every letter writer who saw the content of the blood book changed his face and ran away.I dare not tell him what it is.

After finally finding a school boy in his teens to help him read it, he realized that it was written in blood by Zhu Baishi before his death.She was raped and defiled by Governor Zhu Dadian.Thinking about it, she would not be allowed to live.So when Zhu Dadian finished rape and went to call someone, he took the opportunity to write down, "The slave killer, the governor Zhu Dadian, has a mole under his navel." ' and hide on the body.

When Master Xing finished reading the words on the blood book, the whole school grounds roared.All became angry.The common people have suffered a lot. How can they bear it when they hear such a heinous thing?

Li Jianguo's face remained unchanged, but he was very satisfied in his heart.As long as the people's emotions are aroused and this rape and murder case is handled well, the people in Jinan prefecture will agree with his rule.That's why he actually tried the case.It is a shock to the officials, but it is a kindness to the common people.Otherwise, he has a lot of affairs, so he has the time to take care of this kind of lawsuit.

Li Kaiguo slapped the gavel and shouted: "Take the defendant Zhu Dadian." Immediately, two personal soldiers picked up Zhu Dadian who was tightly tied up and threw them on the stage.Zhu Dadian snorted, tried to get up, and glared at Li Kaiguo.

Li Kaiguo shouted: "The people in the hall, why don't you kneel?" Zhu Dadian said angrily: "As the imperial court, I am the governor of the second rank. You are only a commander of the first and second ranks, and you are still self-proclaimed. What qualifications do you have here?" Trial case? What qualifications do you have to ask me to kneel down?"

The messenger passed on the sentence intact.Immediately, the people who were still angry just now suddenly fell silent, and everyone was waiting to see how Li Jianguo would answer.

Li Jianguo smiled slightly and said, "Come on, please invite King De to the hall." King De had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and when he heard Li Jianguo pass him on, he immediately climbed onto the stage with difficulty under the support of two guards.

Zhu Dadian opened his mouth wide, looked at King De, and immediately understood what King De was here for.Just now when he saw King De in the audience, he thought he was ordered by Li Kaiguo to come to observe the trial. Only then did he realize that Li Guo did this because he knew that he would raise doubts, and he had already prepared for it.

But he still has hope in case, if De Wang's bones are tougher, he may still have a way to survive.Zhu Dadian didn't even think about it, this is a time of crisis, if he can't take care of himself, King De still has the time to take care of him?

Sure enough, as soon as De Wang came to power, he said loudly: "Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, raped and murdered people, and did not cultivate official morality. In the name of the vassal king, I removed Zhu Dadian from the post of governor of Shandong, and the commander of Lingshan Weidu envoy Li Guo to act as an agent in Shandong." Governor. Zhu Dadian's case will also be heard and handled by the new governor Li Guo."

After finishing speaking, he took out Zhu Dadian's Shandong governor's seal, walked to Li Kaiguo's case, and shouted: "Li Guo takes the governor's seal." Li Kaiguo took it with one hand, put it on the case, and said with a slight smile: "My lord Sure enough, it is just and strict, and for the sake of the people and the great Ming, I will take over the post of governor for the time being." He did not play hypocritical pushes and three concessions, and immediately accepted the appointment.

The secretaries of Lingshanwei were overjoyed. King De really worked hard to survive. Immediately they took the lead and knelt down on the ground, shouting: "Congratulations to Mr. Li for being promoted to governor of Shandong." He knelt down and shouted: "Meet the new governor, Mr. Li." With the appearance of King De, everything became logical, and even the captured Ming army and some officials also knelt down and shouted.

Although some people disagreed, Li Kaiguo did not openly oppose the Ming Dynasty. Although Jinan City was attacked, the flag was still the banner of the commander of the Lingshan Weidu of the Ming Dynasty.At this time, if King De came forward to add the title, no matter how hard you argue, no matter how benevolent and educated Confucianism is, you can only say that Li Kaiguo is a traitor, and there is no way to say that Li Kaiguo is a traitor.

Seeing that things were developing in the worst direction, Zhu Dadian actually listened to King De's words and paid homage to Li Kaiguo's promotion to governor of Shandong. Let Li Guo act as the governor of Shandong. You are not allowed to visit, and the court will not admit it."

King De was furious, and shouted, "I'm here to ask you. Is it Taizu's grandson or Chengzu's grandson?" Zhu Dadian was startled, and said, "Of course it's Taizu's grandson."

King De laughed loudly and said: "This king, King De, came here from the Taizu's personal conferment. At that time, Taizu said that the fiefdoms of the vassal kings should be divided, and the vassal kings have military and political power. Chengzu is his own private matter. , Cutting down the vassal and abolishing the king, disrespecting the ancestor system. How dare you mention him? This king has the authorization of the Taizu, that is, the authorization of heaven and this king, why not appoint an acting governor?"

When all the officials and people heard this, it really was the truth, and they nodded one after another.I admit this statement in my heart.Zhu Dadian opened his mouth wide, the damn King De wanted to survive.Even Taizu moved out.What else can he say?It is said that Taizu was already a dead man 200 years ago, and what he said is even worse than nonsense?

Although this is true in fact, the ancients valued their ancestors. If you don’t listen to your ancestors, you will be cast aside immediately, and no one will obey your control.So King De moved Taizu out.It immediately took over the commanding heights, and no one dared to refute it in public.

Otherwise, if a big hat of disrespecting the ancestor is put down, there is only one crime.The Great Rebellion is to exterminate the nine clans and cut [-] knives.So even if someone disagrees, they can only admit it by pinching their noses. Who made Taizu the biggest?

Zhu Dadian was terrified, and hurriedly shouted: "I am the governor of Shandong personally appointed by the imperial court. Even if I want to be tried, I have to be taken to the capital to be interrogated by the three justices. You have no right to try me."

Li Kaiguo said indifferently: "Three jurisprudence? De Wang was entrusted by the Taizu and took charge of all military and political powers in the land. He will hand you over to my judge for trial, so don't talk about the three jurisprudence."

As he spoke, he slapped the gavel suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Zhu Dadian, the old man Bai accused you of raping and killing his daughter, can you plead guilty?"

Zhu Dadian's face was sallow, as soon as De Wang came out, he was helpless.It never occurred to him in his dreams that King De, who was not taken seriously on weekdays, would have such a usefulness.

He shook his head abruptly and shouted: "I don't plead guilty, I have never seen any Zhu Bai family, and she has never mended a peacock shirt in the Governor's Yamen."

Li Kaiguo sneered and said: "There is Zhu Bai's blood book here, how can you deny it?"

Zhu Dadian shouted: "That's just her one-sided story, who can prove it?"

Li Jianguo took the blood book and shouted: "The blood book says that there is a mole under your navel. If you have not raped or defiled Zhu Baishi, she would not be able to know the characteristics of this part of your body. Whether you are guilty or not, a test will tell you." Know."

Immediately, he cast a lottery and shouted: "Come on, take off Zhu Dadian's trousers and let everyone see whether this blood book is true or not."

Immediately, two personal soldiers came forward, grabbed Zhu Dadian and tried to strip his trousers.

Zhu Dadian yelled: "No, no." But the soldiers would pay no attention to him, and immediately took off his trousers, revealing his fluffy thighs.Zhu Xinrou, who was in King De's guard, said "ahhh", and turned her head away quickly, her cheeks were flushed, and her painted jade face couldn't stop the girl's shyness.She is a princess with yellow flowers, when did she see this.

De Wang's ears are very good, and he immediately heard the voice of his precious daughter. Looking along the voice, he immediately found Zhu Xinrou. , let out a sigh of relief.We can't go there now, and we can't let Li Jianguo see his good daughter again, otherwise things will be very bad.

Li Jianguo did find Zhu Xinrou, but how could he care about it? He only heard him shout: "Expose the navel." The soldiers lifted up their gowns, revealing Zhu Dadian's lower body, and an ugly mass suddenly appeared in front of tens of thousands of people. before.Zhu Dadian let out a miserable howl and passed out.

If he doesn't faint, he will faint. In such a scene, the reputation of his life will be completely lost at this moment. Even if it is proved that he has no moles on his body, his life will be ruined, at least it will be impossible to be an official again.The imperial court would never use a person who showed himself in public as an imperial official, so he could only faint.

Some women among the people turned their heads away, but some women's eyes were shining, wanting to see what the second-rank official's bird looked like, and whether he was still wearing a hook.But when he opened his eyes and took a closer look, there was only a bird, not as big as his own man.He couldn't help spitting, and cursed in his heart, the bird of the second-rank official is nothing unusual.

Suddenly someone shouted: "He does have a mole on his belly." Needless to say, everyone in front of him saw it, a big mole growing on the feather of a small bird.

The old white man lay on the ground and screamed: "My daughter, you died so badly—" He was crying bitterly.

Li Jianguo slapped the gavel and shouted: "Since there is a mole, it means that the blood book is true. Zhu Dadian, as an official of the imperial court, raped and murdered. The punishment of beheading in the Grand Ceremony will be executed on the spot. The old man Bai is sentenced to three thousand miles of exile according to the law. Do you have any objection?" This sentence was asked by the old man Bai.

The old man Bai shouted: "The grass people have no objection. Master Qingtian, as long as the grass people avenge the little girl, even if they die immediately, they are willing."

Li Kaiguo snorted and said, "In that case, come on, wake up Zhu Dadian and plead guilty."

Immediately, a basin of water was poured on Zhu Dadian's head, Zhu Dadian had to wake up, and immediately begged: "Master Li, you can't kill me, I'm still useful, I know the imperial court's conspiracy against you, you can't kill me " The guard next to him didn't care about this, he held his hand, and pressed hard on the confession brought by Master Xing.

Although Zhu Dadian was forced to press, no one sympathized with him. Suddenly, someone in the gentry group shouted: "Zhu Dadian, you dog official, you deserve to die." of.Immediately aroused the sympathy of the people, everyone yelled "Kill the dog officer, kill the dog officer." After shouting a few times, even some officials followed suit.

Li Jianguo sneered and said: "You don't need to talk about these conspiracies. I know it well. You are going to die. By the way, after you die, I will throw your body at the entrance of the vegetable market for three days. Whether you are still alive or not depends on whether your ancestors were virtuous." He waved his hand and signaled the executioner to come to the stage and behead him on the spot. (To be continued..)

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