ps: Thanks to the book friend "5461+89464" for the reward!

Li Kaiguo's memorial is very simple. Please ask the emperor to order him to be the governor of Shandong, ask the emperor to order the Princess Dewang as a princess, ask the emperor to order a marriage, and ask the emperor to order 300 million taels of military expenditure.The last one was added by Wei Chuping. He wanted to disgust Emperor Chongzhen, but he didn't expect Emperor Chongzhen to really give it anyway.

Last but not least, the memorial stated that after one and a half months, the princess who will be married to King De was asked to send officials from the Ministry of Rites to guide her.

Emperor Chongzhen threw the memorial on the ground angrily, and shouted: "Damn thief, what does he think of me, Daming? The official seals himself, and if he says marrying the daughter of the royal family, marry the daughter of the royal family?" Let him take..."

Before Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, Cheng Jiming, the chief assistant of the cabinet, stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty must not, the minister has received the report, and there have been changes in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. This spring is very difficult for the Tartars. Li Guo made a fuss in Shengjing, and his vitality was greatly injured, but he did not move at all. Huang Taiji still stabilized the situation. In order to alleviate their internal discord, he will definitely attack our Daming again to rob property and people. Therefore, the soldiers of Liaodong cannot move."

Emperor Chongzhen was furious, and roared: "Since you can't move, let this little thief, Li Guo, run amok? Give Shandong Province to him? It turns out that he only has a small Lingshan Guard, and he can grow bigger than this. If we don't cut it off , how to get it in the future?"

The cabinet ministers bowed their heads and were speechless, Cheng Jiming sighed and said, "Your Majesty, the old minister wants to go to the Emperor alone, please allow him."

Chongzhen wanted to be furious again, but since Cheng Jiming said so, he had to give him a little face, and immediately repelled all the officials.Cheng Jiming was left alone.

Emperor Chongzhen said coldly: "It's just me and you now, if you have anything to say, you can speak up."

Cheng Jiming knelt down on the ground, and suddenly burst into tears, he fell on the ground and said: "Your Majesty, please forgive the old minister's blunt words. The old minister was originally a person who served as an official. Thanks to the emperor's grace, he summoned the ministers to serve with his old body. From the day of the family gate, the old minister has no intention of dying in his hometown."

"Today, the old minister risked his life to speak out, Your Majesty. Now our Ming Dynasty is in turmoil, and there are bandits everywhere. Every time they are suppressed, the bandits will regenerate after a short time. Why? Because the people are not living well. They have to turn back. Now Nanzhili has been turned into a world by the bandits. Hell, the foundation of my great Ming Dynasty is being hollowed out by it. Although the emperor has strategized and mobilized troops to encircle and suppress. But after all, several provinces have been corrupted and cannot be dealt with. Although there is a thief Li Guo who stole a province, he has not turned against us after all. Daming, no matter what his intentions are, it is advisable to put him next in line and suppress him."

"Now most of the soldiers and horses in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian have been lost. The south is empty. If Li Guo raises his troops to go south, what will happen? Although the army can be mobilized to encircle and suppress the rogue bandits, but after this, the rogue bandits will not escape from the encirclement, causing the former Is the work done completely in vain? Therefore, the top priority is to stabilize Li Guo, limit his influence within a province, and make him a little rich and safe, and not have evil intentions."

"There are three reasons for what I said. First, although Li Guo stole a province, he did not poison the people. It can be seen that his people are not comparable to bandits. Second, Li Guo regards himself as a minister of the Ming Dynasty, and the emperor has no soldiers to suppress. , according to Zheng Zhilong's example, recruitment is the most important thing. Third, the soldiers in his hands have the banner of our Ming Dynasty, and they are not Li Guo's soldiers, our Ming Dynasty can also use them."

"As long as the recruiting is successful, you can rest assured that you will not attack from outside. And the soldiers in your hands can defend the capital from a short distance, and conquer bandits from afar. Waiting to wear down your soldiers and horses, the court is relieved, and the soldiers and horses have leisure time. Is it not that his life and death are all in the emperor's mind? So the old minister begged the emperor to endure the pain for a while in exchange for the foundation of the eternal world. The old minister knows that the emperor will be a sage king, and he is unwilling to do this. The old minister is willing to work hard In charge of this matter, if there is any mistake in the future, the emperor will take the old minister's head to reassure the hearts of the world."

Cheng Ji risked his life to say these words, and he really wanted to die.He knew that Emperor Chongzhen was acutely suspicious, so he was overjoyed. He said this, if Emperor Chongzhen suspected that he had a heart of disobedience, he would die immediately without a burial.

Emperor Chongzhen was silent for a long time after hearing this pile of heartfelt words from Cheng Jiming, and finally said, "It's just that when the time comes, I'm afraid my subordinates won't be able to show mercy." Chazi, when you take the blame, my subordinates can't show mercy.

Cheng Jiming gritted his teeth fiercely, and said with tears in his eyes, "I am willing to do my part for Daming with more than a hundred net worth."

Emperor Chongzhen stepped down from the throne, helped Cheng Jiming up, and sighed: "After all, it is an old minister. Don't worry, Cheng Qing, I will never fail you."

Cheng Jiming whimpered and said: "The emperor's kindness is so generous, the veteran can only repay it with death."

Emperor Chongzhen nodded, turned around, and said: "The memorial of Li Guo will finally cost 300 million taels of silver. I can't approve him, so you can make an order to exempt Shandong from taxes for three years and let him collect it himself. Escorted to Beijing. For other items, you, in the name of the cabinet, report them to the inspector of ceremonies for approval, and then send them out."

On the second day, the imperial decree was issued, and Li Kaiguo was granted the title of governor of Shandong, with the title of second rank, and supervised the affairs of Shandong.The Princess of King De was appointed as the Princess of Quancheng, and the Ministry of Rites chose an auspicious day to marry Li Guo.After the imperial decree, the government and the public were in an uproar. Everyone was envious and jealous. Li Guo had changed from a thief to the governor of Shandong, and became the most powerful son-in-law of the Ming Dynasty. Countless dignitaries were discussing in secret. The government and the opposition are in turmoil.

Fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen suppressed it, and Cheng Jiming's protégé and old officials helped to ease it. In addition, the news that the Tartars were going to invade Liaodong was rampant, which calmed down the matter.

Ever since Jinan Mansion received the imperial decree, everyone from the officials to the common people has been smiling.Li Kaiguo took advantage of this to reform civil and military administration.All prefectures and counties in Shandong who still want to hold the original official position must write a letter of surrender. If the letter of surrender is not received within ten days, Li Kaiguo will appoint a new official.

This order alone caused turmoil in Shandong Province, and countless officials were struggling.But soon they won't have to struggle.Li Kaiguo ordered the Lingshan Guards to be officially named as the guards, and he himself was the governor of the guards and the governor of military affairs.There are four battalions under it, divided into four battalions of tigers, leopards, eagles, and wolves. Each battalion has a general and a civil servant to assist, leading [-] troops and horses.

Under the battalion, there are lieutenants, generals, guerrillas, and assistants.Among them, there are ten deputy generals.Each received [-] troops and horses.There are five generals under it, each of whom leads two thousand horses.There are four guerrillas, each leading five hundred soldiers and horses.Zuo attacked five men, each leading a hundred soldiers and horses.

In the prefectures and counties in Shandong, one guerrilla stationed in the prefecture and [-] troops stationed there.There is one assistant in the county, one hundred soldiers and horses.Divide Shandong into four parts, east, south, north and west, and send people from the four camps to garrison them.The above military horses only care about military affairs.Do not intervene in civil affairs. If there is a crime, the whole family will be beheaded.

This order immediately made the Lingshan Guards smile, so many officials.With so many generals, they were all enfeoffed at once.It has made countless people happy.But the second day.Li Jianguo conveyed another order, that all the generals and above will need to be rotated every two years, and the generals will not be changed.No delay for any reason.

Immediately, a basin of cold water was poured on the generals of the army.My lord is afraid that they will support themselves.Every two years.No one has any ideas.Someone wanted to object, but he just raised his head, and was beheaded by Li Jianguo.The generals saw that Li Jianguo had made up his mind, so no one dared to speak out.

In fact, Li Jianguo had already thought about it.He only issued this order the next day, just to pour a basin of cold water.People all have desires, if you don't let this desire come out, and then calm your head, maybe some people will dare to use their brains.

As for the rotation of generals and officers, it will lead to the soldiers not knowing the generals, and the generals not knowing the soldiers.Li Jianguo also had a solution long ago. He ordered the establishment of a military academy in Gaomi, with him serving as the principal and Feng Guoyong as the vice principal. appointment.And all training must be customized, all passwords, marching, camping, military system, firearms storage, army formation... everything is all customized, no matter the rotation, as long as it is a guard, the general can command when he arrives, such as Use your arms and fingers without hindrance.

Wei Chuping and Cheng Yi, the original Secretary of Agriculture, served as the left and right chief envoys.Cheng Yi is in charge of farming, and Wei Chuping is in charge of all other civil affairs.

As for education, Li Jianguo didn't do anything, what was before, is still what it is now.If you want to move this piece, you have to move it a lot, and it will definitely hurt the hearts of scholars all over the world.Although it had some effect in Lingshanwei's small test, the talents recruited were not really big talents after all, so Li Jianguo would never move this area until the overall situation was settled.

These trifles are very complicated, and Li Jianguo has been busy for half a month just to fiddle with them.During this period, the Ministry of Rites sent people to Zhide Wangfu to announce the decree, bestowing the princess's clothes and gold book, and allocated 500 taels of powder and silver.Let King De's mouth turn away, and he was rewarded accidentally.

But on the second day, his heart ached so badly that Li Jianguo came to ask for a loan of 500 million taels.De Wang was frightened and stupid at the time.There is no such thing as a father-in-law and old father-in-law, pulling Li Jianguo's clothes, crying and crying, and must bargain.In the end, after grinding hard, Li Jianguo finally opened his mouth and exempted 50 taels.

In this way, King De's treasury was reduced by half.Remembering how generously he rewarded his servant with 500 taels of silver yesterday, King De was so angry that he didn't eat or sleep for two whole days.

Wei Chuping received 450 million taels of silver, and immediately distributed them. He paid off the outstanding balance, and finally only had 250 million taels left in his hands.Then Cheng Yi came over, and with one mouthful, he took all 250 million taels.Wei Chuping won't do it, he came here to ask for Li Jianguo's will.

Because Cheng Yi made a guarantee with Li Jianguo, as long as he was given 1000 million taels of silver, he promised to double the province's grain production during the autumn harvest.

Only 250 million taels were given, which was too little for Cheng Yi.Wei Chuping was forced to find Li Jianguo again. Li Jianguo shook his head and wrote a note to Tao Ming.The next day, Tao Ming issued a notice for the whole province, starting tomorrow, he will go to various states and counties to investigate the people's situation and clear up the prison lawsuits.

Wei Chuping came to Li Kaiguo with the notice and said, "Sir, if this happens, the gentry in the whole province will have to be replaced. The gentry and businessmen who have dealt with us at the beginning are begging me for help." , Said to let the adults show mercy, they are willing to donate a sum of money to pay the army to make up for the lack of military expenses."

Li Jianguo smiled and said: "I have already explained to Tao Ming, and also gave him a list, let him suppress any cases related to these people, if it is a life lawsuit, he will only kill the associates and pay more money. But since they want to donate some, donate some, don’t donate too much, just limit it to 500 million taels, and donate more money.”

Wei Chuping laughed, and said, "Yes, I will inform them immediately." When the gentry and businessmen heard that Li Jianguo had already made arrangements, when he and others didn't have to worry at all, they smiled happily, and they all said that Li Jianguo Nostalgic.Didn't forget them.But when they heard that they were going to donate 500 million taels, they were immediately dumbfounded. When they came back to their senses, they smacked their mouths fiercely.

The Ministry of Rites once again issued an imperial decree that Princess Quancheng is scheduled to marry Li Kaiguo on the eighth day of June.Li Jianguo counted the days after receiving the imperial decree, and there were still two full months.

He wanted to move forward, but he thought that this was the day of Qin Tian's calculation.He also agreed.So Jinan Mansion got busy again, busy up and down for his big wedding.What surprised Li Jianguo was that De Wang was very happy about this matter, not only making suggestions, but also doing it himself.He was gesticulating and tossing and tossing endlessly in Jinan Mansion.

In the end, Wei Chuping had no choice.Ask Li Jianguo to come forward.Only then did the excited De Wang be invited back to the mansion to stay there.Originally, Li Jianguo wanted to stay in Jinan Mansion and rest for two months with peace of mind, so as to consolidate the foundation of Shandong Province.But the bad news came suddenly, which made Li Jianguo furious.

The inertia of history is not so easy to break.Although Li Jianguo had a fight in Shengjing at the beginning of the year, it almost tore the Eight Banners apart.But Huang Taiji is worthy of being Huang Taiji, and I don't know what method he used to integrate the Eight Banners.Unanimously external.

Just 2 days ago, Huang Taiji mobilized all 2 elite soldiers from the Eighth Banners, and made a second expedition to Harbin.This incident had nothing to do with Li Jianguo, but it affected his transaction of [-] military horses.Originally, Horqin Mongolia had already sent people to meet Hai Lanzhu.After seeing her intact, he promised to redeem Hai Lanzhu for Li Jianguo with [-] military horses.

Just the day before yesterday, I had already arrived at the place where Horqin should reply, but I didn't see anyone from Horqin coming.At first, Li Jianguo thought that something was delayed, and a few days later was nothing important, but just now, people from Horqin came and asked to postpone the deal until August, because Horqin was out of horses now.

Where are the horses?Let Huang Taiji be requisitioned to fight Chahar.Now Horqin can only raise money from other tribes, so it will take longer.The Horqin Mongolian envoy said to Hai Lanzhu with tears, "Pearl on the grassland, please don't be sad, we will raise enough horses as soon as possible to redeem you."

Li Kaiguo sneered and said, "As soon as possible? No need to hurry up. Benfu personally led the troops to fetch it. You can stay at the post house in Jinan City. Benfu still has a place to borrow from you." He turned and left.

After a while, Li Jianguo summoned Ma Ying to ask if there was any news from the Mongolian side.Ma Ying said with a serious face: "My lord, this subordinate feels that something is wrong."

Li Jianguo had never seen Ma Ying with such an expression before, and said, "Tell me, what's wrong?"

Ma Ying said: "My lord, this time, on the surface, the Manchus are the second conquest of Hal, but various signs show that this is an illusion. Huang Taiji may repeat the old plan of the second year of Chongzhen, invade the Gyeonggi area, and plunder the population." .”

Li Jianguo was surprised and said, "Are you sure?"

Ma Ying said: "The subordinates are [-]% sure. Because this time the Eight Banners march was very secretive, and scouts were sent out hundreds of miles away. Moreover, their soldiers and horses disappeared after entering the Horqin Grassland. Last time, It also took the Horqin Ministry as the forerunner to attack Gyeonggi from Zunhua."

Li Jianguo narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said: "Go to the posthouse and bring Horqin's envoys to interrogate. I will get definite information within a day."

Ma Ying immediately obeyed the order and left.Before dinner, Ma Ying secretly met Li Jianguo again, and said excitedly, "My lord, as I expected, the Eight Banners are still going the same way this time, but this time they don't threaten the capital, but want to invade Shandong."

Li Jianguo had checked the records of the Jin army's invasion of the capital at the end of the second year of Chongzhen in the past half a day.Later Jin army divided into two groups in Harqin to attack Longjingguan and Da'ankou.The two routes met at Zunhua City, and after capturing Zunhua City, they approached Tongzhou, the gateway of the capital, and then surrounded the capital.If it weren't for the effective defense of the capital city, and the number of soldiers received by King Qin had reached 20, the Jin army would have succeeded last time.

Because there was an invasion experience, Longjingguan and Da'ankou, including Zunhua City, were vigorously renovated afterwards to prevent the possibility of the Manchu Qing passing through here again.But according to Ma Ying's information, in the first two years, these three places were indeed as solid as gold.But after a long time, he relaxed.Everyone thought that the Qing Dynasty would never repeat the old tricks, so the generals began to eat empty salaries, sell arms, and engage in corruption.

It has been seven years since Chongzhen, but in five years, these three places are actually more lax than Chongzhen two years ago.Li Jianguo got accurate information, looked at the city on the map, and murderous looks flashed in his eyes.Huang Taiji was tired of work, and he dared to bring his idea to Shandong.It's hard to say that he didn't come here for Hai Lanzhu, he was a bitter master looking for the kidnappers, and wanted to counterattack.

Three days later, news came from Ma Ying that the Eight Banners of Manchuria had captured Longjing Pass and Da'ankou again, and were besieging Zunhua City.Chongzhen in the capital had received the news and ordered martial law in the capital. At the same time, he urgently summoned Datong, the governor of Xuanfu, and King Maqin of various provinces to join the guard. However, Shandong was not mentioned in the imperial decree.

Li Jianguo smiled while holding the post newspaper: "Your Majesty is really courageous. He killed quite a few of them last time. I don't know what's going on in the capital this time."

What can there be in the capital?Let the chicken fly and the dog jump.From the moment he got the news that the Manchurian soldiers surrounded Zunhua again, the experienced Emperor Chongzhen issued a series of imperial edicts.In addition to the decree to urgently summon the soldiers and horses of the world to join the guard, Sun Chengzong was also urgently called to the court to lead the army and horses to resist the full army.At the same time, the population in the Gyeonggi area was cleaned up, and all of them moved into the capital. The general officer of Shanhaiguan was urgently ordered to help Tongzhou, and the yamen of the capital's ministries were ordered to clean up the military, money and food, and fight to the death with the Tartars. (To be continued..)

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