Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 220 The Miserable Tartar

Before the enemy left, Emperor Chongzhen was not an idiot, and he would not settle accounts at this time.It's just that everyone knew in their hearts that Emperor Chongzhen's heart was already burning with anxiety, and in the future, he would be furious and out of control.

Just when the imperial decree reached Chen Qiyu, the governor of the five provinces, the army to encircle and suppress the bandits had already encircled. Lian Guo, the governor of Shaanxi, was stationed in Shangnan to monitor the northwest; Yuan Mo, the governor, was stationed in Lushi to monitor the northeast; Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, was stationed in Nanzhang to monitor the southeast.

The 40 rebels were besieged, running around in a panic, and it seemed that in a few months, they could be wiped out, and they would be able to complete their efforts. At this time, King Qin's edict came, which made Chen Qiyu feel the most troubled.He urgently summoned to practice state affairs, and Lu Xiangsheng, Yuan Mo, and Tang Hui asked them to submit a letter of opinion.

Fortunately, Emperor Chongzhen was still not confused. Just two days after Chen Qiyu received the order from King Qin, another opposite order came again, asking Chen Qiyu to ignore the affairs of Gyeonggi and do his best to suppress the bandits.

Chen Qiyu knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the capital, with blood and tears flowing in his eyes, he shouted: "The Holy Majesty has shown great kindness to Qiyu, if I can't wipe out the bandits, I'd rather shed my blood On the land, there is no face to see the Holy One."

After he got up, he was afraid that the governors of the provinces would change, so he refused to listen to the transfer, and entered Jingqin King, so he immediately sent the order.Fortunately, Si Fu is not an idiot, knowing that this fluke is about to be achieved, and will not let go easily unless it is absolutely necessary.What's more, King Qianliqin, they are far away from the capital, even if they can lead their troops to arrive, I am afraid that something unbearable has already happened, and it will not help the matter.

But it was clearly written in the imperial decree that they did not dare to disobey when they asked to be summoned to the king, and it was when everyone was full of sorrow.The second imperial edict arrived, so they breathed a sigh of relief. Like Chen Qiyu, the governor of the five provinces, they performed a show of loyalty and continued to concentrate on suppressing bandits.

But at this time, Gyeonggi is already in a hurry.Fu Zonglong, governor of Jiliao, heard that he had urgently ordered [-] Liaodong cavalry to rush day and night to help the capital.Zu Dashou got the order, knowing that this was an opportunity to die, but he did not dare to disobey the order, and came out of the long-shrunk Jinzhou City.He took his iron cavalry and rushed to the capital with all his might.

Five days later, the city of Zunhua was broken, and Dege class rushed straight to Tongzhou with the Zhenglan flag to deter Gyeonggi.But Duoduo and Yue Tuo brought Zhengbai, Zhenghong, Xianghong and Mongolian troops from Zunhua to the south and rushed towards Shandong.

The Tartars were moving fast.With the cavalry as the forerunner, the infantry packed up the rear.Wherever you go.All states and counties are trembling and fighting, and the city is closed without fighting.The strange thing is that the Tatars didn't attack the city, they just bypassed the prefectures and counties, as if they had entered the land of no one, and went straight to Jinan.

within a day.The Tartars advanced a hundred li.This is a terrifying speed. Although the Tartars did not attack the city, this speed has reached the limit in this era.

The Tartars had strict military laws and came down a hundred miles away.Only a few people were left behind.Those Mongolian nobles were different, not only the Mongolian soldiers were thrown for dozens of miles, but even they were thrown away so that they could only eat dust behind them.This made the Mongolian nobles secretly startled, and privately lamented that the glory of the Mongols had indeed gone away from them.

Five days later, the Tartars had advanced five hundred miles in a straight line.And the Dege class had already bypassed Tongzhou with the Zhenglan flag and came to the capital city.This time, Emperor Chongzhen responded very promptly. Hundreds of thousands of Beijing camps rushed up the city wall. Even if everyone held only a wooden stick, they could beat Zhenglan Banner to death with no more than [-] Tatars.What's more, the arsenal in Beijing is wide open, and everyone is equipped with excellent armor and weapons.

De Ge class took the Zhenglan flag and circled the capital for half a circle, as if looking for some loopholes.They were so frightened that soldiers and horses from all over the capital camp were transferred around in the city. Although they outnumbered the enemy dozens of times, none of them dared to go out of the city to drive the enemy away.

At this time, the Ming troops in Shanhaiguan and Miyun had already arrived in the suburbs of the capital. Seeing the Zhenglan flag criss-crossing, they only dared to set up camp to monitor, and did not dare to approach the enemy.Fortunately, half a day later, Zu Dashou led [-] Liaodong cavalry to arrive. When Dege heard about it, he led the Zhenglan Banner and retreated for more than [-] li to set up camp.

Zu Dashou had just arrived, but the situation was unknown, so he dared not pursue him, so he immediately camped outside Guangqumen, handed over a memorial to the imperial court, and asked for food, grass and weapons.Half a day later, food, grass and weapons were continuously delivered from the capital.Zu Dashou took a deep breath, knowing that the court needed him at this time, so he would not kill him now, so he was relieved.

On the second day, Dege came to the capital again with the Zhenglan flag and drove around the city.Zu Dashou led Liaodong iron cavalry to follow behind to monitor, but he did not step forward to fight.It wasn't until the sky turned dark that the Zhenglan flag roared away again, and Zu Dashou also returned to the camp to rest.For a few days like this, Zhenglan Qi came to circle around every day, but neither attacked the city nor shouted, as if it was just for sightseeing in the capital, which puzzled the entire capital.

Emperor Chongzhen was still very anxious at the beginning, but the Tartars did not attack the city for several days, and their number was no more than ten thousand.Coupled with the continuous arrival of reinforcements from the Ming army nearby, the soldiers and horses from Hebei have also arrived.At this time, the number of soldiers of King Qin of the Ming army had reached [-], and all the generals and soldiers from all states and counties had also been transferred.As for the soldiers farther away, there was also news that in less than half a month, nearly [-] Ming troops would enter the suburbs of Beijing.

So five days later, Emperor Chongzhen heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the report from Minister of War Zhang Fengyi, knowing that the capital was safe.

But once the danger passed, Emperor Chongzhen's suspicious temper began to flare up again.It is a great shame that the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Manchu capital were scared to hide in the city by the Tartars who numbered no more than [-].There is also Zu Dashou, his cavalry is also three times that of the enemy, and it is only for monitoring, not driving the enemy.

On the second day, Emperor Chongzhen issued several decrees, urging all the soldiers and horses to join forces to encircle and suppress Zhenglan Banner troops like Dege.But these Ming troops who came to aid knew in their hearts what the combat effectiveness of their soldiers and horses was, so the troops procrastinated and refused to fight.

One day later, news came from the area east of the capital that Huang Taiji had led the Zhenghuang Xianghuang Banner to sweep across the east of the capital, Tianjin had fallen, and countless people's cattle, sheep and property had fallen into the enemy's hands.

Emperor Chongzhen was furious when he received the report, and immediately passed an order to Zu Dashou, ordering him to wipe out Zhenglan Banner within one day.

Just when Zu Dashou had a headache, Zhengbailaibaizhenghongxianghongqi and the Mongolian nobles had arrived near Dezhou.The governor of Baoding sent several Ming troops to monitor along the way, and he was greatly relieved when he saw that nearly [-] Tartars and [-] Mongolian cavalry were heading for Jinan.Order to monitor the Ming army, guard the soil closely, and not cross the line.

Duoduo and Yue Tuo looked at the map.I was thinking about one thing in my heart, whether to play Texas or not.They all know that it is very dangerous to abandon Zhuzhou and counties along the way and not attack. If they are not careful, the back road will be cut off. Considering the small amount of food and grass they carry with them, they may be destroyed immediately. The danger of annihilation.

Therefore, Duoduo is more inclined to supplement food and grass in Texas.Looking at the topography of Texas, Yue Tuo agreed with this point.From Dezhou to Jinan.But a day's journey.They traveled a hundred miles a day, and although the Tartars were brave, they were exhausted and complained endlessly.

Slaughter a city in Texas to get some money and food for the people.It can also suppress the growing opposition.It can enhance morale and attack Jinan City.There are all benefits and no harm.So the two decide together.Tomorrow morning, take down Texas and indulge for a day.If we go to attack Jinan Mansion the day after tomorrow, the morale will definitely be like a rainbow, and we will go down with a drum.

None of these two pig-like guys thought that Li Jianguo is a person who can be rubbed round and flattened by others?Although they already know.It was Li Jianguo who led the troops to slaughter their firearms field in Shengjing and looted their horses.But for the main force of the Eight Banners, it didn't do much harm, that is, those soldiers who died in the battle among the Eight Banners soldiers.They also fought and killed each other.

In other words, the Eight Banners soldiers didn't take Li Kaiguo seriously at all.The so-called rumors that Li Jianguo and Chen Bing were in the capital, and the Eight Banners were helpless and allowed them to come and go, even a three-year-old Tartar child could not believe it.

Therefore, the Tartars still thought that their army was invincible in field battles, so they went straight to Jinan as soon as they entered the customs, one reason was to get back Hailanzhu.The second is to avenge Li Jianguo's burning and looting under the city of Shengjing.

It's half past eight o'clock in the evening.The Tartars had already fallen asleep, and the hundred miles a day for so many days had already exhausted the Tartars to the bone.It is also conceivable how arrogant the Tartars are. It is taboo to make themselves into tired soldiers, and regard the Ming army as lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Yue Tuo also went to bed early, leaving Duoduo to watch in the middle of the night.He had just fallen asleep when he heard his scout shouting anxiously outside: "Hurry up, there is a large Ming army attacking at night, and it is only more than ten miles away from us. Hurry up and report to Lord Baylor."

Yue Tuo woke up suddenly, turned over and got up, Duoduo had already strode into the tent, and said angrily: "There are still Ming soldiers who dare to harass them. I will bring my headquarters to kill them all. You come to guard the camp."

He was very impatient, he didn't wait for Yue Tuo to say anything, he turned around and left, only listened to him shouting orders, he called Zhengbai Qi and Dorgon's 7000 Niu Lu who secretly supported him, a total of [-] people, and the whole team left the camp.

Yue Tuo couldn't help shaking his head when he heard the sound of the army constantly mobilizing. This Duoduo, relying on the fact that he has more soldiers and horses in his hands, has always wanted to fight with him who is the most powerful.Given Yue Tuo's age and experience, he naturally wouldn't compete with him.What's more, he knew that Duo Duo was a wolf dog raised by Dorgon, and he would hand over all dirty and bad things to Duo Duo.So he is a human being, so why would he care about a dog?

Yue Tuo came back to lie down again, and fell asleep after a while.It seemed that he had slept for a long time, and it seemed that he had just fallen asleep.Yue Tuo suddenly heard the sound of thundering cannons in his sleep.He woke up immediately, and he lay on the blanket and listened quietly, the more he listened, the more frightened he became, the continuous sound of the cannons never stopped.

Yue Tuo counted to [-] cannons, and after a while, the cannons sounded again, but it was still not coming. He immediately jumped up and shouted: "Hurry up, blow the trumpet, and gather troops." The sons went south, because the firearms field was bombed and the artillery was completely destroyed by Li Jianguo, so Duoduo's Zhengbai Banner had no artillery.

And the gunfire was so violent and continuous, it was obviously the main force of the Ming army.Yue Tuo immediately mobilized his army to rescue Duoduo because he knew the power of artillery and was afraid that Duoduo's impatience would damage Zhengbai Qi's strength.Until this time, he was still not very worried, even if the Ming army had a large number of artillery, for the Tartars who believed in their field combat capabilities, these were just stones on the way forward, as long as they were bypassed, the Ming army would still lamb.

Li Jianguo watched indifferently as the [-] cavalry of the Leopard Camp dismounted and fought on foot, forming a battle formation that could not stop killing Duoduo's Zhengbai Banner strength.

Duoduo used the old tactics of the Manchurians to fight against the soldiers and horses of the Leopard Battalion. The rangers were ranked behind and waited for an opportunity to shoot at them, disrupting the deployment and formation of the Leopard Army. The front was assaulted by heavy armored infantry.In order to guard against the muskets of the Ming army, the heavily armored soldiers were covered with cotton armor, rattan armor and iron armor.

For the Tartars, as long as they rushed fifty steps ahead of the Ming army, the Ming army would panic and collapse.As for firearms, although they are indeed very powerful, they cannot be fired continuously, and it takes a long time to load ammunition for a round, and with several layers of heavy armor on the body, ordinary muskets are really not afraid.

The second is that the Ming army's firearms are rarely durable, and most of them will explode after a few rounds, or break down.Therefore, the old Tatars are all experienced, and they know that as long as they deceive the enlightened army's first three rounds of shooting, the threat of firearms from the Ming army will be greatly reduced.

So go ahead and report from the scouts.It shows that there are many weapons and weapons, and Duoduo doesn't care, he just beats the drums to make the Tartars attack.When the heavily armored soldiers heard the sound of the drum, they immediately roared and rushed towards the brightly lit Ming army with their fangs and claws.

Although the Tartars have seen through the firelight that the Ming army has a rigorous array.But they still firmly believe that as long as they are eighty feet away.The Ming army will fire the first round of guns.Then it got out of hand.As long as they hear the three rounds of guns, they can break into the enemy's line with confidence.

Wearing heavy armor and armed with spears and broadswords, the Tartars rushed towards the leopard camp guarding the army with fierce screams.What surprised them was that the Ming army didn't shoot when they had already jumped to eighty feet.If you don't open it, you won't open it.The Tartars wondered optimistically whether the Ming army was so frightened that they forgot to fire their guns.

So they rushed forward even more excitedly, completely forgetting that the dark night can cover up many things.If it is daytime now.When the Tartars saw the more than 200 cannons on both sides of the Ming army's array, they definitely did not dare to rush forward like this.

Duoduo saw that the Tartars had rushed to more than forty feet, and the Ming army still hadn't fired a single shot, and the battle formation was motionless, and immediately felt that something was wrong.No matter how stupid the Ming army is, it will not be so stupid. The Ming army is still as immovable as a mountain in front of it, and it can be regarded as the elite of the Ming army.

Duoduo broke many taboos in military strategists when he dispatched troops this time, and he never knew whose soldiers came.[-]. I don't know where the enemy's weapons, combat power, and arms are.San didn't carefully command the army to conduct trials, so he put all his troops into battle.

At this time, Zhengbai Banner was between thirty and eighty feet long, and there were already seven thousand Tartar soldiers.There are still three thousand rangers rushing into the eighty feet, the death line of the tiger crouching cannon.

Except for Duduo's [-] Tartars, the others have already been invested in the attack.At this time, the rangers saw that the heavy armored soldiers were attacking smoothly, and the three thousand rangers shouted and went around from the right wing, ready to start drawing bows and arrows to help the heavy armored soldiers rush into the ranks of the Ming army.

Just as the rangers rushed into the distance of eighty feet, suddenly more than 200 fires flashed in the darkness, and then the thunderous cannons of "boom boom boom..." couldn't stop ringing.

Seeing that the soldiers of the Leopard Battalion were already in front of them, the Tartars suddenly felt a large cloud of sunspots flying towards them, and immediately felt severe pain in their bodies. Then, about 200 Tartars in front were smashed into pieces by more than [-] artillery pieces, and sent to see them Nurhachi.

Ten feet, a full ten feet. More than 200 cannons cleared the front of the Leopard Camp soldiers from [-] to [-] feet. The blood flowed into a small river almost instantly, and was trampled and polluted by the Tartars rushing from behind.

The Tartars were frightened, but subconsciously they believed that it took a long time to reload the Ming army's artillery once it was fired.Unfortunately, they guessed wrong.Two thousand Tartars died in one fell swoop. If it was daytime when the sight was clear, the Tartars would have collapsed and fled immediately.

But in the dark night, although the soldiers of the Leopard Battalion and the Tartars all lit torches.As far as the line of sight is concerned, it is still seriously affected. As long as it exceeds ten feet, you can't see anything clearly.Therefore, the Tartars still thought that it was just bad luck where they were, and it became the concentration point of the Ming army's artillery, so they rushed forward with all their strength.

Duduo already felt very uneasy, he did not expect that the Ming army had so many cannons.But he still has full confidence in the Tartars, as long as they rush into the ranks of the Ming army, the Ming army will flee.Therefore, instead of calling Jin to retreat, he held the drum himself and vigorously urged the attack.

Hearing the pounding of the drums, the Tartars became even more frantic.What the night brought to them not only covered their eyes, but also covered their fearful hearts.

Li Jianguo's supernatural eyes can see everything in the dark.At the same time as the artillery sounded, the flintlock guns in the hands of the [-] Leopard Battalion began to fire continuously.Tartars are dying every second, and new Tartars are added every second.

The artillery was replenished in a short time, while the Tartar rangers had already begun throwing bows and arrows.Bows and arrows shot into the sky, and when they fell, they landed right in the formation of soldiers from the Leopard Camp.

It has to be said that the Tartars do have a set of riding and shooting.But it is a pity that all the soldiers of the Leopard Battalion wore leather armor and iron helmets.Except for a few unlucky people who were killed or injured in the gaps in the leather armor, most of the soldiers calmly changed positions and fired.

Seeing that the Tartar rangers had the ability to kill his own soldiers, Li Kaiguo immediately ordered the artillery to turn and aim at the rangers who were still screaming and galloping, firing arrows.

Finally ran back and forth again, just as the infantry Tartars had lost more than half of their troops, Duoduo finally came to his senses, and when he called the gold to withdraw his troops immediately, more than 200 tiger squatting cannons fired again. "Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom..." The three thousand rangers seemed to have bumped into a huge nail plate that hit at high speed, and even their horses and men were smashed into pieces, scattered all over the sky, blood Like buckets toppled over, they don't stop flowing into rivers.

The sound of the continuous ringing of gold finally reached the ears of the Tartars after the sound of the cannon gradually died down, but unfortunately it was too late.The Tartars rode [-] steps and nearly [-] Tartars died.

In the rain of countless bullets, only 2000 Tartars fled back.Doduo's eyes were bloodshot, and he shouted: "Impossible, impossible, I'm dreaming." He slashed at several guards with a knife, and shouted: "You are all transformed by the devil, and you are all in my dream. Here, I'm going to kill you." (To be continued...)

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