Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 221 Mind Radar

ps: Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family!

The guards knew that he was crazy, and no one dared to fight back when Duduo killed several people in a row, they just kept yelling: "Master Baylor, wake up, you are not dreaming." Duduo panted frantically. He tried his best to slash the knife, but at this time the force was too much and he lost his strength. Holding the knife, he said angrily: "You devils, I want the shaman to take you in, take you in." Just when he couldn't accept When they were defeated and lost their minds, the soldiers of the Leopard Camp had already pushed into the distance, and countless torches lit up half the sky red.

Seeing such a scene, Yue Tuo, who was far away, couldn't help being startled secretly, and immediately ordered the Mongolian cavalry to divide into three teams, go left and right to copy the flanks of the Ming army, and meet Duoduo head-on.And he put the whole army behind, as a surprise soldier.

At this time, Yue Tuo didn't know that Duoduo's Zhengbai Banner was close to being wiped out.Finally, Duoduo was finally stunned by the soldiers. More than 2000 remnants of the defeated generals took advantage of the support of the Mongolian cavalry and ran back desperately. After seeing Yue Tuo, more than 2000 Tartars collapsed on the ground and cried bitterly. Runny nose, like dead parents.

Except for the two assistant leaders of Zhengbaiqi, all the other assistant leaders were killed by the artillery fire and flintlock guns of the Leopard Camp.After Yue Tuo realized that out of the [-] Tartars there were only [-] remnants of the defeated generals, half of his body was numb.He only felt a great fear, which was as powerful as the fear of darkness and death, and it was irresistible.

After regaining his senses, Yue Tuo said anxiously: "Call the gold quickly, and call back all the Mongolian cavalry." In an instant, 1000 Ming troops in Zhengbai Banner could be killed, and another [-] Mongolian cavalrymen would not follow. like playing?

It's a pity that he, like Duoduo, gave the order to withdraw his troops late, and the Mongolian cavalry rushed to the Ming army desperately, only to be scattered by fierce artillery fire head-on.Coupled with the fact that flintlock bullets appeared and disappeared in the dark, the Mongolian cavalry only heard that their companions were being hit and fell off their horses.It seems that there is a mysterious force cutting off their lives.

The Mongolian cavalry were frightened, and without waiting for Mingjin, the Mongolian cavalry withdrew back in disgrace.Fortunately, they withdrew quickly, only about [-] cavalry were killed.The nobles from various tribes of Mongolia came to see Yue Tuo with bloodstains all over their bodies, crying loudly: "Lord Belle, you want to avenge us, the Ming army killed four thousand of our cavalry."

When Yue Tuo heard these words, instead of being angry, he showed a look of horror.Shouted: "Quick retreat, quick retreat." The remaining 100 Banner soldiers fled overnight, and at dawn, they were already more than [-] miles away from Dezhou.

In the darkness, the Tartars couldn't tell the direction, but subconsciously ran north.It was not until dawn that he couldn't run anymore, so Yue Tuo ordered the army to rest and regroup; the whole army was taken aback.After running all night, nearly 2% of the Tartars were lost.There are only more than [-] soldiers and horses.Yue Tuo sent a leader back to clean up the remnants along the way.

Unexpectedly, after a while, a remnant soldier came up and shouted: "Run, the Ming army is catching up."

Hearing the cries of the remnant soldiers, Yue Tuo's first reaction was that it was impossible, he had not received any reports from the scouts.But then the slight vibration of the ground made him understand that the Ming army had indeed caught up.If it is another general.Now he will continue to escape with the Tartars.

But Yue Tuo was not, the Tartars used to lure the enemy to attack, and then ambush them.When he learned that the Ming army was chasing him, Yue Tuo was not surprised but delighted.Immediately ordered the remnants of the Zhengbai Banner to continue advancing in order to lure the enemy.And he led more than 2 Tartars and Mongolian cavalry to ambush by a small hillside, hoping that the Ming army would be insensitive during the high-speed pursuit and not notice them.

But there is a good saying, don't pin your hopes on the enemy making mistakes.When Li Kaiguo mobilized his troops to surround the small hillside, Yue Tuo didn't realize how he was discovered by the Ming army, and the encirclement was so accurate that even the remnants of the Zhengbai Banner who lured the enemy did not escape, but was captured by the Ming army. forced back.

Yue Tuo dared to swear that there must be a ghost here, because he didn't believe that when the Tartars were fully prepared to ambush, no scout from the Ming army could spy on the Tartars without them noticing and then leave.

Indeed not, it can't be blamed on Yue Tuo's stupidity, Li Jianguo is not a human being, but a god.When his men increased to 30, the ability was strengthened again, and his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney were strengthened to three times that of ordinary people. At the time of 40, he was given a mental radar scan within a radius of 500 miles in exchange for the consumption of [-] people's energy per second.

In other words, within twenty miles, as long as the mind radar is turned on, the approximate information within a twenty-mile radius can be known every second.Such as where is the official road, the height of the terrain, the location of mountains and rivers, whether there are villages, etc.If Li Jianguo is willing to spend another second, he can know the detailed information of the road conditions, whether there are trees on the mountain, whether there are fish in the river, and how many people are in the village.If it takes one more second, Li Jianguo can know whether there are pedestrians walking on the road, what kind of tree is there, how many trees are there, whether there are animals, what types of animals are there, and how many are within twenty miles... .

This ability consumes a lot of energy, but it is very practical and powerful. If Li Jianguo is willing, he can even use the energy of 40 people to investigate the distribution of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, etc. within a radius of [-] miles. .This is really terrifying, even more terrifying than high-altitude satellite radar.

Knowing that there are satellite surveillance in the sky, you can still use camouflage to deceive people who are watching in front of the camera ten times out of ten.But how can this ability be deceived?You can't bury it within twenty miles of the ground.The ability will let Li Jianguo know in a second whether there are people and how many people are within a diameter of twenty miles underground.This twenty-mile radius includes the sky and the earth.In short, it is a super large circular three-dimensional idea radar.

So with only the energy of 1000 people, Li Jianguo already knew the location of Yue Tuo and his army twenty miles away.When it was used again ten miles away, the leopard battalion had dispersed to prepare for the encirclement.When it is used again five miles away, even if Yue Tuo finds out, he can only break through.

The soldiers of the Leopard Battalion who had come back from the two wings had already surrounded him with more than 2 horses.Yue Tuo calmly suppressed the Tartars who were in a panic because of being surrounded.Li Jianguo took the lead and led the soldiers to press on slowly.

Although more than 2 Tatars were surrounded by 2 people, which is not in line with the above-mentioned law of war, and they are surrounded by ten, but the momentum and pressure shown by the Leopard Camp made Yue Tuo and the Tartars think that they were surrounded by 20 Ming. surrounded by the army.

Li Jianguo didn't ask nonsense about whether the Tartars would surrender or not. He would not accept the Tartars' surrender, which was the only ending for the Tartars that fell into his hands.Just kill.

The battle drums rumbled, this time it was the battle drums of the Leopard Battalion.The drums sounded very regularly, and the soldiers of the Leopard Battalion were almost marching to the beat of the drums.Yue Tuo yelled coldly: "Follow Ben Bele and rush out of the dead. Fight and rush, take your Mongolian cavalry, and give us a bloody road. Daidarhan, Lashikabu, you Horqin and I Manchuria We share weal and woe, and if you die in battle, I, Yue Tuo, swear by Aixinjueluo's surname. I will share the wealth and the world with you and the rest of Horqin."

Boertu, Daidarhan, and Lashikabu looked at each other, then nodded heavily, gathered the remaining [-] Mongolian cavalry, and everyone declared their determination to die.Start hitting the north side.

Watching the Mongolian cavalry start to attack heroically, Yue Tuo felt great pressure.He has never been afraid.Even the time he almost died under Jinzhou city.He has never been afraid, but now, he is afraid.He had to be afraid, the Tartars he brought were almost half of the main force of this southward march, and he had already lost nearly 2 people.These 2 people had to be brought back no matter what.

It doesn't matter how many Han people die, because the Han people have a large population, and as long as they have money, they can pull up an army of millions at any time.It can't be full of people.Even if there are mountains of gold and silver, they only have a population of 10,000+.Therefore, every tartar is precious and cannot be damaged.

Yue Tuo led the Tatars to follow closely behind the Mongolian cavalry, constantly adjusting the marching speed.Neither too close nor too far away.He had absolutely no intention of staying and fighting Li Jianguo to the death.Doduo is a vicious dog, and a dog who can't fight is not a vicious dog.

Although Yue Tuo thought he was stronger than Duoduo, he was not so strong that he could annihilate more than 1 Manchurian soldiers in a very short period of time.Yue Tuo recognized those cannons, they only weighed more than 30 catties of tiger crouching cannons.He never imagined that the Ming army could bring more than 200 tiger squatting cannons to field battles. The power of their concentrated fire was simply heaven and earth falling apart, and no one could be rescued.

So all he wanted was to run away, run away quickly, and preserve his strength.They have always been like this when the enemy is strong, dodge when the enemy is strong, and attack when the enemy is weak.Therefore, there is no sense of shame for the Manchus to run away.

Li Kaiguo looked at the attack of the Mongolian cavalry, sneered slightly, and said to Cui Lie, the deputy general of the Leopard Battalion and the second thousand households of the former second thousand battalion, "Keep these Mongolian horses and kill them all."

Cui Lie was a little embarrassed, and said: "My lord, it's not easy to determine the aim, otherwise when shooting, the soldiers will be afraid of their hands and feet, and the Mongolian cavalry will rush forward."

Li Jianguo said angrily: "Idiot, you won't separate the Mongolian cavalry from the Tartars? If you force them to surrender, won't the horses fall into our hands?"

Cui Lie immediately slapped his head and said with a smile: "Your Excellency is scolding, the general is in a daze." He quickly ordered the artillery battalion and his generals to lead 2000 people, and when the artillery beat the Tartars and Mongolian cavalry Scattered, rushed up immediately, separated them separately.

The artillery battalion took the lead and immediately aimed its artillery at the joint between the Mongolian cavalry and the Tartars.Yue Tuo didn't see all this, he was moving his troops back and forth, so as not to be disconnected when the Mongolian cavalry attacked.He didn't expect that Li Jianguo's eyesight was vicious, and he could see the weakness of this breakout unit at once.

The general of the Artillery Battalion closely watched the movement of the Tartars, holding the small flag in his hand high all the time.It would not be difficult if more than 200 cannons could be gathered together for this mission.

But he only has more than 30 cannons in his hands, and the other artillery pieces are either distributed in various directions or have not yet been brought up.It wasn't that he was negligent in his duty, but that the speed of the encirclement was too fast, and he didn't have time to react.

With these more than 30 cannons, he still worked hard to ensure that the time arrived.The small flag was swung down suddenly, twenty guns were suddenly fired, and more than 2000 shotguns roared out, sweeping away the Tartars within a few feet, while the Mongolian cavalry continued to charge forward unharmed.

The general in charge of intercepting immediately commanded his musketeers to occupy the vacated place and shoot in turn.To prevent the Tartars from continuing to break through.But what the lieutenant general didn't expect was that Yue Tuo was not an idiot. Since he thought this was the weak point to break through, he wouldn't have made arrangements in advance.

Sure enough, a group of Tartar cavalry rushed out from the flanks and rushed straight at the shooting musketeers.The general will immediately arrange for more than half of the musketeers to switch targets.These Tartar cavalrymen all used their unique skills, hiding on both sides of the horse, relying on the huge body of the horse to block the projectiles.

This trick really worked, and the Tartars' casualties were immediately reduced, and they were constantly approaching the effective shooting distance of the bow and arrow, which was 150 steps.

The general was in a hurry and asked the artillery battalion for help.The artillery battalion general still has ten artillery pieces that have not been fired.Immediately turned around, and fired ten cannons at the attacking Tartar cavalry, killing dozens of Tartar cavalry immediately, but those arrows were still fired after all.

The arrowheads of the long arrows used by the Tartars are extremely sharp. Compared with the strength, speed, and accuracy attached to the arrows fired by the Ming army, it is simply the difference between a three-year-old child and a sharp archer.

The same iron helmet and leather armor can block the shooting of the Ming army, but they cannot stop the shooting of the Tartars.Immediately, dozens of musketeers were shot to death by the long arrows piercing through the leather armor.

Seeing the tragic death of his subordinates, the general was very angry, and shouted: "All shoot the horses for me. Shoot the horses." At this moment, the deputy general also found out that the general's strength was insufficient, so he sent another general with [-] troops to help. to bring the situation under control;

But the Tartar cavalry are like trapped animals, at the moment of life and death.A strong fighting spirit burst out.Although there were countless casualties, the Tartar cavalry fought with flesh and blood.Many Tartars held the corpses of their companions as shields to block bullets.It worked perfectly for a time.Approaching the Leopard Camp Musketeers within fifty paces.

The general urged the artillery battalion vigorously, and the artillery battalion was also in a hurry, but the thirty cannons had to be loaded with ammunition, right?When they approached forty steps, the Tarzi's bows and arrows were pointing at that and shooting at that. A wave of bows and arrows came, and a few arrows killed several musketeers.

The general's eyes were red.He drew his knife and forced the Paoying General's neck, and shouted: "Fire me quickly, if you don't fire again, I will die with you." The Paoying General was unmoved.Although he was also in a hurry, he still followed the operating procedures and insisted on waiting until the gunner reported to him that the preparations were complete before he gave the order: "Fire."

Thirty cannons fired together, immediately repelling the offensive of the Tartars once again.Li Jianguo sat on the horse and watched the battle from close by. Of course, he was very clear about these things.But he didn't intervene in the command, and everything was handed over to his generals. This was a good opportunity to train soldiers. Only generals who grew up in bloody battles could take charge of their own affairs and become a good general.

The soldiers of the Leopard Battalion in the direction of the Tatars' attack were under great pressure, and finally the lieutenant was forced to mobilize four generals, 8000 men, and 180 artillery pieces to block the Tatars, preventing them from rushing out of the encirclement by [-] paces.

This is not to say that musketeers are not good, but that there are too few soldiers and horses to surround the Tartars, and it is difficult to use troops to capture the Mongol horses alive and to block the impact of nearly [-] brave Tartars.It is not bad to be able to not be broken.

At least Li Jianguo was satisfied. Although nearly [-] soldiers died in the Leopard Camp, there were undead in the war.It doesn't mean that if you have advanced firearms, no one will die. That is not a real war, but an online game.

Horqin's Mongolian cavalry are very witty, they always like to cling to the strong without shame.After discovering that they and the Tartars were divided and surrounded, Cui Lie just ordered someone to shout for him to surrender, and the Mongolian cavalry simply dismounted and surrendered.

Cui Lie couldn't believe his eyes, but Li Jianguo understood the thinking of the Mongols very well.There is no shame in surrendering to the strong, as long as you can save your life, nothing else matters.So Li Jianguo suddenly changed his mind, and said to Cui Lie: "Don't kill these Mongols, send them all to Jinan Mansion, and I want to exchange them for war horses."

The Leopard Battalion, freed up, immediately launched a general siege against the Tartars. Less than [-] Musketeers were shooting at almost the limit to prevent the Tartars from breaking through.

With red eyes, Yue Tuo led the Tartars to look for the weak point of the leopard camp's encirclement, but no matter how easy it seemed to break through, they were always shot back by artillery and platoon guns.Although the archers rushed within a hundred steps several times, the archers shot desperately and killed many Leopard Camp musketeers, but that was in exchange for a ratio of ten to one.

That is to say, if the Tartars had to die ten people, the Leopard Camp would only die one.Yue Tuo has gone crazy. Up to now, he has less than 8000 soldiers and horses, and there are only more than [-] soldiers left. He can see all the dead Tartars. The blood used to excite him so much, but now Seeing the blood of his own people converging into a river, Yue Tuo despaired, and the Tartars also despaired.

No one gave orders, and no one shouted. Suddenly, a Tartar dropped the weapon in his hand, knelt down on the ground, and shouted in Manchu: "Surrender, don't kill, surrender, don't kill."

Although he was immediately beheaded by his own people, the idea of ​​surrender was already on the minds of most Tartars.So immediately some Tartars who could speak Chinese dropped their weapons and shouted, "I want to surrender, don't shoot me." As soon as he shouted, dozens of Tartars followed suit, throwing down their weapons and raising their hands, want to live.

But the soldiers of the Leopard Camp did not stop, even if the Tartars had no weapons, they still shot and killed them.Because when he was still in the Lingshan Guards, Li Kaiguo had repeatedly emphasized that no Tartars should be captured, and as long as they were Tartars, they would be turned into dead people.

Yue Tuo looked at the guards who were still desperately protecting him. Without them, he would have been shot to death by the Ming army long ago.Seeing that the Ming army refused to accept the surrender and continued to slaughter the Manchus, Yue Tuo suddenly thought that Huang Taiji was right. Looking at the firearms of the Ming army, if their firearms fields were not burned down, if they also had those artillery pieces, Today, the more than 4 Manchurian soldiers will never die here. In turn, the Ming army will definitely be wiped out by them.

The two hundred cannons gathered together again, facing the huddled Tartars, the general of the Paoying excitedly ordered to light the cannons. Heizi pounced on him suddenly, and was beaten to pieces with the guards in front of him. After that, he didn't know anything, and fell into the darkness, but before that, the last thought in his mind was that we are full of people. .At the same time, the crazy Doduo was also bombarded to death by artillery.

From the battle with Duoduo to the annihilation of Yuetuo's tribe, it took only one day and night. Li Kaiguo used 4 soldiers and horses in the leopard battalion, fought more with less, and used firearms against cold weapons, captured [-] Mongolian cavalry, and wiped out more than [-]. The Tartar soldiers and the Leopard Battalion suffered more than [-] damage.Although this was the biggest loss of troops since the establishment of the Lingshan Guard, it still made the soldiers guarding the ** happy.

They couldn't believe that those legendary Tartars who were so brave that they could defeat a hundred Tartars in battle, let them pay only 4000 men to wipe out more than 4 Tartars?After realizing this fact, every soldier guarding the ** was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

After clearing the battlefield, the deputy general knelt at Li Jianguo's feet excitedly, and shouted: "My lord, we have won a big victory." The guards knelt down together and shouted: "We have won a big victory." ..)

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