ps: I just saw that there is also a click to give away mooncakes. I would like to thank the book friend 'Wuweiso-called' who has been supporting this book for sending five mooncakes and donating them for two consecutive days. I wish you and your family healthy and happy.

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Once again, I wish all book friends a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and all the best!

Compared with Li Kaiguo's Leopard Camp, which crushed the Zhengbai, Zhenghong, and Bordered Red Flags like a chick to death, Huang Taiji's Zhenghuang, Bordered Yellow, and Dege Zhenglan Flags are proud of their spring breeze. There was no single soldier in the Ming army who dared to step forward to stop them.

Sitting like this and watching the Tartars slowly looting the people's cattle, sheep, gold, silver and other property, Emperor Chongzhen felt that blood was about to burst from his forehead every moment.

From the fifth day onwards, Emperor Chongzhen repeatedly issued decrees to urge King Qin's army to fight the Tartars. Unfortunately, it has been more than ten days now, and even a single Tartar has not been killed. Every general reported The situation is unknown, waiting for the opportunity to avoid being ambushed by the Tartars.

At first Emperor Chongzhen was able to accept this excuse, but after listening to it for more than ten days, he finally broke out and called Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, and ordered him to go to the King Qin's army to supervise the battle in person, and must drive away the Tartars within half a month. Otherwise, see you soon.

Poor Zhang Fengyi is very old, and he still has to go to battle. Isn't this killing him?But the emperor had issued an order, it was impossible not to go, Zhang Fengyi did not bring his family, and came to Zu Dashou's army alone.

When Zu Dashou heard that Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, had come, he immediately complained secretly.He knew that Emperor Chongzhen was too impatient.With the fighting power of the Ming army, they are no match for the Tartars in the wild.If you want to hide, where can you hide?

I can only pay respects to Zhang Fengyi, and Zu Dashou kowtows to Zhang Fengyi.Zhang Fengyi helped him up.Sighed: "I know your thoughts, but you also understand the emperor's temperament. In this way, you go and pretend, as long as you have contact, I can go back to work."

Zu Dashou heard Zhang Fengyi's words, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and he shouted: "Master Zhang, you are willing to take this risk, what else can Dashou say? Don't worry. I will at least get back a hundred tartars for you." Head, let you grow old and not worry too much."

Half a day later, Zu Dashou attacked with [-] Liaodong cavalry to trouble Zhenglan Qi who was always sightseeing outside the capital.To Zu Dashou's surprise, De Gelei saw that it was Liaodong iron cavalry attacking.Immediately began to flee eastward, within a day.Then retreated seventy miles.

Zu Dashou was very depressed.It's not that he was unhappy about winning without a fight, but that there was no place to chop off the heads of a hundred Tartars.He intends to withdraw to Guangqumen again, but thinking of retreating without fighting in the First World War, and letting Emperor Chongzhen know, Longyan will be furious and thunderous.Zu Dashou could only bite the bullet and pursue.

A total of 8000 Ming troops from Miyun, Shanhaiguan, and Tongzhou came to aid, but they retreated to the east without fighting the Tartars.Immediately lifted the spirits.Some generals became more courageous at this time, no matter how powerful the Tartars were.He Zhenglanqi only has more than [-] people.

And they came to aid the Ming army as many as [-].If we go all out and eat Zhenglan Qi, everyone will be at least one level higher.Wealth touches people's hearts, and officials and nobles are charming.A group of high-ranking officials really thought that the Tartars were paper tigers, so they bravely came out to test it out.

As expected, Zhenglan Banner retreated another thirty miles.The spirit of the Ming army who came to help the Ming Dynasty was greatly boosted. If the Tartars are still not seen to be stern, their old fritters will be in vain.Even Zu Dashou began to hesitate, but when some shameless general gave the emperor a memorial, saying that the tartar had been driven out by him for a hundred miles, please rest assured, the minister will definitely drive him back to Liaodong...

Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed, and immediately ordered someone to bring an imperial decree and reward him with a rank of official.This time, like cold water dripping into a hot oil pan, who can take it lightly when seeing others gaining both fame and fortune?Even Zu Dashou couldn't help his generals' progress, so he had to take [-] cavalry to stay behind and let other generals chase after him.

The reason why he only kept [-] is because Zu Dashou felt that there was something wrong with it, and he wanted to be just in case.It turns out he was right.

When the 2 Ming army chased to Shangzhuang, 4 horses from the Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner suddenly rushed out of the forest on the north side of Shangzhuang, as well as [-] horses from the Mongolian nobles and [-] Han army flags, a total of [-] horses Shock the Ming army array.

The Ming army, caught off guard, almost collapsed at the first charge. At this time, Zhenglan Banner also came back from the cover, and the 8000 people rushed the Ming army like panicked ducks, being covered and killed by the Tartars non-stop from behind.Fortunately, Zu Dashou led [-] cavalry in time to block most of the attacks.Let the rest of the Ming army escape to the capital.

But his [-] iron cavalry only lasted for half a day before they were all lost. If it wasn't for God's blessing, a strong wind and sandstorm suddenly blew up in the capital, even Zu Dashou would not be able to escape.

Even if God helped, but this time, the Ming army also suffered heavy losses. Only [-] of the [-] Ming army remained, of which there were [-] Liaodong cavalry.What the Tartars paid was no more than [-] casualties.Compared with Li Jianguo's killing of the Tartars, the battle loss ratio of the Tartars killing the Ming army was even more ruthless, reaching forty to one.

At this moment, Huang Taiji finally revealed his true intention.Forty-six thousand soldiers and horses threatened the capital city, and first cut off the Ming army outside the city.Within half a day, the [-] Ming troops lost another [-], and the remaining [-] fled to the capital through Deshengmen.At this time, the capital is no longer the stable life of the previous few days.

The Tartars did not stop attacking at all, and divided into two teams to attack the capital from Deshengmen and Guangqumen.Huang Taiji took advantage of the incubation period to build a lot of siege equipment, and at this time transported them to the city and ordered the siege.Immediately, the sound of killing on the city wall of the capital was loud and the artillery roared. Within a day, the Wengcheng of Guangqumen changed hands three times.Dashou, the patriarch of Deshengmen, led [-] Liaodong iron cavalry to face the Zhenghuang Banner and the Huangqi Banner. After a bloody battle all day long, Huang Taiji ordered to retreat when he saw that the sky had turned dark.

Emperor Chongzhen was so anxious that he called all the officials in Beijing to discuss overnight.It's a pity that these bastards can only talk about recruiting soldiers to serve the king, and come up with some bad ideas, even Emperor Chongzhen thinks it is unreliable.During this period, a censor boldly made a statement, saying that it was better to negotiate a peace, and was reprimanded by the courtiers on the spot, and even a minister who was also the censor said that he was a traitor because he had an affair with the Manchurian Tarzi.

Emperor Chongzhen was also furious.Immediately put him in prison, and after being interrogated by the three judicial departments, he was cut in the mouth of La Caishi.At this time, Cheng Ji, the chief assistant minister, ordered to play: "Your Majesty, the old minister is bold, please issue an order to declare Li Guo, the governor of Shandong, to enter the king of Beijing." Emperor Chongzhen was silent when he heard it.Cheng Jiming played again: "Your Majesty, the heart of Li Guo's tiger and wolf is known all over the world, but calling him into the king of Jingqin has a lot of benefits and no harm."

Emperor Chongzhen was amazed.Said: "Ai Qing, tell me carefully."

Cheng Ji ordered: "Your Majesty, call Li Guo to lead troops into Beijing. First, you can use the soldiers of the Tartars to consume its strength. Second, you can learn Li Guo's real combat power. Third, you can wait for the arrival of other reinforcements and take the opportunity to cut them off." Of."

Zhang Fengyi went out and said: "Master Cheng, what you said is right. But what if Li Guo doesn't come here according to the order?"

Cheng Jiming was confident, and said: "Master Zhang let him go. Li Guo is so bold. He once led troops to the Tartars' lair and asked him to show his strength in the capital in front of the world. How could he not come?"

As he spoke, he turned to Emperor Chongzhen and said, "Your Majesty, you only need to issue an order, from Jinan to the capital. It is the nearest army and horse except Hebei. It is already the time when the fire is imminent. Please don't hesitate any longer. "

Emperor Chongzhen let out a long sigh, and finally agreed.The decree called Li Guojin to Jingqin Wang.In addition, Chen Qiyu and other five provinces were called to Beijing.Rogue or something.He couldn't take care of it anymore, he could only let the people suffer, and it was important to keep the country first.

The holy decree came to Li Jianguo one day later.Although Emperor Chongzhen abolished all the post stations in the world, the route from the capital to Nanjing was preserved, and fortunately it was preserved. Emperor Chongzhen's urgent edict of eight hundred miles arrived in Jinan within one day.

As expected by Cheng Jiming, Li Jianguo immediately went to the capital with one hundred thousand soldiers and horses when he saw the imperial decree.In fact, he had already planned to go to Beijing to kill the Tartars. He didn't have to wait until the imperial decree before proceeding, but he wanted to bring 20 troops into Beijing, follow the Tartars all the way to the city of Shengjing, and completely wipe out the Tartars this time.

At this time, his wings were complete, and he no longer needed to rely on the Tartars to contain the troops of the Ming court, so he wanted to do it once and for all.Originally, I thought that the Ming court could last at least a month, and it happened to take this period of time to run the food, grass and weapons.Who knew that Chongzhen was a pighead, self-destructed the Great Wall, and actually tossed out the reinforcements.

Li Jianguo will not let the capital fall into the hands of the Tartars, those are all his things.And so many silver antiques and gold.The most important thing is that the capital has not been destroyed by Li Zicheng, a bastard. If we wait until later to take over and rebuild it, it will cost a lot of money.

So Li Jianguo verified the imperial decree with the information sent by Ma Ying, and immediately sent [-] soldiers to King Jingqin. Thousands of soldiers and horses were able to go to Beijing to help him.

Now Li Jianguo has a total of [-] cavalry. He personally led [-] cavalry to act as a forward.This is very important. Li Kaiguo does not have any hope of solving the food and grass problem in Ming Tingbao. If Chongzhen does not give him a secret ruthlessness, then he will not be the Emperor Chongzhen he is familiar with, and he will not kill his brother. Sit in the emperor's seat.

That's right, Li Jianguo knew very well that he was under attack from both sides when he entered Beijing this time.Not only the Tartars, Emperor Chongzhen was also his enemy, and the Ming court reinforcements who came to Beijing later were also his enemies, that's why he brought so many soldiers into Beijing.

Seven days later, Li Kaiguo entered Gyeonggi with 4 cavalry.He came very quickly. He marched about one hundred miles a day, one hundred miles for seven consecutive days. Both men and horses were extremely exhausted. Fortunately, [-] people from Datong, Hebei, and Liaodong successively came from the capital to withstand the situation. On the [-]th, the Tartars attacked frantically.

Huang Taiji and Dege got the news after Li Kaiguo rested for half a day in the garrison.On the first day of the lunar new year, when he heard that the Tazi scouts had reported that there were [-] cavalry under the banner of Li Guo, the governor of Shandong, Huang Taiji was shocked and his heart was pounding. He suddenly realized that Shandong could still have [-] cavalry. Supporting the capital means that Duoduo and Yuetuo must have a problem.

But he didn't dare to think too much, and urgently ordered Dorgon and De Gelei to discuss matters.Dorgon was terrified after hearing this, and quickly sent several scouts.Originally, he hadn't heard from Yue Tuo and Duoduo for more than ten days. He had been uneasy for a long time. He just believed in the strength of the Eight Banners soldiers.

Huang Taiji was very anxious, the siege of the city was not smooth for many days, and the reinforcements of the Ming army continued to come to harass the city, and his army did not have artillery or other siege weapons, so he could only rely on climbing to attack the city, which damaged soldiers and motors for three days. As many as a thousand.Fortunately, most of them are Mongolian soldiers and Han army banner soldiers.

Dorgon swung the knife abruptly.He cut off a corner of the book case and said: "Khan, I will take the troops of my headquarters to go, as long as I defeat Li Guo, I will know the details."

Huang Taiji nodded, and Dorgon took part of the soldiers and horses of Xiangbai Banner and Zhengbai Banner, a total of 5000 people, and went out to Li Kaiguo's camp.

He led the troops out of the camp, and a quarter of an hour later, Li Jianguo received news from his bed that Dorgon had led his troops to attack.He just smiled coldly and said: "Order Yang Da to lead 5000 men to block Dorgon's attack, and the other soldiers and horses should continue to sleep."

The orderly had to leave.Lieutenant General Yang Da smiled happily.Li Jianguo entrusted him with such an important task, obviously he valued him very much.

Get your spirits up now.Take [-] musketeers and artillery battalions to defend behind the camp.Not long.The sound of shouting and killing shook the sky, and the sound of cannons was like thunder, but Li Jianguo just turned over and continued to sleep deeply.The other soldiers were not as big-hearted as Li Kaiguo. Although they were all lying on the blankets, they all held their muskets tightly.He listened to the progress of the battle, and jumped up to defend immediately in case something changed.

But Yang Da's command is very capable, and he doesn't need to do anything.It's just that the artillery and guns fired in turn, and they firmly blocked Dorgon's [-] soldiers and horses at a distance of eighty feet and could not rush any further.

Dorgon was not an idiot, he only attacked for three rounds, and after losing 2000 troops, he knew that Duoduo and Yue Tuo were in dire straits.The fierce firepower of the Ming army led by Li Guo in front of him was beyond his wildest dreams, especially those cannons, more than 50 guns fired at once, enough to scare a cowardly person to death, let alone his soldiers flying towards him a large amount of iron sand.

The attack was weak, and Dorgon resolutely led his troops to retreat.Yang Da was very disappointed. He only got the order to defend, but he didn't dare to go against Li Kaiguo's order to attack.Fortunately, he was determined for the first battle, and he wasn't too entangled.

When Yang Da came to Li Kaiguo's tent, he wanted his soldiers to report him.The soldiers already laughed and said: "General Yang, my lord said that if you win, you will remember your first achievement. If you lose, you can kill yourself by wiping your neck. But no matter whether you win or lose, don't disturb your lord's rest." Yang Da frightened Breaking out in a cold sweat, he didn't expect Li Jianguo to have such an order. Fortunately, he won, otherwise he would inevitably be a ghost under the knife today.

Before dark, the news that Li Jianguo came to the capital city had been sent to Emperor Chongzhen's desk. Emperor Chongzhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Zhang Fengyi, Shangshu of the Ministry of War: "You send a servant to reward in the name of the Ministry of War, and, Get some sable fur from the inner treasury, and let the imperial dining room make some food for Li Guo. Tell him to do his best, and I will never forget his contribution."

Zhang Fengyi's heart trembled, when Yuan Chonghuan traveled thousands of miles to help, Emperor Chongzhen sent these two things.Now you want to repeat the old trick?Li Guo is not Yuan Chonghuan, he will be tricked by you without a brain.

But he can only put these words in his stomach, which is also his bad luck. Although Sun Chengzong was ordered to enter the court and lead the army, he fell off his horse as soon as he entered the capital, and he is still unconscious. Continue to top it.Now follow the order to go.But as soon as he arrived at the gate of the palace, a maid stopped him, and the maid said in a low voice: "Master Zhang, the queen has a decree, ordering you to bring a letter to Li Guo, remember, don't let the emperor know." She said a letter It was secretly stuffed into Zhang Fengyi's hand.

Zhang Fengyi was shocked, but he didn't dare to refuse. No one in Beijing knew that he was actually the Queen's man.The queen now has a secret task for him to do, even if he kills his head, he must do it, otherwise he and his family will not be able to survive.

He didn't know what was written in the letter, and he didn't want to know. The less he knew about this kind of thing, the better.A day later, Zhang Fengyi sent an old family member and a servant to deliver Yushi and Diaoqiu to Li Jianguo.At the same time, the old family sent the letter to Li Jianguo while the servant was not paying attention.

Li Jianguo saw that there were only some food and sable fur, and he was furious. Chongzhen children are sending beggars away?Immediately, the servant was beaten 10 times, and he was driven back, and asked him to tell Emperor Chongzhen to bring [-] people's food, grass and food first.

Li Jianguo looked at the letter which said Mr. Li personally gave a few small letters with hairpin flowers, and he was very surprised. He really didn't expect a woman to write a letter to him. This was the first time he had encountered it.

Li Jianguo was stunned when he opened the letter, which still smelled like a woman. In fact, the content inside was very simple. It was more like a plea than a letter.Empress Zhou begged him that if the capital was really broken by the Tartars, she asked him to take the army and send the prince Zhu Cihong to Nanjing to help him proclaim himself emperor.

Li Jianguo squinted his eyes. He didn't know what to say about Queen Zhou. This stupid woman, who does Li Jianguo think he is?Fuck her and then feel guilty and do whatever she asks?To be honest, Li Jianguo is her serious enemy.

As soon as Li Jianguo threw the letter away, he left it behind.He didn't take it to heart at all, if he saw Empress Zhou again, he would definitely send her to the west, but he still begged for it, it's just a joke in the world.

Even Queen Zhou was preparing for the prince to retreat, so one can imagine how panicked the people in the capital were.Li Jianguo sighed. No matter how powerful the Tartars are, there are only more than 4 people. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of people in the capital alone, plus about 80 people, the capital with more than 100 million people, unexpectedly Scared of being like this.

No matter how powerful the Tartars are, even a lion can't stop twenty horned goats from charging.As long as the Emperor Chongzhen came forward to boost morale and pay a lot of money, there are more than 4 Tartars in the area, what is there to be afraid of?Do you want to issue an edict to the king of soldiers and horses in the world?

But what is the use of saying this?He is not Emperor Chongzhen, otherwise, according to his personality, hey, [-]% of the dignitaries in the capital might die.Especially those Donglin Party members who filled the court, those ministers who spoke for the interests of gentry and businessmen, and put the world's safety at risk for their own self-interest, Li Jianguo killed them all, regardless of whether they were traitors or loyal, corrupt or honest officials. Lose.

Although this will make scholars all over the world oppose it in unison, it must be the surging public opinion, but who is Li Jianguo?He has never had any scruples about killing people, and he firmly believes that as long as the butcher's knife is used well, it is better than any words.At this time, the Ming Dynasty was seriously ill and was about to die. Those moths who were full of great principles but did dirty things should also pay off their debts.

Since the matter changed Li Jianguo's mind, Li Jianguo immediately decided to solve the problem of the Tartars first. This time, none of the Tartars who invaded the capital will go back, and they will leave their lives here. (To be continued..)

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