Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 223 Who is Calculating Who

ps: Thanks to the book friend 'Fearless So-called' for rewarding again!

But the Tartars were not the Ming army, and even if it was the Ming army, most of them could still escape without enough troops.And there are not many dangerous terrains in the Gyeonggi area.Even if there were, the Tartars were not fools, especially Dorgon and Huang Taiji, both of whom history has proven to be heroes in troubled times, and the most shrewd people would not be fooled.

Therefore, the only way to defeat them is to use upright soldiers to defeat them head-on, and then follow them to kill them, and kill them all the way to the Tartars' lair.

Li Kaiguo did some calculations silently, and the [-] infantry from the Tiger Battalion would take ten days to reach the capital.This speed is not slow anymore. After all, there are still so many artillery to be transported, not only the tiger squatting cannon, but also the thousand-jin Franc machine.Let the Tartars live a comfortable life for another ten days, and then send them on their way.

When Huang Taiji heard Dorgon tell Li Jianguo about the strength of Li Jianguo's firearms, he immediately seemed to be ten years older. He fell down on the chair and remained silent for a while.Dorgon took the map and looked at it carefully, but stopped talking.In fact, he was also burning with anxiety, but at this moment, there must be no chaos. He felt that this was the moment of life and death for their Manchurian soldiers.

The Dege class on the side was not stupid either. Although they were not as smart as Huang Taiji and Dorgon, they understood what happened.De Gelei thought for a long time, and said, "Khan, I don't think we can stay in the capital anymore, it's better to go back to Shengjing."

Huang Taiji was stunned, then furious, and shouted: "Go back to Shengjing? If there is no large amount of gold and silver property and cattle and sheep people, let alone the clansman who can't make a job, even the Mongolian nobles who followed us will immediately rebel .”

Dege was not afraid of Huang Taiji at all. Although he only had 8000 people in his hands, he knew that Huang Taiji would not dare to attack him.Because Dorgon is the backer behind him.Although nominally Huang Taiji still controls the Zhenghuang, Xianghuang, and Zhengbai banners, in fact the Zhengbai banner is only hung under his name, and the real banner owner has always been Dorgon.It's just that Dorgon lent half of it to Duoduo on weekdays, [-]% of the other half was lent to Huang Taiji, and [-]% was taken by himself.

So on the bright side, Huang Taiji has the most soldiers, but in the dark, Dorgon still has the most soldiers.Now Duoduo's life and death are still uncertain, even if all the Zhengbai and Xiangbai he brought are dead, plus he has 8000 people in the Zhenglan Banner.The combined soldiers of the two are also similar to Huang Taiji.

De Gelei also shouted: "The capital of the Ming Dynasty has high walls and thick artillery, how to fight? In my opinion, it is better to go to Hebei for a round, as long as you catch enough. Are you afraid that the Mongolian barbarians will not accept it? "

Huang Taiji was so angry that his hands trembled, and his chest was depressed for a while.speechless.Dorgon raised his head.He said lightly: "De Gelei, you are not allowed to talk to Da Khan like this, why don't you kneel down and plead guilty?"

De Gelei was furious, and shouted: "Why should I plead guilty? What I said is wrong? If it weren't for the profusely profuse gold medal, the strength of our Eight Banners would be greatly damaged. Even the firearms field would have made the Ming army It was blown up, let's fight the capital, and we still have to work so hard, using human lives to pile up?"

Huang Taiji only felt fishy in his chest.Followed by a mouthful of blood spurted out.Since he was depressed by Li Jianguo last time, he fell into a serious illness and took more than a month to recover.This trip to the south, his illness has not healed, as long as his mood is agitated, he will feel suffocated in his chest.At this moment, De Gelei reprimanded him a few words, and he immediately spit out a mouthful of blood.

Huang Taiji's soldiers were shocked, and rushed up and said, "Khan, what's wrong with you?"

Dorgon said angrily: "Stupid servant, don't you hurry up and ask the witch doctor to come and treat him? Dege class, you come out with me." Saying that, he dragged Dege class out of the camp.

The soldiers hurriedly helped Huang Taiji to rest on the couch, and the witch doctor also rushed over. When passing by Dorgon and De Gelei, Dorgon gave him a wink, and the witch doctor trembled. Dorgon's eyes were full of fierceness, he nodded slightly immediately, and went to the account.

De Gelei stood beside Dorgon, taking all this into his eyes, and smiled coldly in his stomach, no matter what Dorgon wanted to do now, it would be beneficial and harmless to him.Although he only has 3000 people in the Zhenglan Banner, he is more worthy of Dorgon's win than the [-] people in the Zhenglan Banner and the Yellow Banner. After all, he and Dorgon are on the same line.

As De Gelei expected, after a while, there was a loud cry of grief in the camp, and two soldiers rushed out of the tent with bloodshot eyes, and when they saw Dorgon and Dege class, they knelt down on the ground and shouted: : "You two Baylor masters, go in and have a look, the sweat is gone."

Dorgon and Dege were shocked, of course they were pretending.The two of them rushed into the tent, only to see Huang Taiji lying on the couch, he just let out his breath but didn't inhale.But the witch doctor was dancing to the gods and singing some incantations to exorcise demons.

"Khan, what's the matter with you? What's the matter with you?" Dorgon and De Gelei rushed to Huang Taiji's side, lay down and cried.

Just when he lay down, Dorgon suddenly felt a pain in his chest, followed by a pain in his back following Dege.Dorgon's eyes widened, looking at the knife in Huang Taiji's hand, he understood everything.However, Dege was stabbed to death in the back by Huang Taiji's personal soldiers long ago.

With a hey sound, Huang Taiji turned over and sat up, and kicked away Dorgon's corpse who was still staring at him with his eyes.Look at his fierceness, he still looks dying.

Huang Taiji smiled grimly and said to Dorgon's corpse: "If you two brothers had not mastered so many troops, Ben Khan would have attacked you a long time ago. Now that Duoduo is dead, what are you still alive for? The corpse is dragged down, call all the soldiers and horses, Ben Khan has something to say."

Of course, the words are false, and the purge of pro-Dorgon and Dege generals is true.With Huang Taiji's arrangements, these people could not escape his grasp.But half a day later, the bodies of the leaders of Zhengbai Banner Bordered by White Banner and Zhenglan Banner lay on the ground.Huang Taiji cleaned up all the unstable factors of the Eight Banners soldiers in a very short period of time.

Although it seems that most of the generals leading the troops have been lost, the strength of the Tartars has been greatly reduced.In fact, this is not the case. Now that Huang Taiji is forcibly commanding the three banners of Zhengbai, Xiangbai, and Zhenglan, his strength has increased greatly.

Having been sweating profusely for so many years, Huang Taiji has long understood a truth that only by centralizing power can you implement your ideas, and others dare not go against them.

Now that all the thorns have been removed, Huang Taiji feels that his strength has greatly increased. If it wasn't for Li Jianguo's mess at the beginning of the year, he really wanted to retreat.But it really can't, if he enters the customs this time, he won't be able to catch many people and gold, silver and food.His seat was also unstable.

In fact, he didn't even think about really attacking the capital. With his more than 4 soldiers and horses, it would be a fool's dream to want to attack the capital.But he still keeps attacking, why?It was to force Emperor Chongzhen to negotiate peace with him.

Others don't know the situation in Manchuria, how can he, as a great Khan, not know?Manchuria is now so bad that it cannot be worsened.Not only the surrendered Mongolian nobles were separated from their virtues, but also those surrendered generals of the Han army were all beheaded by Yue Tuo, as well as those horse farms and firearms many years.All the wealth accumulated by the Manchurians was destroyed by Li Kaiguo.

The Manchus were not good at farming, but only good at riding and shooting.Therefore, it has been unable to be self-sufficient all the time. Even if it does not encounter a famine year, it can only survive by plundering the property of the Ming Dynasty every year, cattle and sheep.Now the Manchu nobles are okay.There is some surplus food, but those low-level Manchus.It's almost out of food now.

And this time the strength of the Manchu army was greatly damaged.One is that the entire army of Xianglan Banner was wiped out.The second is the dragon vein gold medal incident, and the banners are at odds with him.The third is that the Mongol descendants are ready to move.He came this time with all the strength of the Manchus, just to force Emperor Chongzhen to negotiate a peace.

As long as a peace can be negotiated, the Manchus will get some tribute every year, and then he will figure out a way.Pacify Mongolia and North Korea, and slowly recover.Originally, he didn't want to attack Dorgon and Dege, after all, these two are also fierce generals, and the Manchus lack such generals.But they want to kill themselves.Then Huang Taiji couldn't be soft.

Huang Taiji took a deep breath. He forced himself to forget his hatred for Li Kaiguo, and decided to attack the city again. This time, he must break through the outer city and force Emperor Chongzhen to negotiate a peace.However, he also sent 5000 troops to harass Li Jianguo so that he could not rescue the capital.

In the early morning, when the sky was just getting brighter, Huang Taiji personally assembled the army and went into battle. This time, it was about Manchu's luck, so he had to do it himself.When the Tartars saw Huang Taiji standing among them, their morale was greatly boosted.Huang Taiji ran back and forth among the Malay Tartar army, shouting as he ran: "Today Ben Khan personally leads you to attack the city. The first person to attack the tower will be rewarded by Ben Khan with a thousand taels and a thousand taels of enslavement. As long as Attack the city, and don't seal the sword for ten days."

The Tartars were so excited that they all shouted: "Don't seal the sword for ten days, don't seal the sword for ten days." Huang Taiji pointed at the city wall of the capital and shouted: "Siege the city."

The war drum sounded "rumble", and the Tartars uttered a cry, and ran down the city carrying the ladder.The Ming army immediately fired back on the city wall.

Emperor Chongzhen had just woken up when he received a report that the Tartars were attacking the city violently.In fact, Emperor Chongzhen also heard the sound of cannons without anyone playing the report.He urgently ordered the eunuch to inquire about the situation, and at the same time called the cabinet to discuss matters.

"Zhang Aiqing, when will the troops from the five provinces arrive in Beijing?" Chongzhen hurriedly asked Zhang Fengyi as soon as he saw them.

Zhang Fengyi immediately replied: "Qizou the emperor, the soldiers and horses from the five provinces are rushing here day and night, and they will reach the capital within seven days at most."

Cheng Jiming said worriedly: "It came so fast, the troops are exhausted, I need to inform the Ministry of Households, and prepare more food and grass."

Emperor Chongzhen nodded. The conversation between their monarchs and ministers was just to reassure each other, and it was purely to relieve tension.Seven days is too fast?Emperor Chongzhen wished that the soldiers and horses from the five provinces would arrive immediately.

At this moment, the eunuch who was inquiring ran in furiously and shouted: "Your Majesty, the Tartars have already breached the first city wall and are attacking the second city wall, but Zu Dashou, the chief soldier who defended the city, said that the Tartars attacked Please don't break the second city wall, please rest assured."

Emperor Chongzhen suddenly stood up and walked out.Jin Yiwei, the guard, immediately followed behind.The cabinet ministers also trotted behind, knowing what the emperor was going to do, they climbed up the inner city wall to see how the situation was going.

Before he could get on the chariot, Emperor Chongzhen quickly stepped up the inner city wall. Looking farther into the distance, he saw black smoke billowing from Deshengmen and the sound of killing everywhere. Some Tartars were provoked and pushed down the city.Even with a binoculars to watch from such a distance, Emperor Chongzhen felt a burst of blood and murderous aura rushing towards his face, which made his body, which had not slept for several days, suddenly feel uncomfortable.

Emperor Chongzhen put down the binoculars, and said to Zhang Fengyi: "Where are Li Guo's soldiers and horses? Haven't they already arrived in Beijing? Why don't they come to rescue them?"

Zhang Fengyi was tongue-tied, not knowing how to answer.He couldn't say that the servant he sent was slapped by Li Kaiguo and thrown back, saying that Emperor Chongzhen would give him 10 people's grain, grass and food to rescue him. Emperor Chongzhen was furious.I'm out of luck, and I have to go to prison.So at this time, it is necessary to deceive the upper and lower, and let Emperor Chongzhen believe what he said.

At that moment, he turned his head sharply and said hastily: "Your Majesty, the tartar knows that Li Guo's troops are stationed, and will definitely send troops to harass him, that's why Li Guo's rescue is late. Your Majesty, don't worry, I will send someone to investigate."

Can Emperor Chongzhen not be in a hurry?Seeing that the Tartars are attacking the second wall of the outer city, if this one is also broken.Then the entire outer city was exposed to the Tazi's iron cavalry, and the 80 people in the capital were all wiped out.

Immediately, he hurriedly said to Cheng Ji: "Decree, make Li Guo the governor, and give him a gold medal for avoiding death. I will allow him to avoid death for three generations. Let him come to rescue quickly."

Cheng Ji ordered: "The old minister obeys the order." As soon as he turned around and was about to leave, a small eunuch suddenly came to report: "Long Live Lord. Great joy. Li Guo, the governor of Shandong, has already set up a banner outside the city. When those Tartars saw All his banners have retreated."

really?Emperor Chongzhen immediately picked up the binoculars and looked again. Sure enough, the Ming army was not fighting, but was shouting with joy.Emperor Chongzhen said happily: "Li Guozhen's reputation is far-reaching. Tartars actually heard his name..." He didn't notice for a moment, but when he said this, he suddenly realized the danger of Li Guo, and his face immediately darkened.

Even the Tartars retreated at the sight of his banner.It is enough to show that Li Guo is indeed a confidant of the imperial court.Emperor Chongzhen gritted his teeth hard, and thought, these few designs can't kill him, instead he lost his generals, this damned thief deserves to be killed.

Emperor Chongzhen suddenly turned his head and said, "Withdraw the edict just now and return to the palace." Seeing the emperor's disappearing figure, all the cabinet ministers knelt down and saluted, and only got up when his figure disappeared.

Zhang Fengyi supported Cheng Jiming, who was already handicapped, and said with a wry smile: "Master Cheng, you have to make arrangements early."

Cheng Jiming turned his head to look at Zhang Fengyi, smiled, and said, "Fengyi, don't worry about me, I have a way to protect myself." He patted his hand and left the Forbidden City with several cabinet ministers.

Outside the capital, Huang Taiji led more than 3 horsemen, all of whom were covered with blood-stained war robes. Seeing that the first city wall had been breached, Li Kaiguo's [-] cavalry suddenly arrived. Huang Taiji was shocked, and the [-] soldiers he sent The horses are all cavalry, and they have been ordered before leaving, mainly to harass.

Now that Li Kaiguo's soldiers and horses appeared under the city, but he did not see his five thousand Manchurian soldiers, it was obviously an accident.Huang Taiji couldn't believe that Li Jianguo could kill all of his five thousand soldiers in such a short period of time.But the facts are in front of you, you can't believe it

Li Jianguo looked at the Tartar army, which was still breathing. There were orthodox Manchus, and the rat braids made him want to kill people just looking at them.There are Mongolians, these bastards don't shave their heads, but they have too many braids, which also makes people want to kill people.As for those traitors, in the eyes of Li Jianguo, they are no longer human beings. They are skinned and cramped, slowly cut and deboned, and they are used to make sky lanterns, how cruel they are.

Li Kaiguo pointed at the Tartars and called out, "I'm asking you guys? What's in front of you?"

The tiger battalion cavalry shouted, "It's Tartars, damned Tartars."

"What should I do if I see a Tartar?"

"Kill, kill, kill."

Li Jianguo waved his hand violently, the drums sounded, and the [-] cavalry from the Tiger Battalion dismounted to form a square formation in an instant.The Ming army on the city was stunned. They never thought that there were soldiers and horses who dared to charge directly at the Tartars.

Huang Tai was very angry. For so many years, they were the ones who attacked others. There was no army as brave as Li Kaiguo's Tiger Camp to face his Manchurian soldiers in the field.How could he avoid fighting at this time?He immediately issued an order that the Mongolian cavalry and the Manchu cavalry were divided into two wings, and he led the heavy armor to attack the front.

Li Jianguo saw that Huang Taiji's method of deploying soldiers was exactly the same as that of Duoduo and Yue Tuo, and he couldn't help sneering: "It seems that the Tartars are poor in skills, so they all use the same method of warfare."

Lu Yue, deputy general of the Tiger Camp, smiled and said, "My lord, should you move closer before firing, otherwise the Tartars will run away and our riding skills will not be able to keep up."

Li Jianguo said angrily: "Fart, do you think the bows and arrows of the Tartars are vegetarian? Huang Taiji is a pig's head? According to the tactics formulated by Benfu, no changes are allowed."

Lu Yue took the lead and didn't dare to say any more.He really didn't expect what the adults said just now.I only thought about how to kill more Tartars, but I forgot that the bows and arrows of Tartars are also very good, and the throwing can reach a distance of 150 steps.If you move closer, you can kill more Tartars, but the soldiers in your own army will also suffer heavy casualties.

Just as the cavalry on the two wings were about to approach within eighty feet, the general of the Paoying was ready to wave the flag, and suddenly the Huangtaiji army slammed gold.When the cavalry on the two wings heard it, they immediately made a detour and wanted to retreat.

The general of the artillery battalion was in a hurry, he was about to run away to the naked eye, so what to do, he immediately waved the flag, and three hundred artillery pieces fired together, "Boom boom boom..." The continuous sound of the sky-shattering cannon brought 3 guns. Many pieces of iron sand flew towards the Tartars and Mongolian cavalry.

Immediately, hundreds of cavalrymen were shot into rotten flesh.The screams and neighing of the horses immediately disrupted the neat formation of Tartars and Mongolian cavalry, and there were panicked Tartars and Mongolian cavalry everywhere.

Li Jianguo immediately ordered the whole army to advance and cover up the killing.The flag of the Chinese army was waved, and the participating generals immediately ordered the whole army to advance.The sound of the drums turned into a drumbeat, and [-] soldiers of the Tiger Battalion marched forward to the sound of the drums, approaching the Tartar army.

Huang Taiji watched the soldiers of the tiger camp approaching, and immediately shouted: "Du Du, you must block for three quarters of an hour, and you can evacuate by yourself after three quarters of an hour."

Du Du yelled: "Khan, you go, my family will entrust you." With tears in his eyes, he rushed to Li Kaiguo's tiger camp with two thousand Tartars.

Although they are both Baylor, who makes Huang Taiji have more soldiers?Du Du knew that even if he didn't want to die today, he couldn't do it.If he didn't follow orders, Huang Taiji would kill him, and his family would be in bad luck. It would be better to die so that his family would be taken care of by Huang Taiji.

It's a pity that Du Du didn't know, not to mention that he brought 300 soldiers to stop Li Kaiguo's Hu Battalion soldiers for [-] quarters of an hour, even if he brought [-] soldiers, he couldn't stop them for [-] quarters of an hour.Why did Huang Taiji withdraw suddenly?I just saw more than [-] tiger squatting guns suddenly launched by the tiger camp. (To be continued..)

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