Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 25 Pockets

Guo Xiaode was overjoyed when he saw that the bandits were heading towards Caojia Village.Ma Ying was not familiar with the route, so he said in a low voice, "They are going in the wrong direction, let's lure the enemy now."

"No, they are going in the right direction. When they reach Caojia Village, they will be less than two miles away from Nijia'an Village, and they will be more confident in luring the enemy then." Guo Xiaode whispered.

The location of Caojia Village is in the northeast of Nijiaan Village, the distance is indeed quite close, and the gangsters did not have any formations, so they rushed all the way into Caojia Village in a chaotic manner. There is no doubt that the gangsters rushed into the air without even a feather Didn't get it either.A group of water bandits cursed and beat the newly joined villagers to vent their anger.

The eldest brother of the bandit leader was also full of anger. He is not a local, and he is not familiar with the terrain. He did not expect Caojia Village to be so close to Liuxin Village.It can't be blamed on them, it is because Liu Xin Village has robbed a big harvest, and when the robbing, killing, and killing are over, it will be dark, and they don't even care about looking at the surrounding terrain.

The eldest brother of the bandit leader pulled a villager from Liuxin Village and shouted viciously, "Tell me, which village is closest to here?"

The villager was startled, but he could still resist, and quickly pointed to Nijia'an Village, "Then...there is another village over there, less than two miles away from here."

The bandit leader was furious, and he pushed suddenly. His hand was so strong that the villager fell to the ground, hitting his head on the ground with stars in his eyes, and almost fell to his death.

The bandit leader roared: "Brothers, follow me to grab money and women, don't let them all run away."

As he spoke, he took the lead and ran towards Nijia'an Village. As soon as he left the village entrance, he saw two people coming tremblingly. When they saw a group of vicious bandits rushing towards them, the two people shouted: "My Mom." Turned around and ran, before he could take two steps, he thought he was flustered, fell and fell, and a burden on his body fell to the ground, and before he could pick it up, he turned and ran away.

The eldest brother of the bandit leader was about to kill someone, when he saw the two fleeing, he chased and yelled, "Stop for me, if you don't stop, I will kill you."

It was fine if he didn't bark, but when he barked, the two ran faster.The eldest brother of the bandit leader rushed to the front and was about to step over the package lost by the two, but a silver light flashed in his eyes. When he looked carefully, there were scattered silver coins scattered on the ground. The two shouted: "The bandit is here, the bandit is here, run away."

The bandit leader's eldest brother thought for a moment, these two people are really rich, and the people in the village must also be rich.This kind of thinking is unreasonable, but it is a real habitual thinking.Immediately shouted: "Hurry up and chase me, they have money."

Just like that, a group of bandits pulled a long team and ran towards Nijia'an Village behind Guo and Ma.The eldest brother of the bandit led the bandits to chase more and more vigorously. When they saw the village from a distance, the bandits became even more vigorous.

Guo and Ma kept yelling, and fled into the village just like that, disappearing without a trace.The eldest brother of the bandit leader shouted: "Brothers, rush in quickly, don't let the money and women escape." He stopped and let the bandits behind him rush in first.

He is smart and tight, rushing to the front will inevitably meet people who will resist.Even if the people are all sheep, maybe a wolf will emerge. He has seen this kind of thing a lot. The people of Shandong are tough, and it is not uncommon for them to come up with a few tough ideas and dare to kill.

So safety is the first priority. He waited until half of the gangsters rushed in and only heard the screams of his own people, and then he rushed in with the rest of the people.It's just that when I rushed into the village, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind, the people in this village are so strange, why so much straw is piled up on the wall of the village.

This thought was just a flash, after all, this is a village, it is normal to have a little straw.But soon, he knew that this was definitely not normal.

When the last bandit roared and rushed into Nijia'an Village, Li Kaiguo stood up from his ambush and said with a grinning grin: "Light on fire, line up."

The torch that had been prepared for a long time was lit immediately and thrown onto the straw piled beside the stone wall.The dried straw immediately turned into a raging fire.After dozens of torches were thrown out, the fire surrounded Nijia'an Village.

Seeing the fire ignited, all the recruits became excited. At this moment, the fire surrounded the village, and there were fears that the bandits would escape.

However, Li Jianguo didn't have time to make them happy. He ordered loudly that more than [-] recruits lined up at the entrance of the village, and more than [-] long spears pointed at the sky obliquely. A spear formation blocked the gap in Nijia'an Village.

Hao Xi excitedly led more than [-] people, and happily threw piles of wood onto the fire. Li Jianguo's order to him was to keep the fire burning.This task is so easy to complete, and you don't have to fight the bandits head-on. Hao Xi is very satisfied, so he works extra hard.

He set it on fire happily, but the gangsters in the village were already panicked. Just after they found out that this was also an empty village, raging fires ignited around them.Although the fire was only burning on the stone wall, it seemed that they could not burn them, but it also made them very panicked.

"It's a trick, brothers, get out quickly." The bandit leader's eldest brother immediately reacted, roaring and leading the people to rush out.He knew how fierce the fire was. Although only the entrance of the village had no fire, it was obviously a trap, but he had to rush forward. If the enemy threw torches into the village, the straw scattered all over the ground would burn them clean. , he didn't want to be burned.

Looking vaguely at the rushing bandits and the smoke covering the entrance of the village, Li Jianguo calmly ordered, "The Chinese army retreats ten steps, with their wings facing each other, and no one should be spared."

As the order was issued, the recruits almost mechanically completed the order with blank heads.Going to the battlefield for the first time is always nerve-wracking.

Fortunately, Guo Xiaode and Ma Ying, who had returned to the team, were still clear-headed, and led the recruits to complete a pocket formation at a low pace.

As soon as the formation change was completed, the bandits and the recruits were close enough to attack.At this time, the timid recruits only felt their legs go weak, seeing the vicious gangsters rushing towards them, and every moment they had the urge to escape.

But the subconscious mind told them that they could not escape, otherwise their family members would be implicated by them.Compared to the bandits, Li Jianguo was obviously more terrifying than them.

At this moment, Li Kaiguo shouted loudly: "Stick."

The recruits yelled almost unconsciously: "Stab." With the sound of stabbing, the spears in the hands of the recruits in the first two rows stabbed out and pulled back.

"Stab, stab, stab." After four stabs, the bandits who rushed to the front were all dead.

Many recruits didn't realize until then that the spears in their hands were covered with blood, and the enemies in front of them were desperately fleeing.Dead bodies lay beneath their feet.

In just about [-] breaths of effort, more than [-] bandits died in battle.Many gangsters were shot twice or even three times at the same time.This square pocket array ensures that there will be two directions to attack the bandits at the same time.They don't know Zhang Wuji's great teleportation, how can they avoid the stabbing of long spears.Therefore, after more than [-] people died, the remaining bandits were frightened and fled back to the village desperately.

Li Jianguo didn't expect that the pocket array would be so powerful. The bandits left their bodies and fled into the village, and none of the recruits were killed except for a dozen or so who suffered minor injuries.Is this the power of discipline?

Li Jianguo shook his head. This only shows that the bandits are really bad, but they are also suitable for him to train new recruits.

"Good job, listen to my order, the first two rows back, and the last three rows go up." Li Jianguo roared loudly.

Although it was only four shots, the recruits in the first two rows undoubtedly used all their strength for each shot. At this time, each of them had consumed a lot of physical strength, and they were panting heavily, feeling like they were exhausted.

Hearing the order at this time, although he was a little flustered, he still completed the change of formation without compromise.The first victory in the formation brought the recruits back to their senses, they won, they won.Although the battle is not over yet, every recruit has no doubt that he will win in the end.For a while, the morale of the recruits was high, and they wished that the bandits would rush out now and let them stab them to death so that they could be exchanged for white money.

But obviously, the bandits were scared out of their wits, how dare they come out?Even the eldest brother, the leader of the remaining desperate water bandits, was terrified.He didn't expect that the officers and soldiers who didn't know where they came from were so powerful, and they killed so many brothers just by meeting each other.

The third leader's pants were wet with fear, but he didn't notice it. He grabbed the hand of the bandit leader and shouted: "Brother, let's run away. If we don't run away, we will die."

The eldest brother of the bandit leader said angrily: "There are fires all around, run to where the hell?" The ring of fire rising into the sky is really terrifying.I can't escape, I can't fight, what should I do?

At this moment, the officers and soldiers shouted in unison: "Put down your weapons, surrender and don't kill. Put down your weapons, surrender and don't kill..."

After shouting several times in a row, the voice suddenly disappeared again.The bandits were frightened immediately, for fear that the officers and soldiers would rush in, but fortunately, no officers and soldiers rushed in from the village entrance covered by smoke.

"Brother, why don't we surrender." said the third master who had no seeds.

"Yeah, brother, why don't we surrender." Some of the same gangsters shouted one after another.They have lost the confidence to break through.No wonder, surrounded by raging fire, the only way out was blocked, they are not heroes, but just a group of bandits, as long as they can survive, surrender is nothing.

But others can surrender, but the bandit leader and brother cannot.There may still be a way out for others to surrender, but he will definitely die, there is no way, who will let him be the leader.

Therefore, the big knife in the bandit leader's hand suddenly cut off the head of the third family, and holding the head of the third family, the bandit leader shouted with red eyes: "Anyone who dares to surrender, I will cut him off."

The bandits were immediately suppressed by the ferocity of the bandit leader, and no one dared to say surrender.

Unfortunately, this roar was heard by Li Jianguo, and he smiled ferociously, saying that if you don't surrender, then I will burn you to death.Immediately ordered to burn the village.

Hao Xi and his men had prepared torches long ago. When Li Jianguo gave an order, dozens of torches flew into the village. When these torches touched the flammable straw, they immediately burst into flames.

At this time, the village was full of straws thrown all over the ground. When the fire started, it immediately began to spread, forcing the bandits to run around to avoid the flames.Firefighting?No one wants to do this, let alone without water, even if there is water, it will not be able to save such a large area of ​​fire.

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