The flames continued to burn, and finally set fire to the houses of the villagers. The gangsters who gathered together ran around and shouted without thinking. Although Nijiaan Village is large, there are more than a thousand gangsters. How could they gather in one place? Don't get burned together?

There were more than a dozen rioters who couldn't escape, their clothes were set on fire, and they were burned to death, screaming and running around, which made the other gangsters even more frightened.

Seeing that the fire is getting bigger and bigger, if they stay in the village, they will be roasted to death if they are not burned to death.Finally, some bandits couldn't bear it anymore, and ran to the entrance of the village, shouting as they ran, "Surrender, I surrender, don't kill me."

As soon as someone took the lead, a large number of bandits followed and left the village to surrender. The elder brother of the bandit leader watched helplessly, but did not stop him.More and more people surrendered, and after a while, more than [-] bandits had squeezed out of the village to surrender, and the rest were crowded at the entrance of the village waiting to surrender.

Fortunately, since the surrender appeared, torches have not been thrown into the village again, so although the bandits were eager to become prisoners, they were not in a hurry to burn their butts.

The backbone of the gangsters, the water bandits, surrounded the bandit leader, Big Brother, all staring at him eagerly.But the eldest brother of the bandit leader actually watched his men go down and surrender without saying a word.

With the lesson of the third master, none of the water bandits dared to say anything, but seeing that there were only more than [-] of them left, they were still anxious.Finally, a confidant of the bandit leader shouted, "Brother, what should we do? Make up your mind."

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately responded: "Yes, big brother."

"Brother, tell me quickly, I'm so anxious to death."

"Brother, I don't want to die, I miss my mother."


The bandit leader didn't pay attention to them at all, he just watched the fire on the stone wall. Finally, he found that the fire on a stone wall was a little smaller, so he shouted: "Shut up."

The water bandits jumped in fright. Under the prestige, they were obedient, and no one dared to chatter.

Only then did the bandit leader lower his voice, and said anxiously: "You all obey my orders, and I will be able to lead you out of the encirclement."

Immediately let the water bandits go around to remove the door panels.Although I don't understand the intention of the bandit leader, the water bandits are still very obedient. With the hope of surviving, who doesn't work hard?

The recruits outside the village were tied up until they were soft. Except for the 200 people left to keep the gun formation, there were more than [-] people who kept tying up the prisoners.

Since no one has been tied up, all the recruits are green hands, and the efficiency is so slow that you want to kick their asses.Hao Xi jumped up and down in a hurry and commanded indiscriminately.He is a good hand at tying people. Under his guidance, after tying up one or two recruits, they gained experience and finally improved their efficiency.

At this time, the recruits were full of excitement. For the first time in the battle, they just set fire and stabbed four times, and they won the battle. They were full of confidence in their hearts, although they still kept their guns. team, but his mind has turned to how much money he can get after the war.

Li Jianguo did not feel the joy of victory. Although more and more bandits surrendered, he never saw the water bandits among them, let alone the bandit leader.

Waiting a little longer, seeing that the bandits who surrendered were almost tied up, and the water bandits were still gone.Li Jianguo frowned, his mind spinning rapidly, did they want to fight to the end?No, they wanted to escape. Li Jianguo looked at the smaller and smaller fire around the stone wall, and finally understood.

Because everyone came to receive the prisoners, no one added more wood to the stone wall fire. In some places, the wood burned so fast that it was almost extinguished.The reason why the bandit leader didn't stop the coerced civilians from surrendering was that they wanted to use them to attract the attention of the officers and soldiers, and wait until the fire faded before they could take the opportunity to escape.

After thinking about this, Li Kaiguo immediately ordered more than a hundred soldiers to be divided into two teams, one on the left and the other on the right to patrol along the village wall. He led the team to patrol the left, and Ma Ying led a team to patrol the right. Report quickly.He left it to Hao Xi and Guo Xiaode to take over the captives.

Before he had time to say too much, Li Jianguo led a team of people to patrol the left wall. If he expected correctly, the water bandits must have escaped, and the possibility of escaping from the left wall was the greatest, because he noticed that the left wall The firewood on the wall is added the earliest and therefore burns the fastest.

Sure enough, after only half a circle around, they saw a group of water bandits sliding down on the wet door panel more than ten feet away.The idea of ​​the bandit leader is really good. Water was poured on the door panel and it was set up outside the stone wall. If the fire is not big, one person can easily turn over the circle of fire, so in a short while, all the water bandits were overthrown come out.

Unexpectedly, just out of the fire circle, I saw Li Jianguo leading a group of people rushing over.

Seeing the officers and soldiers arriving, the bandit leader's eldest brother immediately shouted: "The black dog is too hard, the wind is blowing hard."

The water bandits ran away.Li Jianguo was furious, and what had been a good battle of encirclement and annihilation turned into a pursuit battle.This was due to his inexperience. Although surrounding the enemy with fire was a good strategy, it was his first time leading an army in a field battle, so he didn't think carefully, so the cunning bandit leader took advantage of the loophole and escaped.

"Catch up with me and kill them all." Li Jianguo yelled angrily, he was getting angry from embarrassment.

The water bandits are not experts in escaping. They are very familiar with chasing people and escaping on weekdays, and they are fast when they run.If it was other officers and soldiers, they would be able to escape without a trace if they were only two miles away.

But he happened to meet the recruits led by Li Jianguo. Although they only practiced for a day, the recruits themselves were of very good quality. In addition, they practiced long-distance running twice a day yesterday, and now they are chasing after the victory and chasing down dogs. Fighting bravely to be the first, he was evenly matched with the water bandits in a short time.

Li Jianguo raised his speed, he didn't care if the recruits behind him could keep up, he tried his best to catch up, but after half a mile, he caught up with the water bandits who fell at the back.

Where would Guiku Dadao be polite?While running, he slashed with a knife, and without looking at him, he passed the water bandits.The water bandit continued to charge forward, and suddenly it split in two, and the internal organs gushed out.It turned out that that knife had already split the laggard water bandit in half.

After running a few more steps, Li Jianguo surpassed five or six water bandits at the tail, and all of them were killed instantly by Li Jianguo. Cut in two.

The bandit leader ran at the front, looking back as he ran, seeing Li Jianguo killing people like mowing grass, he was so frightened that he was scared out of his wits. In his life, he has seen many people with high martial arts skills, but such a fierce and unstoppable general like Li Jianguo , but only heard it in storytelling.

I never thought that I would meet someone in my lifetime when I had a good star.Seeing that if they get together again to flee, sooner or later they will all be killed by this famous general, the bandit leader shouted: "Brothers, let's disperse and run."

At this moment, in a hurry, he didn't even bother to speak nonsense.Originally, his idea was very good, only Naming chased him up alone, and the other officers and soldiers were still more than ten feet behind them, as long as they dispersed, Naming would take care of one thing and lose another, and it was impossible to kill all of them light, and he can escape with his life.

This trick is a good strategy to deal with other people, but it is a big mistake to use it on Li Jianguo.Hearing that the water bandits were about to disperse, Li Jianguo finally decided to use that move. The small skull on the corner of his eye suddenly enlarged, and countless black lines densely covered within ten meters of his body. Layers of air were cut, there was a loud hum, and a sound wave swept out like water ripples. Within a radius of 50 meters, no matter whether it was a person or an insect or ant, they were dizzy by the sound wave and couldn't stop it while running. Stop your feet and fall to the ground.

The recruits chasing in front were also hit and fell to the ground, but the recruits behind were horrified to see that about 20 water bandits suddenly disappeared into the mountains of sword light, around Li Kaiguo, A circle of gray dust seemed to be shaken out of a large circle with a radius of three feet, and the circle was empty. Li Jianguo stood in the middle, as if he was in a semicircular bubble.

The power of this move is unimaginable, but in an instant, within ten meters, whether it is a human body, vegetation, insects or ants, even the air is smashed to pieces, and under the impact of huge kinetic energy, they are mixed together and thrown into the void. The air in the air vibrated into gray dust, which was pushed out ten meters away, forming a large circle.

It wasn't until ten breaths later that the gray dust fell to the ground. Neither the water bandits nor the recruits reacted, as if they had lost consciousness. Those 20 water bandits turned into dust like this?

"Ah... ah... you are not a human, you are a monster, you are a monster..." The bandit leader came to his senses, and screamed as he fled scrambling and crawling.Fortunately for him, he was more than ten meters away from Li Jianguo, but he was stunned by the sound of the shock wave and lost his life.

But he shouldn't have spoken. Li Jianguo just felt that the strength of more than a hundred people was consumed in an instant after using this move, and his body felt a slight decline in strength, but overall it did not have much impact. 700 people supply him with strength at the same time.

The bandit leader gave the order twice, and Li Jianguo guessed that he was the leader of the water bandit. The black line in his eyes stretched out, and a slanted arc was drawn. In the back of the eldest brother's mind, the bandit leader's eldest brother was killed immediately without even humming.

Li Jianguo roared: "Whoever dares to escape again, this person is a role model." Killed, was thinking to see if anyone escaped first, so hesitant, the recruits had already surrounded them, and now they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

The battle to annihilate the bandits was over. Although there were no casualties and success as expected, victory is victory. All the recruits were beaming. Even Li Jianguo felt that it was inappropriate to be sullen, so he rarely smiled.

Hao Xi looked at nearly a thousand captives, and couldn't keep his mouth shut. Although he was suppressing bandits this time, it was a military achievement. When he reported to the Fifth Army Commander's Office, he could at least earn a team.This was just wild thinking on his part, how could this little feat be seen by the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, or by the Shandong Commander-in-Chief, even if it was his ancestor who burned incense.

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