Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 78 Night Camp

() Just because Tianjin Wei is too close to the capital, to put it an exaggeration, Tianjin is like the outskirts of the capital, with hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers guarding the capital, what good firearms are there for Tianjin Wei?Therefore, although Guo Deng is a thousand households, he has no idea what kind of weapon he is facing.

When Guo Deng led the officers and soldiers within twenty feet, Li Jianguo said coldly: "The first row fires." Like a wall, more than a dozen blood holes appeared on his body, before he fell to the ground and died immediately.

More than 300 officers and soldiers also suffered the same fate as Guo Deng, but after a few breaths, they screamed and fell to death, and more than 70 people were injured.

This is the result of three rows of more than one hundred Lingshan Guard soldiers shooting in turn. After a pause, the first row that fired first had already reloaded the ammunition. Under Li Jianguo's command, they fired again. Many iron pellets drilled into the bodies of Tianjin Guard soldiers with high heat, taking away fresh lives one by one. At this moment, human life is really worthless than grass.

The remaining more than 200 officers and soldiers were just stunned for a moment, and more than 20 people died again. They were frightened immediately, and they turned around and ran away desperately. He escaped without a trace, not even caring about Tongpao's body.

Wei Chuping stared at the corpses of more than a hundred officers and soldiers lying twenty feet away with round eyes, and finally realized the sadness of being an enemy of Li Kaiguo.For Tianjin Guard soldiers with cold weapons, this was a massacre.

After no one was injured, and the soldiers of the Lingshan Guard who could not see the joy of victory re-horsed and drove on the road, Wei Chuping finally couldn't help but said: "My lord, if we kill so many officers and soldiers of the Tianjin Guard, will we reveal our identities?" ? What if there are more officers and soldiers chasing after us?"

Li Jianguo smiled lightly and asked, "If you were the commander of Tianjin Wei, what would you do?"

Wei Chuping was stunned for a moment, and said, "Of course we will send troops to chase after him immediately."

Li Jianguo laughed and said, "What if you catch up but get repulsed?"

Wei Chuping originally wanted to say how could he be repelled, but when he saw the faintly visible corpses of officers and soldiers in the distance behind him, he immediately came to his senses and said, "If it was me who was repelled, I would never Send someone again."

Li Jianguo nodded, but still asked: "Why?"

"Because I'm afraid of losing my position. The death of so many officers and soldiers shows that they have offended powerful people. If they send troops to chase after them, I don't know how many more people will die. Tianjin Wei is too close to the capital. If too many officers and soldiers die , Then it’s hard to keep silent. So if I am the commander of Tianjin Wei, I will admit it and suppress this matter.”

Li Kaiguo chuckled, and said: "That's right, so I'm not afraid that things will become big, but I'm afraid that things won't be big. Even if he kills a thousand households, he has to help me carry the blame."

Wei Chuping was startled, so a thousand households died just now?This is not easy.Li Jianguo looked at his face, shook his head and said: "You still don't understand, let alone one thousand households die, even if three die, the ones reported will only die of serious illness. If the family members of thousands of households die Be smart, shut up with a sum of money, and still survive, but if you insist on pursuing the truth, hehe, maybe the house will catch fire, get caught by a horse thief or something, and the whole family will die."

Wei Chuping thought for a while, and finally thought that what Li Jianguo said was right, the commander of Tianjin Wei would definitely follow this routine to settle the matter, this is the officialdom, the officialdom that eats the dead without spitting out the bones.

Sure enough, until it got dark, I didn't hear any officers and soldiers chasing after me.Li Jianguo was not careless in the slightest, and sent two scouts every five miles, all the way to fifteen miles away.When the enemy's situation is discovered, the fire can be used as a sign, and the news can be transmitted in an instant.

When camping at night, they camped next to the official road, and a blazing bonfire was lit, attracting countless flying insects to jump into the fire and die.The accompanying cooks took out a cloth bag from the carriage, took out a few wormwood stalks from it, put them on the fire and lit them, and placed them around the camp to drive away flying insects, and then began to prepare dinner.

Lingshanwei's military rations have long been standardized. Put a bag of various miscellaneous grains into a large copper pot, then add dried pork, dried bacon, and dried mushrooms. Put some dried coriander and pour two bottles of sesame oil.After a while, a pot of fragrant gruel was ready.

It is said to be gruel, but it is not thin, but thick, and it will not pour if you insert a chopstick into it.This kind of porridge is enough, you can drink as much as you can.

Li Jianguo took a bowl of gruel, without using chopsticks, and without blowing it to cool, he just poured a bowl of gruel into his mouth non-stop, chewing and drinking, without leaving his mouth, and drank two bowls in an instant When the third bowl was delivered, Wei Chuping couldn't help but said, "My lord, eating and drinking like this is not good for the stomach, so it's better to eat slowly."

Li Jianguo nodded, indicating that you are right, but the speed of drinking porridge is still the same.

Wei Chuping smiled wryly. This is also an advantage, my lord. He would agree with some of the truths that others said, but he didn't necessarily follow them. My lord always has his own rules and methods of conduct.

When Li Jianguo was drinking the fifth bowl, a scout standing five miles away suddenly said back and forth: "My lord, there is a group of carriages coming from Tianjin Wei. There are three carriages in a row, and there are 13 people including coachmen outside the carriage. Twelve middle-aged men, an old man about [-] years old, all with swords on their bodies. The ruts are not deep, presumably they are not transporting goods. There may be people in the carriage, but there will not be too many people. There are still about four miles away from the camp. .”

Li Jianguo nodded, and the scout went back to continue his reconnaissance.

Wei Chuping said: "My lord, is this team of carriages fraudulent, or send someone to stop them."

Li Jianguo shook his head and said, "They were not sent by the Tianjin Guards. Hundreds of officers and soldiers were defeated by us. Sending three carriages and a dozen people can kill us? They should be pedestrians entering Beijing, so don't worry about it. "

In fact, before the scouts came to report just now, the scene the scouts saw flashed through Li Jianguo's mind, confirming that it was indeed a group of pedestrians, not the officers and soldiers of Tianjin Wei pretending to be.

After a while, the sound of the carriage was heard, and the soldiers of Lingshan Guard had already eaten. When they heard the sound of the carriage, there were cooking soldiers shoveling the soil to put out the fire. The first reaction of the soldiers was to pick up their own The Lumi blunderbuss, loaded with ammunition, stood in the defensive circle formed by the carriage.

Li Jianguo was very satisfied when he saw the quick response of his soldiers, but he did not tell them that they were not enemies, but passers-by walking at night, and let them form a battle formation

The three soldiers of the Lingshan Guard swung the lighted torches, and violently threw three arcs in the air, falling about ten feet away, forming a bright area to illuminate the imaginary incoming enemies.

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