Iron blood Suiming

Chapter 79 Night Encounter

() The sound of the carriage traveling in the dark suddenly stopped, thinking that the group of people noticed something was wrong, so they stopped.At this time, between the group of people and Li Jianguo's carriage formation, only three torches were burning, and nearly a hundred people were silently facing each other in the darkness. Everyone was breathing slowly, for fear that the noise would be too loud. some.

In this way, the two parties held their breaths very calmly. Although neither could see the other, they did know the existence of the other.This confrontation lasted for a meal. Li Jianguo calmly pulled out a Lumi gun and kept playing with it in his hand. This kind of scene was caused by him on purpose. There is no harm in letting his subordinates have more experience, so he Not ready to clear up the misunderstanding.

The atmosphere in the darkness slowly became more and more tense, because the three torches that fell on the ground were about to be extinguished. At this time, it was impossible for the soldiers of the Lingshan Guard to light the torches again and throw them out. in danger.

So at this time, we can only take the most extreme measures. No matter who the opponent is, we can only destroy them, and we can't take the slightest risk. This is repeatedly emphasized during daily training. Put the interests of adults first, for the sake of adults, even if it is wrong, so what?

The captain of the personal army was full of murderous looks, looking at the crumbling torch, and was about to order an aimless sweep, when a person came out from the opposite side, stood by the torch, took out a new torch and lit it, and pointed at Li Jianguo shouted: "I'm just a passer-by going to the capital, and I hope the people on the opposite side don't misunderstand me. I'm just passing by, and I have no bad intentions. If you don't believe me, I can light the torch and wait slowly." Pass slowly."

The captain of the personal army looked at Li Jianguo, obviously asking for instructions from him, and Li Jianguo nodded, saying yes.The captain of the personal army shouted: "In this case, then light the torch quickly, otherwise if there is an accident, you will be responsible for it yourself."

The man on the opposite side was very happy, and hurriedly said: "Thank you, gentlemen, and please trouble me." The man went back with the torch, and a ball of light slowly went away, and then several torches were lit one after another twenty feet away. Following the sound of the carriage again, they walked towards Li Jianguo and the others.

The captain of the personal army did not dare to be careless at all, and whispered an order to light all the matchlocks. At this time, the opponent's light had already revealed their figures, and they were already in the bright place. Even if the matchlocks were lit, the Lingshan Guards were still in the dark.

Li Jianguo nodded, his soldiers were pretty good, and everything was done according to the training instructions, and it was rare that there were no omissions.

The group of people on the opposite side suddenly saw a little bit of fire lighted up here, and the expressions of the others were as usual, only the old man's expression changed suddenly, but it was not easy to find his expression in the firelight, so the companions were not surprised, just surprised Why are there so many sparks all of a sudden?

The group of people passed slowly three feet in front of Li Kaiguo's convoy, and the old man was relieved when he was far away and could no longer see those sparks. This relaxation made him cough uncontrollably.

A woman's voice suddenly sounded from a carriage, saying: "Uncle Li, you should sit in the carriage. You are getting old, but you have to take care of your body."

Uncle Li smiled wryly, and said, "Thank you for your concern, miss. The little old man is still in good health, but it was too dangerous just now, so when he got nervous, he fell into an old disease."

The lady wondered: "What's the danger? Didn't we come over safely?"

Uncle Li shook his head and didn't want to say any more. It was not a good thing that a team with a large number of muskets suddenly appeared outside the suburbs of Beijing. It was enough for him to know about it alone. Don't scare the lady by telling it.

After this group of people passed by, there were no more pedestrians rushing through the night, and the camp was fine all night.The soldiers of Lingshan Guard lined up three shifts to be on duty. After dawn, after another full meal, the seven carriages moved forward again.

It was halfway through Deyou time, and finally came to the outside of Qihua Gate, which is Chaoyang Gate.But at this time Qihuamen has closed the city gate, if you want to enter Beijing, you can only ask early tomorrow.

Li Kaiguo and his party opened a large yard at the post station outside Qihua Gate and lived in it.This Qihua gate has always been the gate through which grain grain enters Beijing, so it is also called the grain gate. Li Kaiguo and his party's seven carriages are all loaded with grain, so they must enter through this gate.

And because the post station outside Qihua Gate is used to receive grain carts and guards, so no one like Li Jianguo, who only has seven carriages and only guards a small grain team of more than 100 people, pays attention to it. In any courtyard, Li Jianguo and the others lived in more than enough, and there were many vacant rooms.

This time, there was no need to make dinner by himself. After Li Jianguo and the guards used the food in the station, and ordered the soldiers to keep an eye on the grain carts and not to go out, he brought Wei Chuping to the gate of Qihua.

With his hands behind his back, Li Jianguo looked up at the thick city wall ten feet high. This section of the city wall will no longer be seen in later generations. A simple and heavy atmosphere rushed towards his face, which made him fascinated.

As long as such a city wall has enough brave soldiers, how can it be breached in this era?It can be seen that when a dynasty must perish, no matter how advanced its weapons are, no matter how high and thick its walls are, it cannot stop the torrent of being eliminated.

It was not the first time for Wei Chuping to come to the capital. He came here once in the past when he came to Beijing for the exam. This place was his sad place.Of course, it was not the Qihuamen that he entered Beijing at that time, but the Chongwenmen, and this was the first time he had come to the Qihuamen.

At this time, seeing Li Jianguo staring at the city wall in a daze, he couldn't help guessing what Li Jianguo was thinking?Are you thinking about how to attack the city from this gate?Thinking of this, he himself was taken aback. Thinking about it at this time, this kind of thinking is quite like a daydream. Although the sky is getting dark, but with the current strength of Lingshanwei, it can be said that it can reach the capital and break through the capital. ,Hahaha…….Wei Chuping had the urge to laugh out loud.

But after all, he still didn't laugh. If he can't break through now, it doesn't mean he won't be able to break through in the future. Looking at Li Jianguo's back, Wei Chuping always feels that Li Jianguo is incredibly tall, and his strong figure always gives him an illusion Li Jianguo must be a great person in the future. In his heart, although he faintly thought of that word, he didn't dare to say it in his heart. It seemed that thinking about it was a big treason, even though what he was doing in Lingshanwei now was a big treason. thing.

Just like that, the two of them stood blankly outside the Qihua Gate for an hour, and when it was completely dark and the city wall turned into a big monster in the dark, Li Jianguo said, "Go back."

Wei Chuping was very helpless, he wanted to go for a stroll at first, the outside of Qihua Gate was also very prosperous, although there were mostly coolies, but they couldn't handle the large number of people, so shops, restaurants, brothels, etc. had already formed several streets, Whether it is daytime or night, it is full of turbulent crowds, so there is no joy in the market.

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