Chapter 7 Beijing Gate Martial Arts
In the martial arts at the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were no eight major sects in martial arts novels that Chen Zhuo was familiar with, and there were no demon sects sweeping the world, or big gangs dominating the rivers and lakes.

In the northern martial arts, the three most well-known internal martial arts are Taiji, Xingyi, and Bagua, and there are Baji, Diwa, Pokejiao, Yanqing Skillful Fight, Sanhuang Paohammer, Eagle Claw, Spring Leg, and Praying Mantis. ...

After catching up with today's world, big and small boxing styles can be regarded as blooming everywhere, especially in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. When it is busy, you may be able to pick one out of the crowd and be able to play a few words.

As for the Southern Martial Arts, the five schools of Hong, Liu, Cai, Li, and Mo took the lead, as well as Cai Lifo, Baimeiquan, Longxingquan, and Nanzhiquan that emerged in recent years...

The north and the south are different, the food culture is different, and the rules of each other are also different. It is said that literati are inferior to each other, and this is no exception in Wumen.

Since ancient times, there is no first in literature, and there is no second in martial arts. Literati rely on talking, and martial arts rely on fighting. The two places have gathered boxers to compete several times, but each has its own victory and defeat, and each has its strengths and weaknesses.

Some people practice martial arts for the sake of gaining fame and profit, while others do it for spreading the word and spreading it around the world.

The most successful one is undoubtedly the "Baguamen" branch.

It is said that learning written and martial arts is the same as the emperor's family.

Since Yin Fu, most of the gossip disciples have been guards in the palace, and this generation has even produced a "Gong Baotian", who is the personal guard of the Empress Dowager and the emperor, and has also become the head of the inner guards and fourth-rank guards with swords. Take the road of warriors to the apex.


"Today, I will take you to pay a visit to an old senior from the 'Bagua Sect'. He is good friends with our master and uncle, and he is also highly respected in Wumen in the capital."

Early in the morning, Zuo Zongsheng led Chen Zhuo out of the escort agency.

Now that the words have been released, it is still time to move around, Wu Xing values ​​face, and may offend people and despise others by being negligent for a while.Especially the rules established by the older generation, seniority and inferiority, they like to talk about things the most, and Wang Wu is not around, so he can only be taught by him as a senior.

"Uncle? Which uncle?"

Chen Zhuo didn't carry his back belt today, he put his hands in his hands, his neck was shrunk, he was dressed thickly, and his evil looks were exposed. If he didn't have a quack air on his body, he would have looked like those bandits blocking the way.

Zuo Zongsheng was not much better, he shrank his head, the wind was too strong, and the snow was thick, and when he stretched his neck, the cold frost and white snow all burrowed into his neck, "Li Cunyi, Uncle Li, and our master are close friends." , you have to keep it in mind in the future, don't be negligent, maybe you can get a few hands of the true biography, your monkey frame came from Uncle Li."

Chen Zhuo responded, his face was still a little pale, but it became even paler after being blown by the small wind.

Zuo Zongsheng glanced at him with a half-smile, "Look at you, I'm afraid you lost your energy and blood after practicing kung fu last night. When you go back later, grab two medicines and buy a few big pieces of meat. Remember to kill them now. Go back and get some water to boil and eat two meals to recover. Also, from now on, you will move to live in the single house in the southwest corner of the backyard, if you want to make a fuss, get out of here, and don't disturb the teacher and the others."


As soon as last night was mentioned, Chen Zhuo's face was a little unnatural, and he looked away guiltily.

There was heavy snowfall, and there were rows of ice skates hanging under the eaves along the way, and the overflowing smoke and smoke drifted in from afar, making Chen Zhuo a little uncomfortable with the smoke, and he didn't know what he was cooking. of.

"Why? The man licking blood on the knife edge can't smell stewed?"

Zuo Zongsheng was amused.

Chen Zhuo's eyes fell on the archway of a shop named "Yutai Tea House" on the side of the street. After a few more glances, he said calmly, "During the famine that year, I met a seller in a dilapidated town. A rice meat shop. I was very hungry at the time, and I only thought that rice meat was beef, mutton, and livestock. The things on the meat stall had already been picked out, leaving only a pair of intestines and a piece of meat. The heart of Xuecihula is on hold, and when I spend all my money to buy it, the boss cooks it and slices it up, and someone else laughs and tells me what rice meat is."

What he said was calm and breezy, Zuo Zongsheng on the side couldn't laugh anymore.

"Did you eat?"

He stared at Chen Zhuo with eyes that could kill.

Chen Zhuo didn't look at him, his eyes drooped, "No way, I didn't eat, I just killed all the people who sell and buy meat in that town, and that was the first time I felt murderous. With the thought of killing, I clenched the knife tightly, after that, when I kill people, I don't like to disembowel, but only chop off the head."

He suddenly smiled, with a weird smile, "When I was in Jinmen, I heard people say that I saw a person who was beheaded with a blunt knife on the execution ground, and I would not be able to eat meat for three months. But I hunted it the next day." A hungry tiger ate and vomited, vomited and ate again, because if I didn’t eat, I would starve to death, I vomited more than 20 times before I swallowed the meat, and finally I thought of a way to stop chewing.”

What he said, even Zuo Zongsheng felt an inexplicable chill in his heart, and his body was cold, but seeing Chen Zhuo's crying and smiling appearance, his heart softened, and he felt a little bit sorry for this junior brother Come.

Although he started early, he was much older than Chen Zhuo, but following Wang Wu, his master was there to carry him through the wind and waves, even when he fought with others, he seldom fought to the death. Now, listening to Chen Zhuo talk about these cruel experiences, he was really shocked.

On the contrary, Chen Zhuo had already calmed down, his tone returned to normal, and he said with a warm smile: "I also made up my mind to practice martial arts and swords at that time. Since I broke into this world, I should do something... neither sad nor bitter Go ahead, kill everything in the world!"

Let's talk and do it.

"Tsk tsk tsk, incredible."

Unexpectedly, a surprised voice came out from beside the two of them.

It was an old man with gray temples, looking gentle and kind, wearing a black coat and gray gown, a melon cap, cuffs sewn with snow-white velvet, with his hands in his mouth, and a pair of dioramas, walking around briskly. The two wandered around in the snow, but they couldn't see the footprints where they passed.

When Zuo Zongsheng saw the person coming, he bowed his hands and said, "Uncle Cheng!"

He turned his head and greeted Chen Zhuo again: "This is Master Cheng Tinghua from the Eight Diagrams Sect, call me!"

Chen Zhuo cupped his fists and imitated the example, "Boy Chen Zhuo, I have met Master!"

The old man looked at him a few more times, "Your master has finally accepted a domineering guy, you need to know that it is not enough to just walk the road of chivalry. There are Bodhisattvas in the monk temple, but there are also kings who are angry. Not bad, not bad..."

As the old man was talking, he pouted at the two of them suddenly, and saw more and more people on the street, swarming towards Xishikou.

"Why, don't you two join in the fun?"

"So many people get up early, what are they doing?"

Chen Zhuo was puzzled.

Zuo Zongsheng shrunk his neck and said with a sneer: "What can I do, most likely I want to ask and behead those assassins last night. The end. And the White Lotus Sect has always been the master of rebellion and treason since ancient times. This time it is caught, and it is estimated that it will not be easy to die. Maybe it will be tortured before dark."

Cheng Tinghua smiled kindly. Seeing Chen Zhuo's strong wrist bones, he wondered, "You made the saber technique different from your master's, right?"

Chen Zhuo replied truthfully: "No, I practiced sword skills in Guanzhong."

"Guanzhong Quick Knife?"

Cheng Tinghua's eyes brightened, "Okay, since we don't want to join in the fun, let's go to the teahouse and sit down, don't talk about these things on the street, so as not to cause a commotion."

(End of this chapter)

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