Chapter 8 Trouble

"Come on, the pot is high, the old rules, and bring me two roast ducks, as well as roast leg of lamb, chicken with belly, and then go to the meat stall to buy half a fan of fragrant meat, no seasoning, boiled in water Just bring it up..."

In the teahouse, while climbing the building, Cheng Tinghua greeted the waiter who came up with a smile, and took out three pieces of Longyang and handed them over.

Chen Zhuo followed Zuo Zongsheng's ass, looking at the harmless old man in front of him, he really couldn't connect this man with the master of the "Baguamen".

Cheng Tinghua.

He is the same person as Yin Fu, both of whom are direct disciples of Dong Haichuan, the originator of "Baguazhang". He has been famous in Dongwumen since he was young. He is a veritable top master who lives up to his name, and he is also a teacher and friend with Li Cunyi, a life-and-death friend.

Sure enough, it was unusual, even though he was old, he still had such a big appetite.

The reason why Chen Zhuo was so surprised was because when ordinary people get old and frail, their body functions will naturally decline, their stomach digestion will decrease, and their appetite will decrease day by day. From big fish and meat to clear soup and white porridge, it is to reduce the burden on the stomach , besides the teeth fall off, chewing can not be chewed, how can you miss the meat and fish.

However, the aging process of warriors takes longer. Some people can swallow air into the throat with breathing methods, strengthen the five internal organs with different breathing techniques, and even produce various changes when the breath passes through the stomach, causing the stomach to tremble or wriggle. Over time, the stomach will become stronger.

It is said that if the inner strength is practiced through the whole body, you don’t need to chew food. You only need to use the inner strength secretly to smash the food, and the speed of digestion is greatly accelerated. After a battle, you can replenish the lost blood in a short time.

This is the trick of Neijiaquan to swallow energy and generate energy. What is developed is internal energy. If the five internal organs are strong, the heart and lungs are vigorous, the energy and blood will naturally grow stronger, and it is something that all schools stick to.

Chen Zhuo has only relied on what Wang Wu taught him over the years to explore a little bit. As for the sword technique, it is completely honed from fighting.

Not long after the three sat down, the guy came over with tea and snacks.

Cheng Tinghua grabbed a handful of peanuts, glanced at the movement outside the building by the window, crushed the peanut shell with his fingertips, threw a peanut into his mouth, and said gently: "I heard that you also have the unique skill of hitting rocks ?”

This question stunned Chen Zhuo for a moment, "I crossed the Guandong earlier, and there was nothing to eat on the way. I saw someone hunting with a bow and arrow, so I just picked up two pebbles and imitated it. At first, nine out of ten missed, but I was very hungry, so I had to force myself to learn how to open the bow, and one day I didn’t know how to get the hang of it. Gradually, the head became more and more accurate, fishing in the water, hunting birds in the mountains, Just survived."

"Can you know the key by looking at the bow and looking at the arrow?"

Cheng Tinghua's eyes flashed, he sighed in his heart, and smiled at Zuo Zongsheng: "This child is so talented, could it be that your master raised him from childhood to pass on the mantle?"

When mentioning this matter, Zuo Zongsheng replied rather embarrassedly: "Master, to be honest, Master, the old man and his younger brother only met once in Guanzhong, and the current climate is all due to the tenacity of my younger brother." , I broke through step by step by myself."

Cheng Tinghua paused for chewing peanuts, and now he was even more surprised, but then he thought about it, "Maybe this is not a bad thing, chances and fortunes, each has its own destiny, if your master accepts you at that time, you may die in your life." You are just following his path, following behind him, and now this is the path you have walked out on your own, after hard work, you have already shown your edge, and your future is bound to be limitless."

How could Chen Zhuo fail to understand the truth, "Thank you, Master, for your advice!"

Cheng Tinghua laughed happily and said: "Hehe, I think you two boys came to bump into me on purpose today. You didn't come early, and you didn't come late. It just happened to happen."

Zuo Zongsheng laughed when he heard the words, and hurriedly got up to refill tea for the old man, "How can it be, my junior brother has just entered Beijing and is not familiar with the place of life, so I just want to take him out to see the world. Drink tea!"

Cheng Tinghua smiled when he heard the words, thought about it for a while, and after swallowing the peanuts in his mouth, he looked at Chen Zhuo again, "Seeing this piece of jade like you, I really feel itchy, even my disciples are afraid that no one can do it." Compete with you in talent."

The street downstairs suddenly became lively at this moment, and the tea drinkers in the building also rushed out.

The sun was rising in the east, and both sides were surrounded by traffickers and pawns, each of them was looking at the other side, but they were waiting for the white lotus demon who was about to be paraded through the street before the execution, wanting to see the excitement.

It is said that Coach Bailian possesses magical powers all over her body, but she is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and now is the time to tell the truth from the fake.

There was a lot of noise outside the building, but the three people inside the building sat still. Cheng Tinghua continued: "I see that although your breath has a rhythm, it is more than strong and fierce, but not flexible. I think it is a self-exploration." , This is not right, your face is yellow and your lips are white, and your breath is like an arrow, going straight, and you may develop a dark illness over time."

Chen Zhuo nodded, "I found this breathing method from an opponent when I was in the Kanto region. I feel a dull pain in my liver."

Zuo Zongsheng couldn't sit still, his face changed, and he was about to speak, but he saw Cheng Tinghua took Chen Zhuo's wrist leisurely, felt his pulse, and said after a while: "It's okay, it's just that the liver qi is damaged, and the qi and blood are weak." Loss. Forget it, since your master is not here, then I, my uncle, will guide you. I don’t have many things I can offer. Since you are practicing saber techniques, we will pass on both of them to you."

Hearing that Cheng Lao was willing to pass on the gossip, Zuo Zongsheng was immediately excited, and hurriedly reminded: "What are you doing just sitting around? Why don't you kowtow to thank Master!"

Before Chen Zhuo could react, Cheng Tinghua waved his hand, looked out of the window again, and then said earnestly: "Kowtow and so on will be avoided, this kid is dull and doesn't like to behave well, I just want you to abide by your principles Heart, remember the trials and hardships of the past, practice hard, and never make mistakes and do things that you regret.”

Chen Zhuo nodded solemnly, with a serious face, "Thank you, Uncle, Chen Zhuo will remember it in his heart."

After the gossip was exhausted, the buddy who went out had already squeezed through the crowd with the meat and meat he bought, and returned to the teahouse.

After a while, it was cut and brought up.

Mr. Cheng couldn't wait to pick up a piece of mutton, and said before the entrance: "I can pass on the vigorous momentum to you later. As for the palm and footwork, go to my optician's shop more tomorrow, not twice a day." God can learn."


Chen Zhuo took a sip of the tea in front of him, as if he didn't feel thirst quenched, he opened his mouth and took another sip, like a cow chewing a peony, swallowing even the tea leaves, Cheng Tinghua shook his head while watching.

"Don't just watch me eat, it's for the two of you, come on, use your chopsticks!"

But Cheng Tinghua regretted it after he greeted him, Zuo Zongsheng didn't care, at least he could taste something salty, but Chen Zhuo on the opposite side was flying with his chopsticks, he didn't even chew the meaty taste, he swallowed it alive, and hurriedly told him to stop .

It is only said that the three of them were chatting and eating, when a few figures in white robes suddenly came in from the teahouse, all of them went up to the second floor with vigorous steps, and came to the window facing the street, looking at the prison cars approaching in the distance, their eyes sparkled, The killing sprang up.

Chen Zhuo picked up the chopsticks and held a plate of peanuts between them. Seeing this situation, he looked at the other party twice, not wanting to cause trouble by this look.

"Boy, look at your mother again, be careful that I have found your trick, get out of here quickly, or you will make grandpa and me angry..."

(End of this chapter)

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