Daming talker

Chapter 615: After Organization comes Propaganda

Chapter 615: After Organization comes Propaganda

After teasing Zhao Zhigao from a high position, Lin Tailai asked curiously, "Who are these two people?"

Zhao Zhigao replied: "Qi Shichen and Ke Ting."

What the hell! Lin Tailai was also surprised, "Why are they the two?"

These two people are not earth-shattering figures, nor have they done anything great, but they are quite famous.

The main reason is that these two were given nicknames, which are particularly loud and impressive.

Six or seven years ago, a long time ago, the focus of the court struggle was not the foundation of the country, but the location of the emperor's longevity palace.

As for the two sides of the struggle, they are the "Three Red Men Against Zhang Juzheng" who have already lost power and Prime Minister Shen who is still alive.

At that time, the Prime Minister Shen Shixing resolutely chose Dayu Mountain as the site because this was the place decided by Shen Erye's father-in-law, the former Minister of Rites.

The "Three Red Men" who opposed Shen Shixing were firmly opposed to Dayu Mountain, using the excuse that there were huge rocks underground which was unlucky.

At that time, Lin Tailai had not yet entered the court. The main thugs on Prime Minister Shen's side were the Imperial Censor Qi Shichen and the Censor Ke Ting, who could be called the two generals.

Qi Shichen had previously protected his teacher Zhang Juzheng Zhang Taiyue, and later helped Prime Minister Shen to defend Dayu Mountain.

As a result, he was insulted as "Qi Ren Qi Baoshan", and from then on he was also known as Qi Baoshan, or Baoshan Jieshi.

Ke Ting said in front of the emperor: "If there is a stone under the Dayu cave, I dare to take the blame myself!"

As a result, he was given the nickname Shi Gan Dang, also known as Gan Dang Censor.

The court was full of respectable people, and giving people nicknames was not common. These two nicknames were the best in recent years, comparable to the nickname "Gu Family Class" that Lin Tailai gave to Gu Xiancheng's circle.

"How come you are familiar with these two?" Lin Tailai still found it incredible. These two should be the Prime Minister's diehard supporters, right?

Zhao Zhigao answered truthfully: "During the 15th year of Wanli's reign, the then Prime Minister seemed to be considering leaving.

So they were both very worried and came to me for help, and after a while, we became familiar with each other.”

Lin Tailai recalled that it was the Qingliu forces who came to his hometown of Suzhou to cause trouble and used the governor as an undercover agent, which almost made the Prime Minister want to give up his job.

In the end, he had to start a civil uprising, force the prefect and the governor to death, and severely injure the imperial envoy, before he could settle the matter.

Lin Tailai asked again: "What are their current official positions?"

Zhao Zhigao continued to answer, "Qi Shichen has a longer career and is already the Junior Secretary of the Ministry of Rites, the same position as you.

But his assignment was rather unconventional, he was the superintendent of the Four Barbarians' Hall, and he could only manage a hundred or so interpreters and translators."

After working in the imperial court for so long, this was the first time that Lin Tailai encountered an official position like "Superintendent of the Four Barbarians Hall" in reality.

Subconsciously, I said, "Isn't this a rare position that only the protagonist can have?"

Zhao Zhigao: "."

Lin Jiuyuan, what are you talking about? Can you be more polite? No one has ever offended you.

Even if you are of noble status and look down upon this kind of official position, you can just think about it in your heart. Why make sarcastic remarks?
Lin Tailai explained: "Don't get me wrong, I really think the Admiralty of the Four Barbarians has a bright future!
If the Emperor had not approved the establishment of the Communications Department, I would have wanted to personally take charge of the Siyi Hall.”

Zhao Zhigao continued: "As for Shi Gan Dang and Ke Ting, they have relatively little experience, having served as censors since the 13th year of the Wanli reign.

Now that I have completed my six-year term, it is time for me to be examined again. I am at a critical juncture in my official career.”

Suspicious Lin Tailai kept asking, "They also contributed back then, why didn't they go to Prime Minister Shen?"

Although Lin Tailai felt that there was an urgent need to strengthen organizational construction, he would not recruit people casually, and would rather have nothing than have the wrong person.

Zhao Zhigao answered very frankly: "How can I describe Prime Minister Shen's attitude? In the past two years, he has let the middle-level officials go and doesn't seem to care much about them.

Otherwise, Qi Shichen would not have ended up with the job of superintendent of the Siyi Pavilion.

Seeing Qi Shichen's current situation, Ke Ting is now even more worried.

After all, after Lu Guangzu became the Left Censor-in-Chief, most of the internal inspections of the Censorate were controlled by the enemy. "

The officialdom is like this, with its connections crisscrossing and one move affecting the entire body.

Lin Tailai thought for a while and did not continue to talk about the two famous people, Qi Baoshan and Shi Gandang. Instead, he asked Zhao Zhigao about Prime Minister Shen.

"You are in the cabinet, and you are with the Prime Minister day and night. What is his current state?"

This question was of great importance. Zhao Zhigao thought about it again and again before expressing his own judgment:
“Although the Prime Minister has been shouting about resigning in recent years, it’s actually okay.

The Prime Minister has rarely mentioned resigning in the past year, but he may really be thinking about leaving.”

Zhao Zhigao then elaborated on his own judgment in more detail: "From the events of Qi Baoshan and Shi Gan Dang, we can see some clues.

Under normal circumstances, as long as one sits in the position of Prime Minister, he will definitely focus a lot of energy on cultivating his own party members. This is a necessary step to maintain his own power.

The fact that Prime Minister Shen is so lazy in even supporting his followers shows that his fighting spirit and enterprising spirit have begun to dissipate. "

Lin Tailai sighed and said, "People like Prime Minister Shen will not be easily influenced by others.

Whether he stays or leaves, we should be prepared for both scenarios.

If he continues to stay, we welcome him. If he really wants to leave the court, this is a dangerous place.”

Having said that, Lin Tailai suddenly reached out and patted Old Man Zhao on the shoulder.

Then he said meaningfully: "Neither of the two kings can last long, you should encourage yourself!"

The political situation will remain extremely turbulent and chaotic in the next two years. If Shen Shixing continues to serve as prime minister, he may still be able to control the situation.

It would not work if it were anyone else. Neither Wang Xijue nor Wang Jiaping had the ability to reconcile Ding Nai.

Here it comes again! Here it comes again! Zhao Zhigao rolled his eyes. It was the big pie of "You should encourage yourself" again!
However, this pie is becoming less and less like a picture. Is it really being realized step by step?

If Prime Minister Shen no longer wants to do his job, the next candidates for Prime Minister will definitely be Wang Er or Wang San.

From what Lin Tailai said, even if Wang Er and Wang San became prime ministers, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long?
Then doesn't it mean that Zhao Si, who is already 68 years old, has a chance to reach the top in his lifetime?
Lin Tailai returned to the topic and said, "It's a bit difficult to arrange the two people you recommended today.

After all, Prime Minister Shen hasn't retired yet, so why don't we just take over his followers? "

Zhao Zhigao's attitude suddenly became much firmer, and he said without hesitation:

"This is called a thousand-gold market for horse bones! It's not just for recruiting people, it's also for others to see!
If Prime Minister Shen leaves the country in the future, his followers will know how to choose! "

Lin Tailai: "."

He just predicted a possibility. Why are you, old man Zhao, still looking forward to it?
I really didn't expect that old man Zhao, who had been playing Buddhism for many years, would actually have a little ambition in his heart.

Aren’t you worried about what would happen if Prime Minister Shen saw it as a provocation?

Zhao Zhigao advised again: "After my inspection, I found that these two people are quite capable and can be used if they are brought in.

It's just that in recent years they have been burdened by nicknames and ostracized, resulting in less than satisfactory development.

Moreover, they believe that if they turn to you, it won't be considered surrendering to the enemy, and the Prime Minister probably won't be really angry." Lin Tailai first gave a sweet date, "I was ordered to set up the Communications Department of the Ministry of War. Now we are short of officials, so naturally we welcome talents to join us.

As for the two people you recommended, I'll find a chance to personally inspect them.

After all, I have been too busy recently, and the right time may come at any time. "

Zhao Zhigao, who had been paying close attention to Lin Tailai's movements, asked, "What is the next priority? Setting up a communications department?"

Lin Tailai smiled and said: “The establishment of a communications department is certainly important, but it is an ongoing process and not the most urgent matter at the moment.

The organizational construction work has been deployed tonight, and the next thing to focus on is of course the public opinion propaganda work.

The focus of this work is implementation, and the focus of implementation is specific actions. We must grasp the focus of work in specific actions."

Zhao Zhigao said helplessly: "Can you tell me in plain language?"

Lin Tailai instructed: "We must publicize my martial arts in the capital with great fanfare, and change the cymbals played at the prisoner-surrendering ceremony to my lyrics! This is my most urgent task at the moment!"

Zhao Zhigao didn't understand at all. In his opinion, the ceremonial cymbals were a trivial matter, just a background accompaniment.

Moreover, Lin Tailai’s martial arts have already been rewarded, so continuing to promote his martial arts is a bit redundant and meaningless.

Lin Tailai said vaguely: "How can you say it is meaningless? On the contrary, it is very important and will even affect next year."

Anyway, Zhao Zhigao had no idea what Lin Tailai's intentions were.

But over the years, Zhao Zhigao has developed the good habit of "executing what he understands and executing what he doesn't understand."

At this time, he responded smoothly: "I will keep an eye on it in the cabinet and try my best to delay the draft related to the prisoner surrender ceremony until you are satisfied."

The next day, after arriving at Wenyuan Pavilion, Zhao Zhigao informed the Prime Minister Shen Shixing.

"Lin Jiuyuan wanted to change the gong song for the prisoner presentation ceremony, but the Taichang Temple disagreed.

So he hoped that the cabinet would temporarily put aside the draft of the prisoner offering ceremony and wait for his action. "

After a moment's thought, Shen Shixing said with certainty, "Lin Tailai is here to find material for the emperor to rob again."

Those who opposed the revision of the cymbals song must have been members of the Qingliu Party. The new cymbals song written by Lin Tailai must have also flattered the emperor.

Next, Lin Tailai will definitely continue to make trouble and hype up the matter.

Then he submitted a petition, bringing the case to the emperor and giving him a chance to make a ruling.

They were all old routines and tricks, and Prime Minister Shen could see through them at a glance.

Sure enough, over the next two days, the news that Lin Tailai wanted to change the cymbals and was rejected by the Taichang Temple somehow spread throughout the officialdom of the capital.

It was just a small thing, but it spread quickly.

Most people were just watching the fun, but some individuals felt that an opportunity had arisen.

Shi Xing, the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of War, had just completed his term of office and, as per custom, he came to the Ministry of Personnel to visit the officials.

As one of the five successors of the retro school evaluated by Wang Shizhen himself, Shi Xing certainly had a very good relationship with Wang Shizhen.

Sitting in the main hall of the inner courtyard of the Ministry of Personnel, Shi Xing put down his teacup and said to Wang Shizhen: "Old leader! It's time to hold a meeting!"

Wang Shizhen was very dissatisfied and criticized: "In this court, one must be called by his position!"

Shi Xing responded, "Yes, yes! Old Prime Minister!"

Wang Shizhen was satisfied and asked, "What conference?"

Shi Xing was stunned. "Old leader, are you pretending to be stupid or are you old and confused? What kind of conference can we talk about?"
Then I could only helplessly remind him: "Of course it's the literary conference."

"Oh, it turns out to be a literary conference." Wang Shizhen patted his forehead, feeling slightly embarrassed after suddenly realizing what was going on.

I almost forgot that I also serve as the leader of the literary world.

It’s all Shi Xing’s fault. He just said that the conference was too brief and I didn’t associate it with the literary world.

Wang Tianguan added: "Didn't we hold an event last year? The theme was to wish Lin Jiuyuan a happy battle. Afterwards, I heard that Lin Jiuyuan was quite satisfied."

Shi Xing sighed. The old senior's attention to literary work had visibly declined.

“In recent years, literary conferences are mostly held every two years.

The last literary conference was held in Suzhou in the 17th year of the Wanli reign, when the New Literary League was founded.

As for last year, it could only be considered the Beijing branch of the New Literary League, and even the first vice-chairman did not participate.
This year, the 19th year of the Wanli reign, should be the authentic literary conference."

Wang Tianguan looked at Shi Xing in surprise. You are the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of War, why are you still thinking about literary affairs every day?
After some thought, Wang Tianguan felt that the literary conference would affect his work.

Relying on his years of experience, he pointed out that the current conditions for holding the conference are not mature.

“It’s not easy to do it in the capital, after all, most of the literary centers are in the south, and many literary figures are also in the south.

Besides, the year is already halfway through. If a conference is suddenly held in the capital without any prior notice, I am afraid that the number of participants will be limited. How can it be called a conference?"

Shi Xing asked back, "Does it matter how many people come?"

Wang Tianguan was extremely puzzled. Could it be that his thinking had become rigid and he was not as flexible as the younger generation like Shi Xing?

Shi Xing said in a resounding voice: "It doesn't matter how many people come, what matters is that Lin Jiuyuan is there!

And right now Lin Jiuyuan needs a literary conference, old leader... no, old prime minister, you have to give Lin Jiuyuan a chance to show up!"

Wang Tianguan: “.”

So you've been talking about the Tiantan Conference for half a day, but in the end it was all about Lin Jiuyuan?
After thinking about it, Wang Tianguan felt that what Shi Xing said made sense and the literary conference should indeed be held.

Even if the conditions are not ripe, we have to do it for Lin Jiuyuan.

But I really feel that literary conferences are boring, and I don’t have the same enthusiasm as I did in the past.

After a moment of silence, Wang Tianguan sighed deeply and decided that if things didn't work out, he should just abdicate and let the younger generation take over.

As he thought about it, he casually said, "Next month is August, so we can hold the literary conference around the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Shi Xing said, "We can't hold the meeting during the Mid-Autumn Festival. We have to hold it before the prisoner presentation ceremony!"

Wang Tianguan finally understood how dedicated Shi Xing, the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of War, was to the literary conference.

After all, he is an old friend whom I have known for twenty years. There is no need to block other people's opportunities.

Then Wang Tianguan said, "When Lin Tailai goes to the Ministry of Personnel for his turn, I will talk to him about this.

If he has no objection, you can organize it. I am old and can no longer spare much energy. "

(End of this chapter)

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