Daming talker

Chapter 616: Stop pretending, let’s show off

Chapter 616: Stop pretending, let’s show off

In the afternoon, Lin Tai came to the Ministry of Personnel's Examination and Reward Department to handle affairs, and was then invited over by Wang Tianguan.

"Should we convene an urgent literary conference?" After thinking for a moment, Lin Tailai said without question, "We should definitely do it!"

Wang Tianguan was a little surprised. He thought Lin Tailai would be like him and would not be interested in the literary conference.

After all, since taking on the concurrent post of the Ministry of Examination last year, Lin Tailai's power and authority have grown, and he has been in charge of more affairs, becoming a real powerful figure.

If Lin Tailai needed to borrow the power of others before, now he himself is a powerful official.

How can we maintain our original love for literature under the corruption of power?
Wang Tianguan couldn't help but reflect on himself. Was it that Lin Tailai's realm was too high? Or was it that his realm was too low?
At this time, I heard Lin Tailai give an important instruction: "Literature must keep pace with the times and actively reflect the spirit of the times.

Over the past year, the most important thing for the court has been the victory in the Northwest War, so the theme of this literary conference can be set as a triumphant song! "

Wang Tianguan also couldn't understand it and looked at Lin Tailai with a strange look.

What victory song? Isn't it just bragging about your achievements of winning seven battles in a row and being the first to capture the city?
You are a noble scholar, why are you so obsessed with showing off your martial arts? Is this of any benefit to you at the moment?
Aren’t you afraid that the emperor will misunderstand that you are dissatisfied with the reward?

However, Shi Xing, the Left Vice Minister of the Ministry of War, who should have been concerned with military affairs, always wanted to engage in literature, which was exactly the opposite.

Lin Tailai understood other people's doubts very well, but he didn't know what to explain.

You can't make a prediction out of thin air and say that there will be a second game next year, right?
Next time, I don’t want to be just a military supervisor!

If I have to find ways to undermine the governor every time, it will be very tiring and have a bad influence. I might as well just become the governor myself.

Now, constantly promoting martial arts is equivalent to repeated brainwashing, firmly engraving the image of oneself as an invincible god of war in other people's minds.

When the war breaks out again next year, everyone from the emperor to the court officials will naturally think of me and trust me.

"Actually, united front work is also very important." Unable to explain, Lin Tailai decided to find some reasons to fool others.

"The Literary Conference is not only a propaganda conference, but also a united front conference.

The Qingliu Party members will definitely not participate in our literary conference, so in other words, anyone who is willing to attend the conference is someone we can unite with!
Is there any other way to identify people who can be united so quickly and in large numbers?
Although we cannot rule out the existence of undercover spies, we should not throw the baby out with the bathwater.”

The more Lin Tailai talked, the more it sounded like the truth, and even he began to believe it.

But Wang Tianguan, who is experienced, has experienced many ups and downs in life, and is worldly-wise, just wants to say, just savor it.

Lin Tailai finally said very conscientiously: "It's settled, go ahead and do it."

Anyway, he is mainly responsible for giving instructions and emphasizing important points, and the specific work is of course done by others.

His time and energy are valuable and should be put into more important tasks.

Wang Tianguan said, "I suggest that Shi Xing, the left assistant minister of the Ministry of War, be in charge of the literary conference."

Lin Tailai asked with some doubt: "I don't have much contact with Shi Shao Sima. Can he realize the importance of the literary conference?"

Wang Tianguan spoke highly of Shi Xing, "When Shi Xing talked to me about the literary conference this morning, he emphasized two points.

First, the literary conference must be held before the prisoner presentation ceremony, and this time cannot be changed.

Second, in the name of the literary conference, the participants were organized to jointly request the court to replace the cymbals used in the prisoner presentation ceremony.

So there is absolutely no problem with his understanding of the literary conference."

"Very good!" Lin Tailai praised.

Isn’t this the significance of his dominance in the literary world and his establishment of the New Literary League?

Use the literary world as a tool of public opinion to counter the public opinion hegemony of the Qingliu forces.

Then Lin Tailai said earnestly: "Originally, I can solve the problem of changing the cymbals myself.

But looking at the current situation, it is not easy to discourage everyone's enthusiasm and initiative to participate.

So I, the first vice-chairman of the New Literary League, agreed to let Shi Xing organize the literary conference."

Just after he finished discussing the organization of the literary conference with Wang Tianguan, someone from the Ministry of War came running over and reported that the Minister of War Wang Yi'e invited Lin Tailai to come over.

Lin Tailai guessed that the imperial approval for the plan to set up the Communications Department of the Ministry of War might have come down.

Apart from this, he has no other business relationship with the Ministry of War recently.

So Lin Tailai, who was busy with work, got up and said goodbye, leaving the Ministry of Personnel and going to the Ministry of War.

Wang Tianguan looked at Lin Tailai's back and couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

Where has the passionate young man who was not afraid of authority, brave enough to challenge and full of spirit gone?
Before he knew it, he had turned into a greasy official speaking official language.

After coming out of the Ministry of Personnel, just turn a corner and you will reach the Ministry of War.

Lin Tailai strode with his head held high and walked straight into the White Tiger Hall, no, the main hall of the Ministry of War.

Minister of War Wang Yi'e invited Lin Tailai to sit down, served him tea, and said straight to the point: "The plan to build a new communications department has been approved by the emperor and sent back to the Ministry of War."

This means that the Communications Department, which was decided to be established last year but has only existed on paper, will finally be implemented.

Lin Tailai, the doctor of the Communications Department of the Ministry of War, will no longer be an empty title.

It’s not the court’s fault for being inefficient. After all, Lin Tailai went off to fight, and it was not convenient for others to intervene and take his place.

Although Lin Tailai had no experience in building a new government office, he had seen pigs run in his previous life even if he had not eaten pork.

According to the plan, the first step must be to set up a preparatory work leadership group.

Lin Tailai, the doctor of the Communications Department, must be the leader of the team, and he will then find two deputy leaders, four team members, and a number of clerks and everything will be ready!
These identities in the preparatory group correspond one by one to the future Yuanwailang, Zhushi, and Liyuan.

As for specific matters, most of them can be handed over to the deputy team leader and team members.

Lin Tailai's time and energy are precious and should be focused on more important work.

After casually glancing at the imperial edict, Lin Tailai asked Grand Marshal Wang, "It's been half a month since we've talked about this. When will the Ministry of War vacate the yard?"

Sima Wang asked in return: "When did the Ministry of War agree to provide an office space for the Communications Department?

I have always suggested that the Communications Department is a special office that requires high confidentiality and should operate independently.

The Ministry of War has too many people and eyes, and is not suitable as the office space for the Communications Department."

If it were someone else, they might think of incorporating the Communications Department into the existing system of the Ministry of War to increase its authority.

But Wang Yi'e did not have such extravagant hopes. Lin Tailai was a troublemaker, and the Communications Department would do troublesome things in the future. He did not want to cause trouble for himself.

Besides, if Lin Tailai is allowed to enter the Ministry of War, it is hard to say who will seize power from whom.

Lin Tailai is not a man who is content with his lot. If he causes a commotion, it will affect the normal operations of the Ministry of War.

As a low-key technical official, Wang Da Sima really didn't want to work with someone as restless as Lin Tailai. Seeing Wang Da Sima's resistance, Lin Tailai couldn't help but slam the table and said, "The Ministry of War's Communications Department has no place in the Ministry of War. This is simply absurd!"

Grand Marshal Wang said without giving up an inch of land: "Although the Ministry of War occupies a large area, its responsibilities are complicated and there is no place that is redundant!

You insist on asking the Ministry of War for a place, which is really unreasonable! This department will report this to the court separately to explain this situation!"

"So what if I submit a memorial to the imperial court? Would I, Lin Tailai, be afraid?

If I, a military doctor, cannot be a member of the military department, how can I survive in the martial arts world if the news gets out?"

Grand Marshal Wang said angrily, "If you insist on moving into the Ministry of War to work, and there is really no other place to do so, then use this main hall! I, the Shangshu, will make room for you!"

Lin Tailai snorted coldly, "How dare you, a highly respected Grand Marshal like you, imitate Prime Minister Shen's speech?"

Wang Da Sima: “.”

Does the Prime Minister often get so angry at you that he says this?

So, does what you said, Lin Tailai, count as exposing the Prime Minister's secret?

Lin Tailai carefully looked around, as if he was really considering the feasibility of working in the main hall of the Ministry of War.

Wang Da Sima's heart tightened. No way? You, Lin Tailai, are not really that reckless?

After taking a look, Lin Tailai shook his head and said with disdain: "Forget it, I don't want your main hall anymore. You can exchange it for thirty ships."

The turn was too abrupt, jumpy and stiff, and Wang Dasima failed to catch it.

What do thirty ships have to do with office space?
Lin Tailai explained: "Aren't the quotas for merchant ships going to sea approved by our Ministry of War?
It just so happened that we in Suzhou recently opened up a sea route, and many Jiangnan businessmen were ready to invest in maritime trade, and even the Suzhou Weaving Bureau showed interest.

This trend can be combined with the business of the Communications Department to achieve mutual benefits.

I saw that Fujian approved 80 ships last year, so we don’t ask for a higher quota, 30 will be enough.”

According to the system of that era, merchant ships did need approval from the Ministry of War to go to sea, and the annual amount was fixed.

Lin Tailai emphasized: "Give me a quota for merchant ships to go out to sea, and I will not set up the Communications Department in the Ministry of War!"

Wang Dasima had an inexplicable feeling that he was being blackmailed?

You, Lin Tailai, have been insisting on entering the Ministry of War, but it turns out that it was just bluffing?
The real purpose is to seduce me to strongly oppose and then extort benefits?

Thinking of this, Wang Da Sima felt unhappy and couldn't help but said sarcastically:

"Why bother applying for a quota for going out to sea when you can just smuggle directly? It's really unnecessary."

Who doesn't know what the background and moral character of those so-called businessmen are?

Maybe he is a relative of yours, Lin Tailai. Don’t say that a local tyrant like you, Lin Tailai, doesn’t have the courage to engage in smuggling!

Now that the matter was out in the open, Lin Tailai was not the type to be timid and hide his feelings. He responded to Wang Da Sima:
"You can't say that. Has Da Sima been away from the grassroots for too long and doesn't understand how the grassroots do things?
For example, Fujian has a quota of 80 ships, but in reality there may be more than 800. But the government troops can pretend to be confused and treat any ship as one with a guide.

But the problem is that we don’t even have a quota for one ship in Jiangnan. As long as a merchant ship goes out to sea, it must be smuggling. The coastal government troops can’t pretend to be ignorant!

Therefore, it is very necessary to apply for a quota of 30 ships as a cover."

Wang Yi'e hesitated for a moment and then said, "Nanzhili is the foundation of the country. It is a matter of great importance. We should not make decisions rashly."

Lin Tai said, "Then I will make a decision for you, Sima?"

Wang Yi’e: “…”

You don’t even have to pretend, right?
Then Wang Da Sima looked at Lin Tailai deeply and suddenly said, "You are very courageous."

In the national system, the defense of the areas around Nanjing was extremely strict, including river defense and coastal defense.

For example, the establishment of the Maritime Customs was successively set up in Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong, but not in the more economically developed Jiangzuo region, mainly for security reasons.

Lin Tailai organized the dredging of the old course of the lower reaches of the Wusong River and opened up Suzhou's access to the sea, which was actually politically risky.

If something like the Japanese invasion happened again and the enemy marched straight into the heart of Jiangnan from the sea, Lin Tailai would definitely bear the greatest responsibility for it.

So in the eyes of the cautious and conservative Wang Dasima, although Lin Tailai is restless, he is still very decisive in doing things.

The next day, Lin Tailai began looking for the office address of the Future Communications Department.

This was the first time to independently "build a government office" and it might also be the future personal government affairs center. Lin Tailai attached great importance to the office address of the Communications Bureau. He was not confident in letting others choose the site, so he did it himself.

There were government offices scattered throughout the capital city, but the most concentrated area was in the southern part of the imperial city, which is the area around the square in later generations.

Five of the six ministries, the Five Military Commissioners' Offices, and the Embroidered Uniform Guard are all here, which can be said to be the core area of ​​the outer court. In addition, there are a large and small government offices.

The layout here was determined during the Yongle Dynasty. There are no scattered independent courtyards here, all of them are "large courtyards".

In other words, a yamen is a large compound, and it has been so for the past 170 years.

Therefore, if a newly established government office like the Communications Department wanted to stay in the southern area of ​​the Imperial City, there would definitely be no space to build a new "compound" of its own.

Then the only way is to squeeze in with other government offices and carve out some space from other "compounds" for office use.

The left and right guardians advised: "The capital is so big, there are many courtyards in other places, why do we have to stay here?

If I have to work together with others, wouldn't it be a waste of time to run my own office?"

Lin Tailai said helplessly: "The location of the Communications Department is not only based on its own office needs, but also on the distance from the Hanlin Academy, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of War. It cannot be too far from these four places.

If I leave the southern area of ​​the imperial city and move to another place in the capital to work, although the place will be easy to find, it will be far from the various ministries and agencies, which will affect my work efficiency.

So I can only borrow a piece of land from a government office and bear the injustice. "

Then Lin Tailai went to the Ministry of Industry and asked for a building map of the southern area of ​​the imperial city.

After careful study, several places were highlighted, including the Honglu Temple, Shanglinyuan Palace, and Imperial Medical Service.

Then he said to the guardians on both sides with great enthusiasm: "These government offices should be the weakest government offices in the southern part of the imperial city! Let's borrow land from them!"

In fact, there is no other choice. If someone tries to seize territory, which is an extremely unreasonable act, instead of bullying the weak, can they find the Five Ministries, Six Departments, Imperial Academy and Jinyiwei?
Zhang Wen, the left guardian, asked, "How do you want to borrow it? Part of it, or all of it?"

Lin Tailai smiled maliciously, "Of course I will borrow part of it, but it depends on the specific situation!"

Right Guardian Zhang Wu muttered, "They will definitely not lend it to me."

As a veteran thug leader in the capital, he knows very well the boss's popularity.

Lin Tailai snorted coldly: "Many people have been slandering me as a powerful official behind my back, so I won't pretend anymore. I will be frank with you. I am a powerful official!

Let them see what a powerful official is! "

(End of this chapter)

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