Daming talker

Chapter 617 Ecological Diversity

Chapter 617 Ecological Diversity

Lin Tailai, the Junior Secretary of the Taichang Temple, the Imperial Academician, and the Doctor of the Three Departments, led his left and right guards and two hundred servants and marched in the Qinglong Street District.

Finally, the team stopped outside the gate of Honglu Temple, and Lin Tailai entered the hall and entered the Zhengqing Hall.

He Yishang, the Minister of the Honglu Temple, was also very old. He looked at Lin Tailai in confusion and asked, "But what business does the Ministry of Rites have?"

The work of the Honglu Temple mainly focuses on etiquette, such as on-site etiquette guidance and etiquette training, including the training of foreign envoys. This work is connected with the Ministry of Guests and Guests.

Lin Tailai replied, "Your Excellency! I have been ordered to set up a communications department and would like to borrow your precious land for use."

He Yishang stared with his old eyes and asked, "What does this have to do with my Honglu Temple?"

Lin Tailai said domineeringly: "Our Communications Department also needs a place under the sun. If we want to share the office with the Honglu Temple, the Grand Honglu only needs to say yes or no."

Bang! He Yishang was so angry that his hair and beard stood up. He slammed the table and shouted, "Since I debuted, I have never suffered such humiliation!"

From the tone of voice, it seems that he is also a man with a story? Lin Tailai asked threateningly: "Old man! Are you good at fighting? Do you want to fight with me, Lin?"

He Yishang said fiercely: "When Emperor Shizong was alive, I and Hai Gangfeng were both officials of Juren descent. We were imprisoned together and beaten with a hundred sticks in the court. We were almost dead but we never repented!
So I am not even afraid of Emperor Sejong, so why should I be afraid of you when I am old? "

Lin Tailai was very surprised. What was going on? How did he run into a close comrade of Hai Rui?

Anyone who dares to follow Hai Rui in criticizing Jiajing must be a tough guy!

He Yishang stood up suddenly and shouted excitedly: "This place of Honglu Temple has been passed down from Emperor Chengzu and has remained unchanged for 170 years.

If this legacy is destroyed in my hands, won’t I become a laughing stock among the people of the world?

How will future generations view me when I lose my integrity in my old age?"

Lin Tailai was speechless. Old man, you take the position of Minister of the Temple of Rites too seriously, don’t you?

He, the Jiuyuan Zhenxian, wouldn't even look at such a third-rate official position!

However, being born as a juren and being able to become the chief minister of the five temples under the six ministries can indeed be regarded as a lifelong pride.

Then Lin Tailai said maliciously: "In recent years, the emperor has not attended court, preached, or worshipped. The court does not need much ritual work. Your Honglu Temple is just a decoration most of the time!

Then why are you still occupying such a large space? Why not give it to someone with more virtue?"

He Honglu pointed at the beam above his head and shouted sternly, "If you want this piece of land, I will give you my life! The day the Ministry of War's Communications Department moves in, I will hang myself in court!"

This will also save me from being ridiculed by the world for not keeping my integrity in my old age, and from losing my good reputation throughout my life!"

Lin Tailai: "."

I can't afford to offend you. I can't afford to offend you. Who can bear it if an old man like Hai Rui dies in front of you?

The key point is that such a strong-willed person really dares to die. If he is forced to death by himself, his reputation will be ruined.

Lin Tailai didn't even say anything harsh, and turned around and left the Honglu Temple. After leaving the gate, he sighed: "People are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death?"

As he watched Lin Tailai leave, Ho Hung-lu's legs suddenly went weak and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, he was supported by his servants.

He Honglu sighed, "It's dangerous, dangerous! I am not a person who takes risks, but I have to do it because I have no choice."

Today's battle was not going well, but Lin Tailai didn't take it too seriously. After all, victory and defeat are common in the military, and one can't always get what he wants.

Without the Honglu Temple, isn't there still the Imperial Hospital? So Lin Tailai turned around and stepped into the Imperial Hospital next door.

An old judge named Han Shixian came out and welcomed Lin Tailai into the hall.

Looking at Han Yuanpan, who was over 70 years old, Lin Tailai couldn't help but wonder, why is it another old man?

Now he is a little allergic to old men. Recently, he met Tang Hezheng in Taichang Temple and He Yishang in Honglu Temple, but he didn't get the upper hand.

Our Ming Dynasty should really pay attention to the rejuvenation of its cadres. Even these second- and third-rate yamen officials are in their sixties or seventies.

After Han Yuanpan ordered the servants to serve tea, he smiled and said, "Speaking of which, Jiuyuan and I are close friends from old times."

Lin Tailai: “?”

Who are you? I don't even know you, how can we be close friends?
Han Yuanpan stroked his white beard and continued, "I am also from Suzhou, and I lived in Taohuawu in my early years.

He was weak since childhood, so he gave up Confucianism to study medicine and became close friends with Doctor Feng. Jiuyuan should know Doctor Feng and his son Feng Menglong, right?

Speaking of which, I have to thank you, Jiuyuan. I returned to my hometown two years ago, and it happened that Jiuyuan was fighting all over Gusu, which prompted my medical skills to improve by leaps and bounds, so I was later recommended as a judge."

Lin Tailai: "."

This kind of thanks is not necessary.

Then Han Yuanpan said, "Although I am not talented, I have a younger brother, Han Shineng, who was a scholar in the second year of Longqing, and the leader of his peers. A few years ago, he was promoted to the Minister of Rites, but resigned due to illness and returned home."

This achievement is worthy of respect. Lin Tailai has heard of the name of this fellow townsman and senior. He is also a low-key person and does not show off in Suzhou.

Han Yuanpan chuckled a few times, "What's even more coincidental is that my brother has a good relationship with the wealthy Chen family.

When he failed the imperial examination, he taught at the Chen family. Your close friend Chen Yunjian, who was transferred by you to the Ministry of Personnel as a principal, once studied under my brother. "

Lin Tailai frowned slightly. This relationship is not easy to change. It doesn't look complicated, but it's like a spider web entangled with him layer by layer.

Although the old man Han’s words “old friends” sound a bit stiff, they are not completely nonsense.

Han Yuanpan remembered something and added, "Prime Minister Shen came to me the day before yesterday and asked about my brother's health. Do you think he wants to use my brother as a tutor for the Shujishi?"

Hmm? Lin Tailai thought about it and realized that this was indeed very possible.

He is a ready-made senior and experienced poet who is also from the same hometown, so the probability of him being chosen by Prime Minister Shen is very high.

Han Yuanpan looked at Lin Tailai and asked with a smile, "By the way, I was so busy reminiscing about the past that I forgot to ask about your intention.

Jiu Yuan suddenly came to the Imperial Hospital today. Why did he come here? Could it be that he wanted to see a doctor?"

Lin Tailai stood up and left, "Nothing, just passing by!"

From the time he came in to the time he left, Lin Tailai didn't say a few words. It was Old Man Han who was chattering all the time.

But he succeeded in nagging so much that Lin Tailai could not bring himself to take ruthless action, and he had no choice but to leave.

Zhang Wen, the left guardian, smacked his lips a few times and said suspiciously, "Did you check the almanac before going out today? Why do I feel like things are not going well?"

Among the predetermined targets, only Shanglinyuan Prison was left. Lin Tailai prayed silently in his heart, hoping that he would not meet the old man again.

In fact, many people are not clear about what Shanglinyuanjian does. They are confused by the name of this government office and think it is about gardening.

In fact, the most important job of the Shanglinyuan Supervisor was to produce and supply non-staple food for the royal family, such as beef, mutton, chicken, duck, goose, fruits, vegetables, etc. At this time, there was no permanent supervisor of the Shanglinyuan Supervisor, and the supervisors of lower ranks were generally responsible for the work within the supervisory system.

The Supervisor was finally no longer an old man. A strong middle-aged man named Li called himself the Supervisor. He had a rough and bold demeanor, unlike an ordinary civil servant.

Lin Tailai went straight to the point and stated his purpose directly: I want to borrow the precious land, half of it will be fine, or even the whole thing!
Li Jiancheng agreed generously, "You want to borrow our office? No problem!"

No way? Lin Tailai couldn't believe it. This was too smooth, too smooth to be true. There was not even a single stalemate.

Just as I was wondering, I heard Li Jiancheng say, "But I have to report this to the East Factory and get their permission."

Lin Tailai just wanted to ask, how did the East Factory get involved?
Li Jiancheng then explained very considerately: "Our Shanglinyuan Jian has to supply meat, fruits and vegetables to the palace, which is quite sensitive, so since last year, Shanglinyuan Jian has been under the full supervision and control of the East Factory.

When it comes to important issues like the government office, we must report to the East Factory."

Lin Tailai sneered, "Don't use the East Factory to pressure me. Where did the previous factory master serve as a guard? Who sent him there?"

Li Jiancheng said quickly: "That's not what I meant! Don't worry, Mr. Jiuyuan, the factory master is my adoptive father, I will help you put in a good word in front of the factory master!"

Seeing Li Jiancheng's sincere face, Lin Tailai felt that it was all a routine. It turns out that a little seventh-grade monster like you who raises vegetables also has followers!
What else can you do if the East Factory doesn't agree? Going to war with the East Factory just to grab an office space? Isn't that a serious mental illness?
Besides, the current factory manager, Sun Xian, is usually very low-key and has no flaws, unlike the previous factory manager, Zhang Jing, who was full of loopholes.

Coming out of Shanglinyuan Prison, the left and right guards said, "It's really not a good day to go out and do things. We didn't take down any of the three targets!"

Lin Tailai began to doubt his life. What happened to him? Why did he fail in three consecutive third-rate government offices?

If we count the ones previously rejected by the Taichang Temple, that would be four.

There must be some internal logic here, but I am too confused to figure it out yet.

So Lin Tailai was in no mood to work today and went home to rest.

When talking about today's events with his retainer Gu Bingqian, Lin Tailai could not help but sigh:

"I am always successful in the court, dealing with the emperor and the prime minister with ease, but I always have trouble dealing with these temple officials and supervisors. It's really strange."

After thinking for a while, Gu Bingqian suddenly stood up, bowed to Lin Tailai, and said loudly: "Congratulations, owner! Congratulations, owner! This is a good thing!"

Lin Tailai looked at Gu Bingqian in confusion. Are you also good at turning bad things into good things? Is this the skill of "White Bearded Prime Minister"?

But Lin Tailai really wanted to hear how a bad thing could turn into a good thing.

Gu Bingqian added: "This shows that the owner has become a truly influential and universally recognized figure!"

Lin Tailai liked to hear this, and waved his hand to encourage him: "Tell me more!"

Gu Bingqian replied: "The Art of War says, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will win every battle. The same is true between people.

In the past, when the proprietor faced a famous big shot, he knew the big shot very well, and could be said to know both himself and the enemy.

Now the owner has become a big shot and has become the subject of careful study by others, so the situation is reversed from the past.

When the host meets those unfamiliar little people, the one who knows both himself and the other is the other party, so it is normal for the host to be passive occasionally.

Many famous people in history suffered at the hands of small people, and this is the reason."

Lin Tailai couldn't tell for a moment whether Gu Bingqian was taking the opportunity to flatter him or was really doing a serious analysis.

It seems to make sense. I know more about historical celebrities and have the advantage of information asymmetry, and most of these people are concentrated in the upper class.

As for those who are not so famous, they do not have the advantage of information asymmetry and are not as easy to control as the big shots.

He had been in a high and mighty position for too long, and usually went in and out of ministries and visited the prime minister's house, never looking down at the people below.

I walked around a third-rate government office today, and found that things that I thought I could settle in one go turned out to be completely unsuccessful.

In this court, there are all kinds of people, each with their own survival wisdom.

Gu Bingqian added: "Regarding the location selection for the Communications Department, the owner's intentions are too obvious.

Now that it's known to everyone, everyone is on guard, so it's very disadvantageous to the owner.

I suggest that the owner not be anxious, but wait a few days to see if there are any new changes in the court situation, and then act when the time is right."

Lin Tailai thought for a moment and said, "Recently, the main situation in the court seems to have little to do with me."

Although Lin Tailai has been very quiet recently, the court is actually very lively.

The hottest topic, of course, is the tug-of-war between the emperor and his ministers over the issue of the Eastern Palace.

The Qingliu Party again clamored to establish the Crown Prince, but the Emperor dismissed the Minister of Works Song Xun and held in his hands the resignation letter of the Left Censor-in-Chief Lu Guangzu.

Later, the Qingliu Party had to "rescue" Song Xun and also prevent Lu Guangzu from being dismissed from office.

So the palace was in chaos, and after Lin Tailai threw Song Xun and Lu Guangzu, the suspects, to the emperor, he stayed out of it.

It seemed that all the excitement belonged to others, and Lin Tailai was only managing his own "little happiness", such as focusing on the organizational construction of the Renewal Society, guiding the publicity work of the Literary Conference, and setting up the Communications Department.

Finally, Lin Tailai said, "If we intervene in the court situation just to select a location for the Communications Department, the gains will outweigh the losses."

The country is in great trouble, so get as far away from it as possible.

At the Shen Mansion, Prime Minister Shen also expressed similar sentiments when he was having dinner with his son.

"Lin Tailai was the one who started the trouble, but now he acts as if nothing happened." Prime Minister Shen said with a bit of resentment.

The emperor and his ministers were arguing fiercely, and the prime minister must have been the most upset one caught in the middle.

Shen Yongmao replied: "Isn't this what the Prime Minister does? Lin Tailai is not the Prime Minister."

Prime Minister Shen said unhappily: "I really don't want to bother with him now!"

At this time, someone from the Imperial Hospital suddenly came to report: "The dismissed Minister of Works Song had been seriously ill and has just passed away!"

Prime Minister Shen was shocked. Song Xun was already old and had always been in poor health. He fell ill after submitting his resignation. He didn't expect that he would be gone so soon!

The emperor is using Song Xun to divert attention and to argue with his ministers.

Now there are no people left, and the pull is directly broken! We must directly change the inertia of the current situation!
Shen Yongmao asked, "Father, what do you want to do? Report it to the Emperor first?"

Prime Minister Shen immediately ordered, "No, go and inform Lin Tailai first!"

Application: "."

Is this what you mean by not wanting to bother with Lin Tailai?
(End of this chapter)

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