Hogwarts card system

Chapter 183 Gryffindor Sword Slays the Basilisk

Chapter 183 Gryffindor Sword Slays the Basilisk

Ron's breathing gradually became stronger and stronger, the feeling of being light and light like a handful of paper ashes in his arms disappeared, his weight gradually recovered, and his face began to turn rosy...

come to life!

Ted sat on the ground, ignoring the gravel and dust on the ground, and let out a long breath.Then he frowned slightly and thought—is there something wrong with what he has been doing all along?

Going back and forth like this, when an accident occurs, the same powerlessness.

If you are brave, choose to advance by leaps and bounds, and compare your improvement speed with accidents and changes, which one is faster, so what?

But now is not the time to think about this, and this issue cannot be decided in a few minutes.

Look first.

Neville has drawn a sword from the chattering Sorting Hat!
This precious sword has a golden grid and a crystal clear white body, with a faint cold light flowing on it.

The position near the hilt of the sword is engraved with complicated and mysterious ancient runes, which should be the name or emblem of Gryffindor.

A lion's head with a ruby ​​in its mouth is engraved on the hilt, majestic and magnificent...

It's the sword of Gryffindor!

"Cough, cough, cough~ Take it easy, you youngsters, why are you so rough? How can I stand up to such a hard toss from you at such an old age?" The Sorting Hat complained that Neville's hand reached out to itself. Not tender at all.

"Neville, give me the sword." Ted said.

Neville turned the sword around, handed the hilt to Ted, and asked, "What's going on? How did a sword get out of the Sorting Hat?" He touched his head, seeing that he was almost smashed just now. blood!

Ted looked at the sword in his hand and said, "This should be Gryffindor's sword."

"Gryffindor's sword? Really?!" Hermione exclaimed in surprise.

Ted nodded, and walked towards the basilisk with his sword in hand.

This thing is not dead, can you believe it?
In terms of vitality, it is really unimaginable.

Even though most of the flesh and blood in his body had been corrupted by Brother Ji's cry, and dripped all over the ground, Ted's sharp edge cut away a dozen bloody cuts, and the dirty blood almost drew an abstract painting in the underground space. It was also blown up by Ron's rebellious wand, but still not dead, still convulsing and panting...

Tad stood in front of the basilisk, his mangled, mangled head about as tall as Tad.



"Tell it that enough is enough, you can rest."

Neville was silent for a moment, feeling a certain sadness—this is the basilisk raised by Slytherin, the basilisk that has lived in Hogwarts for a thousand years, although it did something wrong, it was because of Voldemort's control .

Now, it is finally going to die, just like its owner who left the school silently thousands of years ago and never heard from again...

Neville opened his mouth and let out a Parseltongue like a snake hissing: "Enough, enough. You have completed the task the master gave you. Now you are too tired, go to sleep, go to sleep. There is no need anymore Fighting..."

Parseltongue is in the empty and silent underground, carrying a kind of unspeakable desolation.

The basilisk, which was still struggling to breathe and refused to die, finally began to calm down.It can finally rest...

Ted raised the Gryffindor sword with both hands, aimed at the position between the basilisk's eyes, and stabbed heavily.

The basilisk's scaly skin, which is so tough that ordinary swords can't hurt it, was pierced by the sword like a piece of paper. The sword directly pierced the basilisk's brain, taking its life instantly without pain.

Perhaps only the sword left by Gryffindor can take away the basilisk left by Slytherin so easily.

After thousands of years of entanglement, the parties are no longer there, and now the traces they left behind are also beginning to disappear.

Pulling out the sword, a wisp of dark red blood dripped down the sword body to the ground, leaving no trace of the last trace on the sword.

At this moment, Senior Tom's voice suddenly sounded!

"Ha! Haha! Hahahaha! I understand, I understand, I understand, I understand why! So that's how it is...haha, hahahaha~"

He now only has the upper body, which is still translucent, floating in mid-air, can only make sounds, and can no longer make waves.

An Su fell to the side of the diary, grabbed it and flew to Ted to drop it.

It seems that the promotion card also has some side effects. Ansu is now losing a lot of hair.Hope it still grows.

The diary fell to Tad's feet, and Tom was still laughing.

"Smile, laugh, laugh!" Ted shouted.

Senior Tom still had that crazy smile: "Haha, I'm immortal, I've made sure of that, don't try to defeat me, because ah...haha, I won't say it!"

"Fuck you!" Ted raised his hand and stabbed with a sword, directly nailing the diary to the ground, and a large amount of black ink overflowed from the diary.

"Ah~~~" Senior Tom let out the most miserable cry since he was born, and then turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated.

"Ding~ Kill the Millennium Basilisk and get..."

"Ding~ Destroy Voldemort's Horcrux Diary, get..."

"Ding~ Complete the task [Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets (Red)], the reward..."

Ted pretended to be possessed to investigate, and conveniently put away the cards that exploded.

Too late to see, but the colors are so bright!

Ted made all his gestures and directly became Tom's senior, but the friends didn't realize it: Did we win?

Brother Ji and Ansu are confronting Phoenix Fox on the side: what kind of guy are you?Sign up!
Fox made a beautiful cry: "Cuckoo ~"

Ted:? ? ?Is there something wrong with this movement?

Back then, how I wished to burn an Austrian ashes!When your life is up, can I share a pinch of ashes?
The Sorting Hat was also happy: "Haha, you did a good job, boys! A hearty victory is not a disgrace to Gryffindor's sword~"

As he spoke, he began to sing uncontrollably.

Ted's guess at the beginning of school may be right. The old hat has nothing to do all year round, only thinking about singing.But it's really ugly!

Jerry supported Ron's head with his hands so that his head would not have a place to rest, and complained to the Sorting Hat: "Can you rest for a while? Or let us rest for a while? Listening to you sing feels like fighting two basilisks!" "

The Sorting Hat is very dissatisfied with the young people who don't know how to respect the old and love the young: "You guys really have no taste, Gryffindor liked listening to me sing the most!"

Everyone: Then he hasn't eaten any good pork? !

The way back is much more difficult than the way down.

After all, going down is downhill, and now you have to climb up.

What's more, the friends experienced a fierce battle, and their magic power was exhausted. Although they drank Ted's magic potion and ate some magic bread, they could not recover so quickly.

And there were two more unconscious wounded ones, Ron and Malfoy.

Fortunately, Brother Ji and Fox can lead people, so it is not necessary to stay here for help.

As for An Su, it is that the shaggy Raven is not as good as Chicken Brother.

On the way, Ted and the others had to pick up Professor Lockhart, and now he has changed his mind and started a new life.

He can't even walk anymore, and he is not honest when he is tied to Brother Ji's back.Then, Harley, who was already worried, slashed him with a knife and knocked him out.

Sure enough, the Lockhart who was still asleep was the best Lockhart.

On the ground, Professor McGonagall, Snape and Professor Flitwick had already arrived before everyone arrived at the school hospital.

Let me briefly explain a few sentences first, the most urgent thing is to treat the wounded as soon as possible.

Malfoy's vitality has been seriously lost, and if he doesn't rush to remedy it, he may have sequelae.

Although Ron was fine, his vitality was damaged by poisoning before, and he couldn't wake up for a while, so he stayed in the hospital for observation after feeding the potion.

Professor Lockhart is a big problem. This is a school, not a kindergarten.

Such a big baby is really tricky.

Professor McGonagall already knew what happened from Ted's words.

Now is not the time to teach these daring students a lesson, now is the time to contact Dumbledore.

"Professor, you can definitely contact the principal, let him come back to preside over the overall situation! It's best to contact the newspapers and media, we can't always be passively beaten, we have to regain the position of public opinion!"

Professor McGonagall squinted at Ted: "You just stay here and watch these three patients, and you are not allowed to go anywhere! I will contact the principal, so don't worry about it!"

Ted was left to take care of the sick while Professor McGonagall contacted Dumbledore, the Weasleys, and Lucius Malfoy.

Parents of injured students must be notified of such incidents.

 In ancient times, there was an uprising by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty who killed the white snake, and now there is little Ted who killed the basilisk to vent his anger!
  The sky is dead, and Huang Tian should stand!Suddenly there is a lunatic sharpening his knife at night, and the emperor's star is fluttering and fluttering high!
(End of this chapter)

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