Hogwarts card system

Chapter 184 Mr. Lucius, You Better Calm Down

Chapter 184 Mr. Lucius, You Better Calm Down

The professors are busy. After all, the secret room has been cleared, the monster that nearly caused the school to be closed has been killed, the principal has to be welcomed back, the students and parents who have left the school have to be notified... There are still many things to do.

And the little friends were also driven to the dormitory to rest. Although they wanted to stay here with Ron and Ted, Professor McGonagall obviously didn't think so.

What was even more frightening was that the school doctor, Madam Pomfrey, pursed her lips and akimbo, holding a large pot of potion in her hand, and whoever was arguing here would inject all the potion into him with a Muggle needle!
Navijerry and the others were immediately persuaded, and ran away without looking back.

Hermione told Ted to be careful, pay attention to rest, and then went back to Ravenclaw Tower.

Today is too long, they have experienced too many things.

First, he wanted to go to Hagrid to ask about what happened 50 years ago, but he was blocked in the room by the Minister of Magic Fudge, Lucius, and Dumbledore. He saw with his own eyes how the principal was kicked out and Hagrid was wronged.

According to Hagrid's unreliable guidance, he almost fed the spiders when he walked to the Forbidden Forest.It is enough to be chased and fought by hundreds of eight-eyed spiders.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the castle, he learned that Malfoy was taken away by the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, and then took Lockhart to the Chamber of Secrets to save people. It was a real fierce battle.

It's scary now that it's over.The nose seems to be able to smell the unique fishy smell of the basilisk, as well as the sinister and terrifying senior Tom, young Voldemort...

Too tired, really too tired.

Ted leaned against the head of a hospital bed, feeling so tired that he wanted to go straight to sleep.

But it's not enough now, the matter is not finished yet, I'm afraid the professor and the principal will have to deal with things overnight, and I still have one thing to solve, so I have to stand up.

He took out a bottle of vitality tonic and drank it, trying to count his gains.

Although Phoenix Fox was good, he couldn't detain it by himself, so he had already flown back at this time.

The sorting hat was also taken away by Professor McGonagall, but the sword of Gryffindor was still in his hand, but it was only such a hot night.

This thing is one of the most precious legacies of Hogwarts, and he must not take it for himself.

Of course, Ted wasn't very interested.

Although this thing is good, it is still a growth artifact, but the traces of Gryffindor are too deep.

To use it, one needs to be a student or teacher at the school and demonstrate courage and bravery to be recognized.

Moreover, Ted has always felt that he is a spellcaster, so let Neville do things like wielding swords and swords.

It is worth mentioning that this sword was made by the ancient goblins, and the goblins always believed that the ownership of the item belonged to the creator, so they stole the sword at the beginning and were taught a hard lesson by Gryffindor.

But to this day, many of them goblins still claim ownership of the sword of Gryffindor.Still played lightly.

Ted was all too familiar with this argument.What ball number, prestige signal, game account... There is a company called Antarctic Goose, which seems to be run by the goblin.

Speaking of which, the basilisk is also a legacy left by Slytherin to the school.

If one day foreign enemies invaded the school, and when it was extremely critical, the descendants of Slytherin would be able to open the secret room and release the basilisk to meet the enemy.Perhaps this is the original intention of Slytherin.Unfortunately, the basilisk met the descendants of Voldemort.

In addition to the above things, Ted still has the abandoned diary with a big hole in it.

Originally, this thing was just an ordinary Muggle diary, not a magic item.

But after Tom used it to write a diary for five years and made it into his Horcrux, it was not a simple diary.

Even though it has been destroyed by the sword of Gryffindor, it is still full of extremely strong dark magic power.

This thing Ted put in the bag for the time being, but it must be given to Dumbledore.This is stolen goods and cannot be withheld privately.

Speaking of it, the diary is already the safest Horcrux. Although it has self-awareness and thoughts, it does not have those evil and terrible defensive magic attached.

Who made it early.Fifth grade!Voldemort is worthy of the dark magic genius!

And other Horcruxes are extremely dangerous.Later, Dumbledore fell into the trap and had to use death to set the trap.

So, although Ted knew that there was a crowned Horcrux in the warehouse of the Room of Requirement, Ted didn't even think about it.

After Voldemort graduated, he worked in the Knockturn Alley Bock Store for several years. He took the opportunity to meet a wealthy wizard, killed him and won the Slytherin locket and Hufflepuff left by his Gaunt family. gold cup.

After making it into a Horcrux, he traveled around the world for ten years, during which he had contact with countless dark wizards.For the sake of power, he carried out a very dangerous dark experiment on himself, from the handsome little Tom to the later Voldemort.

At that time, he was still back at Hogwarts, wanting to be a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.But the headmaster at the time, Dumbledore, directly refused.

That's when he left the diadem Horcrux in the Room of Requirement.

This trick is indeed clever, who would have thought that a Horcrux would be hidden in such a place?

If it wasn't for the out-of-control Fiendfire later, I'm afraid I still couldn't find it.

Therefore, Ted didn't know anything about the protection on this thing. It was much more dangerous than resurrection stone rings, gold cups, and lockets.

Ted was still thinking about it, when Ron in the next bed suddenly groaned and woke up.

"Ron, you're awake. How are you feeling?" Ted hurried over to ask.

"I, I... Ted, my ass hurts."

In the secret room, he was hit head-on by the basilisk, and the humerus of his left leg was fractured. He almost broke the head of the femur together, and half of his buttocks were blue-purple.

Pain is normal now.

Ted comforted: "Don't be nervous, it's okay, it doesn't hurt. Your ass was blown away and fell into the mouth of the Slytherin statue. But it doesn't matter, Madam Pomfrey will help you grow a new one."

Ron's eyeballs were about to fall out for a moment: Slytherin ate my ass? !
Ga~ fainted.

Ted nodded in satisfaction, that's good, now Ron needs to rest.At least I don't have to put a stun spell on him myself.

At this time, in the principal's office, Dumbledore had already returned.

At the same time, there were nervous and worried Weasley couples in the office, as well as Lucius who was about to go berserk.

Lucius was trembling all over, and his long pale golden hair was disheveled: "If, if something happens to my son, I swear, I swear..." He stared at Dumbledore.

He regretted it very much now, and should have taken Draco home instead of listening to him and watching it at school, lest he be considered a coward and underestimate the Malfoy family.

Nothing is as important as my son, I shouldn't take risks, I shouldn't.

Dumbledore is more than 100 years old. He has experienced too many things in the past 100 years, and his expression is still so flat: "Lucius, don't be nervous, don't be excited..."

I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry~
However, the centenarian is still kind-hearted after all, and he does not want to torture a father in such a matter.Although not long ago, I was kicked out of school by him.

"Draco Malfoy is safe. And Ronald Weasley is safe. Please rest assured." He looked at the Weasleys.

The three parents breathed a sigh of relief involuntarily, feeling their hearts stopped for a while.

Although it was already midnight, the three parents still came to the school hospital.

Dobby, the elf of the Malfoy family, hid outside the door with his neck shrunk, only his head showing.

Ted guessed they might come, and he'd been waiting.

After saying hello to the excited Weasleys, Ted stood aside to watch the two greet Ron.

Ron was still a little confused, but he was very happy in his heart - he didn't know how long he hadn't been cared so much by his parents.

Compared to Ron who could be awake for a while, Malfoy has been in a coma.

Lucius gently stroked his son's pale face by the bed, his fingers trembling.

He whispered the name of little Malfoy, but after all, Malfoy had been sucked by senior Tom for too long, and he couldn't recover in a while.

Seeing his son not waking up for a long time, he finally collapsed.

"Go! Go! Go to St. Mungo's, go to St. Mungo's!" He was about to leave with little Malfoy in his arms.

Madam Pomfrey immediately stood up to stop him: "Mr. Malfoy, put the patient down. What he needs now is to recuperate, not to toss somewhere. He has lost too much vitality. I have already given him the potion. At most three He'll wake up someday."

But how could Lucius listen to it?insist on leaving.

Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore looked at each other and could only helplessly spread their hands.

But Ted stood up: "Mr. Malfoy, I'm Ted, Ted Epiphany. It's Draco's classmate, we rescued him from the secret room. Ron can be said to be Save Draco's injury..."

His words startled both the Weasleys and Lucius. The Weasleys looked at each other in disbelief, and then at their son, who was still very weak.

Lucius didn't expect it either, so he could only thank him repeatedly: "Thank you, Epifani, please allow me to repay your kindness later. I'm going to take Draco to the hospital now."

Ted waved his hand: "I have something to tell you, don't worry, I won't delay you for 2 minutes. What do you think?" He took out the diary that was pierced and shook it.

(End of this chapter)

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