Hogwarts card system

Chapter 226 Demonstrating Value

Chapter 226 Demonstrating Value

The discussions in the tent were still intense, and at least some of the Ministry of Magic represented by Fudge, or those representing the interests of conservative pure-blood families, were not particularly concerned.

Even if the dwarf master craftsman has already said the worst result of the matter, but some people's attitude: really?I do not believe!

This feels familiar, doesn't it?
But in the end Dumbledore said, "Before I came, I met some old friends, among them was Cassandra..."

Everyone stopped talking. On the one hand, they respected Dumbledore's status. On the other hand, the Cassandra he was talking about was Cassandra Vabraski, the author of "Putting Through the Fog to See the Future".

A wizard from Eastern Europe is about a hundred years old now. She should be one of the few wizards who are considered to have the ability to divination and prophecy in the past five or sixty years.Not that kind of liar.

So, Dumbledore went to see a fortune teller?What did she say?
"She said... a catastrophe over England. It's like dancing on eggs. If you're not careful, it's all over."

...Finally, Dumbledore convinced Fudge and the officials of the Ministry of Magic he represented. In fact, if Dumbledore insisted on believing in the judgment of dwarves and dwarves, then Fudge would inevitably compromise in the end.

Because he can't afford to gamble.

Although the matter on the Muggle side is also very urgent, if something really happens here, regardless of the size of the matter, I will definitely have to bear the responsibility in the end.

If Dumbledore didn't believe it either, then he was the one to lead the way.But if he chooses to believe it, and he doesn't believe it, then he has to take the blame.

It can only be said that political creatures consider too many things.


Because of the urgency of the situation, manpower was organized and started to act that night.

Dumbledore, after speaking to Tad one more time and trying the potion he offered, wrote to bring Snape along.

Dumbledore: "This is the Fire Resistance Potion and Frost Body Potion developed by Ted. The effect is very good. Severus, I need you to make a lot of them. We need this now!"

When Snape heard that he was going to make his own "stupid student" hapless formula, his face was gloomy.

But he also knew that Dumbledore specially wrote a letter asking him to come. The attitude in the letter was very humble. !"

"Of course, you will probably need at least fifty bottles! The more the better! You can talk to Ted about the details."

When Snape heard fifty bottles, he muttered and cursed: "Is fifty bottles of potion for bathing? I knew it was unreliable! Damn unlucky formula! It's not as good as dragon dung..."

Ted respects his teacher so much. He listened to him scolding for a long time, and let out a bad breath, and then he came forward and said: "Professor, let me talk about the difficulties of these two potions. The former is a potion for treating burns." An enhanced version of the change, I added flame flowers and salamander scales..."

"As for the frost body protection potion, because it involves a new spell I developed, I can only ask you to make the base liquid and give it to me. Jerry and I will cast spells on it..."

In fact, after thinking about it, Ted had already requested that Hermione and Neville be brought in on the grounds that "the potion needs to be casted, and only his friends can use the exclusive spell".

After all, this time is a big event, why not let the friends see the world.After all, they were just doing logistics, so they were very safe.

Dumbledore was unwilling at first, and it was a last resort to let Ted join this battle. Considering his strength and mature mind, it's okay, but it's really not like the headmaster to bring other third-year students into it. What to do.

But Ted persuaded: "Professor, I can understand your idea of ​​protecting students, but little wizards cannot grow up without going through things. This time, it is only a rare opportunity to help in the rear. What's more, it affects the whole of England. For Mishima’s big event, I think they are obliged to do so!”

Sirius on one side also said good things to his adopted daughter: "We were..."

It's okay if he doesn't say anything, Dumbledore feels a headache when he mentions it, and he is afraid of calling these children to make trouble, but he finally agreed.

Because he was moved by what Ted said, "Little wizards can't grow up without going through things."

The Boy Who Lived and his friends really need more training than ordinary little wizards.

That night, the friends were picked up individually.

And they had just been apparated by members of the Ministry of Magic, and they hadn't gotten used to the dizziness before they heard Fudge's frustrating speech there...

He has been speaking for 10 minutes, and the general content is: As the Ministry of Magic, we must both... and... and...


After a night of busy and messy equipment, the wizard is probably ready.

The reason is probably because they really have no experience in organizing such a big event, they are in a hurry and at a loss.What a mess!
Every wizard is very tired in the middle of the night, but it's hard to say how much they have done.

But Ted did his best.

Even with the help of six or seven potion masters under Snape's command, the production of the flame resistance potion and the frost body protection potion had kept him busy for half the night.

Later, a magic circle tactic of "nibbling step by step, advancing with frost" was proposed.

During this period of time, the wizards and dwarves were naturally not idle, and they sent several teams to try to sneak into the land of flames, and test the strength of the enemy and the influence of the environment by the way.

It can only be said that the enemy is not weak, especially in that environment.

The air temperature in the land of flames reached nearly [-] degrees, just like taking a bath in the hottest pool.For more than ten seconds, the exposed skin was flushed red.Even those with low physical fitness felt short of breath.

The leather boots under my feet started to soften in a few minutes, and they started to stick to the ground after a few minutes!

This scorching environment has cost the wizards one-third of their fighting power!
Not to mention, although the overall strength of those fire elemental beings is not very high, their lethality is definitely not covered.

It's flame and magma again!
Not to mention anything else, many fire element monsters will explode when they die, and there are six wizards in the advance investigation team who were scalded by the red hot gravel.

It was Ted who temporarily used white fresh essence mixed with frost oil to stabilize the injury, and then the wizards remembered that they had to go to St. Mungo's Hospital to call for medical staff, ready to treat the wounded at any time.

Ted's expression at that time - it was torture!
It's like playing League of Legends, the opponent's strength is average, but your teammates have four cerebral palsies!
I'm in jail!

Fudge turned around, talking to this one, giving tasks to that one, sweating all over his head, as if he was very competent, but the more he commanded, the more chaotic he became.

In the end, Dumbledore couldn't stand it anymore and gave him away.

Fudge didn't think that his majestic Minister of Magic would cause trouble, so he was very upset when he was dismissed.

Ted really wants to rush up and give him two big pussies - you don't even piss and take a picture of yourself!Look at your awesomeness!What the hell are you playing Kaishen logistics micromanagement here? ! The advantage of 50 to 30 is mine?I beep beep beep...


"Ted, it's up to you!" Sirius said to Ted with two teams of ten wizards under the sinkhole.


Facing the large amount of magic materials shipped overnight by the Ministry of Magic, Ted couldn't help but gear up.

He proposed "Eliminate step by step, advance with frost", which is to use the power of the alchemy circle to control the high temperature environment.

Looking at the goblin magic silver piled as high as a person in front of you, and looking at other materials piled up in front of you - you have never fought such a rich battle!
The goblin magic silver on the ground slowly melted in the alchemy formation built by Ted, and then began to flow along the established formation marks, and each rune began to flash brightly.

About ten minutes later, Ted pretended to take a few mouthfuls of the magic tonic potion, with a weak look: "It's ready! You rush in later, remember to put down the ingredients according to the marks at any time, and resist those monsters." .After the magic circle is spread out, the temperature can be lowered a lot, so we can fight in that kind of place..."

Sirius didn't speak, just nodded, and then led the vanguard team into the land of flames, they wanted to make a foothold for the follow-up troops.

The few remaining wizards in the tiankeng looked at Ted and felt incredible: it was a potion, a magic circle, and a rune. Is Hogwarts curled up like this now?I don't know these things even after I graduated from seventh grade?

And behind them, Hermione, Harry, and the others have already started to get busy. Ted is in charge of the magic circle, and they are responsible for the help.

(End of this chapter)

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