Hogwarts card system

Chapter 227 Dumbledore makes a move!

Chapter 227 Dumbledore makes a move!

Sirius and the others got into the cave and moved forward, and the ambient temperature soon began to rise again.

He took out a crystal vial that looked like a test tube, and the bright silver potion flowed in it like mist, and it was cold in his hand.

He wiped his sweat: "I think it's time to drink this stuff!"

Ton ton ton ton~
"Hiss~ What Snape cooked is really not worth looking forward to."

Although Sirius damages his enemies daily, the effect of the Frost Body Protection Potion is still very good.A layer of magic shield like a thin ice shell flashed across the body, and several wizards in the advance team immediately cooled down.

On their side, they continued to move forward to fight ahead, and the follow-up troops also landed in the tiankeng one after another.

Professor McGonagall and other veterans of the Order of the Phoenix, as well as the Aurors and strikers from the Ministry of Magic led by Moody, also began to prepare.

Hermione leaned close to Ted's ear and whispered, "I think they are a little nervous?"

Ted shrugged slightly: "No way, they haven't experienced this kind of battle after all..."

Ron: "I'm a little nervous too! Can I use the bathroom?"

Jerry: "You've been there three times!"

The last large-scale battle between wizards was more than ten years ago.

And that batch of old Aurors has a very high loss rate. Among the current Aurors, eight out of ten are newcomers. Although they have fought some evil humanoid creatures or some dark wizards, how have they ever experienced such a thing? A big scene where dozens of wizards gather?
If you count the demihumans, dwarves, and gnomes who came to support, the entire team, from combatants to support personnel, numbered more than three hundred!

For wizards, this is already on the scale of a small war!

Especially when I heard that we were dealing with strange, unseen, alien fire element creatures, I was even more uncertain.

Ted didn't care about that, but led his friends to keep checking the magic circle under his feet.

Although Dumbledore reassured him not to be pressured or forced, he could still shelter the students for a while.But Ted always felt that his magic circle might play a big role.


Sirius and the others let out a sigh of relief after killing the two fire elemental creatures.Not only because the environment is overheated, it feels hot when you breathe out, but also because this thing is too difficult to deal with!
According to Ted's identification, these fire elemental creatures all have a certain magic resistance. Level 1 or 2, and a few even level 3.

Spells like blazing flames are all about massaging the other party, while spells like clear springs like water are less effective in this special place.

As for the rest of the spells such as shattering and shattering, it is difficult to kill these monsters at once, because there is no relationship between flesh and blood, and often only some scorching stones can be blown away, some flames can be torn apart, and some dark monsters can even be splashed. Red viscous magma.

It almost takes four or five people to cast spells several times in a row to completely smash an elemental creature into a pinch of ash or scorching rubble.

The vanguard team only opened up more than 200 square meters of footholds on the edge of the flame land, and they were already exhausted.

The magic power consumption is high, and the duration of the frost body protection potion is greatly reduced.Once the cooling effect disappears, I feel so hot that I can't breathe for almost ten seconds!
Not to mention fighting!

And these things are too difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, their intelligence doesn't seem to be very high. As long as they are far away, they don't care about the affairs here. Otherwise, if they attract a large area, it will be difficult to establish this foothold.

Soon, Sirius' slightly hasty voice came from the communication tool: "A foothold has been opened up, come here. However, these things are very difficult to deal with..."

A team of a dozen or so dwarves wearing metal armor got into the hole first. Some special runes were engraved on their armor, which can greatly resist the damage of fire and reduce the negative effects of high temperature.

Then there are a few wizards brought by Professor McGonagall, and some dwarf craftsmen wearing special magic equipment. They want to build a solid stronghold in the land of flames under the cover of dwarves...

Seeing that Dumbledore was leading a group of old members of the Order of the Phoenix to start drilling, Ted said to his friends: "You have watched the magic circle here, and I will go in and have a look."

Dumbledore stooped forward in the cave - he was very tall, and seeing Ted at the end of the line, he didn't say anything.

Ted wants to go in and set up a magic circle to connect the inside and the outside.

The outer circle is the operation circle, and the inner one is the effect circle, which is equivalent to the case outside and the display screen inside.No one else can replace this matter, he can only do it...

When Ted got out of the cave and came to the land of fire, there was still fighting ahead.

Under the cover of dwarves, more than a dozen wizards fought with several large flame creatures.

Among them is a Lava Destroyer, a level 12 elite unit, which splashes lava with a wave of its hand, forcing wizards and dwarves to run around and dare not fight hard.

It was Sirius and Snape who stood at the front and used magic to restrain them. The two seemed to be a little bit dissatisfied with each other...

Professor McGonagall glared at them both, using Polymorph to confine the monster.

Forget it, I have no time to deal with them.

Ted didn't even have time to see how the runes on the dwarven magic armor worked, and he didn't have time to observe how the dwarf magic devices formed the protective shield, so he had to rush into the construction of the magic circle.

A large amount of magic silver deformed like plasticine in his hands, and then turned into liquid metal like mercury flowing obliquely. Finally, under the guidance of the magic wand, geometric patterns and runes flowed on the ground...

Dumbledore stood motionless on one side, squinting his eyes and observing the space, his eyes were all red, as if they were not in a cave in the underground space, but in a charcoal stove.

In the land of endless flames, there are hundreds of fire elemental creatures, large and small!

He also noticed the molten core giant guarding the lava pool in the central area, the space gate that connects to other worlds and constantly gushes out flame magic power!
More than ten meters high, it seems to be composed of lava and boulders, with facial features and expressions, and even a beard-like lava pattern...

Using water spells, freezing spells and other spells in this kind of place will increase the difficulty and consume a lot.Otherwise, the wizards wouldn't be so entangled in fighting.

Even with the dwarves at the forefront and the magic devices of the gnomes to form a networked magic protection, it is still very difficult.

The heat made everyone sweat profusely except for Dumbledore, who didn't sweat a drop, but his long beard was moving without wind, and there was a magic light in his eyes - he was watching the door.

If the door cannot be closed, all is in vain.

After fighting for 10 minutes, the first batch of dwarves and wizards were all withdrawn, and they could no longer hold on.Top with the second batch.

Not only was the fighting intensity not low, it was also because it was too hot.Fighting while steaming in the sauna, no one can last long!

At this moment, Ted suddenly shouted happily: "It's done!"

He was also sweating at this time, the wizard robe had been taken off and thrown aside, and the shirt was soaked and stuck to his body - he didn't have time to care about that, he raced against the clock to set up the connecting circle, and finally it was done!
Alchemy array, form!

Magic circle, open!
With a low sound of "嗡~", the magic silver pattern on the ground began to light up, and a complex pattern began to expand on the ground, and the magic power circulated in it, extending along the magic circle towards the cave when it came.

Then the flame magic power from the outside world was absorbed into the magic circle, and it kept turning in the magic circle, and finally changed into frost with Ted as the core!

Just like suddenly turning on the air conditioner, a gust of cold air began to spread like a mist, and the surrounding five or six hundred square meters became cooler all of a sudden!

Although the coverage area was only half of what was fought down, at least it made the people fighting in front feel a lot better, and there was also the possibility of retreating and resting.

In the longer term, as long as the range of the magic circle can be expanded, the range of effect will also increase, until it reaches the limit of the magic circle or Ted.

This can greatly alleviate the disadvantage of loss of geographical advantage.

"Good job, Ted!" Sirius laughed, his beard curled up.

Snape, on the other hand, turned his head away from Ted in disgust, and wiped the sweat off his face with his sleeve.

Professor McGonagall also smiled, and then cast a spell again to raise a stone wall from the ground to resist a monster.

Dumbledore was also startled, glanced at Ted, nodded slightly, and then continued to observe the "door"!
The sound of spells and dwarves shouting in front continued, and the further the range expanded, the stronger and more fire element creatures encountered, and the advancement was not very smooth.


And in the sinkhole outside, Hermione and the others also noticed the change of the magic circle.

"Ted activated the magic circle!" she exclaimed in surprise.

Ron: "How?"

Jerry: "Are you okay?"

"Everything went well! It's just..."

"Just what?" Neville asked.

"It's just these supplies..." Hermione estimated according to the current consumption rate, "Three hours, only three hours!"

In fact, if Ted didn't have the talent of [Inequivalent Exchange (Orange)], the consumption would have increased by at least ten times!
It is precisely because he has been manipulating the magic circle, using himself as the core to transform the magic power of fire into frost power, which cannot be achieved by the power of the magic circle alone.

That is a land of lava flames a few meters below the feet, which is equivalent to turning on the air conditioner in the stove. What effect can it have?
But Ted chose to convert heat energy directly into cooling effect, which is very unreasonable!

It was another hour, and some wizards had already fought two rounds, and they couldn't hold on anymore.

Someone contact the magic world, whether it is the wizard family or the Ministry of Magic, and then send people.At least 50 people are needed!

To be honest, these wizards have never experienced this kind of battle at all.Although the danger was not great, the intensity was indeed not low. They had never experienced this kind of high-intensity continuous casting of spells for ten to twenty minutes.

In the battle between wizards, if it lasts for 5 minutes, it is evenly matched.Generally, the winner can be determined in two to three minutes.

There are many wizards, and this is the first time they feel what it feels like to run out of magic power.And the wounded are starting to increase!
After another 10 minutes, another group of people were replaced, and a safe area of ​​about [-] square meters had been cleared. When he began to come into contact with a large number of high-level flame creatures, Dumbledore finally moved.

He held his wand aloft, his beard and hair were calm and automatic, and he muttered a vague incantation quickly from his mouth.

The sleeves of the wide wizard robe slid down to the elbow, revealing the shriveled forearm whose muscles had not been full for a long time.

He is already a centenarian!
It took about thirty seconds before he finally finished chanting the lengthy incantation.The wand slipped down, pointed at the alchemy circle under Ted's feet, and read out the final scale!

"...change accordingly!"

(End of this chapter)

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