Hogwarts card system

Chapter 239 Dementor: Addictive, take 2 sips!

Chapter 239 Dementors: Human Addiction, Take Two Sips!

"呲~" The train braked suddenly, and the steel wheels made a harsh friction sound on the rails.

The little wizards on the train were caught off guard and almost all rolled into a ball.

Ted and the others were alright. Neville was quick and reached out to grab Ron and Harry in time.

Ted grabbed Hermione, who was rushing, and Jerry grabbed the shelf.

Ted opened the door of the car and rushed out. The senior students in other cars reacted faster and opened the doors one after another to see what happened.

"Don't come out! Hide! It's a dementor! There's a dementor!" Ted yelled as he ran down the aisle.

Many students from wizarding families were stunned for a moment when they heard about Dementors, and then their expressions changed drastically.

This thing has always been used by wizards to scare disobedient children-if you disobey, you will be sent to Azkaban and the dementor will kiss you!
"The senior students protect the junior students well, and they will call God to guard..." Ted swallowed the second half of the sentence. I am afraid that none of these students know this advanced white magic at all.

This stuff is not taught in school!

"Mad!" Seeing that the car door was still far away, Ted couldn't care less, and shattered the car window with an invisible mage's hand, and he jumped out.

Ted rolled forward on the mud floor to vent the impact, but when he looked up, he was stunned—why was there one less?
The dementors in the sky are only a dozen meters away from the top of the train, and they are still hovering hesitantly, but there are only two left!
Ted didn't have time to think, and ran to lure them away.

And the two dementors found him alone, and immediately swooped down.

The speed of the dementor is not too fast, and it does not have that sense of quality when flying in the sky. It looks light and fluffy, like a ball of rags.

"Frost arrow rain!"

As soon as Ted raised his wand, dozens of tiny ice arrows shot towards the dementor in mid-air.

But the light blue Frostbolt pierced through the two dementors, as if piercing through a cloud of black mist, and only took away a little "black mist", which probably made the dementors pause for a while.

It really didn't work!

Level: Level 6 Magical Creature / Level 3 Abnormality / Level 1 Outsider


The books say that dementors were "created" by dark wizards hundreds of years ago and that they are immune to most magic.

Only the Ministry of Magic has unknown means of controlling the dementors to some extent.

So they can be restricted to be jailers in Azkaban and not allowed to leave.

Obviously, Ted's Frostbolt Rain is useless against them.

During the two seconds of the first defeat, the fastest dementor was only two or three meters away from Ted.

The front one stretched out its claws. It was a gray hand that was half rotten, and its flesh was like a rotten fruit that was about to bleed out its juice.

They are two meters long, and they look like strange things wrapped in black rags and strips, wrapped in black smoke.

The face of the dementor, no, they have no face, the whole long face has only one mouth, and it is a round black hole.

It opened its mouth, wanting to suck on Ted's positive emotions and joy.

Dementors feed on the positive emotions of sapient beings, and when they ingest too much happiness, they split and "give birth" to a new dementor.

If you are attracted to them too much, you will lose any positive emotions, and you will end up like a dead fish.

And if the dementors are not "fed" for a long time, they will starve to death.

So for the Ministry of Magic, the prisoners of Azkaban cannot be stopped.Once the dementors are out of food, it will definitely be out of control.

For example, now, after seeing the "canned meat" in this carriage, the dementors, who have been on the food and clothing line for a long time, left the main force directly and planned to eat small stoves.

Dementor: addicted, suck two!

"Protect from evil!" Ted stomped his feet fiercely, transforming into a protective stance with magic power.

This is the anti-evil magic circle!
The Dementor, which was almost close at hand, suddenly seemed to be hit by something, and it bounced off completely.

The second dementor at the back also seemed to be scorched by flames, with its round hole-like mouth open, and flew away rapidly to the side, far away from Ted.

The anti-evil magic circle can make the dementors feel extremely uncomfortable and painful, so the two of them circled around Ted, not daring to approach.The distance is about 20 meters, which is the range of Ted's level 5 protection against evil.

Protecting against evil is indeed useful, and the effect is not bad.

Ted felt safe.

Dementors don't eat most magic, but they are undeniably evil creatures that are being restrained by this defense magic that doesn't have much offensive power.

This can be said to be one thing and one thing.

Then Ted tried to attack with fire, acid, mage's hand and physical bullets.

Sure enough, the dementors couldn't even hide, and it had no effect at all.

The flame can have a certain effect, although it is negligible, but other magic has no effect at all.

Ted used another psychic spike, and the psychic power turned into a spike that burrowed into the dementor's brain.

The dementor shook violently, and its flying speed dropped a lot.But that's all.

The psychic spikes that can directly kill many spiritually fragile creatures seem to have just shocked the dementors.

These guys have no psychic response, more like a low-level creature without a mind.

Matt, it's a bit difficult!

Ted looked at the two dementors flying around him, thinking about trying something else.

This is also a rare opportunity. If I can test the weaknesses of these monsters this time, then I will be able to relax a lot in the future.

After all, Voldemort later used the dementors as the vanguard of the charge.

As a result, a series of screams suddenly came from the direction of the train, there were boys and girls.

"Not good!" Ted suddenly remembered that there was another dementor missing.


Less than a minute ago, two dementors found Ted who was alone, and were planning to eat a small dessert first.

The other dementor, which was bolder, greedier, and more cunning, had already circled to the other side of the train one step earlier, and then got into the carriage.

The window of that carriage was only opened about ten centimeters, and the Dementor was like a boneless rag, slipping through the narrow gap.

The three second-grade students in the carriage fell into trembling despair without even screaming.

The dementor opened its round mouth, and within ten seconds almost sucked up all the happiness of the three of them.

The three 12-year-old children passed out from the cold.

And the dementor didn't choose to continue sucking.

It's not that it knows anything about sustainable development, but that there are more and sweeter snacks out there.

There is no need to spend time eating this residue so clean.

So, it pulled the compartment door with its big claws that were far beyond ordinary people, and came to the aisle.

Just as the students in the next compartment were afraid and wondered why the temperature seemed to have cooled, the door was opened, and then three more soup dumplings were sucked dry.

It wasn't until the third car was filled with four fifth graders that there was a scream.

And right next door to the four fifth graders was Ted's compartment.

This scream not only attracted Ted's attention, but also reminded Harry and Hermione next door that the enemy was coming.

Harry was the first to rush out of the car, she felt that she should protect other students.

Although she was also a little scared in her heart, her movements were obviously faster than fear.

As soon as Harry went out, he saw a student who was older than him stumbling out of the carriage, trying to escape to his side, and then a terrifying claw stretched out from the carriage, grabbing him by the back collar.

The dementor lifted him whole, turned to face him, and sucked in a jerk.

A pale white mist-like thing flew out from the student's facial features and was sucked into the black hole.

Harry was taken aback, but reacted immediately, pointing with his wand: "Protect from evil... Ugh!"

It just so happened that the dementor turned and "looked" over, and it found even more delicious snacks.

The moment Harry faced the dementor, his whole mind seemed to be sucked into a dark and lightless place, cold, silent, and desperate!
She seemed to hear a group of people shouting and screaming, a man's voice chanting a curse, and a woman screaming...

"Damned!" a voice said from behind the dementor.

As a result, the curse was shot on the dementor, and nothing happened.

Seeing that the magic was useless, Malfoy gritted his teeth and rushed over, trying to hug the dementor, but he passed through the dementor's body as if breaking through a curtain.

In front of him was Harley who had fainted to the ground at some point.

Malfoy turned around, holding a wand in front of the two-meter-tall dementor who was almost reaching the roof of the train.

Dementors don't care who is in front of them, and they may not be able to tell the difference.

They have no eyes, but perceive emotions as targets for discrimination.

It opened its mouth directly and sucked suddenly...

Malfoy knelt down on the ground cold, his teeth chattered, and his pupils dilated, as if he saw the scene of seeing the diary, being cheated, and waiting to die in the secret room again.

And... and Harry, who had rescued himself from Tom's hands.

Although he seemed to be dying at the time, he just lost control of his body and was actually aware of the outside world.

He knew it was Harry who saved him.

Malfoy stretched out his hand and blocked it in front of Harry tremblingly, "Go away...you ugly monster."

The stubborn Malfoy was about to faint, and he wanted to scold him.

 Thanks to book friends "Eastern Sea Rangers" and "Knights Guardian of the Sky and Earth" for their 100-point rewards!
  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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