Chapter 240
Just when Malfoy was about to lose consciousness, Hermione's voice sounded: "Protection ~ Evil!"

In fact, when Harry fell to the ground just now, Hermione and Jerry had already seen the dementor outside the door.

Hermione wanted to release the protection against evil at the first time, but the sudden drop in temperature, the coldness all over her body and the involuntary trembling in her spirit, the first spell casting failed!

That's when Malfoy swooped in from behind the Dementor, and when it didn't work, he rushed to block Harry.

At that time, Jerry also used a silent force to vent. He saw that Malfoy's fainting was useless, so he used this magic.

Because the dementor has no feet and floats in mid-air, his best slide is useless at all.

In the end, the Lisong Jinxie he released was useless.

At this time, seeing Malfoy's brave actions in front of Harry, Harry also mustered up his courage, and finally successfully cast Protection from Evil.

Hermione's protection against evil is only about level 2, and the range is eight meters.

But that's normal.

Now that the dementors appear, the temperature drops, and the mind is unstable. This magic only has a range of 4 meters, and the effect is average.

The dementor just covered its face with its paws in pain, and stepped back two meters.There are still some who are eager to try and come hard!
And at this moment, in the aisle in the distance, Neville and Ron finally returned, followed by Ginny and Lavender.

Just now, the two went to pick up Ginny and Lavender.

Neville: "Protect from evil!"

Ron: "Protect from evil!"

Ron's spellcasting also failed!
"Protect from evil!" The second time finally succeeded.

Three level 1 and level 2 protection against evil effects finally drove the dementor back.

It was wandering in the distance, and wanted to look back to those carriages behind it for "dining".

But Neville and the three of them pressed on every step of the way to prevent it from harming other students.

Neville stared at the dementor, not a trace of fear in his heart, but extremely firm, and his attention had never been so focused.

"Jerry, Ginny, take care of Harley and Malfoy!" he said.


Ted knew something was wrong on the other side of the train when he heard the scream.

Another dementor that disappeared ran into the train!
Suddenly a burst of flames erupted under his feet, and the whole person rushed towards the train dozens of meters away, dragging the afterimage.

And the two dementors saw that he ran out of the range that caused them pain, and immediately stuck together like two kites.

They fly, and although they look light and fluffy, they are actually not slow at all.

"Fuck!" Seeing that he couldn't keep the distance, Ted was anxious and annoyed.

A [Punishment (Red)] smashed down - a golden lightning flashed, and a dementor directly dissipated into black smoke all over the sky.

The other one was obviously a little scared, and immediately slowed down the speed of the chase.

They even know how to be afraid!
But Ted didn't mean to let it go, and raised his hand: "Thunder in the palm!"

"Sting~" A bolt of lightning shot out from the palm of his left hand, penetrating the dementor's body.

This time, the dementor was not unscathed, but was covered in black smoke and fell directly to the ground.

Ted didn't have time to control it, and he couldn't control it, after all [Fire Walking Boots (Green)] couldn't stop using flame jet.

"Wow!" Ted broke the car window again and jumped in, not far from his friends.

Similarly, he also saw the dementor that went around and stole the house.

"Protect from evil!"

The magic of anti-evil magic circle, after Ted has practiced to level 4, the effect is internal and external changes.

The effect of this circle can be set to face inwards or outwards.

When the direction of the anti-evil magic circle is outward, it can prevent evil things from approaching.

And when the direction of the magic circle against evil is set inward, the spell binds evil creatures within those circles.

And just like that, Ted captured a Dementor alive!
Ted took out a clay pot with an invisible pattern from his body.

The magic wand gestured at the bottom of the clay pot, and the magic power formed several runes at the bottom of the pot, and then turned into a magic circle.

Ted lifted the clay pot towards the dementor, and a suction force sucked the dementor up, getting smaller and smaller, and got into the clay pot.

Ted closed the jar and continued writing runes on it.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked.

"Harry passed out, and Malfoy is not well," Neville said.

Ted hurried over to check. Malfoy was fine, but he was lying on the ground like a salted fish, staring straight at the ceiling without any change in expression.

Harley was more serious, she was in a deep coma, and her whole body was as cold as a corpse.

"Help her up!" Ted found a bottle of euphoria from the bag, and poured it down for Harry, and soon her condition was much better.Although still unconscious.

"It's all right, the rest will go to school, please treat Madam Pomfrey."

Ted took out a bunch of candies, "Eat some of them, sweets can relieve the mental depression caused by dementors..."

Ted shared candy with everyone and patted Malfoy on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Draco. If you hadn't stood in the way for a while, Harley's situation would have been worse." Ted shoved a chocolate frog into his hand.

Malfoy: "No, nothing. I, I'll go first."

He grabbed the chocolate frog and stumbled away.

Ron looked at Malfoy, who had run away, and asked suspiciously, "Is the horse dung crazy? He's not afraid of dementors, he thinks dementors will look at his father's face?!"

The kid and Neville went to find his sister Ginny and his girlfriend Lavender just now.

Jerry saw the whole process: "No, you didn't see it. Just now this guy suddenly looks like a Gryffindor!"

Hermione nodded: "This guy is not bad in nature, and he can be a good guy if he is assigned to Gryffindor."

Ron: "Come on, he won't get Gryffindor."


The train finally moved on.

The little wizards in the car were still in shock.

Fortunately, the Aurors who were chasing the enemy from the Ministry of Magic just now seemed to have discovered that three dementors were missing, and many students contacted their parents and the school.

So in the second half of the journey, several adult wizards, including the staff of the Ministry of Magic and Professor McGonagall, accompanied the train until it arrived at the station.

There were 11 little wizards in the car who were seriously smoked, and they suffered huge injuries.

You know, even in Azkaban, those vicious felons are only sucked one or two sips a day.

Even so, their spirits and hearts will be severely damaged over time.

And these little wizards were frantically "kissed" by an unrestrained dementor.

Fortunately, there were so many people at that time, the dementor was greedy and didn't think about eating every little dessert.

Otherwise, these little wizards might already be walking corpses without sanity.

According to the Eastern saying, it means that the soul is damaged and it is almost impossible to recover.

It is conceivable that when the parents knew that a dementor had slipped onto the train and hurt the children, how violent was their anger?
It is said that several wizards directly blocked the door of the Ministry of Magic and cursed Fudge.

Seventeen or eighteen roaring letters came at the same time!
And when Dumbledore learned about this, that old face that seemed to be forever calm also sank...

Fudge also had something to say about this.

Because at that time, that team of Aurors was chasing a "dark wizard" from another world!Very dangerous!

It is said that it was an order from the Wizengamot. Because the enemy's magic was strange and dangerous, fifteen dementors were specially mobilized to assist.

It got out of hand!
The problem now is that even with the help of the dementor, he failed to catch it, and the opponent's magic is too unfamiliar.Instead, two Aurors were seriously injured...

And here, the three dementors left privately to suck the little wizard.

In the end, two people died and one was seriously injured—one turned into ashes, one was captured by Ted, and the one who was hit by palm lightning was seriously injured like a pile of rags on the ground, but he did not die.

Fudge also complained, saying that it wasn't his idea, he just obeyed the Wizengamot's order!

But will those furious parents listen to what he has to say?

(End of this chapter)

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