Hogwarts card system

Chapter 241 My Magic is Secretly Inherited by Dumbledore!

Chapter 241 My Magic is Secretly Inherited by Dumbledore!
The young wizards huddled together were led to the campus gate by the professors, which gave them a sense of security.

After they all got into the Thestral carriage, which could not see horses, and drove around the campus, many junior students seemed to have just come to their senses, and began to sob softly.

The other senior students also looked bad.

Special monsters such as dementors are simply lore for targets with flaws or immature hearts.

At that time on the train, everyone felt cold, as if they had suddenly entered the cold winter.

In fact, at the physical level, the temperature did not drop at all, but everyone's heart suddenly suffered a "cold winter", which was an instinctive spiritual warning.

Just like people tremble when they are afraid.

It may take a few days for these underage children to fully recover.

This dementor is worthy of being used by parents in the wizarding world to scare sleepless children. It really specializes in children.

And there is quite a lot of experience, obviously it is only a level 10 monster, but it has 1750 experience points!
You know, senior Tom's diary of the 11th-level elite unit is only more than 2000 points.

The experience supermodel of this stuff!
Ted: I really want to go to Azkaban~

Now more and more parents know the news.

I couldn't sit still after learning that 11 students were sent to St. Mungo's.

Just as the students entered the campus, the parents who came one after another filled Professor McGonagall's office.

When Harry woke up, he had already been carried to the gate of the castle.Just a little dazed.

Ted sent Sirius a message in the address book, telling him that Halle was fine and that he should not worry.Asking Harry to contact him at night prevented him from rushing to school too.

Ted and the others went to the school hospital with a lot of people and stood guard outside, and Harry was indeed much lighter than the other 11 little wizards who were sent to St. Mungo's Hospital.

After being fed two bottles of potion by Madam Pomfrey, apart from feeling a little weak and limp in the legs, he was unexpectedly excited.

Ted suspects that the potion she's drinking has a stimulant effect.

Apart from her, there are others who are less affected, usually just drinking some euphoria.

Harley, who was helped out of the infirmary by Hermione and Ginny, smiled at the little friends who were guarding the door: "Damn it, I was so ugly by the dementors! I swear it will never happen next time, I will definitely punch their heads!"

She also showed her fist and shook it, signaling to her friends to rest assured that she was fine.

Because there were too many people in the school hospital and there were not enough beds, Ted and the others took Harry and left.

On the way, everyone talked about the scene when the dementor got on the car.

Harry was very surprised: "Really? Horse dung, I mean our Master Malfoy saved me?!"

Ted laughed. "Yeah! You'd have to go to St. Mungo's by now, too, if he hadn't blocked the dementors."

"Unbelievable!" Harry couldn't close his mouth.

There's still half an hour left before the dinner party begins.

Although today's incident is really a bit overwhelming.

But the more this kind of time, the more we need this kind of activity to calm people's hearts.

If the opening dinner was canceled because of this incident, maybe more little wizards would think too much.

Ted and the others discussed a few words. The house elf had already sent the luggage to the dormitory. I was too lazy to toss back and forth. Why not just go to the auditorium and wait for the banquet~
But on the way, Ted and the others met Minister of Magic Fudge head-on, and behind him was Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt and several other Aurors. There were quite a few of them.

Fudge's face was quite gloomy, even gloomy than the sky in the rainy season.

But when he saw Ted, he froze for a moment, and then squeezed out a politician's smile.

Ted couldn't help muttering in his heart: Fudge is really not suitable for this position, it should be said that he is not the material for engaging in politics at all.This smile makes people feel bored, it is better not to smile.

However, the irony is that it is this kind of person who became the Minister of Magic, whether you think it is unusual or not.

"Ted? Ted Epifani~ Oh, we met last time, just... you know." He stopped suddenly, and began to be inexplicably close.

"And you! Last time you all participated, it was really good."

The friends are all wondering, what is this short, fat, bald and stupid minister talking about?

We don't know you well, but you're so courteous when you come up suddenly, I always feel that you have some ulterior purpose.

Ted had to interrupt Fudge's clumsy chatter, "Mr. Minister, if there is nothing else, we won't waste your time. I think the Ministry of Magic must need you more now."

"Oh... oh, yes! That's right, indeed! You know, three dementors suddenly went mad, and I suspect they were affected by the magic of that despicable and dangerous otherworldly dark wizard... You know, their magic is all kinds of strange, and there may be similar magic..."

Ted stood next to the corridor, and the friends had a tacit understanding, and they all moved out of the way.

"Then are you busy?"

Fudge himself also felt that his behavior seemed a bit stupid, and he must have been dazzled by this incident.

And Dumbledore!

The damn old man scolded himself!

I am the Minister of Magic!

Besides, it's not my fault at all...

Fudge withdrew his mind, leaving Ted alone—Ted was peeping into his mind.

"Oh, that's right. I heard you killed two Dementors and wounded one?"

He waved his hand, "Of course, don't worry, I'm not going to hold you accountable for damaging the property of the Ministry of Magic. It's very good that you can stand up to protect your classmates at a critical moment. We have to give you a reward. Of course, this has to wait until the matter is over..."

"What I want to ask is, what kind of magic did you use to kill the dementor?"

"You know it's quite rare..."

Fudge smiled sweetly, as if he was the nice guy next door.

Ted smiled slightly, it turned out that he was staring at his own magic.

That's right, in the modern magic system, except for a few magics such as the Patronus Charm, other magics can't cause any harm to the dementors.

In fact, the Patronus Charm is not a modern magic, it may have a history of 2000 years.It was passed down from ancient times.

Therefore, Fudge paid special attention to what kind of magic Ted used to kill the dementor.

The first worry is that the dementors will no longer have the ability to deter.

After all, if they could be killed, then the jailers of Azkaban would not be scary.

The second is to want to get this magic!
Because the Ministry of Magic has only a certain restraint ability on dementors, which is a contract magic restriction.

They couldn't really hurt the dementors either.

If he could obtain this kind of magic, wouldn't he have a strong control over the dementors?
Ted showed a sunny smile: "Sir, this magic was taught to me by Professor Dumbledore, and it took me a long time to master it!"

Fudge's face suddenly became ugly again.

Well, in the days of July and August, Fudge's face can change as soon as it changes!

"So that's the case, so let's do this first. I'll talk to Dumbledore when I have time. Goodbye!" Fudge straightened his hat, and led his men to leave quickly.

That Kingsley Shacklebolt looked back at Ted, thinking endlessly:

Is it really the ancient magic that Dumbledore gave him?Or bring out Dumbledore to suppress Fudge?

Fudge had just been scolded by Dumbledore in the principal's office, and Dumbledore got angry, but it was a scene he hadn't seen in decades.

Now being used by the little wizard to prevaricate Fudge, why is Fudge blown up? !

Hermione looked at the group of people going away, a little worried: "Ted, I don't think Mr. Minister's complexion is very good."

"I know, but it's none of my business. I didn't let the dementor out to hurt people." Ted didn't care about the clown at all.

Jerry on the side said: "This guy can become the Minister of Magic. I really don't have much confidence in the Ministry of Magic. Oh, yes, to be honest, what magic did you use Ted to kill the dementor! I tried several spells at the time, but it didn't work at all!"

Ted smiled, somewhat proud. After all, the magic of the lightning system was really "developed" by himself, not "improved".

"I'm using Thunder Palm, which is a simplified and quick version of the Lightning Falling Curse in the Gnoll camp that day. I'll teach you in two days and see if you can learn it."

Ted has been developing variants of the Thunderfall Curse since the Firelands incident.

After all, it takes a long time to prepare for the Thunder Curse, and you need to find a way to fix the target, otherwise it is very easy to miss.

So there is this palm thunder, which instantly sends an electric current from the palm.

Although the power is too small, it can be fired instantly with the gesture of the left hand, the launching speed is extremely fast, and it is easy to aim.

At first Ted wanted to call it "Flash Movie", but later he decided to call it Palm Thunder.

Now the Palm Lightning is level 2 and the Lightning Curse is level 3.

This kind of lightning-type magic seems to have an extra damage bonus for dementors, which is very targeted!

(End of this chapter)

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