Hogwarts card system

Chapter 271 Where?Watch it grow!

Chapter 271 Where?Watch it grow!

Seeing another group of necromancers sneaking into the campus sneakily, Ted sneered in his heart, he was already prepared!

"Come out, my little one~"

After getting the magic puppet technology hundreds of years ago from the four old professors, Ted tried to integrate some technologies of the Terracotta Army.

Adding the regional magic circle and teleportation magic, this can already be regarded as a mature work.

Although the core of the power source is still not resolved, the power source can be used to allow the puppets to play a role in a large magic circle within a certain range!

At least it's no longer a problem to be a guard in that kind of underground palace and ancient tomb.

Now is the time to test the effect.

Of course, Ted also notified the reserve team composed of the twins, Peggy and others on the tower through Ansu, asking them to provide remote support.

Ted is still a little worried about letting these young wizards who have not experienced violent storms fight these undead enemies who are dead and not afraid of death. Let them help and participate remotely.

Mainly rely on magic puppets.

Through the "backstage back door" of the Ravenclaw Chamber of Secrets, Ted has made a lot of money in the school, not only hatching dragon eggs, but also the current one.

Seeing a flash of blue light on the ground, part of the magical network throughout the campus was activated.

Then the four magic puppets that existed in the secret base appeared four to five hundred meters outside the castle, just blocking the Necromancer team.

Tall and mighty armored warriors holding two-handed swords, heavy infantrymen holding swords and shields, short and lightly armed assassins holding double daggers, and a long-range magician holding a magic wand.

These magic puppets are all made of scarred lapis lazuli or willow wood and elderberry with their own magic resistance, shaped with an alchemy circle, and then implanted with magic veins, magic cores and various magic texts.

With Ravenclaw's backdoor program, Ted can activate and control these magic puppets at any time in most places in the school.

It belongs to Ted who secretly incorporated them into the school's defense system, but the control is in his own hands~
If this thing is used against large magical animals, it may not be very useful.

But if you are dealing with wizards, this thing is easy to use too much.

Spells below level 3 are basically useless. Those above level 3 will also be weakened a lot.

Moreover, they all have their own unique skills. The two-handed sword warriors are extremely capable of attacking fortifications. Every heavy step leaves deep footprints on the soft grass, but the speed is extremely fast!It's like a heavy locomotive!
The 1.7-meter-long two-handed sword is within the range of three meters around it when it is swung.

The sword-and-shield heavy infantry has the most solid protection, standing in front of the wizard puppet, and you will not be afraid of any spells.

The dagger assassin puppet added the Illusion Curse, and approached the five necromancers vaguely, and walked around to the side and rear without making a sound.

And the puppet wizard is Ted's most attentive. Although he can only use three spells, and the interval is not short, the effect is really not bad.

Remote ice ring, group control.

Flying rocks, continuous attacks over a large area.

The last thing is the fireball technique. Although it can only be used once in a minute and a half, it is very powerful.

The iron armor curse of an ordinary adult wizard is as fragile as a paper shell in front of the fireball.

As for the five necromancers on the opposite side, the highest level is only level 9, and the others are level 7 and level 8.

Even if it is strengthened a little after death, its intelligence and reaction are also affected. It is hard to say whether it is weaker or stronger.


Ted didn't care about the undead poaching wizards, and sent Ansu to monitor at any time in the sky, and let the twins and other senior students watch and play by themselves.

You can't grow without experiencing wind and rain.

With Ansu watching, there would be no danger.

And here in front of him, just as Ted was deploying the other end to fight, the goblin Pirk had already used two more spells to try to kill Ted.

Don't tell me, it's obviously not in the same system as the wizard's magic.A little more dark and cursed, a bit traditional magic.

The goblin Pierce even took out a big black coffin nail, drove it through his heart, and attacked Ted.

This trick was originally the vicious curse that hurt both sides hundreds of years ago.

The caster puts a knife on himself, and the enemy will be injured several times.

But most people don't have such a big hatred.

In fact, there is a low-end version of this curse, nailing a duck's paw with coffin nails, and then burying it under the threshold.

The target will suffer long-term pain, and slowly the palm will fester.

At that time, those black wizards used it like this.

But isn't Pierce a dead man now?It won't hurt, so naturally use the most ruthless one.

But this kind of magic is actually not very effective for wizards who are prepared and have means.More of a sneak attack.

The cost is high, the effect is poor, and once known, it will be disgusted on a large scale, and the use of this kind of black magic will slowly erode one's character.

So slowly, these cruel, dark and ineffective magic handed down from the Middle Ages were gradually abandoned by the mainstream of wizards.

That is to say, there are still some people among the goblins who are still circulating.

The shield formed by the safety barrier spell suddenly lit up, as if a huge awl was about to penetrate.

But that magic power was quickly exhausted on the barrier, and it was still useless~
Ted has been passively defensive since the beginning of the game.

The main reason is to see what the goblins have.

Although the goblin was put down by the wizard, and more than once.But they are also the second most powerful race besides wizards, so they still have something.

Ted saw a lot of new things in the hands of these undead elves.It's even systematic!
This kind of method is almost invisible here in wizards.

And the little friends, they fought fiercely with their opponents.

Hermione's various spells combined with frost magic have been engaged in high-intensity battles.

Although she can sometimes gain a little advantage, facing the same intelligent life, she still has a bit of a hand, so she is a bit stalemate.

It is understandable, after all, she is only a 13-year-old girl.Can't be too demanding.

Anyway, she has a lot of magic potions on her body, so it's not a problem to play for an hour.

Although her opponent has a lot of magic props and tricks, at most Hermione will be flustered, the girl is still very smart in battle.

Hermione didn't think so much about the other friends, I just wanted to fight whoever it was!

If I were really beaten to death, then I would be done repenting afterwards.Now he will definitely not keep his hand.

The wand in Harry's hand was wrapped in azure blue dense magic power, forming a smooth shape like a baseball bat. With a shield on his body, it was strengthened by the golden light from Neville, and he had a great time chasing the undead elf opposite.

The mouth was yelling and screaming, quite excited.

She can even use her free left hand to fire a magic bullet the size of a baby's fist within five meters.

It's just that this move is not mature enough, the magic power is not cohesive enough, and its power is probably a little stronger than her fist.

Neville pulled out one-handed sword, one-handed sword and one-handed staff from the space expansion pouch, covered in golden light, followed by a large pile of all kinds of vicious and mysterious plants, forcing the opponent back again and again.

If he ran a step slower and was surrounded by those plants, he might not even be able to find the corpse!
And farther away, the sunflowers that Neville had temporarily planted had begun to shine, which made all the undead elves feel extremely uncomfortable.

Ron drove the 7-meter-high magic mecha No. 1.2 machine. After the magic power flowed through the magic pattern, the big ax with a blade length of [-] meters emitted a red-hot light, and the entire blade was like a red-hot lava!
When this ax cuts down, the ground is a deep scorched mark!
Facing this kind of enemy, his opponent didn't even have a place to retreat, and fell into a desperate situation in three rounds. When Ron waved his hand, the other hand of the magic mecha suddenly sprayed out a tongue of flame more than ten meters long, directly hitting the enemy. Cremated!
Just as the flames brightened for a split second, Jerry suddenly appeared from behind his opponent, stabbing the back of the head with a dagger.

The magic effect on the dagger was triggered, and the undead goblin began to dissipate like red-hot carbon ash.

(End of this chapter)

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