Chapter 272
Tens of seconds later, Neville also chopped off the enemy's head with a sword.

Under the golden light, the undead fairy also began to turn into ashes.

Only Harley's opponent is left...

Although Harley has vaguely found the magic path he is good at now, but after all, he has just taken one step, and he is still far away.

Compared with the means of her friends, her magic wand is a blunt weapon damage. Although she has already hit the enemy twice, and the chest of the undead goblin is deflated, it is already dead, and the injury is not bad.

The effect of blunt weapons against undead is still too poor, so it fell to the end.

Seeing that all the friends had resolved the battle, she suddenly felt that she couldn't lose face.

He made up his mind to show his face and raised his face: "Look at my unique move - Potter's hand!"

With a loud roar, she leaped up high, and suddenly stretched out her palm—a giant blue palm the size of a house made of magic power appeared!

"Die to me!" Harley swung her palm down violently, and the giant blue palm also slammed down. From the perspective of the victim, looking up, her eyes were full of blue, as if the sky had collapsed!
Her opponent almost frightened to death again: no, are you going to use such a method?

The undead fairy didn't care about anything else, and suddenly activated the life-saving props on her body, a gust of wind blew up, and saw a puff of smoke "squeeze" and it jumped more than ten meters away!
This life-saving tool was not used in time when I met Ryan last time.It worked out this time.

However, just as it sprang a long way, the huge magical power palm that was shot down began to loosen in mid-air, and dissipated before it hit the ground!

Harry: ...

This semi-finished method should not be used!What a shame!

Who knew, the life-saving tool of the undead goblin was too fast, it accidentally tripped over some kind of vine, shot the whole body more than two meters, and directly stuffed itself into the super worm that Neville had just crawled out of the ground. Plants - Elephant vine's big mouth.

Food Elephant Vine: Chew Chew~ What the hell?The taste is a bit over the top!
Jerry looked dumbfounded: "Harry..."


"Is this part of your plan, too?"

"Ah! Of course! Otherwise?"



When Ted and the others easily dealt with the invaders, the battle in the Forbidden Forest also became intense.

I have to say, Dumbledore is really... I mean, really stable.

Dazed for seven or eight minutes without moving, he held up his magic wand to illuminate the battlefield.

The forty or so wizards next to them were busy fighting the three hundred or so undead and the skeletons who came one after another, and their brains were on fire.He stood still!

He observed almost everything from the mutilated broken skeletons to the resurrected undead elite bosses.

And the necromancer Ryan on the opposite side didn't do much.

Why did he say that he didn't do much, because he seemed to be competing with Dumbledore, but in fact he was secretly controlling the fog and the dark sky, gathering more skeletons to strengthen the undead.

As long as it is under the sky and in the dense fog, the attributes and abilities of the undead can be enhanced. Even if it suffers a small injury, such as a broken arm or leg, it can be easily picked up and connected.

Even the No. 30 dementor in the sky was haunted by about twenty resentful spirits.

Both can't do anything about each other, they just mess up in the sky.

In this case, the wizards fought fiercely at the beginning, and they felt that they had been suppressed by firepower.But after two or three minutes, those undead were still alive and kicking, full of stamina.

In the surrounding woods, there are still two or three white bone skeletons coming out from behind the trees. Although five or six of them can fall down with one spell, they can get up again soon.

In this case, the wizard's side soon began to fall into a disadvantage.

Fighting against this kind of prepared undead forces, they have no experience, so they are fierce!
The tips of the wizards' noses began to sweat. Although the magic power was still sufficient, the pressure in their hearts was much greater, and the consumption of physical strength and magic power began to intensify.

The smile on the corner of Ryan's mouth is getting bigger and bigger. Although these wizards are good in strength, since they have fallen into their own trap, their defeat is only a matter of time.

When the time comes to revive these wizards, their strength will improve by leaps and bounds!
However, these wizards have a kind of teleportation magic with a very short preparation time. I have seen it before when I was hunted down, so I can't drive them to a desperate situation yet.

Let your own dark sky work first, and then wait a while until the magic power of death fills the woods and seals off the space!
It's time for them to die!jie jie jie~
However, just as he was thinking about his plan, Dumbledore moved!
"Call God to guard~"

The strangely shaped old wand in his hand suddenly shone brightly, the light was more than ten times brighter than before!

In an instant, the entire battlefield was a bright white, and no one could see clearly.

A silver-white phoenix flew out from the tip of his wand, dragging a silver-white tail light, and circled the entire battlefield in an elegant but swift manner.

Just at this moment, there were at least three or four hundred weakest and incomplete skeletons on the scene, and they fell to the ground and completely turned into dry bones.

A few of the vengeful spirits in the sky died in an instant, and even the dementors flew around in pain with white smoke all over their bodies, and disappeared in an instant.

After all, dementors still have some physical bodies, which are more resistant than pure incorporeal wraiths.

The guardian god phoenix hovered in the sky for a few times, and the undead immediately felt three points shorter, and even the little bosses felt suppressed.

The next moment, there was a soft "bang", and Phoenix Fawkes appeared above Dumbledore's head.

Dumbledore waved the spell again: "Vulcan clears the way!"

The temperature in the vicinity suddenly rose, and a huge tongue of flame covering a width of five or six meters appeared. Fox uttered a crisp cry, and plunged into the flame, and the entire flame turned into a flame phoenix more than ten meters long. , rushed towards those small bosses and Ryan behind!
It's fine if you don't make a move, it's a big scene once you make a move!
Just at this moment, Ryan's heart tightened suddenly: I am not an opponent!A lot worse!

However, he won't back down.

It's not like I haven't killed enemies stronger than myself.war!

As soon as the battle between the two of them started, everyone else on the battlefield was forced to cease fighting and retreat a hundred meters away.

Fox controlled Dumbledore's Vulcan's flames to wipe out the skeletons and undead on the battlefield, and several small bosses who were not very smart were also turned into ashes.

Snape also took the opportunity to deal with two of them, and then directly collected the corpses - this is his own spoils~

Ryan's methods are definitely many, and they are powerful.

The ground surged, dozens of hundreds of rock thorns one or two meters long pierced through the ground, surrounding Dumbledore in all directions.

At the same time, dozens of bone spears appeared in the air, shooting down from the sky.Attacks from all directions were formed from the sky and the earth.

And Dumbledore is just a ring of wands, the tip of which hangs down slightly.The ground suddenly bulged, and a biped wyvern transformed from mud and rock suddenly appeared.

The Wyvern swooped down on the ground, sweeping away all the thorns, and then pulled it up suddenly, blocking all the bone spears.Then turned around and rushed to Ryan...

The magic of the earth was cracked by the opponent lightly, and the evil mutation could not work on the opponent at all-Dumbledore is a master of transfiguration and a legendary wizard!
The soul can't absorb the opponent, but is chased and forced by the giant treant turned into a few fallen trees by the opponent...

Even if Ryan thought that someone on the other side was stronger than him, he never thought that he would be this strong!
After the final fatal surprise attack - Finger of Death, which was flashed by the opponent's apparition and killed only a dozen giant trees in the Forbidden Forest, Ryan wanted to run away.

But Dumbledore observed the battlefield for nearly 10 minutes, not only observing these undead creatures, but also sensing and analyzing the opponent's large-scale magic.

Just like Ryan trying to block the apparition of the wizards, Dumbledore also made preparations secretly. Together with the magic circle, Ryan's hope of escaping was directly cut off!


"we won?"

"Win! We won!"

Even the experienced Aurors couldn't help cheering at this moment.

Only then did they realize that their wizard robes were almost soaked in sweat.

When the battlefield here is over, the darkness will subside, and the dense fog will also dissipate.

It was just afternoon, and the sun was just a little westward.

When Professor McGonagall received Ted's letter immediately, his expression turned ugly, and he almost trembled: The hateful enemy took the opportunity to attack the school, if...if...

Thinking of the worst possibility, Professor McGonagall's eyes went black for a while.With a flick of his wand, he Apparated back to the gate of the school and rushed inside.

Fortunately, everything is fine.luckily.

At night, Dumbledore sat in the headmaster's office, not intending to sleep at all.

Although the Forbidden Forest has been searched seven or eight times with a large number of wizards from the Ministry of Magic, it is confirmed that there is no undead left.

But he always felt something was wrong.

Such a cunning enemy died so easily?

I don't know if the good student Voldemort gave him some post-traumatic sequelae.

At this time, a big bird, with a black heart still beating weakly in its beak, was flying across the strait to Europa!
Before the battle started, Ryan had already pulled out his heart and used the undead bird to take it away...

Dumbledore was right to be vigilant!

(End of this chapter)

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