Hogwarts card system

Chapter 455 Extreme joy leads to sorrow

Chapter 455 Extreme joy leads to sorrow

"Voldemort?! Could it be that he is the one in my forehead..." Neville looked unbelievable.

He always thought that the Voldemort in his mind must also be a powerful and evil guy. Unexpectedly, it was ugly and weak, like a deformed baby.

After all, Voldemort did not take the initiative to split this piece of soul, but was hit by the rebounding gnawing melon and passively dropped. "Malnutrition" is also understandable.

Dumbledore had a particularly strange feeling when he looked at the fragment of Voldemort's soul that was about to die.

It feels like a long journey is finally coming to an end; a long-winded novel is finally coming to an end; a series of movies with increasingly poor results are finally announcing their final installment.

Somewhat happy, some melancholy.

He asked: "Who did it...I mean who did it to you..." Dumbledore spread his hands. It was a bit difficult to say who killed you.

At this time, Neville was particularly clever and could draw inferences from one example.

"It's Bellatrix! Ted said that you can't just find anyone to do this. Not everyone can do it. In the end, Bella was chosen."

"Bella?" Dumbledore was a little confused. "I thought it would be Tom who took action himself. Only if he takes action himself can this effect be achieved." He pointed at the deformed cub that began to curl up and twitch.

"Ted said that Bella's silver hand was made by Voldemort himself. That silver hand can... I'm not sure what he means."

Although Neville didn't understand what Ted meant, Dumbledore obviously did.

A look of realization dawned on her face: "Ah! That's it. It seems that Tom still trusts her..."

At this time, the deformed cub under the seat suddenly let out a long sigh, exhaled his last breath, relaxed and stopped moving.

Then it began to turn into dust and slowly dissipated.

At this time, a sound suddenly came from far away on the railway track. An old-fashioned steam locomotive painted with red flame pattern with Hogwarts horn slowly appeared and drove into the platform.

"Wow!" Dumbledore looked at the train with surprise. "It seems that our friends have given us a lot of help, which makes it much more convenient for us..."


At this time, at Hogwarts, the battle had been going on for forty or fifty minutes, almost an hour.

The Death Eaters used all their methods, ranging from siege trolls and giant giant monsters on the ground to flexible and flexible bug monsters like mantises.

But the opponent's front line of stone men and clay men was really tough and could not be broken down several times. In addition, the various attacks of the magic circle were really sharp, and there was a large magic attack in one or two minutes.

Even the siege troll, which was six meters tall and wearing cast iron armor, was frozen into a huge ice sculpture, blocking the entrance to the covered bridge. Those giants also fell down one after another.

The insect monsters were all broken into pieces, and thick green juice flowed all over the place.

Those goblins, murlocs, jackals and the like fell to the ground with just a random AOE.

There are Death Eaters and the Air Force, and there are several varieties.

First, there are the old friends, the dementors, and secondly, there are many strange birds that are more than three meters long and smell like vultures, and there are also monsters with wings like bats and monkeys.

But after these air forces approached the hemispheric protective shield, they were all shot down by randomly scattered rockets, ice arrows, and thunder and lightning.

There were also some vampires covered in black robes, about forty or fifty of them. They tried to sneak in from other places, but they were all turned into ashes by the flash explosion.

Even the vampires inside the protective shield felt chilled in their hearts after seeing this move.

At this time, the popularity of people in the school is simply overwhelming!

They have seen the possibility of defeating the enemy!

Those Death Eaters who had destroyed the wizarding world in many countries had no way to deal with the protective circle of Hogwarts.

Many young wizards would burst into cheers every time the magic circle attacked and killed those monsters, or dark wizards and Death Eaters who got too close.

The depression and fear of the past few months disappeared at this moment, turning into joy that filled the sky.

We are about to make a comeback!

All this is a new miracle in the magic world, a new magic in the new era that far surpasses the backward system! It is the victory of the new era!

"We win! We win!"

"Not yet!"

"We're about to win!"


"Merry Christmas!" some little wizards shouted.

Others suddenly remembered that today is Christmas! Because the war was approaching and the atmosphere was too tense, everyone subconsciously ignored it.

"Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!" Everyone wished each other.

"Merry Christmas Hermione, this is my best Christmas present." Hermione's roommate, Clara the dwarf, screamed.

Hermione just nodded, but she was not so optimistic.

She knew that the protective circle Ted had set up was not to protect against Voldemort. so……

Compared with everyone at Hogwarts, Voldemort's side was gloomy and gloomy.

A group of Death Eaters followed Voldemort, watching from the hill as their thousands of monsters were almost consumed.

The seemingly invincible huge protective shield annihilated all invading enemies, causing them to die miserably.

Even some weak dark wizards and low-level Death Eaters were affected by the area magic because they were too close. Like worthless ants.

The Dark Lord, on the other hand, has been watching all this, motionless and silent.

Some Death Eaters began to feel a little nervous in their hearts - the Dark Lord, can't he do it?

As happy as Hogwarts is, there is so much sadness here.

But there is a saying that the extreme of happiness brings about sorrow, and the extreme of things must reverse.

If someone looks at Voldemort carefully, they will find that the hairless and white Dark Lord looks like he has been dead for three days. At this time, the pupil of one eye has turned into a red dot!

This is the result of Voldemort's research on the way of death.

Mastering death and transcending death has always been Voldemort's pursuit.

Of course, this distant goal cannot be achieved in a short period of time or in a few years or decades.

But as the individual with the highest talent for dark magic in the world, Voldemort had gained so much knowledge and assistance from other worlds. How could he not have researched anything at all?

Just like in the past, Voldemort's best magic was chewing giant melons.

No one could survive his chewing, not even himself - except Neville.

He is extremely good at killing.

It's the same now, he has mastered a little bit of the rules of death.

All things are mortal, and Voldemort's red eye is to observe the rules of death of objects.

After consuming a lot of vitality, watching the protective magic circle kill everyone, and displaying various defense mechanisms, is there really nothing Voldemort can do?

He is observing!

Now, he has seen part of the principles of the magic circle through countless magic circle operations and magic circles, and finally found a way to "kill" this protective magic circle!

"Avada~ Eat the big melon!"

Voldemort, who had been silent all this time, suddenly took action, as if it was a groundbreaking move. The sound of the mantra seemed to be vibrating repeatedly between heaven and earth, deafening!

A thin green light penetrated into the magic circle at a strange angle and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Then, Hogwarts' hemispheric protective shield suddenly began to flash, and before everyone could react, it burst with a "pop" sound like a soap bubble.

Looking at Hogwarts Castle exposed in view, Voldemort smiled.

"Hahaha! Hahahahaha..." Voldemort opened his hands and bowed his whole body. The boss, with his eyes narrowed and grinning, looked up to the sky and smiled.

This feels great!

This feeling of killing a "powerful opponent" was an extremely intense pleasure for Voldemort. It also gave him a further understanding of the rules of death.

The death of thousands of monsters and twenty or thirty wizards is not a big deal. They died in a worthy and worthwhile way.

At this time, the entire battlefield seemed to be quiet and silent. Only Voldemort's hearty laughter echoed, making people shiver all over.

At this time, even the Death Eaters around Voldemort felt that it was a little too exciting, and there were twists and turns.

Many people looked at Voldemort who was laughing wildly and suddenly discovered that the Dark Lord's teeth were extremely white.

Voldemort shook his robe, and his whole body turned into a black smoke, rising into the sky.

The other Death Eaters quickly followed and landed at the end of the covered bridge.

Voldemort pointed the snake staff in his hand, and the hundreds of stone statues began to turn yellow, cracks began to spread, and soon they were shattered on the ground.

And those tall clay figures began to bubble, rot and stench began to appear, and soon turned into puddles of mud.

Voldemort strolled onto the covered bridge, with a group of Death Eaters supporting him behind him. They were like lions patrolling their territory, looking at everything around them with interest.

This bridge has not changed in thousands of years, and it is still so deep down here. When I was in school, I also thought about whether there were any strange monsters down there.

This black lake is still so calm, but that old man Dumbledore actually allowed the fishmen to settle in it. I really don't know what to say.

Oh, when did such a stone rockery appear beside the lake? Is there a tower up there? Ridiculous!

This Quidditch pitch was later renovated and is now filled with tents, making it look like a refugee camp.

And the castle, it still hasn't changed. Returning to the old place, Voldemort couldn't help but think about it.

He was over seventy years old, and even for a wizard, his best years were behind him.

Fortunately, I still have endless time!

At this time, Professor McGonagall and Minister Bones had already led everyone to stand ready in front of the castle.

Just facing Voldemort strolling around barefoot and the dark Death Eaters behind him, everyone felt extremely heavy in their hearts.

The magic shield brought people as much sense of security and joy as it did, but now it brought them ten times more despair and silence.

This is a terrible enemy that cannot be defeated, the agent of death on earth.

Looking at the people who were facing a formidable enemy from a distance, Voldemort smiled.

He likes this feeling! Only the fear of others can make him feel safe and happy.

However, some of this crowd have horns, some have cat ears, there are dwarfs in iron armor and dwarfs who look like children, and there are even centaurs and werewolves, oh? And house elves!

When did Hogwarts sink to this level? !

Must be handled well!

However, there is something more important.

"You...where is that Epiphany?" Voldemort asked with a smile, his voice was low and hoarse, giving people an uncomfortable feeling like a cold snake burrowing into the ear.

There was some commotion behind the crowd, but no one spoke.

Voldemort put away his smile - maybe I gave them too many smiles, making them think I was easy to talk to?

"I said that as long as Epiphany and a series of others are handed over, I will forget the rest. This sentence is still valid now."

He looked at everyone and suddenly said: "By the way, Merry Christmas~"

Today is Christmas!

Voldemort grinned, showing his "humor". A mouth full of white teeth, like a man-eating beast.

"So, is anyone going to tell him to come out quickly? Could it be that he escaped from the battle?" Voldemort's expression turned bad when he thought of this possibility.

If that boy runs away, he will definitely be a big worry in the future.

"Ted won't run away!" Ron suddenly shouted.

"Oh, do you know where he is?" Voldemort asked.

"I wouldn't tell you even if you knew it. Just give up!" Ron was particularly tough at this time.

Ted is gone, Neville has... now is the time that he must inherit Gryffindor's courage. He pushed aside the adult wizard in front of him and stood in front of the crowd.

The Weasley family immediately became commotion, and their parents, brother, sister, and sister all stood behind Ron.

At this time, when faced with life and death, their family chose to face it together.

"Cruciatus Curse~" Voldemort was not used to children, so he shot Ron with a Cruciatus Curse.

The Weasleys, who had been preparing secretly, cast the Iron Armor Curse together, but the double Iron Armor Curse was torn apart like two pieces of tissue paper, but the Cruciatus Curse was blocked by a layer of blue magic shield that was like honeycomb-shaped glass!

That was the magic protection module on Ron's body. In just two seconds, the armor-like thing on his arm exploded. But the curse was neutralized and dispelled.

"Oh, interesting gadget." Voldemort's tone was somewhat filled with admiration, but more of it was teasing.

Because Ron's strongest protection, coupled with his parents' iron armor spell, could only block Voldemort's very random attack.

So what would you do if I did it again?

Just when Voldemort was about to take action again, Hermione suddenly spoke: "I know where Ted went!"

"Hermione!" Someone in the crowd immediately shouted at her to stop talking.

Voldemort looked at Hermione: "That girl, you tell me."

Hermione held the wand: "He left last night to do something that could defeat you."

"Humph! What a whim!" Voldemort was a little angry.

He raised his wand, but Professor McGonagall immediately stood in front of Hermione, and Flitwick and other professors also protected Hermione.

Professor McGonagall shouted: "Voldemort, don't even think about harming my students!"

Voldemort looked at the angry Professor McGonagall, a little surprised by her courage.

Speaking of which, Professor McGonagall is his senior sister. When he returned to school and wanted to apply for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor McGonagall was working as an assistant to Dumbledore.

"You are really a good professor. It's a pity that you are on the wrong team. I am too lazy to guess riddles with you anymore. Tell me the whereabouts of Epiphany quickly, otherwise someone will die!" Voldemort's words seemed to be carrying a cold wind. Makes everyone feel cold.

But Professor McGonagall was not moved at all, "Do you care so much about Ted because you are afraid? Just like you are afraid of Dumbledore!"

When Dumbledore was mentioned, Voldemort suddenly became angry: "Damn it! Voldemort is never afraid of anyone! Whether it's the old immortal Dumbledore or that boy!"

Just when he was about to take action, Bella suddenly leaned into his ear and said: "Master, we have undercover agents among them!"

Voldemort's expression suddenly became happy. He liked to see this kind of scene the most - some people put down their pride and surrendered in front of him, while others looked sad and unbelievable.

Yeah! We still have undercover agents! It’s time to have some fun too.

"That's right. Among you, there are still my people... Malfoy and Lothar!"

Everyone paused for a moment, and then looked at Draco and Andre Lothar in the crowd.

They were both Slytherin students, and two of the best.

Draco has been very close to the Six in the past two years, and many people know that he is in a relationship with Harley!

Is it...impossible? !

Everyone unconsciously spread out in a large circle around the two of them, exposing them both.

Draco glanced at Lothar, who was not far away, strangely: This senior was one year above him and was the most outstanding Slytherin in the previous class.

The blood inheritance of an ancient family, he is low-key but very popular. He came back here early to participate in the battle, and he turned out to be Voldemort's undercover? !

Bella had a snarky smile on her face, her expression was very nervous, "Draco..." she called in a friendly way, because she was Draco's cousin.


"I haven't introduced you yet, so you don't know each other's identities yet? But you are doing well!"

At this time, seven or eight people ran out from the crowd. They knelt down directly in front of Voldemort and called their master. These are the secrets Voldemort left behind in the British wizarding world.

"You have done well. Get up. We will reward you based on your merits later." Voldemort said lightly.

For example, these adult wizards lurking in the Ministry of Magic or among the people, Voldemort really didn't think much of them and thought they were very mediocre.

On the contrary, he felt that young and outstanding wizards like Draco and Lothar were pretty good.

However, the undercover agent he had high hopes for said, "Dark Lord, you have done all the bad things, and you will not end well!"

Draco's words stunned everyone: Wasn't it promised that he would be an undercover agent?

Harry stood next to Draco and held his hand tightly. At this time, she chose to believe in her lover.

Draco's words stunned Lothar and asked, "Were you also arranged by Ted?"

"You too?!" Draco was a little surprised.

Lothar nodded, "How could I follow Voldemort and tarnish the glory of my ancestors!"

At this time, an unattractive-looking man suddenly walked out of the crowd. He walked up to Draco and patted him on the shoulder, "Well done, son."

At this point, the disguise on him has disappeared.

Voldemort's eyes suddenly widened, and Bella behind him screamed loudly: "Lucius~~~?! You're not dead?!"

Lucius Malfoy ended the whole process of his fake death and stood in front of Voldemort: "I haven't seen the Dark Lord fall, how can I die?!"

At this moment, Voldemort was like a balloon, almost bursting with anger. His pale face turned red!

He felt like a ridiculous clown, performing a farce in front of everyone.

At this moment, he just wanted to kill everyone present!

"Avada~" Just a simple sound, a green light as thick as an arm flew out, and scattered into five or six winding forks like lightning, flying towards the crowd.

These ignorant people need to be killed!

However, a blue barrier suddenly appeared, blocking the green light.

Voldemort's chain Avatar has disappeared!

Voldemort immediately looked up to the sky, Ted was slowly descending...

Ted: I heard you've been looking for me?

 Soon, guys. Almost over!



(End of this chapter)

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